"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions, unbridled by morality and religion.  Avarice ambition revenge and licentiousness would break the strongest cords of our constitution, as a whale goes through a net.  Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."  

John Adams first Vice President (1789–1797), and as second President of the United States(1797–1801)



[:: Date : & The prophetic word that came forth  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  :: ::  ::] 


:: Date & Confirmation in the news and what people have said has taken place  ::Pg 29::  




[ :: 7-3-15 Campmeeting afternoon service (third word]  ::  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc America your money will be worth nothing in the near future, this will bring panic, famine and martial law, yes, in the streets of America.  If you had read my word you know that these are the beginning of sorrows etc

:: 7-12-24 Asia Times :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Yellen’s de-dollarization fears will only get worse

She’s no longer in denial, but her tenure could be remembered for the momentum shift against the US currency

by William Pesek July 12, 2024

In the middle of an otherwise mundane Congressional hearing on July 9, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen made an extraordinary admission: De-dollarization is now her biggest fear.

Though it might sound obvious to many, it’s a stark about-face for a US economy czar who’s long denied the dollar is in danger of losing its status as dominant reserve currency because of sanctions or other policy missteps. In March 2022, for example, Yellen said “I don’t think the dollar has any serious competition and it’s not likely to for a long time.”

The former Federal Reserve chair noted that “when you think about what makes the dollar a reserve currency, it’s that we have the deepest and most liquid capital markets of any country on earth. Treasury securities are safe, secure and immensely liquid. We have a well-functioning economic and financial system and the rule of law. There really is no other currency that can rival it as a reserve currency.” 

[ :: 4-28-19 am service (forth word) :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc Russia, is building stronger and stronger and stronger every day, for I have a fishhook in her mouth and I am tugging on it as hard as I can and before they can go into Israel they must first destroy Babylon. They have all the military power to do that and America has nothing, absolutely nothing to stop it, wake up, wake up. etc

:: 7-23-24 Israel 365 News :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Rabbi predicts; “Gog and Magog beginning in Syria”

Among them shall be Persia, Nubia, and Put, everyone with shield and helmet, Gomer and all its cohorts, Beth-togarmah [in] the remotest parts of the north and all its cohorts—the many peoples with you.

Ezekiel 38:5 (the israel bible)

Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz Biblical News July 23, 2024 4 min read

As Israel fights a multifront war for its existence, speculations that this is the beginning of the pre-Messiah War of Gog and Magog abound. This raises grave concern as the final battle is described as coming from the north and being fought in Israel, devastating the land. But one major spiritual leader predicted that thanks to the merit the Jews have earned from faithfully performing the Torah commandments, the borders of this final battle have been moved further north.

In October 2015, Rabbi Shalom Berger, the spiritual leader of the Mishkoltz sect of Hasidic Judaism, gave a Torah lesson at the end of the holiday of Simhat Torah in which he made predictions regarding the imminent arrival of the Messiah.

Whoever merely tries to look truthfully at what is going on around us understands that God is bringing us toward the revelation of the King Mashiah and our Redemption and the redemption of our souls,” Rabbi Berger said.

This winter,” continued the rabbi, ” there will continue to be uprisings throughout the world – and everything is for Israel’s benefit!

“My heart tells me,” concluded the rabbi, “that God has mercy on the nation of Israel and, despite what the prophets have prophesied – that the Gog Umagog War needs to be within Jerusalem. Nevertheless, God sweetened this and is currently making it in Syria. And the proof is that it is brought down in Sifri (Devarim 1) that the gates of Jerusalem are destined to reach until Damascus.”

If that is the case, instead of the war being in Jerusalem with the inhabitants of Israel suffering from it, God widened Jerusalem so that it reaches as far as Damascus so that the great war will be there, as we saw when Russia entered with powerful forces into Syria.

In chapters 38 and 39 of the Book of Ezekiel, the prophet describes a great war that will occur at the end of days. Gog of the land of Magog from the north will lead a host of nations in battle against Israel and God, a war that will bring about the final redemption. God’s wrath will come down upon the invaders, who will die in a series of supernatural plagues.

While the current identity of the nations of Gog and Magog are unknown, Israel is currently fighting a war in the north against Hezbollah, which is firmly entrenched in Lebanon and aligned with Syria.

It can also be that Russia’s will take a leading role in the War of Gog and Magog, as hinted by Ezekiel (38:2) when he refers to the Hebrew word for ‘chief’, which is רֹאשׁ (Rosh). Many have interpreted this to refer to Russia.

This is also hinted at by Russian President Putin’s first name, Vladimir (ולדימיר), which has a value in gematria (Hebrew numerology) of 300. This is equal to the value of the name Nimrod (נימרוד), who, according to Jewish mysticism, was a previous incarnation of Gog.

This will be the beginning of a Third World War with the US and its neighbors and tremendous bloodshed until they destroy and annihilate each other,’ Rabbi Berger concluded.

“All that remains for us now is the task of being united among ourselves and to be careful to stay away from arguments and speaking slander because the Messiah is already here and hears everything…”

In Jewish tradition, there are two forms the final redemption can take: a redemption that is “Be’itah” – i.e., one that is set at a predetermined time. The Talmud (Tractate Avodah Zarah 9a) states that the world will last 6,000 years. The Messiah must come at the end of the 6,000 years, even if mankind has not prepared itself. The current (2023/2024) Hebrew year is 5784. By this calculation, the start of the 6000th year would occur at nightfall of 29 September 2239 and the end would occur at nightfall of 16 September 2240

The other form redemption can take is “Ahishena” – i.e., one that will come earlier than its set time. The Jews can bring redemption early based on the merits of performing God’s commandments.

The main differences between the two forms of Redemption are the time it will take and the amount of suffering the Jewish people and the world, in general, will endure until it occurs.

An “AhishenaRedemption is a Redemption that comes suddenly, miraculously as the world has already reached its correct fulfillment and purpose.

A “Be’ita” Redemption is a Redemption that a long and arduous process precedes it, full of suffering and tests for the Jewish people and for the world in general, which concludes with the terrible death of about two-thirds of the world, in addition to those among the Jewish people who, according to God’s calculation, are not fit to be redeemed. 

[::  4-26-2023 pm service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

For I say unto you, my children, don’t be concerned or worried about the time, says the Lord, but I say unto you, be ready, says the Lord, to be ready, says the Lord, for my fig tree is budded, says the Lord. Are you aware of what is going on over in Israel, says the Lord? Therefore, I say unto you, look, look and see what I have said unto you, says the Lord, my fig tree has budded. Are you ready, says the Lord, for I am soon coming, says the Lord?

:: 7--24   I 24 News :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Israeli soldier seriously wounded in Hezbollah rocket barrage, sirens blare amid Hezbollah attacks | LIVE BLOG

Dozens of rockets were fired from Lebanon over past day as the IDF continues targeted strikes against terrorist targets • IDF warplanes intercept two drones entering Israeli airspace from Lebanon

Matthias InbarAriel Oseran Matthias Inbar, Ariel Oseran

Israel - Hamas War day 292: The Israel Defense Forces said a soldier was seriously wounded in an overnight rocket barrage on Har Dov, in the northeastern mountain Hermon mountain range overlooking the Sheba Farms.

In a drill conducted in the south, ten soldiers received medical care after inhaling smoke.

Israel's delegation to Cairo is set to arrive, with a report in the Hezbollah-affiliated Al-Akhbar newspaper saying a ceasefire deal with Hamas is within reach.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is in the US on an official visit to address a joint session of US Congress. In addition, he is set to speak to both US President Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump.

To catch up on Tuesday's updates, CLICK HERE

For more updates and in-depth analysis on the Israel-Hamas war

Ben Gvir declares change to status quo at Temple Mount, drawing outrage


Israeli soldier wounded, armed PA officer killed in Tubas, West Bank

"Tonight, IDF forces arrested two wanted terrorists in an operational activity in the city of Tubas," the IDF said in a statement.

"During the operation, the forces encountered militants. An armed Palestinian who served as a customs officer of the Palestinian Authority was killed during the clashes, the circumstances of the incident are being investigated.

During the activity, an IDF soldier was slightly injured and was taken to a hospital for medical treatment, his family was informed."

IDF continues to operate in Khan Yunis, eliminating threats to Israel 

[:: 2-3-14 am service (first word) :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc. Keep your eyes; keep your eyes upon what is going on in the Mid-East, that is your tree, that is your tree, I have told you to watch Israel, that is your tree. etc.

:: 7-23-24 Israel Today :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Hamas agrees to unity deal with Abbas’s Fatah faction

“We are committed to national unity, and we call for it,” said senior Hamas terrorist Abu Marzouk.

By Israel Today Staff | Jul 23, 2024 at 9:13 am | Topics: Hamas, Palestinian Authority

Senior Hamas terrorist Musa Abu Marzouk announced on Tuesday the signing of a Palestinian unity agreement that includes Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah faction, which rules areas of Judea and Samaria.

“Today, we sign an agreement, and we say that the path to completing this journey is national unity. We are committed to national unity, and we call for it,” said Abu Marzouk.

The “Beijing declaration” was signed by 14 Palestinian factions that took part in negotiations hosted by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

Fatah, based in Ramallah, and Hamas have been split since 2007 following the latter’s violent takeover of Gaza. There have been many failed attempts to bring the two factions together.

In February, Abbas traveled to Doha to discuss ways to incorporate Hamas into a P.A.-led government for Judea, Samaria and Gaza.

The same month, sources in Ramallah told Sky News Arabia that Hamas had approved a three-phase plan leading to “complete reconciliation [with Fatah]” and the Gaza-based terror group joining the Palestine Liberation Organization, which controls the Palestinian Authority, under a “unified Palestinian-Arab vision.”

Also in February, Fatah and Hamas officials converged on Moscow for a two-day “national dialogue” on forming a unity government under the auspices of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Other rounds of talks were held in the past in Egypt, Turkey and Algeria.

The Islamist group reportedly also gave its blessing to P.A. chief Abbas’s proposal to establish a “government of technocrats” whose primary purpose would be the reconstruction of Gaza after the war prompted by Hamas’s murder of some 1,200 people in Israel on Oct. 7.

Hamas is an “essential part of the Palestinian political mosaic,” then-P.A. Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh told world leaders gathered in Qatar in December.

We want a situation in which Palestinians are united. … I think it is time that Hamas call the Palestinian president and tell him we’re all united behind you, and you are the legitimate authority of the Palestinian people and we are ready to engage,” Shtayyeh stated at the Doha Forum.

Amid the unity talks, Shtayyeh submitted the collective resignation of his government last month. Abbas then appointed Fatah loyalist Mohammad Mustafa to fill the prime minister’s role.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has insisted that an “effective and revitalized Palestinian Authority” should ultimately govern Gaza.

During a Jan. 10 meeting in Ramallah, Blinken pressed Abbas on “administrative reforms, which, if implemented, would benefit the Palestinian people.” Sky News Arabia described the tête-à-tête as “tense” and marked by “arguments.”

The Biden administration wants the P.A. to assume control of the Strip after Israel’s war against Hamas ends, a move that Jerusalem rejects because of Ramallah’s overt support for terrorism.

On Jan. 27, Abbas’s spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh told Al Arabiya that the P.A. is prepared to hand over the reins to Hamas if it won a general election. Ramallah is “prepared to hold general elections, and if Hamas wins, the president will hand over the Authority,” he said.

The U.S. State Department has refused to rule out Hamas retaining power in Gaza or even joining a P.A.-led governing body that would also have jurisdiction in Judea and Samaria.

According to recent polls, 89% of Palestinians support establishing a government that includes or is led by Hamas. Only around 8.5% said they favor one controlled exclusively by Fatah.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly emphasized his opposition to the P.A. taking over Gaza in a post-Hamas world.

There will not be any element that educates for terrorism, finances terrorism and dispatches terrorism” in the Strip, said Netanyahu.

I will not allow us to replace Hamastan with Fatahstan, that we replace Khan Yunis with Jenin,” he continued. “I will not allow the State of Israel to repeat the fateful mistake of Oslo, which brought to the heart of our country and to Gaza the most extreme elements in the Arab world, which are committed to the destruction of the State of Israel and who educate their children to this end.” 

:: 7-23-24 All Israel :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

33-foot 'Risen Jesus' statue on its way to Jerusalem

Jo Elizabeth | Published: July 23, 2024

The pioneering spirit of Franciscan monk Father Ibrahim Faltas, together with the artistry of Italian sculptor Alessandro Mutto, have combined to bring a new statue of Jesus to Jerusalem.

The “Risen Jesus” statue is reminiscent of the famous “Christ the Redeemer” monument which towers over Rio de Janeiro with arms outstretched in the same pose. It will be erected in the Christian Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City.

The statue portrays Jesus as He ascended from earth to heaven, and incorporates the representation of multiple people also rising and surrounding the figure, forming a garment-like covering. The sculpture is made from polychromatic steel and bronze and is designed to reflect light differently throughout the day to maximize the visual impact.

The huge monument will be erected on the roof of Terra Sancta High School, which stands close to the city wall, between New Gate and Herod’s Gate. The design was approved by the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land and promises to become a significant feature of the Christian Quarter.

Mutto studied at the Liceo Artistico Statale in Verona and then graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna, Italy. This is not the artist’s first commission for the Old City, as he has produced artworks representing the 14 of the Stations of the Cross that were placed along the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem during 2018 and 2019.

This newest masterpiece has been 18 months in the making and is 10 meters tall (almost 33 feet) and weighs 4,400 kg (9,700 lb). The statue will be shipped to Israel from Italy, although the timing of its arrival in Jerusalem is not yet known.

The Risen Jesus statue is not the first large-scale project for Father Faltas (60). He coordinated a four-year-long building enterprise to open the first swimming pool in the Old City.

Faltas, originally from Alexandria, Egypt, made a visit to Verona in May to see the creation of the statue in progress. The Pope joined him on May 18 to give his blessing.

As Custodial Vicar of the Holy Land, Faltas told The Jerusalem Post that the statue reflects Psalm 85:10-11.

Grace and truth have met together; justice and peace have kissed each other. Truth springs up from the Earth, and justice looks down from heaven.”

We hope this statue reflects the reality of the Holy Land, its diversity, and the reality we live in despite all difficulties and challenges. It should embody the spirit of love, peace, tolerance, justice, and brotherhood, eradicating the spirit of vengeance, jealousy, envy and hatred,” he added. 

[ :: 7-11-04 pm service (fifth word) :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc.. Did I not warn you that the days would be like Sodom and Gomorrah as it was in the days of Lot? When America accepts this lifestyle and makes a law protecting them, she will be like Samson breaking her last vow. I will no longer stand with her neither will my blessing be upon her, then shall come to pass in my timing, the twenty four hour period of Babylon’s destruction. For you have not a leader of this country who follows my word or ways. They have gone the ways of the antichrist system and forsaken the religion of their forefathers of days gone by. etc..

[ :: 6-2-19 am service (fifth word) :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc The Lord God says, the watered down churches some of those aren’t going to go to heaven, for did I not say man and woman not man and man or woman and woman, I said man and woman. etc

:: 7--24 Prophecy News Watch :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Progressive Church Looks To Make LGBTQ Affirmation Mandatory For Clergy

According to a recent article in World, a major American denomination could soon make "affirming" LGBTQ ideology mandatory for clergy.

The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America (PCUSA) voted nearly two to one to effectively require candidates for ministry to endorse homosexuality and related practices if they wish to be ordained.

Though the motion still must be approved by the various presbyteries around the nation, given the strong showing at the national level and the denomination's high marks from pro-LGBTQ groups, it will likely be made official.

As one of the more theologically liberal Reformed groups, the PCUSA has been drifting in this direction for some time. More remarkable is how quickly and thoroughly the official position of the denomination has been reversed.

In the 1970s, after an openly gay man sought ordination, the PCUSA launched a two-year task force to study the issue. It concluded, in less than solid fashion, that homosexuals should not be ordained to the ministry. Now, in the name of inclusivity and diversity, the same group will require its ministers to reject clear Christian teaching instead.

As Mark Twain is often credited with saying, "history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes." In the late 1800s, Dr. Charles Briggs, a Presbyterian professor of theology at Union Seminary in New York, was brought up on heresy charges for teaching "higher criticism" of the Bible and doubting, among other things, the historical account of the resurrection. The denomination put him on trial and kicked him out of the ministry.

Just 40 years later, J. Gresham Machen was similarly put on trial, not for false teaching like Briggs, but for insisting on the accuracy of Scripture and the implications of the historical resurrection of Christ. His book Christianity and Liberalism remains a must-read. In fact, he took Scripture so seriously that he built a missions agency to replace his denomination's missions agency, which had been compromised by liberal theology.

In the four decades between Brigg's trial in 1893 and Machen's trial in 1935, that church body had moved dramatically in its views of the Bible and essential Christian doctrines. Not only is it unsettling how quickly things moved, but also in terms of which beliefs were tolerated. This reveals the fundamentalist streak that's long been endemic to liberal and progressive theology.

The words fundamentalist and progressive may seem contradictory. The term "fundamentalism" arose at the turn of the twentieth century to describe those committed to the "fundamentals" of Christianity, especially in contrast to those who wished Christianity to adapt to modernism.

Since then, the word has become shorthand for intolerance and rigidity. Yet, this also describes the theological progressivism of a self-described "tolerant" denomination in which one may not hold the beliefs of classical Christianity and be ordained. The same can be said for higher education and other academic environments where conservative ideas are a death blow to professional advancement.

To paraphrase Archbishop Charles Chaput, progressivism preaches tolerance until it is dominant, then it tries to silence orthodoxy. Lacking fixed standards by which to judge truth, other than an ill-defined sense of relevance and progress, the rootless ideologies of postmodernism inevitably lock in on suppressing dissent.

And because there is always another horizon for liberation and another way to be more progressive, dissident voices need not be tolerated. Instead, it becomes a movement of moral purity in which the "righteous" must ostracize any who part from the newly defined inclusive path.

Progress, however, cannot be its own goal. As C.S. Lewis said,

If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road and in that case the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man.

True progress, like true tolerance, requires objective truth. Without objective truth, the pursuit of progress becomes aimlessness, and appeals to tolerance only end up justifying intolerance.

Originally published at 

[:: 2-3-14 am service (first word) :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc. Keep your eyes; keep your eyes upon what is going on in the Mid-East, that is your tree, that is your tree, I have told you to watch Israel, that is your tree. etc.

:: 7-20-24 CBS News :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Israeli military airstrikes hit Houthi targets in Yemen in retaliation to attacks

Updated on: July 20, 2024 / 7:52 PM EDT / CBS/AP

Israel retaliated for the Houthi drone attack in Tel Aviv with airstrikes in Yemen on Saturday that reportedly struck storage facilities for oil and diesel at a port.

A media outlet controlled by the Iran-backed Houthi movement in Yemen reported the airstrikes in the port city of Hodeidah, which also hit a local electricity company. Al-Masirah TV said the strikes caused deaths and injuries but gave no details, the Associated Press reported.

It said there was a large fire at the port and power cuts were widespread.

Health officials in Yemen told the AP the strikes killed a number of people and injured others, but did not elaborate.

The Israeli military said in a statement Saturday that fight jets struck military targets of the Houthis in the area of Al Hudaydah Port in Yemen. It said the strikes were in "response to the hundreds of attacks carried out against the State of Israel in recent months."

A U.S. official also confirmed to CBS News that Israel conducted the airstrikes in Yemen in retaliation for the Houthi drone attack in Tel Aviv on Friday that killed at least one person and wounded at least eight others. The official said there was no U.S. involvement in Saturday's airstrikes.

Houthi spokesman Mohammed Abdulsalam wrote on social media platform X that Yemen was subjected to a "blatant Israeli aggression" and said the attacks aim "to increase the suffering of the people and to pressure Yemen to stop supporting Gaza."

Abdulsalam said the attacks will only make the people of Yemen and its armed forces more determined to support Gaza.

Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant said on Saturday they retaliated because it was the first time the Houthi rebels "harmed an Israeli citizen."

"And we will do this in any place where it may be required," he said. "The blood of Israeli citizens has a price. This has been made clear in Lebanon, in Gaza, in Yemen, and in other places - if they will dare to attack us, the result will be identical."

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the port that was attacked was not "an innocent port" and that it was used as an "entry point for deadly weapons supplied to the Houthis by Iran."

"I have a message for Israel's enemies: don't get us wrong, We will protect ourselves in every way, on every front. Anyone who harms us will pay a very heavy price for his aggression," he said.

A large explosion rocked the streets of central Tel Aviv in the early Friday morning hours, jolting Israelis out of bed, shattering windows and raining down shrapnel. Later, Israeli military officials said the explosion was caused by a drone fired from Yemen.

Houthi rebels, which have been fighting Yemen's internationally recognized government in a decade-long civil war, claimed responsibility for the explosion, saying in social media messages that it marked a "new phase" in its operations against Israel in response to the Israelis' ongoing war against the Houthis' ideological ally Hamas.

The Houthis said the strike used a "new drone called 'Yafa', which is capable of bypassing the enemy's interception systems," but a U.S. official told CBS News on Friday, echoing the Israeli military's analysis, that it appeared to have been one of the group's existing drones, with a modified fuel tank to extend its range.

The explosion caused by the drone was very near the U.S. consulate in Tel Aviv, but it remained unclear whether that was the target.

Based on verified social media videos, CBS News confirmed the blast occurred a little more than 200 yards from the U.S. consulate in Tel Aviv. A U.S. official told CBS News that no American casualties had been reported.

Since January, the U.S. and British forces have been striking targets in Yemen, in response to the Houthis' attacks on commercial shipping that the rebels have described as retaliation for Israel's actions in the war in Gaza. However, many of the ships targeted are not linked to Israel.

The joint force airstrikes have so far done little to deter the Iran-backed force.

The Houthis have launched drones and missiles at Israel and at commercial and military vessels in the Red Sea and surrounding waters throughout the nine-month war, in solidarity with Hamas. But until Friday, all the weapons fired at Israel had been intercepted by either Israel or its Western allies.

CBS News' Tucker Reals and Eleanor Watson contributed to this report. 

[ :: 12-31-06/1-1-07 New Years Eve service  (fifth word)  :: :: :: :: :: ::  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::]

etc.. You shall see a shifting of the plates underneath the ocean etc..

:: 7-18-24 End of the American Dream :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

In California “Unprecedented Land Movement” Of About A Foot Per Week Is Breaking Gas Lines, Cracking Roads And Causing Homes To Sink

July 18, 2024 by Michael

What in the world has been happening in Rancho Palos Verdes? When I heard that the land was “moving” there, it immediately got my attention, because I have been warning about geological instability along the California coast for more than a decade. What is taking place has been described as an ongoing “landslide”, but that term simply does not do it justice. Others are calling what we are witnessing “land movement” on a massive scale, and I think that is much more accurate. According to FOX 11 in southern California, this “land movement” is breaking gas lines, cracking roads and causing homes to sink…

According to experts, land movement in Rancho Palos Verdes continues to accelerate. As a result, roads and homes continue to crack and sink.

On Friday, FOX 11 exclusively joined Alpha Structural to view the land movement up close in a neighborhood near Portuguese Bend.

You have to think to yourself, this isn’t real,” said Damien Hammond, from Alpha Structural. “That’s how I feel here. I feel like I’m on a movie set, but in reality, this is 25 peoples’ homes.”

That last quote really nailed it.

At this point, Rancho Palos Verdes really does look like it belongs on the set of a science fiction movie.

This is a slow-motion natural disaster that authorities are powerless to stop, and the damage is getting worse with each passing day.

If you visit Rancho Palos Verdes you will discover that there is a giant “chasm” that is now running right through the middle of a neighborhood…

Drone video from the Alpha Structural team shows essentially a giant crack cutting through the neighborhood.

This whole part just pulled away from over here, opened up a chasm,” said Joe Demers, a civil engineer with Alpha Structural. “This whole area moved about 5 feet in the last year or so, but then it really accelerated. In the last couple months, it’s moved another 4 or 5 feet.”

I have never heard of anything quite like this. This is something that you really need to see for yourself…

Normally, authorities will get concerned if the ground in a particular area is moving a few inches a year.

In this case, the ground is literally moving about a foot per week…

Within the last year or so, experts believe some areas have dropped more than 12 feet. Recently, experts have said the land is moving about 12 inches per week.

A total drop of more than 12 feet is quite dramatic.

So what is going to happen if the land continues to drop?

Already, so much land has moved that a “stunning new stretch of shoreline” has appeared…

Even still, months after the movement began, earth continues to shift, creating an unexpected and stunning new stretch of shoreline near Rancho Palos Verdes.

“Somebody said, ‘Oh, you know there’s a new beach.’ It’s not really a beach yet,” said city geologist Mike Phipps. “A beach typically has sand on it. This is just literally landslide debris, a lot of rocks being pushed up and out of the surf.”

This didn’t happen over millions of years.

This happened in just six months…

A few month’s difference is astonishing when viewing side-by-side photos of the shoreline pre-2024 and six months later, with a few hundred feet of new rocky shore that formed as the land continues to move, piling up under the water’s edge.

What’s happening is, the ground is rising up and coming up, right through the ocean and lifting it up out of the ocean,” Phipps said.

Is this yet another sign that we are entering a time of increased geological instability for the state of California?

For years, I have warned that it is just a matter of time before “the Big One” arrives, and the clock is ticking.

Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of fish have been dying and washing up on shore in northern California…

Hundreds of thousands of lifeless fish have washed up on the shores of California’s Lake San Antonio in an unprecedented mass die-off affecting a wide variety of species.

The deaths began last week, when smaller baitfish were found at the water’s edge on Friday, but in the days since, larger and larger species of fish have also washed up on the lake’s beaches.

“It seems like every fish species in the lake is being impacted. We have never seen this type of multispecies die-off, especially on this scale,” Bryan Flores, Monterey County chief of parks, told SFGATE.

Authorities don’t seem to know why this is happening, and I don’t know why this is happening either.

Before I end this article, I wanted to mention a couple of other very strange natural events that have taken place recently.

Firstly, on Tuesday a meteor spectacularly exploded over Midtown Manhattan at 11:15 in the morning…

A meteor soared over the Statue of Liberty before disintegrating about 30 miles above Midtown Manhattan on Tuesday morning, according to NASA.

The space rock passed through the atmosphere over the Big Apple around 11:15 a.m. — the same time New Yorkers reported seeing a flash of fire streak across the sky and felt the ground lightly shaking beneath their feet.

Why didn’t our scientists see this meteor coming in advance?

And what would have happened if the meteor had been much larger and had made it all the way to the ground?

Secondly, earlier this month Hurricane Beryl slammed into the state of Texas, and it literally removed the head of a famous pro-abortion statue in Houston…

As Beryl stormed across Texas leaving millions without power, one particular point of destruction has some saying it was an act of God.

Taking up residence at the University of Houston following its reveal in New York City, the satanic, pro-abortion statue “Witness” was found beheaded in the aftermath of Beryl.

So many really weird things have been occurring lately.

Have you noticed that too?

Unfortunately, I am entirely convinced that things are going to get even weirder during the very difficult months and years that are ahead of us.

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at

About the Author: Michael Snyder’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on He has also written seven other books that are available on including “End Times”, “7 Year Apocalypse”, “Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”, “The Beginning Of The End”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”. When you purchase any of Michael’s books you help to support the work that he is doing. You can also get his articles by email as soon as he publishes them by subscribing to his Substack newsletter. Michael has published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse Blog, End Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and he always freely and happily allows others to republish those articles on their own websites. These are such troubled times, and people need hope. John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” If you have not already done so, we strongly urge you to invite Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior today.


[ :: 12-30-01  At the altar after PM Service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc People shall now see the signs of the last days like never before. Not only in a strange and confusing weather, the heat, the drought, the floods, the forest fires, the volcanoes, lack of jobs, shortage of money, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, sandstorms, straight wind, electrical storms, electrical shortages, hail, locusts, pestilence’s, the sicknesses, terrorists attacks, wars, etc

:: 7-21-24 New York Post :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Dark times Heat-related Texas deaths climb after Hurricane Beryl left millions without power for days

Heat-related Texas deaths climb after Hurricane Beryl left millions without power for days or longer

By Associated Press  Published July 21, 2024, 2:40 a.m. ET

SPRING, Texas — As the temperature soared in the Houston-area home Janet Jarrett shared with her sister after losing electricity in Hurricane Beryl, she did everything she could to keep her 64-year-old sibling cool.

But on their fourth day without power, she awoke to hear Pamela Jarrett, who used a wheelchair and relied on a feeding tube, gasping for breath. Paramedics were called but she was pronounced dead at the hospital, with the medical examiner saying her death was caused by the heat.

“It’s so hard to know that she’s gone right now because this wasn’t supposed to happen to her,” Janet Jarrett said.

Almost two weeks after Beryl hit, heat-related deaths during the prolonged power outages have pushed the number of storm-related fatalities to at least 23 in Texas.

The combination of searing summer heat and residents unable to power up air conditioning in the days after the Category 1 storm made landfall on July 8 resulted in increasingly dangerous conditions for some in America’s fourth-largest city.

Beryl knocked out electricity to nearly 3 million homes and businesses at the height of the outages, which lasted days or much longer, and hospitals reported a spike in heat-related illnesses.

Power finally was restored to most by last week, after over a week of widespread outages. The slow pace in the Houston area put the region’s electric provider, CenterPoint Energy, under mounting scrutiny over whether it was sufficiently prepared.

While it may be weeks or even years before the full human toll of the storm in Texas is known, understanding that number helps plan for the future, experts say.

What is known about the deaths so far?

Just after the storm hit, bringing high winds and flooding, the deaths included people killed by falling trees and people who drowned when their vehicles became submerged in floodwaters. In the days after the storm passed, deaths included people who fell while cutting limbs on damaged trees and heat-related deaths.

Half of the deaths attributed to the storm in Harris County, where Houston is located, were heat related, according to the Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences.

Jarrett, who has cared for her sister since she was injured in an attack six years ago, said her “sassy” sister had done everything from owning a vintage shop in Harlem, New York, to working as an artist.

“She had a big personality,” Jarrett said, adding that her sister had been in good health before they lost electricity at their Spring home.

When will a complete death toll be known?

With power outages and cleanup efforts still ongoing, the death toll likely will continue to climb.

Officials are still working to determine if some deaths that have already occurred should be considered storm related. But even when those numbers come in, getting a clear picture of the storm’s toll could take much more time.

Lara Anton, a spokesperson for the Texas Department of State Health Services, which uses death certificate data to identify storm-related deaths, estimated that it may not be until the end of July before they have even a preliminary count.

In the state’s vital statistics system, there is a prompt to indicate if the death was storm related and medical certifiers are asked to send additional information on how the death was related to the storm, Anton said.

Experts say that while a count of storm-related fatalities compiled from death certificates is useful, an analysis of excess deaths that occurred during and after the storm can give a more complete picture of the toll. For that, researchers compare the number of people who died in that period to how many would have been expected to die under normal conditions.

The excess death analysis helps count deaths that might have been overlooked, said Dr. Lynn Goldman, dean of the Milken Institute School of Public Health at George Washington University.

What do different toll numbers tell us?

Both the approach of counting the death certificates and calculating the excess deaths have their own benefits when it comes to storms, said Gregory Wellenius, director of the Boston University School of Public Health’s Center for Climate and Health.

The excess death analysis gives a better estimate of the total number of people killed, so it’s useful for public health and emergency management planning in addition to assessing the impact of climate change, he said.

But it “doesn’t tell you who,” he said, and understanding the individual circumstances of storm deaths is important in helping to show what puts individual people at risk.

“If I just tell you 200 people died, it doesn’t tell you that story of what went wrong for these people, which teaches us something about what hopefully can we do better to prepare or help people prepare in the future,” Wellenius said.


[ :: 11-3-13 am service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::]

etc.  for the world hates the Christians more now than at anytime in history.  Even during the days Jesus walked on earth, it is much worse now and it is not going to get better because those that don’t believe the truth are going to come against you like never before because they don’t want you to know the truth etc.

:: 7--24 End Time Headlines :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Federal judge delays posting of Ten Commandments in Louisiana public schools

A federal judge blocked Louisiana from posting the Ten Commandments in public schools until November after parents from five districts sued the state over the law.

In a brief ruling Friday, district court judge John deGravelles said that the parents and the state agreed that the Ten Commandments will not be posted in any public school classroom before 15 November.

The state also agreed to not “promulgate advice, rules or regulations regarding proper implementation of the challenged statute”.

The state’s Republican governor, Jeff Landry, signed into law last month a bill that requires all classrooms, in K-12 public schools and colleges, to have Ten Commandments posters with “large, easily readable font”.

The state is also requiring a four-paragraph “context statement” about how the commandments “were a prominent part of American public education for almost three centuries”.

Soon after the bill was signed, a coalition of parents, supported by the American Civil Liberties Union and other civil rights groups, sued the state saying the bill violates the first amendment.

The bill “unconstitutionally pressures students into religious observance, veneration and adoption of the state’s favored religious scripture”, the lawsuit reads.

The state gave schools a deadline of 1 January to put the posters up and said the deadline had not been affected by the lawsuit.

In a statement, the Louisiana attorney general, Liz Murrill, said that the state agreed not to put up posters until 15 November “because certain legal actions take time … in addition to creating the posters”.

“The compliance date of January 2025 has not changed,” Murrill said.

The bill is meant to give the Supreme Court a chance to overturn its 1980 ruling that a similar law in Kentucky violated the First Amendment’s establishment clause.

In an interview at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, earlier this week, Landry said: “This is one of the cases where the court has it wrong. 

:: 7-22-24 Zero Hedge :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Russia Considers Building Oil Refinery In Cuba

by Tyler Durden  Monday, Jul 22, 2024 - 07:40 PM

Authored by Charles Kennedy via,

Russia and Cuba have discussed the idea of building an oil refinery in Cuba with the help of Russian companies, the deputy speaker of the Russian parliament was quoted as saying.

During a visit of Russian lawmakers to Cuba in recent days, the idea of a refinery construction has been discussed, Russia’s TASS news agency quoted deputy speaker Alexander Babakov as saying.

“The biggest Russian state companies could be working here,” the lawmaker said.

Cuba has crude oil: it is logical not to import oil products but to produce them here,” TASS quoted Babakov as saying.

Russia and Cuba have held close ties since the 1950s when the Latin American country and the Soviet Union expanded ties as fellow communist states.

Cuba’s key crude oil supplier is nearby Venezuela.

However, shipments have dropped in recent years, also due to Venezuela’s crumbling oil industry and the U.S. sanctions against Cuba’s staunch ally, Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro.

The crumbling Venezuelan oil industry means that less fuel oil from the country sitting on the world’s largest oil reserves is reaching Cuban shores to power the old power plants on the island.

Cuba’s power generation is heavily dependent on oil products - according to the International Energy Agency (IEA), Cuba’s energy supply mainly comes from oil products, which account for more than 80 percent of power generation.

Mass protests erupted in Cuba in 2021, due to the crisis in Venezuela and its oil industry.

Early this year, Cuba, which has seen chronic shortages of gasoline and other fuels, said fuel prices would jump by 500% from February 1, 2024.

The Cuban government can no longer manage a massive subsidy campaign that puts subsidized prices on nearly all essential goods and services.

Cuba has also imported some Russian crude since 2022. Then there was a year-long hiatus, before some Russian oil arrived in Cuba in March this year. 

[ ::  2-4-24 am service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

For there is none other that takes you through the days and the hours that you’re living in other than me, for man does not have an answer to the problems that the world is facing.  He cannot stop the wars, for when he intervenes they only get worse, he cannot stop what is going on in the environment with the weather and other things, the earthquakes, the flooding, man cannot stop what is happening.  For when he intervenes he only makes worse but I your Father God, when I intervene the very wind and the waves stand at my attention.  etc

:: 7-17-24 New York Post :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Record-breaking snowfall reported at Philadelphia International Airport during July heatwave

By Social Links for Allie Griffin  Published July 17, 2024, 3:10 a.m. ET

A record-breaking snowfall was reported at Philadelphia International Airport on Sunday as temperatures soared to 94 degrees Fahrenheit in a head-scratching contradiction.

The Philadelphia/Mount Holly office of the National Weather Service logged the total daily snowfall over the Pennsylvania airport that afternoon — and noted that it broke the old record for July 14 set in 1870.

The trace amount of snow recorded in the report was actually small hail that poured down during a thunderstorm, the agency said.

“Since hail is frozen precipitation, this counts as a ‘trace’ of snow in our climate reports,” NWS Mount Holly said in a social media post. “Hence, the record daily snowfall report.”

The bizarre weather phenomenon is rare, but not unheard of.

Hail-producing thunderstorms in the summer have accounted for “trace of snow” reports over the airport 13 other times between 1911 and this Sunday.

The last summer “snow” was logged over the airport in August 2011 — and it happened twice that month, according to the NWS.

But the latest summer “snow” is even more shocking as much of the country enters a second week of temperatures in the 90s with real-feel temps reaching into the triple digits.

Philadelphia and other Northeast cities have been under excessive heat warnings for several days.

Officials in the City of Brotherly Love declared a heat health emergency this week from Monday through Wednesday. It was the second of the season in Philly after the city’s health department issued the first last month. 

[ :: 11-3-13 am service (first word)  ::  :: ::  ::  :: ::  ::  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  :: ::  ::]

etc.. Learn about the silent bomb, study it, study the national grid, understand the things that I am saying to you because this shall not just be a day or a two-day or a three-day thing.  Make sure you can take care of yourself for at least three months, at least three months. etc..

:: 7-16-24 New York Post :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

New Yorkers told to limit energy use for second week during extreme heat: ‘It’s BS’

By Social Links for Nicole Rosenthal and Social Links for Valentina Jaramillo

Published July 16, 2024, 5:15 p.m. ET

To avoid burning up, officials are recommending folks power down.

With scorching temperatures hitting the Big Apple this week, City Hall urged New Yorkers to avoid using large appliances and to turn air conditioners to a sweltering 78 degrees.

Utility giant Con Edison, meanwhile, once again advised city dwellers to limit energy use in order to “keep service reliable” – especially during peak hours of between 2 and 10 p.m.

The recommendations quickly came under fire Tuesday when the mercury reached nearly 100 degrees – and felt more like 110 degrees.

“I think it’s BS,” Ahmed N., 23, told The Post while walking his dog in Herbert Von King Park in Bedford-Stuyvesant. “It shouldn’t be [a] personal responsibility to combat a collective problem like climate change.”

It’s hot regardless, AC or not,” Art J., 29, who was waiting for a cooling center near the park to open, added. “It’s really hot so we need it on all day.”

James Harris, 63, who lives in a building with a cooling center in the basement, said the cooling center was his saving grace — and wasn’t willing to give up his breeze.

“I don’t even have AC,” he said. “Asking people to limit AC when people don’t even have any … I don’t like that, it’s unfair.”

ConEd first issued the power-down advice in a July 7 alert, and re-issued that guidance in a message sent to customers late Monday morning.

Energy-saving methods like turning down air conditioners will help prevent blackouts and overburdening the electrical grid, Mayor Eric Adams said during a Monday news conference.

Hizzoner later urged city dwellers via X to “avoid using large appliances like washers and dryers” and to “turn your A/C to 78 degrees and a low setting” to “keep everyone’s A/C running safely.”

“We will be monitoring the electrical system,” he noted at the news conference. “The system can be stressed, and when temperatures rise, we urge New Yorkers to be mindful of their energy consumption.”

At Herbert Von King Park, Paige M., 28, told The Post the city should instead be “turning off stuff that isn’t being used.”

Her succinct reaction to ConEd and the mayor’s request to lower energy consumption?


They don’t need the lights in Times Square,” Candace Lowe, 35, said outside the Wayside Out Tompkins Louis Armstrong Center, a cooling center in Bed Stuy. “He [Adams] should be turning those off. If not, he should pay our bills then.”

The seasonal call for a Times Square shutoff isn’t anything new: New Yorkers have been calling for a power-down for years.

If you’re really concerned about conserving energy then … shut off Times Square to tourists,” Ahmed N. added.

However, Times Square is on its own network, meaning lowered energy at the Crossroads of the World wouldn’t affect residents in other neighborhoods, a spokesperson for ConEd told The Post.

Businesses in Times Square have been asked to conserve energy use as well, the spokesperson said.

While Times Square won’t go dim anytime soon, more than 600 buildings have already reduced their energy consumption, which is the equivalent of powering down 12 Empire State Buildings, Adams said Monday.

Wednesday will still feel close to the 100-degree mark, but the thermometer is expected to drop into the lower 90s with a “couple of scattered storms each day.”

Those experiencing blackouts – or just looking to save on a ConEd bill – can find refuge at one of more than 500 cooling centers across the five boroughs.

Beaches will also be open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, and hours at Olympic and intermediate pools will be extended from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. through at least Wednesday. Other pools are open until 7 p.m.

Some wading pools, however, are closed due to staffing issues, a NYC Parks spokesperson told The Post. Two were closed Monday. The Claremont Intermediate Pool and Mapes Wading Pool in the Bronx and Lyons Pool in Staten Island were closed as of Tuesday, according to the NYC Parks website.

The scorching heat continues as at least 19 cities across the US have broken all-time temperature records this month. At least 28 people have died, Adams said.

In Manhattan, nearly 75% of maximum temperatures in Central Park were above “normal” on June 1, city Emergency Management Commissioner Zach Iscol said.

This heat is not normal,” Adams added. “Climate change is real, and it is a clear and present danger.”

To report a power outage, visit or call 1-800-75-CONED (1-800-752-6633). Outage restoration times are available via the Con Edison outage map. 

[ :: 7-11-04 pm service (fifth word) :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc.. Did I not warn you that the days would be like Sodom and Gomorrah as it was in the days of Lot? When America accepts this lifestyle and makes a law protecting them, she will be like Samson breaking her last vow. I will no longer stand with her neither will my blessing be upon her, then shall come to pass in my timing, the twenty four hour period of Babylon’s destruction. For you have not a leader of this country who follows my word or ways. They have gone the ways of the antichrist system and forsaken the religion of their forefathers of days gone by. etc..

::  7-16-24 Life Site :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Log Cabin Republicans celebrate after GOP drops opposition to same-sex ‘marriage’ from platform

LGBT Republicans called the removal of language supporting traditional marriage a 'historic moment' in the group’s decades-long work toward a 'more inclusive GOP.'

Tue Jul 16, 2024 - 6:49 pm EDT

MILWAUKEE (LifeSiteNews) — Homosexual “conservative” group Log Cabin Republicans celebrated the Republican National Convention’s adoption of a new party platform that abandons the GOP’s longstanding opposition to same-sex “marriage,” crediting the development to the “visionary, inclusive, and consistent leadership” of socially-centrist former president and 2024 GOP nominee Donald Trump.

While most of the controversy over the party’s new and dramatically shortened platform has focused on its weakening of the GOP’s commitments to fighting abortion at the federal level, it also dropped the old platform’s declaration that “(t)raditional marriage and family, based on marriage between one man and one woman, is the foundation for a free society” and call for that understanding to be reflected in law, including with the “reversal” of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2015 Obergefell ruling that forces all 50 states to recognize homosexual “marriage.”

On Monday, Log Cabin Republicans issued a statement celebrating the change as a “historic moment” in the group’s decades-long work toward a “more inclusive GOP” without the old platform’s “outdated and out-of-step language opposing marriage equality.”

It also makes clear to voters that the Republican Party welcomes all, and is looking optimistically to the future instead of cynically rehashing old debates of the past.”

After a conventionally pro-life first term, Trump has spent the past year working to stake out a middle ground on abortion that would largely relegate the issue for the states to fight out among themselves, but his positions on LGBT issues have always been more mixed during his time in Republican politics.

In 2012, as the owner of the Miss Universe beauty pageant, Trump repeatedly endorsed the inclusion of “transgender women,” i.e. men, in competition with actual women, in the name of what the Trump organization called “modernized” rules at the time, eliciting praise from LGBT pressure group GLAAD.

While running for president in 2016, Trump criticized a North Carolina law banning male students from female restrooms and said anyone should be allowed to “use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate.” By the time he was in office, he flipped on the issue, rejecting Obama-era guidelines on the subject and announcing that the Department of Education would no longer indulge bathroom-related “discrimination” complaints.

A consistent supporter of same-sex “marriage,” Trump nominated a variety of pro-LGBT officials to government posts and judicial vacancies and continued an Obama-era executive order on “gender identity nondiscrimination” and U.S. support for international recognition of homosexual relations at the United Nations Human Rights Council. His campaign actively courted LGBT-identifying voters with rainbow merchandise.

At the same time, Trump prioritized religious liberty and was generally aligned with social conservatives against the gender-fluidity movement, from banning gender-confused soldiers from the military to protecting women from having to share close quarters such as homeless shelters with men claiming to be transgendered. His White House also opposed the so-called “Equality Act” and maintained a biological definition of sex in its implementation of federal laws and regulations.

While running for office this time around, Trump has pledged to “protect children from left-wing gender insanity,” including banning federal funding, approval, and promotion of “gender transition” practices. At the same time, he has opened his Mar-a-Lago residence for several pro-LGBT uses, including a Log Cabin Republicans gala in 2022, a same-sex “wedding” in February 2024, and a LCR fundraiser in April.

While such trends raise grave questions for the long-term fate of pro-life and pro-family causes in the Republican Party, they are not expected to change the outcome this fall between Trump and incumbent Democrat President Joe Biden, whose positions on all the aforementioned issues are much farther to the left.

Polling aggregations by RealClearPolitics and RaceToTheWH indicate a slim popular-vote lead for Trump in the November election, and, more important, leads in swing states translating to an Electoral College advantage over Biden.


:: 7-16-24 Life Site :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

GOP closed out Day 1 of its national convention with a prayer to pagan god ‘Waheguru’

Christian observers were troubled by the Republican Party allowing a non-Christian prayer on the opening night of the convention while knowing that Catholics and Evangelicals comprise a large portion of its base.

Tue Jul 16, 2024 - 4:32 pm EDT

(LifeSiteNews) — Last night’s opening session of the GOP National Convention, which earlier in the day had officially nominated Donald J. Trump as the party’s 2024 presidential candidate, closed out with a prayer to a god other than Jesus Christ, the genderless god of the Sihk religion that believes in rebirth and karma.

High-profile Republican attorney Harmeet Dhillon took to the podium, covered her head, and chanted the “ardas” prayer to “Waheguru, our one true God” seeking blessing upon and protection for the candidacy of former President Trump.

Chrisitan commentators were troubled by what they interpreted to be an affront to Catholics and Evangelical Christians who comprise the vast majority of the Republican Party, dangerously implying that all religions are equal.

The prayer was also seen by some as a way of distancing the GOP from national conservatism, a growing movement that views Christianity as the best way to preserve the United States and the western world from the rising power and influence of globalist woke neo-Marxist power.

Imagine getting on a massive cult of personality emotional high watching Trump survive assassination, convince yourself that he has some kind of mandate from heaven, and then see the RNC open with a prayer to a demon,” said Ben Zeisloft, editor of the Republic Sentinel.

America must turn to the Triune God. Not to Allah. Not to Vishnu. Not to ‘Waheguru,’” Zeisloft declared in a subsequent post on X, adding, “Jesus Christ alone is Lord, King, and Judge of all the earth. We must repent and trust in him or else expect his righteous judgments.”

Matt Gaspers, managing editor of Catholic Family News, hit the nail on the head:

I’m glad Abp. Listecki was invited to pray “through Jesus Christ our Lord” at GOP convention, but Harmeet Dhillon was also allowed to invoke the name of a false god, thus giving the impression that all religions are equal.

Christ is King, not “Waheguru”!

I’m glad Abp. Listecki was invited to pray “through Jesus Christ our Lord” at @GOPconvention, but Harmeet Dhillon was also allowed to invoke the name of a false god, thus giving the impression that all religions are equal.

Christ is King, not “Waheguru”! 

— Matt Gaspers (@MattGaspers) July 16, 2024

Harmeet Dhillon has done great work. She should be invited on stage to speak about that and to support President Trump,” outspoken conservative commentator Father Calvin Robinson said.

“But to invite her to pray to a pagan god, leading those prayers with ‘Dear Waheguru, our one true God’ is entirely inappropriate,” Robinson continued. “What is worse is all the RINOs bowing their heads in prayer.”

“Christ is King,” he proclaimed.

Harmeet Dhillon has done great work. She should be invited on stage to speak about that and to support President Trump.

But to invite her to pray to a pagan god, leading those prayers with “Dear Waheguru, our one true God” is entirely inappropriate.

What is worse is all the… 

— Fr Calvin Robinson (@calvinrobinson) July 16, 2024

Whoa: 2024 is that year that associating Republicans with evangelicalism officially ends,” suggested Anthony Bradley, research fellow at the Acton Institute.

Harmeet Dhillon thanks the Chardikala spirit to close out the RNC convention,” Bradley continued. “She prayed, ‘Dear Waheguru, our one true God.’ Vance’s wife is a practicing Hindu, etc. This is the new RNC.”

Whoa: 2024 is that year that associating Republicans with evangelicalism officially ends. Harmeet Dhillon thanks the Chardikala spirit to close out the RNC convention. She prayed, “Dear Waheguru, our one true God.” Vance’s wife is a practicing Hindu, etc. This is the new RNC.

— Anthony Bradley (@drantbradley) July 16, 2024

ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE!!” another X user said in all caps.

“I have nothing but respect for Harmeet Dhillon,” he said, “but fire whoever invited her to pray to a foreign god, there is only one true God we pray to and his name is not whatever she said. His name is YAHWEH and his only begotten Son is Jesus Christ.”

Dhillon: ‘Waheguru, our one true God’

“These last 48 hours have been some of the most intense, yet most prayerful of our lives. The heinous attack on President Trump and his supporters made all of us pause and seek answers in comfort. I come from a family of Sikh immigrants, and I’m honored to share with you, my fellow Republicans and guests tonight, a prayer from my faith and tradition practiced by over 25 million worldwide,” Dhillon said before praying.

We recite the Ardas prayer before any new endeavor, giving thanks to God and ask him for his protection and help uphold the values of humility, truth, courage, service and justice for all,” she explained.

After the Ardas prayer, she further prayed, “Dear Waheguru, our one true God, we thank you for creating America as a unique haven on this Earth, where all people are free to worship according to their faith. We seek your blessings and guidance for our beloved country. Please bless our people with wisdom as they vote for the upcoming election and please bless with humility, honesty, skill and integrity all those who conduct the election.”

In May, Trump offered unequivocal, glowing praise for Dhillon:

Harmeet Dhillon is one of the best Lawyers in the Country, and she and her Law Firm have done a terrific job for me in so many cases. She has been a Fierce Advocate for the MAGA Movement, and a Warrior for Election Integrity and Constitutional Rights at every level. Harmeet is a Great Asset to the Republican Party in California, and has my Complete and Total Endorsement for Re-Election as RNC Committeewoman for California!


[:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]
Isaiah   5:20 Destruction is certain for those who say that evil is good and good is evil; that dark is light and light is dark; that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter. (NLT)

:: 7-17-24 All News Pipeline :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

When Democrats Tell You Who They Are...Believe Them! Evil Leftists Learning There Are Life Ramifications To Rooting For A Wannabe Assassin Publicly While Media Blames The Victim

By Susan Duclos - All News Pipeline July 17, 2024

For years whenever a conservative dared to say something a leftist did not appreciate, or the perpetually offended got offended yet again, they demanded action. Either apologies from the entire Republican party, or demands for everyone to condemn a statement or action, despite not being the ones to say or do whatever offended the leftist snowflakes, in what has been dubbed "cancel culture."

"Just about every week we see the same story. Someone takes a jittery smartphone video of a white person caught in the act of doing something that's labeled racist. An army of online commentators mobilizes. The video goes viral. And the person in the video is publicly shamed, often losing a job or being ostracized by the community. His or her name becomes a hashtag for hate." —John Blake

Well they made the rules and now they are being forced to play by them as the tables have turned and now unhinged liberals are the ones being canceled.

Libs of TikTok, run by Chaya Raichik, gets full credit for teaching certain liberals that the games they created can be use against them just as easily as they have been using those games on conservatives.

For example:

Meet Alison Scott, a teacher at Ardmore Highschool, who responded to a comment thanking the now-deceased Thomas Matthew Crooks for trying to assassinate President Donald Trump, with "wish they had a better scope."

Libs of TikTok highlighted the post, and tagged Ardmore HS with a copy of the exchange:

July 17, 2024

When Democrats Tell You Who They Are...Believe Them! Evil Leftists Learning There Are Life Ramifications To Rooting For A Wannabe Assassin Publicly While Media Blames The Victim

Leftist website Axios doesn't want pic above used anymore and calls it 'photoganda'

By Susan Duclos - All News Pipeline

For years whenever a conservative dared to say something a leftist did not appreciate, or the perpetually offended got offended yet again, they demanded action. Either apologies from the entire Republican party, or demands for everyone to condemn a statement or action, despite not being the ones to say or do whatever offended the leftist snowflakes, in what has been dubbed "cancel culture."

"Just about every week we see the same story. Someone takes a jittery smartphone video of a white person caught in the act of doing something that's labeled racist. An army of online commentators mobilizes. The video goes viral. And the person in the video is publicly shamed, often losing a job or being ostracized by the community. His or her name becomes a hashtag for hate." —John Blake

Well they made the rules and now they are being forced to play by them as the tables have turned and now unhinged liberals are the ones being canceled.

Libs of TikTok, run by Chaya Raichik, gets full credit for teaching certain liberals that the games they created can be use against them just as easily as they have been using those games on conservatives.

For example:

Meet Alison Scott, a teacher at Ardmore Highschool, who responded to a comment thanking the now-deceased Thomas Matthew Crooks for trying to assassinate President Donald Trump, with "wish they had a better scope."

Libs of TikTok highlighted the post, and tagged Ardmore HS with a copy of the exchange:

Superintendent Ryan Walters immediately replied "This is unacceptable. SDE is investigating. We will not allow teachers to cheer on violence against @realDonaldTrump," and within hours posted"I have investigated it enough. I will be taking her teaching certificate. She will no longer be teaching in Oklahoma."

Perfect example of the term FAFO "Futz (you know the word) around and find out."

Next up came from a Pennsylvania House staffer, Jess Branas, for Rep. Heather Boyd, who gave the failed and dead assassin an "A for effort." Libs of TikTok highlighted their profile and the post itself, and tagged @PADems and @PAHouseDems.

July 17, 2024

When Democrats Tell You Who They Are...Believe Them! Evil Leftists Learning There Are Life Ramifications To Rooting For A Wannabe Assassin Publicly While Media Blames The Victim

Leftist website Axios doesn't want pic above used anymore and calls it 'photoganda'

By Susan Duclos - All News Pipeline

For years whenever a conservative dared to say something a leftist did not appreciate, or the perpetually offended got offended yet again, they demanded action. Either apologies from the entire Republican party, or demands for everyone to condemn a statement or action, despite not being the ones to say or do whatever offended the leftist snowflakes, in what has been dubbed "cancel culture."

"Just about every week we see the same story. Someone takes a jittery smartphone video of a white person caught in the act of doing something that's labeled racist. An army of online commentators mobilizes. The video goes viral. And the person in the video is publicly shamed, often losing a job or being ostracized by the community. His or her name becomes a hashtag for hate." —John Blake

Well they made the rules and now they are being forced to play by them as the tables have turned and now unhinged liberals are the ones being canceled.

Libs of TikTok, run by Chaya Raichik, gets full credit for teaching certain liberals that the games they created can be use against them just as easily as they have been using those games on conservatives.

For example:

Meet Alison Scott, a teacher at Ardmore Highschool, who responded to a comment thanking the now-deceased Thomas Matthew Crooks for trying to assassinate President Donald Trump, with "wish they had a better scope."

Libs of TikTok highlighted the post, and tagged Ardmore HS with a copy of the exchange:

Superintendent Ryan Walters immediately replied "This is unacceptable. SDE is investigating. We will not allow teachers to cheer on violence against @realDonaldTrump," and within hours posted"I have investigated it enough. I will be taking her teaching certificate. She will no longer be teaching in Oklahoma."

Perfect example of the term FAFO "Futz (you know the word) around and find out."

Next up came from a Pennsylvania House staffer, Jess Branas, for Rep. Heather Boyd, who gave the failed and dead assassin an "A for effort." Libs of TikTok highlighted their profile and the post itself, and tagged @PADems and @PAHouseDems.

Play stupid games, get stupid prizes.

Another example of FAFO comes from a Dallas Police officer, Sgt. Arturo Martinez, 37, who posted "aim better" on social media after the assassination attempt on Trump, and has been put on paid administrative leave pending an investigation into whether he posted it.

Sgt. Arturo Martinez, 37, published the two-word post Saturday after the shooting at a Butler, Penn., campaign rally, which left a man dead and wounded Trump and two spectators, according to officials and a screenshot of the post obtained by The Dallas Morning News. Police spokeswoman Kristin Lowman confirmed Martinez is on leave as the internal affairs unit investigates him. An internal complaint was received Saturday about a social media comment, she said without elaborating.

“When I received the notification regarding the comment posted, disappointed would be an understatement,” Dallas police Chief Eddie García told The News when asked for comment. “If in fact true, the comment made has no place in our society, and certainly no place in law enforcement.”

While Martinez is entitled to his free speech online, he is also entitled to the consequences that come from certain comments, especially when his, and the other examples in this piece, are associated with people, schools, law enforcement, that does not want said association any longer.

In other words, no legal action should be taken against these people, but personal actions taken against them by their employers, is part of said consequences.

There are more, a hospital worker, a firefighter, which is sad because the man killed in the audience was a firefighter, a racing group working and another school employees. Those posts and resulting actions can be seen at 'Not The Bee'.

PLEASE HELP ANP! With the mounting costs of healthcare for Stefan, along with the the globalists war upon truth and the independent media, we need your help more now than ever before. Anything at all ANP readers can do to help us is hugely appreciated.)


From the media downplaying it, wanting that instantly famous shot of a blood Trump, with a flag behind him and Secret Service swarmed around him, to not be used so often calling it "photoganda,," liberals are clearly showing us who and what they are.

Rather than see that image as a "news" event, they wish to politicize the image itself by stopping the use of it.

Via the far left website Axios:

Zoom in: Multiple photographers worried privately in conversations with Axios that the images from the rally could turn into a kind of "photoganda," with the Trump campaign using them to further their agenda despite the photographers' intent of capturing a news event.

• None would comment on the record for fear of losing future work.

A photo editor and photographer from a major news outlet said the "amount that publications have been using Evan's photo is kind of free P.R. for Trump in a way, and its dangerous for media organizations to keep sharing that photo despite how good it is."

• When the shooting happened, "no one was talking about how these photos could impact public perception in the rush to get it out."

Their company "gets millions of millions of visitors everyday and I don't think we discussed enough about what these photos could mean," they added.

Another photographer who has freelanced for major publications worried that the photo would become "a propaganda machine," with the image itself making Trump "a martyr."

This is who they are. A former President, the Republican nominee for president in 2024, was shot, with the purpose if killing him with a shot to the head, which hit his ear instead, and the media is worried that the photograph with make voters more likely to see him as the victim of an assassination attempt and might vote for him.

The British media tried to lay the blame of the assassination attempt on Trump with subtle comments like ""Nothing justified an assassination bid – but did Trump play a part in changing the rules of engagement?"

CBS News is saying it is TRUMP, the man Crooks tried to assassinate that should be "lowering" the temperature.

ABC NEWS: “President Trump and his supporters have contributed to this violent rhetoric…”

“And let’s remember January 6th…”

Donald Trump Jr. had some thoughts about the "leftwing media and Democrat political hacks are actually trying to "both sides" some psychopath attempting to assassinate my father. Just when you think these people can't get any lower, they always do!!!"


This is who they are. They cheer a wannabe assassin, blame the man that was shot, and then expects him to be the one to lower the political temperature.

Now they are upset that their death wishes, and support for a dead would-be assassin is not liked by their employers and friends.

Too bad. FAFO.

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[ :: 3-22-15 pm service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc. You are seeing the pressure that the whole world is putting on my people Israel and only the true Christians are standing with them now, etc

:: 7-18-24 Israel Today :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Christians highlight Israel’s biblical roots to Hague court

The International Court of Justice is about to issue a nonbinding opinion on Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria.

By Etgar Lefkovits | Jul 18, 2024 at 7:30 am | Topics: CHRISTIANS

Nearly a thousand Christians from 45 nations have expressed their support for Israel’s biblical connection to the Holy Land in a decree presented to the International Court of Justice in The Hague ahead of a key ruling by the U.N. court this week.

The direct appeal by the Christian representatives, which was hand- delivered to the court registrar for each of the 15 justices earlier this month, was made ahead of Friday’s scheduled ruling on the legality of Israel’s control of east Jerusalem and the biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria.

The decree, which was signed in The Hague by a mix of Christian religious leaders, pastors and political representatives, including former U.S. congresswoman Michele Bachmann and Pastor Satish Kumar, the head of Calvary Temple church in Hyderabad, the largest in India, highlights Israel’s connection to the land under dispute.

“We, Christian representatives of our nations from all over the world, declare and testify that the Land of Israel includes East Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria,” the July 4 decree reads. “These areas belong indisputably to Israel and are ultimately the inheritance of the Jewish people. Dividing the Land is in conflict with the Bible and the will of the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of Israel.”

The case was taken up by the court after the U.N. General Assembly voted in December 2022 to ask the judges for a nonbinding advisory opinion on the dispute over what it termed “Occupied Palestinian Territory: East Jerusalem, West Bank and the Gaza Strip.”

At the time, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed the General Assembly over the resolution, which was approved over U.S. opposition and supported by less than half of the 193 member states. He accused the world body of “distorting historical facts” and declared that the Jewish people cannot be an occupier in its own land.

Everyone is talking about international law but this is 100% biblical,” Jack van der Tang, an evangelical minister and the president of the Hague-based International Conference of Truth Justice and Peace who is behind the initiative, told JNS in an interview on Wednesday.

David Parsons, vice president of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, said, “We came to support this initiative in The Hague to make sure the justices at the World Court heard the perspectives of tens of millions of God-fearing Christians worldwide who stand with the Jewish people’s 4,000-year-old claim and connection to the Land of Israel.”

It would not be just or fair for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to be allowed to present their shameful annihilist view on the very existence of Israel, while an even larger global Christian constituency was being ignored,” Parsons continued.

Andrew Tucker, director general of The Hague Initiative for International Cooperation, an NGO that fights the misuse of international law to delegitimize the State of Israel, said, “From a legal and political point of view, the court’s ruling will be devastating for Israel.”

“But it will also undermine the court’s legitimacy. And instead of de-escalating the [Israeli-Palestinian] conflict it is likely to make an agreed upon solution less likely than ever.


[ :: 11-3-13 am service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::]

etc.  for the world hates the Christians more now than at anytime in history.  Even during the days Jesus walked on earth, it is much worse now and it is not going to get better because those that don’t believe the truth are going to come against you like never before because they don’t want you to know the truth etc.

:: 7-18-24 Faithwire :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

PRAY: Muslims Reportedly Slaughter Father in Front of His Young Children For Defending Fellow Christians

By Billy Hallowell  Editor  July 18, 2024

A Catholic father was shot to death in Pakistan July 10 over his objection to the mistreatment of local Christians, Christian Daily International–Morning Star News reported.

Marshall Masih of Lahore, Pakistan, was a 29-year-old husband and the father of four children, ages 18 months to 10 years. He was reportedly slaughtered in front of his wife and children when four Muslims cut through his home’s roof in the early hours of the morning and entered.

“The assailants broke the door of my brother’s bedroom on the first floor of the house and held him and his family hostage on gunpoint,” Masih’s sister, Goshi Yaqoob, told Christian Daily International-Morning Star News. “They then opened indiscriminate fire on him, riddling his body with 16 bullets in the presence of his wife and minor children.”

Yaqoob heard the gunshots from a nearby home and rushed to the scene; she was heartbroken to discover the violent murder had unfolded.

I was horrified to see his blood-soaked body lying on the floor while his wife and children were huddled in a corner crying frantically,” she told the outlet.

Masih, who later died at the hospital, was the sole provider for his family, including his elderly parents.

He had reportedly filed a police report two months before against one of the assailants for allegedly firing shows in the area and harassing Christian women.

According to Yaqoob, the accused had been arrested but was later released. She said authorities then turned on her brother and pressured him to stop speaking out on behalf of the Christians.

“The Muslims were offended that a Christian had taken a stand against their criminal activities,” Yaqoob said. “And, by killing him in cold blood, they have shown that our lives do not matter.”

She said the family is fearful about survival in the future in light of Masih’s killing. Yaqoob added the family’s “entire world has crumbled after this incident.”

Please pray for the family as they mourn and seek justice. Read more about the story here.

As CBN News previously reported, persecution problems are seemingly increasing in Pakistan. Most recently, a Catholic man was jailed after accidentally stepping on pages of the Quran.

Dennis Albert, 35, reportedly found himself in legal crosshairs in April after exiting his pull car and inadvertently standing on papers said to have come from the Islamic holy book.

In a separate incident, police reportedly refused to help a Catholic family who recently fell victim to an attack by armed Muslims. Shahnaz Yousaf told Christian Daily International–Morning Star News her family saw their farmland seized during an April 16 assault. Read more about the horrific report here.

Meanwhile, a pastor survived an assassination attempt last year. There was also a horrific Aug. 16 assault last year, during which churches and Christians’ homes were attacked by Muslim mobs over blasphemy allegations in the same area, the UCA News reported. That incident led to at least 129 arrests.

Pakistan ranks on Open Doors’ World Watch List as the seventh most dangerous place for Christians.

“Pakistan’s notorious blasphemy laws are often used to target minority groups, but Christians are disproportionately affected,” the Open Doors report reads. “Indeed, roughly a quarter of all blasphemy accusations target Christians, who only make up 1.8% of the population.”

***As the number of voices facing big-tech censorship continues to grow, please sign up for Faithwire’s daily newsletter and download the CBN News app, invented by our parent company, to stay up-to-date with the latest news from a distinctly Christian perspective.***


:: 7-19-24 Hal Turner Radio Show :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Global Computer Outage; Affecting Airlines, Banks, Others

Hal Turner World July 19, 2024 Hits: 3500

Major banks, media, and airlines are experiencing a significant IT outage due to interruptions to Microsoft cloud services.

911 services are disrupted in several U.S states, Sky News is off-air, and services at the London Stock Exchange are disrupted.

The issue is impacting companies globally with online reports that Australia, New Zealand, India, Japan, the U.S, and the UK have all been affected.


Even the mass media like Associated Press, too!

It’s believed a flawed anti-virus update has left Microsoft Windows users globally kicked out of their systems.

CrowdStrike, the cyber security company involved in the update, has admitted responsibility for the outage and says it’s working to resolve the issue. 

[:: 2-3-14 am service (first word) :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc. Keep your eyes; keep your eyes upon what is going on in the Mid-East, that is your tree, that is your tree, I have told you to watch Israel, that is your tree. etc.

:: 7--24 AP :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Drone strike by Yemen’s Houthi rebels kills 1 person and wounds at least 10 in Tel Aviv


TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — An Iranian-made drone sent by Yemen’s Houthi rebels struck Tel Aviv on Friday, leaving one person dead and at least 10 wounded in the group’s first lethal strike into Israel.

The aerial strike rumbled through the center of the city near the U.S. Embassy, causing shrapnel to rain down and spreading shards of glass over a large radius.

The hit in Israel’s biggest city was startling because the drone appeared to have crossed much of the country through the multilayered air defenses that have intercepted almost all of the drones and rockets that Yemen’s Houthis have been launching toward Israel since the Gaza war began. Most have failed even to reach Israel’s southernmost city, Eilat, on the Red Sea some 270 kilometers (160 miles) south of Tel Aviv.

The Israeli military said it was investigating what went wrong. Chief spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said the drone was detected by air defenses, but an “error” occurred and “there was no interception.“

“We are investigating the entire chain,” he said. Another military official blamed “human error.” The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation was ongoing.

The spokesman for the Houthis, Yahya Sare’e, claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement published on the social media platform X. He said it was in retaliation for the Israel-Hamas war and had hit one of the group’s many targets.

Israel’s military identified the drone as an Iranian Samad-3 upgraded to travel long distances and said it was believed to have come from Yemen.

The drone hit at around 3:10 a.m., blowing out windows and damaging cars throughout a coastal neighborhood of Tel Aviv and reverberating as far as nearby cities. The military said it had not determined if it exploded in the air or directly struck buildings.

In one building, the Sajiv family swept up the shattered glass of their apartment’s balcony door. Limor Sajiv said they were woken by the sound of a blast. “We had no idea what it was. I mean, we heard missiles before we heard things, this was different, really, really loud,” he said.

People thronged to the area as police helicopters hovered overhead. For many, it reaffirmed feelings of disillusionment with how the military has handled the war since October.

Yossi Nevi, a retired evacuee from Kiryat Shmona, said he was shaken awake in the hotel he lives in. Hearing it was human error, Nevi said, made him lose “all trust in the army, not that I had much after the past nine months.”

Eldad Namdar, who owns a camera store next to the intersection where the drone is believed to have exploded, said he hopes the war ends soon, but he also wants it to be concluded in a way that secures his future.

“I don’t want this to happen again in six months, I want them to finish this situation until the end,” he said.

The U.S. State Department said there was no damage to the U.S. Embassy or any of its staff members.

The Houthi strike hit hours after Israel’s military confirmed one of its airstrikes had killed a Hezbollah commander and other militants in southern Lebanon. Israel has so far not made attacks on the Houthis, allowing its allies instead to take the lead as it focuses its efforts on the war in Gaza and ongoing fighting with Lebanon’s Hezbollah militant group.

The Houthis have routinely claimed responsibility for hitting targets in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.

Analysts and Western intelligence services have long accused Iran of arming the group, a claim that Tehran denies. In recent years, U.S. naval forces have intercepted a number of ships packed with rifles, rocket-propelled grenades and missile parts en route from Iran to Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen. The Houthis maintain that their attacks target ships linked to Israel, the United States or the United Kingdom, however many have little or no connection to the war.

Friday’s drone strike on Tel Aviv could resurface fears about the war in Gaza between Israel and Hamas expanding into a regionwide conflagration.

Such fears run counter to renewed hopes that Israel signaling its operation underway in Rafah is nearing its finish could foster an environment more conducive to negotiations as international mediators continue to push for a cease-fire. The deal under discussion would halt fighting and free about 120 Israeli hostages held by the militant group in Gaza.

Israel remains divided over striking a deal, with some wanting the government to take the necessary steps to free the hostages and others, including far-right national security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, disavowing the idea. On Thursday, Ben-Gvir visited Jerusalem’s most sensitive holy site to pray for the return of Israeli hostages, he said, “without a reckless deal, without surrendering.”

Israel’s air defense system has intercepted thousands of projectiles throughout the war, including Hamas rocket firre from Gaza. But officials warn they are not 100% effective, and the systems appear to have struggled against small and hard-to-detect attack drones.

Like Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis are backed by Israel’s archenemy, Iran. Israel for the most part also has avoided direct confrontations with Iran throughout the war. Iran launched hundreds of drones and missiles at Israel during a single incident in April in response to Israel’s alleged assassination of a pair of Iranian generals in Syria at the time.

The war in Gaza, which was sparked by Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on southern Israel, has killed more than 38,600 people, according to the territory’s Health Ministry, which does not distinguish between combatants and civilians in its count. The war has created a humanitarian catastrophe in the coastal Palestinian territory, displaced most of its 2.3 million population and triggered widespread hunger.

Hamas’ October attack killed 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and militants took about 250 hostage. About 120 remain in captivity, with about a third of them believed to be dead, according to Israeli authorities.

Metz reported from Rabat, Morocco. Ibrahim Hazboun contributed from Jerusalem, Jack Jeffery from Ramallah, West Bank, and Michael Wakin from Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Find more of AP’s coverage at 



[ ::  12-31-18/1-1-19 New Years Eve service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc hour is getting very close.  The earthquakes shall now get bigger, far bigger, far bigger, more powerful, the tornadoes and the hurricanes, oh you will see storms like the world has not seen, volcanoes like the world does not remember. Oh the things that are about to take place simply because it is my timing, etc

:: 7--24 India Today :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Earthquake of 7.3 magnitude strikes Antofagasta in Chile

An earthquake of magnitude 7.3 on the Richter scale struck Antofagasta in Chile. There were no immediate reports of any loss of life or damage to property after the earthquake.

An earthquake of magnitude 7.3 on the Richter scale struck Antofagasta in Chile on Thursday, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said.

The epicentre of the tremor was located 164 miles (265 kilometres) east of the coastal city of Antofagasta, at a depth of 78.5 miles (126 kilometres).

There were no immediate reports of any loss of life or damage to property after the earthquake.

"I have already communicated with the regional Delegate and so far there are no reports of major damage but teams are gathering information," Chilean President Gabriel Boric said on his X account.

According to AFP, no tsunami warning has been issued so far.

In January this year, an earthquake of magnitude 5.3 struck the northern Chilean region of Tarapaca with a 118km depth.

Chile is located in the so-called “Ring of Fire” in the Pacific and experiences frequent earthquakes. In 2010, a magnitude 8.8 earthquake and subsequent tsunami claimed 526 lives.

Published By:  sharangee  Published On:  Jul 19, 2024 

[ :: 11-3-13 am service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::]

etc.  for the world hates the Christians more now than at anytime in history.  Even during the days Jesus walked on earth, it is much worse now and it is not going to get better because those that don’t believe the truth are going to come against you like never before because they don’t want you to know the truth etc.

:: 7-5-24 Christian Post :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Indonesia: Officials force congregation to stop wedding, ban Christian worship services

By Morning Star News, Friday, July 05, 2024

SURABAYA, INDONESIA — Local officials in Indonesia stopped a wedding ceremony and banned the church from further worship meetings at the site, sources said.

Last Sunday, in Mergosari, Tarik District, Sidoarjo Regency of Java island, village head Eko Budi Santoso halted the wedding at the Pentecostal Church in Indonesia (Gereja Pentekosta di Indonesia, or GPdI) site and banned them from meeting, claiming the congregation lacked a building permit and that area residents opposed their church, local media reported.

Area residents in the Muslim-majority country reportedly said they were not opposed to the presence of the church worshiping at the “House of Prayer,” a structure that doesn't have the function and markings of a church building.

Refusing to allow the congregation to finish the wedding and worship, Eko and five state officials took Pastor Yoab Setiawan to a roadside stall to tell him they were responding to public complaints about the existence of the prayer house and the lack of a permit, according to media outlet 

A video by the Hagios Legal Aid Institute (Lembaga Bantuan Hukum, or LBH), shows Pastor Setiawan telling the officials that they might first ban the prostitution taking place in front of the village head office. The pastor’s wife, Lidya Laviyanti, reportedly apologized and pleaded with officials. “We’re not causing any trouble, sir. We’re sorry, we ask for your understanding. We come from everywhere. We are a minority group. Our congregation is small in number. So please understand."

Village head Eko, motioning to the head of the community association and the head of the neighborhood association, said all activities must first obtain permission from the “neighborhood.”

Pastor Setiawan and his wife asked him what activities first needed approval, and Eko responded, “All activities. Period,” and ends the discussion.

The House of Prayer is registered through a local government report certificate signed by the Christian Community Guidance Regional Office leader, Luki Krispriyanto, on Dec. 7, 2023, according to International Christian Concern (ICC), which said Eko admitted he was not aware of the certificate.

At a meeting with the parties in conflict at the office of the village head in Mergosari village, 10 miles from Surabaya, on Monday, the acting regent of Sidoarjo, identified only as Subandi, supported the ban at the site but said congregation members could worship at home, according to

Officials at the meeting concluded that the church must obtain a building permit, which they said they would expedite. They gave a deadline of one month to complete the permit.

While waiting for permission to be completed, you can worship at home,” Subandi said on Tuesday, according to “It doesn’t mean that you are not allowed to worship.”

Asserting that residents welcomed construction of a place of worship and upheld tolerance among religious communities, Subandi suggested the parties build good communication among themselves.

An area resident said they were not disturbed by the congregation’s worship activities, according to Even when hundreds of people attended, the residents welcomed them, said the resident, identified as 53-year-old Mulyati. Another resident, 25-year-old Agus Febro, said that residents, especially young people, never felt unrest due to the prayer house’s Sunday activities.

Bonar Tigor Naipospos, deputy chairman of the Setara Institute for Democracy and Peace, a human rights organization, said the case was “a clear sign of state subordination to the will of the intolerant groups.”

“Local political constellations and electoral interests, in gaining support from the masses, make public officials choose sides and accommodate the demands of intolerant groups,” Bonar told Morning Star News. “They intentionally ignore it, even though it is considered to violate the constitution.”

Indonesia ranked 42nd on Christian support organization Open Doors’ 2024 World Watch List of the 50 countries where it is most difficult to be a Christian. Indonesian society has adopted a more conservative Islamic character, and churches involved in evangelistic outreach are at risk of being targeted by Islamic extremist groups, according to the WWL report.

Originally published at Morning Star News 

[ :: 10-17-10 am service  (first word)  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc. truly darkness, darkness is growing darker and darker and darker, war is being prepared, war is being made ready. Watch Russia, watch Turkey, watch China, watch Iran, watch Pakistan, watch Saudi Arabia, for they are not your friends nor have they ever been your friends.  They are not my friends, saith your Father God, for they shall wage war against me in the last days, these are the last days. etc.. 

[ :: 7-17-16 am service ::  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc The end is upon you and you need to look and see the things that you should be doing, pay close attention to that. For I have told you things would change here, they would change. If you live near the Babylon that is going to fall I have told you to move at least seventy-five miles from there, at least. That goes for California, that goes for the center fault line, realize that war, war is at hand. Not only with ISIS, but you have got Russia, you have got China, you have got North Korea, wake up, wake up, for I have been telling you these things, it is getting very, very dangerous, very dangerous. etc

[ ::  7-1-2023 Morning Campmeeting Service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

For darkness, darkness, darkness is spreading quickly and it will become more and more and more than even you see now. etc

:: 7-15-24 Independent Sentinel :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Biden & Team Appears to Have Put the US on a War Footing

By M DOWLING - July 15, 2024

It looks like Joe Biden and his team put us on a war footing with Russia. They did it with the Memorandum on Delegation and Authorities below. Democrats might start a war before November.

The Memorandum states:

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of title 3, United States Code:

Section 1. (a) I hereby delegate to the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of Energy, the functions and authorities vested in the President by section 1352(g) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024 (Public Law 118-31) (the “Act”).

(b) I hereby delegate to the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretaries of State and Energy, the functions and authorities vested in the President by sections 1352(h)(4), 1352(d)(1), and 1352(e)(2)(A) of the Act.

(c) I hereby delegate the functions and authorities vested in the President by the following provisions of the Act as follows:

(i) to the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretaries of Defense and Energy, as appropriate, section 1333 of the Act;

(ii) to the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretaries of Defense and Energy, section 1342 of the Act;

(iii) to the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of Energy, section 1352(e)(2)(B) of the Act;

(iv) to the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of Energy, section 1352(e)(2)(C) of the Act;

(v) to the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretaries of State and Energy, section 1352(i) of the Act; and

(vi) to the Secretary of Defense for funds allocated to the Department of Defense account and to the Secretary of Energy for funds allocated to the Department of Energy account, in coordination with the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, section 1353(d), (h), and (i) of the Act.

Sec. 2. The delegation in this memorandum shall apply to any provision of any future public law…].

Sec. 3. The Secretary of Defense is authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the Federal Register.


We don’t even know if Joey knows what he’s doing. He has dementia.

I don’t want to kill people abroad. I don’t want my children or anyone’s children to kill people abroad.

We don’t want this. 

[ :: 11-17-13 service :::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc If you don’t know how to can, learn how to can, for your electrical power will not be sufficient to run everything. etc.

:: 7-14-24 Study Finds :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Artificial intelligence needs so much power it’s overwhelming the electrical grid

By The Conversation  Jul 14, 2024

Research led by Ayse Coskun, Boston University

The artificial intelligence boom has had such a profound effect on big tech companies that their energy consumption, and with it their carbon emissions, have surged.

The spectacular success of large language models such as ChatGPT has helped fuel this growth in energy demand. At 2.9 watt-hours per ChatGPT request, AI queries require about 10 times the electricity of traditional Google queries, according to the Electric Power Research Institute, a nonprofit research firm. Emerging AI capabilities such as audio and video generation are likely to add to this energy demand.

The energy needs of AI are shifting the calculus of energy companies. They’re now exploring previously untenable options, such as restarting a nuclear reactor at the Three Mile Island power plant that has been dormant since the infamous disaster in 1979.

Data centers have had continuous growth for decades, but the magnitude of growth in the still-young era of large language models has been exceptional. AI requires a lot more computational and data storage resources than the pre-AI rate of data center growth could provide.

AI and the grid

Thanks to AI, the electrical grid – in many places already near its capacity or prone to stability challenges – is experiencing more pressure than before. There is also a substantial lag between computing growth and grid growth. Data centers take one to two years to build, while adding new power to the grid requires over four years.

As a recent report from the Electric Power Research Institute lays out, just 15 states contain 80% of the data centers in the U.S.. Some states – such as Virginia, home to Data Center Alley – astonishingly have over 25% of their electricity consumed by data centers. There are similar trends of clustered data center growth in other parts of the world. For example, Ireland has become a data center nation.

Video: AI is having a big impact on the electrical grid and, potentially, the climate.

Along with the need to add more power generation to sustain this growth, nearly all countries have decarbonization goals. This means they are striving to integrate more renewable energy sources into the grid. Renewables such as wind and solar are intermittent: The wind doesn’t always blow and the sun doesn’t always shine. The dearth of cheap, green and scalable energy storage means the grid faces an even bigger problem matching supply with demand.

Additional challenges to data center growth include increasing use of water cooling for efficiency, which strains limited fresh water sources. As a result, some communities are pushing back against new data center investments.

Better tech

There are several ways the industry is addressing this energy crisis. First, computing hardware has gotten substantially more energy efficient over the years in terms of the operations executed per watt consumed. Data centers’ power use efficiency, a metric that shows the ratio of power consumed for computing versus for cooling and other infrastructure, has been reduced to 1.5 on average, and even to an impressive 1.2 in advanced facilities. New data centers have more efficient cooling by using water cooling and external cool air when it’s available.

Unfortunately, efficiency alone is not going to solve the sustainability problem. In fact, Jevons paradox points to how efficiency may result in an increase of energy consumption in the longer run. In addition, hardware efficiency gains have slowed down substantially, as the industry has hit the limits of chip technology scaling.

To continue improving efficiency, researchers are designing specialized hardware such as accelerators, new integration technologies such as 3D chips, and new chip cooling techniques.

Similarly, researchers are increasingly studying and developing data center cooling technologies. The Electric Power Research Institute report endorses new cooling methods, such as air-assisted liquid cooling and immersion cooling. While liquid cooling has already made its way into data centers, only a few new data centers have implemented the still-in-development immersion cooling.

Flexible future

A new way of building AI data centers is flexible computing, where the key idea is to compute more when electricity is cheaper, more available and greener, and less when it’s more expensive, scarce and polluting.

Data center operators can convert their facilities to be a flexible load on the grid. Academia and industry have provided early examples of data center demand response, where data centers regulate their power depending on power grid needs. For example, they can schedule certain computing tasks for off-peak hours.

Implementing broader and larger scale flexibility in power consumption requires innovation in hardware, software and grid-data center coordination. Especially for AI, there is much room to develop new strategies to tune data centers’ computational loads and therefore energy consumption. For example, data centers can scale back accuracy to reduce workloads when training AI models.

Realizing this vision requires better modeling and forecasting. Data centers can try to better understand and predict their loads and conditions. It’s also important to predict the grid load and growth.

The Electric Power Research Institute’s load forecasting initiative involves activities to help with grid planning and operations. Comprehensive monitoring and intelligent analytics – possibly relying on AI – for both data centers and the grid are essential for accurate forecasting.

On the edge

The U.S. is at a critical juncture with the explosive growth of AI. It is immensely difficult to integrate hundreds of megawatts of electricity demand into already strained grids. It might be time to rethink how the industry builds data centers.

One possibility is to sustainably build more edge data centers – smaller, widely distributed facilities – to bring computing to local communities. Edge data centers can also reliably add computing power to dense, urban regions without further stressing the grid. While these smaller centers currently make up 10% of data centers in the U.S., analysts project the market for smaller-scale edge data centers to grow by over 20% in the next five years.

Along with converting data centers into flexible and controllable loads, innovating in the edge data center space may make AI’s energy demands much more sustainable.

Ayse Coskun is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Boston University 

[ :: 9-18-13 pm service :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc.. For it is a very dark hour as you have seen and that hour shall grow darker and darker and darker, for the evil spirits possessing people shall manifest themselves, and as they manifest themselves, you shall see death, you shall see killings, you shall see blood flowing, you shall see many things, many things. Think it not strange, but it is that hour and it is that time etc

:: 7-16-24 New York Post :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Would-be Trump assassin was spotted by cops twice 26 minutes before he wounded ex-prez, killed retired fire chief: report

By Social Links for Joe Marino , Social Links for Chris Nesi and Social Links for Alex Oliveira

Published July 16, 2024, 7:44 a.m. ET

A clear picture is emerging of the exact timeline of staggering failures that enabled an armed 20-year-old man with no military training to scale a building loaded with counter-sniper team cops in broad daylight and come within a hair’s breadth of killing former President Donald Trump.

Thomas Matthew Crooks was spotted at least twice by cops — 26 minutes before he rained bullets on the Pennsylvania rally crowd, wounding Trump and two others and killing an ex-fire chief, according to WPXI sources.

The Beaver County Emergency Services Unit — which traveled to the Butler County, Pennsylvania, Trump rally from the neighboring Pittsburgh suburb — noticed Cooks on the roof, took a picture of him and reported it around 5:45 p.m., WPXI reported.

Incredibly, not only did Crooks manage to avoid being confronted despite sticking out like a sore thumb, he secured his rooftop perch right under the noses of a local police sniper team stationed inside the building, law enforcement sources told The Post.

The building — the AGR International Inc. factory next to the Butler County Farm Fair grounds — was being used by local police as a “watch post” for snipers to scan for threats as the former president spoke onstage only 130 yards away, according to sources.

Cops were inside, but not on the roof, during the shooting, sources said.

Crooks was able to scale the building unchallenged before firing off up to eight shots with an AR-style assault rifle, grazing Trump in the ear, killing one Trump supporter and wounding two others.

Law enforcement sources said it was not clear as of Monday night whether any of the local officers — who were tasked with securing the perimeter outside the rally — were able to warn Secret Service agents about the gunman.

Chilling video captured at the rally illustrates the botched security operation. This includes approximately two minutes of footage that could go down in history as a low point for the Secret Service in the agency’s more than 100-year history of protecting US presidents.

A multi-feed video montage assembled by MilkBarTV, which has been viewed more than 3.5 million times on X, shows the attempted assassination play out in real time using clips from several vantage points.

In it, more than 120 excruciating seconds pass between rallygoers first spotting Crooks on the roof and the moment he fires his rifle. Perhaps most disturbingly, the people who saw the would-be assassin repeatedly tried to alert law enforcement patrolling nearby.

The surreal footage echoes what several witnesses told reporters after the shooting: Some rally attendees were aware of Crooks’ presence well before he fired.

One local cop from the Butler Township police did manage to get hoisted onto the roof, and came face to face with the gunman, who pointed his rifle at the officer. The Butler County sheriff defended his failure to stop Crooks, saying the cop was still pulling himself up and had to let go when faced with the weapon.

Law enforcement sources who have served on presidential protection details told The Post that Secret Service field offices where events are taking place routinely engage in a budgetary tug-of-war with purse string holders back in Washington.

The field offices usually get “a fraction” of what they ask for, the sources said.

Follow The Post’s latest stories on the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump:

Grateful, defiant Trump recounts surviving ‘surreal’ assassination attempt at rally: ‘I’m supposed to be dead’

Trump changing GOP convention speech to stress importance of unity after Pennsylvania rally shooting

Local counter-sniper team was inside building where Trump shooter climbed on the roof and opened fire: sources

Trump’s shooting was a wake-up call — we must let go of political hate

Secret Service overseer Mayorkas admits ‘direct line of sight’ to Trump never should have happened

This means the agency has to depend on local law enforcement to supplement its resources, and small municipalities typically lack the resources of major cities like New York.

The sources said the failure in Butler could also have been because Crooks’ position on the farther side of the roof might have placed him just out of sight of the counter-sniper team stationed near Trump.

James A. Gagliano, a law enforcement analyst who served on the FBI’s elite Hostage Rescue Team and as a senior SWAT team leader, offered some insight into the footage he’s seen of the dreaded two minutes.

“The investigation obviously just began, but when you look at a rooftop position that was accessible from the ground 130 yards away from a former president, a current presidential candidate, and someone so polarizing — is that a place that should have been covered? I would argue yes,” he said.

Gagliano said it was “absolutely a miracle” that Trump survived the attempt on his life, which was thanks in no small part to Crooks’ poor marksmanship.

A shot of 130 yards is something in the business we’d refer to as a cake shot,” he said.

It’s something anybody with reasonable marksmanship skills can close their eyes, hold their breath, jerk the trigger and make.”

He said although he’s saving his ultimate conclusion pending the outcome of the investigation, he said he called Saturday’s debacle “a catastrophic, colossal systems failure that will be dissected for years to come.”

In the video, the two-minute timer begins with a split-screen of Trump speaking on stage and bystander footage taken near the manufacturing plant building where Crooks was perched with his rifle.

The videographer shooting the footage suddenly verbally acknowledges a nearby commotion, apparently sparked by several rally attendees noticing Crooks on the roof. “Look, they’re all pointing,” he says of the crowd’s reaction to the unusual and troubling sight.

Seconds later, the camera pans and captures what appears to be a uniformed police officer making his way around the front of the plant building where the 20-year-old gunman was hiding.

At this point, more onlookers are crowding around to gawk, chatting about what they saw. “Yeah, someone’s on top of the roof, look! There he is right there, see him? He’s laying down, see him?” the videographer asks.

“Yeah, he’s lying down,” a woman says in response.

Just before the 17-second mark, Crooks comes into frame for the first time, appearing to be lying on his right side.

By 22 seconds in, the crowd nearby is becoming more interested and is gathering closer to take a look, and the scene grows noticeably more tense.

Ten seconds later, the videographer points out Crooks to another male bystander, and at the 34-second mark, Crooks can be seen very clearly altering his position to rest on his stomach.

At this moment, with Crooks still visible in the frame and still adjusting his position, a male voice calls out, “Officer!”

An anxious-sounding woman starts giving play-by-play of what she’s witnessing, seemingly while calling out to law enforcement. “Come over here, he’s on the roof! He’s flat! Right here, he’s flat on the roof! He’s standing up now, he went flat on the roof again.”

At this point, other members of the crowd can be heard calling out as well, but their voices are indistinguishable.

At the 52-second mark, the montage shifts perspective to a single image of Trump, who is still speaking on stage. The video is barely one minute away from the shooting.

When the timer reaches 1 minute, 15 seconds, the view switches to a split-screen, both showing Trump in real time, who calls for a chart to boast about the low illegal immigration numbers under his administration compared to President Biden’s.

At a minute, 49 seconds, the camera splits into four simultaneous viewstwo of Trump head-on, one from behind his back, and another view of the original cameraman who noticed Crooks on the roof.

A second later, a man in what appears to be an Army uniform complete with green helmet steps into frame and appears to wave at the crowd before disappearing out of frame, walking in the opposite direction of the manufacturing plant building.

At the 1 minute, 55 second mark, a man screams, “He’s got a gun!” The camera grows increasingly unsteady, but it captures what appears to be a uniformed police officer walking toward the building where Crooks is lying.

At 2 minutes and 1 second, three distinct shots ring out and the scene erupts into chaos. As Trump hits the deck and the Secret Service swarms him, a chorus of blood-curdling screams erupts from the crowd.

At 2 minutes and 8 seconds, a series of rapid gunshots can be heard as the audience continues screaming. Then a few seconds later, a man’s voice warns, “He’s turning this way, be careful!” and a woman shrieks before one final gunshot rings out.

The camera’s focus shifts back to the roof, showing Crooks, lying motionless, his body blurred out. The gunman is dead. 

[:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]
Matthew  24:3  Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, "Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?"
Matt 24:6  "And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
Matt 24:7   "For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.
Matt 24:8   "All these are the beginning of sorrows.

:: 7-9-24 Consortium News :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

NATO SUMMIT: Alliance’s Endgame Appears to Be Nuclear War

A hostile military alliance, now including even Sweden and Finland, is at the very borders of Russia. Chris Wright asks how Russian leaders are supposed to react to this as the NATO summit kicked off in Washington.

By Chris Wright July 9, 2024

Common Dreams

The world is at its most dangerous moment since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. Back then, however, the fear of total destruction consumed the public; today, few people seem even to be aware of this possibility.

It is easily imaginable that nuclear war could break out between Russia (and perhaps China) and the West, yet politicians continue to escalate tensions, place hundreds of thousands of troops at “high readiness,” and attack military targets inside Russia, even while ordinary citizens blithely go on with their lives.

The situation is without parallel in history.

Consider the following facts. A hostile military alliance, now including even Sweden and Finland, is at the very borders of Russia. How are Russian leaders — whose country was almost destroyed by Western invasion twice in the 20th century — supposed to react to this? How would Washington react if Mexico or Canada belonged to an enormous, expansionist, and highly belligerent anti-U.S. military alliance?

As if expanding NATO to include Eastern Europe wasn’t provocative enough, Washington began to send billions of dollars’ worth of military aid to Ukraine in 2014, to “improve interoperability with NATO,” in the words of the Defense Department.

Why this Western involvement in Ukraine, which, as Barack Obama said while president, is “a core Russian interest but not an American one?”

One reason was given by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) in a recent moment of startling televised candor: Ukraine is “sitting on $10 to $12 trillion of critical minerals… I don’t want to give that money and those assets to Putin to share with China.”

As The Washington Post has reported:

Ukraine harbors some of the world’s largest reserves of titanium and iron ore, fields of untapped lithium, and massive deposits of coal. Collectively, they are worth tens of trillions of dollars.”

Ukraine also has colossal reserves of natural gas and oil, in addition to neon, nickel, beryllium and other critical rare earth metals. For NATO’s leadership, Russia and, in particular, China can’t be permitted access to these resources. The war in Ukraine must, therefore, continue indefinitely, and negotiations with Russia mustn’t be pursued.

Meanwhile, as Ukraine was being de facto integrated into NATO in the years before 2022, the United States put into operation an anti-ballistic-missile site in Romania in 2016.

As Benjamin Abelow notes in How the West Brought War to Ukraine, the missile launchers that the ABM system uses can accommodate nuclear-tipped offensive weapons like the Tomahawk cruise missile.

“Tomahawks,” he points out, “have a range of 1,500 miles, can strike Moscow and other targets deep inside Russia, and can carry hydrogen bomb warheads with selectable yields up to 150 kilotons, roughly 10 times that of the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima.” Poland now boasts a similar ABM site.

American assurances that these anti-missile bases are defensive in nature, to protect against an (incredibly unlikely) attack from Iran, can hardly reassure Russia, given the missile launchers’ capability to launch offensive weapons.

In another bellicose move, the Trump administration in 2019 unilaterally withdrew from the 1987 Treaty on Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces.

Russia responded by proposing that the U.S. declare a moratorium on the deployment of short- and intermediate-range nuclear missiles in Europe, saying it wouldn’t deploy such missiles as long as NATO members didn’t. Washington dismissed these proposals, which upset some European leaders.Has the absence of dialogue with Russia,” French President Emmanuel Macron said, “made the European continent any safer? I don’t think so.”

The situation is especially dangerous given what experts call “warhead ambiguity.” As senior Russian military officers have said, “There will be no way to determine if an incoming ballistic missile is fitted with a nuclear or a conventional warhead, and so the military will see it as a nuclear attack” that warrants a nuclear retaliation.

A possible misunderstanding could thus plunge the world into nuclear war.

So now we’re more than two years into a proxy war with Russia that has killed hundreds of thousands of people and has seen Ukraine even more closely integrated into the structures of NATO than it was before.

And the West continues to inch ever closer to the nuclear precipice. Ukraine has begun using U.S. missiles to strike Russian territory, including defensive (not only offensive) missile systems.

This summer, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway and Belgium will begin sending F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, and Denmark and the Netherlands have said there will be no restrictions on the use of these planes to strike targets in Russia. F-16s are able to deliver nuclear weapons, and Russia has said the planes will be considered a nuclear threat.

Bringing the world even closer to terminal crisis, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg states that 500,000 troops are at “high readiness,” and in the next five years, NATO allies will “acquire thousands of air defense and artillery systems, 850 modern aircraft — mostly fifth-generation F-35s —and also a lot of other high-end capabilities.”

Macron has morphed into one of Europe’s most hawkish leaders, with plans to send military instructors to Ukraine very soon. At the same time, NATO is holding talks about taking more nuclear weapons out of storage and placing them on standby.

Where all this is heading is unclear, but what’s obvious is that Western leaders are acting with reckless disregard for the future of humanity.

Their bet is that Putin will never deploy nuclear weapons, despite his many threats to do so and recent Russian military drills to deploy tactical nuclear weapons. Given that Russian use of nuclear warheads might well precipitate a nuclear response by the West, the fate of humanity hangs on the restraint and rationality of one man, Putin—a figure who is constantly portrayed by Western media and politicians as an irrational, bloodthirsty monster.

So the human species is supposed to place its hope for survival in someone we’re told is a madman, who leads a state that feels besieged by the most powerful military coalition in history, apparently committed to its demise.

Maybe the madmen aren’t in the Russian government but rather in NATO governments?

It is downright puzzling that millions of people aren’t protesting in the streets every day to deescalate the crisis and pull civilization back from the brink. Evidently the mass media have successfully fulfilled their function of manufacturing consent. But unless the Western public wakes up, the current crisis might not end as benignly as did the one in 1962.

Chris Wright has a Ph.D. in U.S. history from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and is the author of Worker Cooperatives and Revolution and Popular Radicalism and the Unemployed in Chicago during the Great Depression. Here is his website.

This article is from Common Dreams.

Views expressed in this article and may or may not reflect those of Consortium News.

Post Views: 9,689 

[ 4-9-17 am service  (third word)  ::  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::   ::]

etc. For it is that time and it is that hour, the clock cannot be stopped, the clock cannot be turned back, man has made their own minds up, they have made decisions and have not counseled with me, your Father God, therefore I cannot hold things back any longer.  For they go their own way, etc.

:: 7-9-24 Gateway Pundit :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

“He Has a Team” – WHOA! Karine Jean-Pierre Confirms Biden is Not the First Person Contacted if Pentagon Detects Incoming Nuke in Middle of the Night (VIDEO)

by Cristina Laila Jul. 9, 2024 3:40 pm

White House reporters on Tuesday continued to pepper Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre with questions about Biden’s cognitive decline.

Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked KJP who the Pentagon contacts if they detect an incoming nuke late at night past Joe Biden’s “8 pm window.”

According to The New York Times, Biden recently told Democrat governors that his ‘health is fine, “it’s just my brain.”

Biden is also reported to have told the governors that he needs to get more sleep, work fewer hours and not do events after 8 p.m.

Peter Doocy asked Karine Jean-Pierre about Biden’s early bedtime and the ‘3 am phone call.’

“Well, [Biden] also said he’s the sharpest before 8 pm, so say that the Pentagon at some point picks up an incoming nuke – it’s 11 pm – who do you call? The First Lady?” Doocy asked KJP.

Karine Jean-Pierre confirmed that Joe Biden is not the first person contacted in the event of a nuclear war emergency.

He has a team that lets him know of any news that is pertinent and important to the American people. He has someone – that is decided obviously with his national security team on who gets to tell him that news,” Karine Jean-Pierre said.

Imagine the US being on limited time (where seconds count) to respond to a nuclear threat and Joe Biden is passed out with a CPAP machine on his face. If Biden were to be awakened, he would have no clue where he is without his medical cocktail.

ONLY the president has the authority to launch nuclear weapons. 

[ ::  10-8-2023 pm service :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

For even the novice can see the events that have started are not going to stop, but these events have been recorded in my word that they would take place and they will continue to take place.  For only if you were fast asleep could you miss what is going on right now, for I have called for my church to be watchman, I’ve called for you to be awake and know and see the hour that you are living in.  For it is very, very clear now.  For I gave you the sign and my word even tells you about the fig tree, for that is the most important thing and as you see what is taking place right now it will not stop, but it will continue right on through the events that I said would take place for this time and this hour. etc

:: 7-11-24 Newsmax World :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Defiant Gazans Vow to 'Die as Martyrs' as IDF Hunts Hamas Among Them

Thursday, 11 July 2024 07:28 AM EDT

Residents of Gaza City were trapped in houses and bodies lay uncollected in the streets under an intense new Israeli assault Thursday, even as Washington pushed for a peace deal at talks in Egypt and Qatar.

Hamas terrorists say a heavy Israeli assault on Gaza City this week could wreck efforts to finally end the war just as negotiations have entered the home stretch.

Home to more than a quarter of Gaza's residents before the war, Gaza City was destroyed during the first weeks of fighting last year, but hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have returned to homes in the ruins. They have now once again been ordered out by the Israeli military.

The Hamas terrorist-run Gaza health ministry said it had reports of people trapped and others killed inside their houses in the Tel Al Hawa and Sabra districts of Gaza City, and rescuers could not reach them.

The Civil Emergency Service said it estimated that at least 30 people had been killed in the Tel Al-Hawa and Rimal areas and it could not recover bodies from the streets there.

Despite army instructions Wednesday to residents of Gaza City that they can use two "safe routes" to head south, many residents refused to heed the order. Some posted a hashtag on social media: "We are not leaving."

"We will die but not leave to the south. We have tolerated starvation and bombs for nine months and we are ready to die as martyrs here," said Mohammad Ali, 30, reached by text message.

Ali, whose family has relocated several times within the city, said they had been running short of food, water and medicine.

"The occupation bombs Gaza City as if the war was restarting. We hope there will be a ceasefire soon, but if not then is God's will."

Withdrawal From Shejaia

Just east of Gaza City in the Shejaia suburb, residents were returning on foot to a desolate moonscape of destroyed buildings after Israeli forces withdrew following a two-week offensive there.

The territory's main cemetery had been bulldozed by the army. People wheeled supplies on the back of bicycles across rubble-strewn tracks, passing the remains of burnt-out and blasted Israeli armored vehicles.

"We have returned to Shejaia after 15 days. You can see the destruction. They spared nothing, even trees, there was a lot of greenery in this area. What is the guilt of stones and trees? And what is my guilt as a civilian?" resident Hatem Tayeh told Reuters in the ruins.

"There are bodies of civilian people. What is the guilt of the civilian? Who are you fighting?"

Israel launched its assault on the Gaza Strip last year after Hamas-led militants stormed into southern Israel, killing 1,200 people and capturing more than 250 hostages according to Israeli tallies.

Since then, Israel's assault has killed more than 38,000 according to medical authorities in Gaza.

At the southern edge of the enclave in Rafah near the border with Egypt, where tanks have been operating in most of the city since May, residents said the army continued to blow up houses in the western and central areas, amid fighting with Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and other smaller factions.

Hamas-terrorist-led Palestinian health officials said four people were killed, including a child, in an Israeli air strike in Tel Al-Sultan in western Rafah.

The Israeli military said earlier Thursday around five rockets fired from the Rafah area were successfully intercepted.

The negotiations in Qatar and Egypt follow important concessions last week from Hamas, which agreed that a truce could begin and some hostages released without Israel first agreeing to end the war.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who faces opposition within his right-wing cabinet to any deal that would halt the war until Hamas is vanquished, says a deal must allow Israel to resume fighting until it meets all its objectives.

Two Hamas officials contacted by Reuters had no immediate comment on the content of the ongoing talks, led by Egypt, Qatar, and the United States.

"There will be a meeting today between Hamas and the mediators to check on what responses they have received from the occupation," said one Palestinian official close to the mediation, without elaboration. 

[ :: 11-3-13 am service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::]

etc.  for the world hates the Christians more now than at anytime in history.  Even during the days Jesus walked on earth, it is much worse now and it is not going to get better because those that don’t believe the truth are going to come against you like never before because they don’t want you to know the truth etc.

:: 7-11-24 The Stream :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

France’s Recent Elections and New Islamic Yoke

By Raymond Ibrahim Published on July 11, 2024

France is an utter mess: After two rounds of elections — which were bisected by the French media generating a national sense of hysteria over Marine le Pen’s surging right-wing populist party three parties now share power in Parliament, none of which hold a majority.

The result? Political and economic chaos now rule the nation, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

How did this happen? In response to the media-generated hysteria over le Pen’s National Rally party — roundly condemned as a “fascist threat” — a coalition of leftist parties quickly banded together to defeat it. That coalition, branding itself as the “New Popular Front,” won the most seats in Parliament following the second round of elections. Coming in second was President Emmanuel Macron’s “centrist” party, and in third, National Rally.

The results may have been surprising even to the left; the sole plank in its platform was to keep National Rally from taking control. (Sound familiar?)

(For the record, I hereby use the political labels — leftist, centrist, and rightist — only for convention. In reality, and by any measure, the so-called rightist party is really “centrist,” the centrist is leftist, and the leftist is insane.)

Although there is much to be said about these developments, the elephant in the room which has been fueling all of this is Islam in France. National Rally was surging precisely because its top agenda item is a tougher stance against Muslim immigration as well as hard-line domestic practices (women wearing the hijab, cruel halal practices of slaughtering animals, etc.).

And the sole reason no one party now holds power in France is because the leftist party allied itself with Islamic forces to defeat National Rally.

Has history taught the French nothing?

France Is Turning Muslim

But before we get to that, we must ask: Why is a party that is focused on the Muslim question so popular in the first place? For Western “mainstream” media, the answer is predictable: It is the party that represents France’s “deplorables” France’s islamophobes, xenophobes, homophobes, etc. (The party is further accused of misogyny, despite being led by a woman).

In reality, the Muslim question is so popular in France because Islam has utterly ruined the nation and undermined its security. France, it should be recalled, is the first European nation to begin accepting large numbers of Muslim migrants. As far back as 1973, French intellectuals — including Jean Raspail, author of Camp of the Saints, a dystopian novel on how the West will be destroyed by unchecked mass migration from the third and especially Muslim worlds — had already seen the writing on the wall. Nothing, of course, was done about it. As a result, France now holds Europe’s largest Muslim population, about 10%; that figure is expected to reach 17% by 2050.

And how has this large and growing Muslim population been behaving? In keeping with Islam’s Rule of Numbers, which holds that, the more Muslims a nation has, the more it experiences phenomena intrinsic to the Muslim world — namely, an exponential rise in violence, rape, and sheer criminality. (Islam teaches Muslims to hate and prey on the “other,” the infidel). And France has definitely seen that: A full 70% of the nation’s prison population is Muslim (even though they are only 10% of the general population … again, sound familiar?).

France’s Churches Are Burning

According to statistics compiled by Dr. Guy Millière, a professor at the University of Paris,

More than 120 knife attacks take place in France every day and can happen anytime, anywhere. Most of these attacks are committed by Muslim men who then tell the police that they did it because they hate infidels and hate France. Only the knife attacks that result in death appear in the newspapers; the others are passed over in silence. In the main French cities, muggings and beatings have become commonplace. There are also more than two hundred rapes every day in France, most perpetrated by Muslim men who entered France illegally. Only 7% of illegal immigrants ordered to leave France [for crimes committed] are ever actually deported.

Hand in hand with Islam’s hate for infidels is its inherent tribalism, which, in France, has led to the rise of hundreds of Muslim “no-go zones,” or enclaves:

There are at least 751 designated Zones Urbaines Sensibles (“sensitive urban zones”), where Muslim gangs and radical imams are in charge. Non-Muslims can still live there, on the condition that they accept the status of dhimmi (tolerated second-class citizen), bow their heads, and admit that they live in a territory ruled by Islam. Members of Muslim gangs no longer respect the police. If an incident between a police officer and a member of a gang breaks out, riots follow, and the police receive orders that if the situation risks escalation, they are not to arrest anyone.

Needless to say, the church-burning capital of Europe is France — which is saying something. On average, two churches are desecrated and/or set ablaze every day. Crucifixes everywhere are broken, and statues of Christ and Mary decapitated (click here for typical examples).

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Other telling statistics concerning Islam in France were revealed earlier this year in a detailed survey published by Le Journal du Dimanche. It found that 42% of Muslims in France — and 57% among those aged 18-25 — prefer shari‘a (draconian Islamic law) over French law. This is tantamount to saying that 57% of Muslims in France are more loyal to Islam — which is inherently divisive and calls for the subjugation of non-Muslims — than they are to the nation. Similarly, 25% of Muslims in France reject the very word “France.” Additionally, 49% of Muslims want Catholics to convert to Islam, and 36% want all churches to be transformed into mosques (as a great many already have).

Betraying Their Forefathers and Heritage

The irony of all this is that, from a historical point of view, no European nation was more adamantly opposed to Islam than France. Beginning with the Battle of Tours in 732, when the Franks, under the leadership of Charles “the Hammer” saved Europe from Islamization all the way up to the Enlightenment period, France spearheaded every effort to hold the line against Islamization. This included Charles the Great (“Charlemagne”) creating rebuffing attacks from Spain (which was fully conquered by Islam at that time) and all throughout the Crusades. For centuries, when Christians from Europe fought Muslims for control of the Holy Land, France led the way. (Indeed, Arabic colloquial for “Western person” till this day is ifrangi — Frank.)

But then the “Enlightenment” came, followed by secularism, and finally atheism, and everything France once believed and fought for was jettisoned to make room for “multiculturalism” and the rest. To “atone” for its historic “sins” against Islam, France went from being the first Western nation to keep Islam at bay (at Tours, nearly thirteen centuries ago) to being the first to take in large numbers of Muslim migrants.

And the rest — including France itself — is history.

May this be a lesson for the rest of us in the West as our own elections approach.

Raymond Ibrahim, author of Defenders of the West and Sword and Scimitar, is the Distinguished Senior Shillman Fellow at the Gatestone Institute and the Judith Rosen Friedman Fellow at the Middle East Forum. 

[ :: 7-3-15 Campmeeting afternoon service (third word]  ::  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc America your money will be worth nothing in the near future, this will bring panic, famine and martial law, yes, in the streets of America.  If you had read my word you know that these are the beginning of sorrows etc

:: 7-11-24 Watcher Guru :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

BRICS to Form Parliament to Oversee Alliance & De-Dollarization

Joshua Ramos July 11, 2024

As it continues to grow and expand its functions, the BRICS bloc has announced plans to form its very own parliament. Indeed, the entity would oversee the alliance, and its functions, and facilitate continued work on its most important projects, such as its ongoing de-dollarization initiatives.

The plan was announced in a recent statement from Russian President Vladimir Putin. Speaking this week, Putin said the bloc “doesn’t have [an] institutionalized parliamentary structure yet, but I believe this idea will be implemented in the future.”

BRICS to Develop Parliamentary Structure

Since its 2023 summit, the BRICS bloc has seen tremendous growth take place. Not only has it introduced four new members, but it has set off to create monumental economic and political instruments to strengthen its position in global affairs. The next phase of that has now been announced.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has revealed that BRICS is set to form a parliament that oversees the alliance. Moreover, it will likely be critical to the grouping’s de-dollarization work. Speaking at a BRICS forum, Putin said he is “confident” the collective will “facilitate the process.”


Source: ANI

Also Read: BRICS Announce It’s Leaving The Dollar Behind, Focusing on Native Currency

The bloc is already creating its payment system. BRICS newcomer Iran proposed the interconnection of the country’s central banks. Speaking on the increased partnership with Russia, the country sought to extend that to the group’s other members.

Iran’s Minister of Foreign Affairs spokesperson, Nasser Kanini, told Russian state media of its “completed connecting national payment systems” through Russia and its central banks. Moreover, they seek “to extend this mechanism” to BRICS nations.

These initiatives are vital to growing its status. Moreover, they will only help it increase competition with the West. Its very own parliamentary structure could be an even larger step forward in that direction. 

[ :: 12-31-06/1-1-07 New Years Eve service  (fifth word)  :: :: :: :: :: ::  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::]

etc.. You shall see a shifting of the plates underneath the ocean etc..

:: 7--24 End Time Headlines :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Scientists warn that the tectonic plate under the Pacific Ocean is being torn apart

While it’s the reigning theory now, the road to acceptance was long and bumpy for plate tectonics, which describes how large portions of Earth’s crust slide, grind, rise and sink ever so slowly across its sludgy mantle.

But even now, more than half a century after it was given the scientific tick of approval, the theory needs some refining.

A new study looking at four plateaus in the western Pacific Ocean suggests that these expansive areas aren’t rigid slabs but weak spots being yanked apart by distant forces at the plate’s edge.

We knew that geological deformations like faults happen on the continental plate interiors far from plate boundaries. But we didn’t know the same thing was happening to ocean plates,” adds first author Erkan Gün, also an earth scientist at the University of Toronto.

For decades, scientists have been rewriting their understanding of the seafloor, so this new study is just a continuum of their efforts to chart the ocean’s rugged topography.

In the 1950s, ocean cartographer Marie Tharp’s pioneering work to map large parts of the seafloor using sonar data from warships showed that the ocean basins weren’t at all flat surfaces as scientists had suspected.

Rather, the seafloor was carved up by gaping trenches and massive mountains – none larger than the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which Tharp discovered, and is now recognized as the longest mountain range on the planet, slicing the Atlantic Ocean in two.

Such mountain ranges form when two tectonic plates collide and Earth’s crust buckles, or one plate dips under the other, thrusting the overtopping plate upward. Underwater, though, submarine mountains usually form as two plates drift apart at a so-called divergent boundary and magma spews out.

But far away from these plate boundaries, at the center of oceanic plates, scientists thought that large sections of Earth’s crust remained fairly rigid as they drifted atop the mantle, and did not deform like plate edges.

To test this thinking, Gün, Pysklywec, and colleagues gathered existing data on two oceanic plateaus that lie between Japan and Hawaii called the Shatsky Rise and Hess Rise; the Ontong Java Plateau, north of the Solomon Islands; and the Manihiki Plateau, to the northeast of Fiji and Tonga.

Given the challenges in surveying the seafloor, their study was limited to these four plateaus in the western Pacific Ocean for which data were available. The oceanic plateaus are located hundreds to thousands of kilometers from the nearest plate boundary.

Yet Gün and colleagues found the plateaus shared deformational and magmatic features that suggest they are being torn apart by pull forces at the Pacific plate’s edge, where slabs are being subducted underneath neighboring plates.

Author End Time Headlines

End Time Headlines is a Ministry that provides News and Headlines from a "Prophetic Perspective" as well as weekly podcasts to inform and equip believers of the Signs and Seasons that we are living in today. 

:: 7-11-24 Harbingers Daily :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Personal AI: A Dangerous Threat To Freedom Embraced With Open Arms

By David Bowen July 11, 2024

As of 2022, 73 percent of the world’s population ages 10 and older own a mobile phone. In 2023, that number grew to 78 percent. That data comes from the International Telecommunication Union, also known as ITU. ITU is the United Nations specialized agency for digital technology. Yes, it’s the United Nations reporting those numbers, and there is a reason they are tracking this.

The ICU website states, “ITU Member States have set two clear strategic goals: universal connectivity and sustainable digital transformation.” What does that mean?

It means their target for goal number one, which is universal connectivity by 2030, includes universal broadband coverage, which will involve supplying affordable broadband services for everyone on the planet, which means having broadband access to every household. The United Nations digital technology division wants mobile phones for the entire globe.

A Giant Leap In Technology

Putting this in perspective, the first telephone patent was granted to Alexander Graham Bell on March 7, 1876, with U.S. patent No. 174465. Three days later, on March 10, 1876, Bell transmitted the sentence: “Mr. Watson, come here! I want to see you!” It’s important to realize that it was just 148 years ago.

On August 10, 1876, Bell called from Brantford, Ontario, to Paris, Ontario, which is eight miles away. This was considered to be the world’s first long-distance call. Nine years later, the first telephone exchange was established in Boston, and in 1915, the first United States coast-to-coast long-distance call took place when Bell, in New York City, called his former assistant Thomas Watson in San Francisco, California. Again, that was only 109 years ago.

I point this out because it has only been just over one hundred years since we have had the ability to connect people across the country in real time. After that New York to San Francisco call, this technology only needed twelve more years to become worldwide when, in 1927, W. S. Gifford, then the president of the American Telephone & Telegraph Company (AT&T), and Sir Evelyn P. Murray, secretary of the General Post Office of Great Britain, connected on a transatlantic telephone call. Again, until 97 years ago, it was not possible to communicate from one nation to another.

Cell phones are part of our daily lives for at least 78 percent of the world’s population. Can we take a moment and consider how fast this technology has grown, from the ability to make a call from eight miles away to having minicomputers in our pockets?

Here’s the point I want to make: this technology is about to take another giant leap forward, and this leap has the ability to launch us straight into the system the Antichrist will use to eventually control and oversee the entire world population.

AI-powered IntelliPhones

We had cellphones, then feature phones, then smartphones. Now, we are about to have IntelliPhones. These are coming next.

The first cellphone came out in the early 1980s. It was connected to a cellular radio system and didn’t require a physical connection to a network. Then, we had feature phones. These are connected to the internet and can store and play music. Then, Apple ushered in the smartphone era with location data, fancy cameras, and the App Store.

Now, we are about to be introduced to the IntelliPhone with built-in AI-powered applications. This new technology could make our current smartphones look dumb. The coming AI smartphones—these IntelliPhones—are being seen as a once-in-a-generation upgrade.

Some of the potential IntelliPhones capabilities are:

Context-aware Assistance: This is a more advanced form of personal assistance that understands context better and provides more relevant responses.

Proactive Suggestions: These assistants could proactively suggest actions based on user patterns.

Object and Scene Recognition: These phones can identify objects, people, and scenes in photos and suggest actions like sharing, searching for more information, or buying related products.

Real-time Translation: AI-capable phones will offer real-time language translation, making communication easier while traveling or interacting with people who speak different languages.

Predictive Health Alerts: AI could predict potential health issues by analyzing patterns in collected data and alert users to seek medical advice if needed.

AI-driven Content Creation: Users may be able to create more engaging VR content.

Music Haptics: AI could refine vibrations from music to improve the experience for phone users who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Vocal Shortcuts: AI could recognize speech patterns and improve speech recognition for users with speech-related conditions, such as stroke victims. Users could also assign custom utterances that Siri can understand to launch shortcuts and complete complex tasks.

Apple’s IntelliPhones were recently introduced at its Worldwide Developers Conference. These new AI-powered IntelliPhones will have the ability to offer personalized settings such as Rewrite which will have the ability to automatically change the tone of each user’s email to fit the desire of the one receiving the email, whether it be personal or professional. Another setting is Image Playground which allows users to take their photos to a whole new level. This will enable the user to do things such as create personal emojis out of their contact’s photos.

As AI conversational technology becomes more integrated into our daily lives, it is widely anticipated that this new AI-powered telecommunication will quickly become mainstream, which is my concern.

The Coming Antichrist System

As this new technology not only sets the stage but could lead the way into the coming Antichrist system, people will be completely and excitedly embracing it. And, once they have it, they will not want to give it up, nor will most be willing to go backward to a less controlling technology. Once smartphones transition to Intelligence phones, personal computers will be next, with Microsoft planning the Copilot Plus PC and Surface laptops.

Recall uses AI to build a photographic memory of a user’s laptop activity. This new technology will give the user the ability to do things they could not do. However, it does come at a price.

The Loss of Personal Privacy

Personal AI will take away personal privacy. More of your information will be stored and accessible on the cloud. Technology, which will be openly embraced by many, will also be a tool that someday the Antichrist will use to control the world. Remember, it took thousands of years for us to have the ability to place a call from one country to another, but it has taken less than a century for us to have AI technology on our phones. Please beware of what is being offered and of what is coming.

2 Thessalonians 2:6-8 KJV – “And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.”

David Bowen is a Teaching Evangelist for Lamb & Lion Ministries, co-host of the Christ In Prophecy television program, and the Founding and Senior Pastor of Standing Stones Community Church. 

[ :: 7-3-15 Campmeeting afternoon service (third word]  ::  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc America your money will be worth nothing in the near future, this will bring panic, famine and martial law, yes, in the streets of America.  If you had read my word you know that these are the beginning of sorrows etc

:: 7-12-24 Based Underground :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

The CIA Is Running Global Coups and Assassinations to Try to Stop BRICS

by Belle Carter, Natural News  July 12, 2024

Based Underground is now a conservative news aggregator AND curated newsletter.

(Natural News)—There has been much unrest in Bolivia in recent days, as Bolivian Army General Juan Jose Zuniga threatened to overthrow President Luis Arce as he demanded a new cabinet and the release of political prisoners. He led military units to gather in the main square of La Paz, home to the presidential palace and Congress. An armored vehicle slammed a palace door to allow soldiers to rush into the building. But it was a failed attempt.

Amidst Bolivia’s bid to join the BRICS group, Arce, supported by international allies, addressed and defused the situation, reaffirming his commitment to democracy and swearing in new military commanders. The now dismissed military chief was ordered to six months of “preventive detention” for his role in leading the failed coup against the government.

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Following Wednesday’s unsuccessful coup, observers have raised suspicion that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was part of the master plan. Users on X, formerly known as Twitter, speculated that the coup attempt was secretly backed by the CIA, either because of Bolivia’s vast supplies of lithium, in retaliation for its closeness to Russia or its hostility to Israel. One X user said: “This is the second CIA-backed coup plot against the Bolivian state in under five years. Bolivia has 21 million tons of lithium reserves, the largest on the planet. Bolivia also cut off all relations with Israel in condemnation of the genocide in Gaza. Coincidence? I think not.” A comment that seemed to refer to the U.S. from Puerto Rican communist “Combate” said: “They own Argentina. They own Chile. They’re going after Bolivia.”

A different post highlighted Arce’s recent trip to St. Petersburg and talks between Bolivia and Russia on nuclear research.Let’s not pretend we don’t know who is responsible for today’s coup, this is the work of the U.S. CIA,” the post said.

Meanwhile, Great Game India reported that Zuniga was seeking to prevent former President Evo Morales from running for president again. He claimed that the former chief would harm the country. However, a Bolivian court has already declared Morales unable to run again.

Just like X users, analysts also believe that the CIA is involved in the failed resistance. Suspicion of the U.S. in Bolivia, stemming from the CIA’s historical support for Latin American military regimes and the State Department’s involvement in several coups under Henry Kissinger, has left a lasting legacy on the political life of the South American country, which has seen over 190 coup attempts in its history. (Related: How the CIA helped discredit Hunter laptop story for Biden win.)

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Also, Bolivia is a contender for BRICS membership, which is likely to take place at the BRICS leaders’ conference in Kazan, Russia on Oct. 22. Arce has been vocal about his commitment to the intergovernmental organization’s worldview. In fact, he and Russian President Vladimir Putin met at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum last month, June 5-7, and they discussed the importance of the emerging multipolar world, free of neocolonialism and the strictures of the “rules-based order.” So, if Zuniga was successful in his coup attempt, Arce’s removal from power would be convenient for those forces targeting Brazil.

In a speech to supporters at the palace, Zuniga “saluted those officers who wear their uniform with pride and value the Armed Forces in a democratically-elected government,” Los Tiempos, a Bolivian newspaper, said. The Presidents of Brazil, Mexico and Venezuela all issued statements of support for Arce while Bolivia’s Foreign Minister Celinda Sosa Lunda urged the international community to come out in support of Arce and Bolivian democracy.

Arce celebrates Zuniga’s failed coup attempt

The former Army commander has been handed a terrorism charge, which carries 15-20 years in prison, as well as a charge for an armed uprising, which carries a sentence of 5-15 years. The Attorney General’s Office requested the six-month detention and said other government bodies, including the Defense Ministry and Interior Ministry, supported the request “due to the importance and seriousness of the events that occurred,” state prosecutor Cesar Siles said.

Within hours of the attack, Zuniga urged the soldiers to withdraw, after leaders from around the world blasted the army’s actions as illegal. Zuniga later claimed that he was following an order from Arce, who has denied having any involvement in or prior knowledge of Zuniga’s operation.

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The Bolivian president hailed the withdrawal as a victory for Bolivia’s democracy and addressed the country’s citizens in the aftermath, some of whom had taken to the streets in protest of the alleged coup attempt. “Many thanks to the Bolivian people,” said Arce. “Long live democracy.”

A video has been shown on Bolivian television showing Arce facing down Zuniga and a group of soldiers in a palace hallway on Wednesday. “I am your captain, and I order you to withdraw your soldiers, and I will not allow this insubordination,” Arce said.

Zuniga was Arce’s hand-picked leader for Bolivia’s military. But as he entered the presidential palace on Wednesday, Zuniga cited the malaise in the country as the reason why he started the resistance. “The three chiefs of the armed forces have come to express our dismay. There will be a new cabinet of ministers. Surely things will change, but our country cannot continue like this any longer,” Zuniga told a local TV station. “Stop destroying, stop impoverishing our country, stop humiliating our army.”

Check out for similar stories.

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[ :: 7-9-2023 am service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc even though the darkness shall get darker in the world yet I am your light, and as you walk, as you follow with me you shall ride underneath the shadow of my wing, etc

:: 7-11-24 End of the American Dream :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

The Truth About Abortion In America

July 11, 2024 by Michael

Abortion should be one of the central issues during this election season, because it has enormous implications for our future. Last year, more than a million abortions were performed in the United States. That was the first year since 2012 that we have surpassed the one million abortion mark. Many people thought that the number of abortions would go down once Roe v. Wade was overturned, but that didn’t happen. One of the primary reasons why the number of abortions is going up is because of the widespread availability of abortion pills. It has become so easy to get abortion pills through the mail, and that includes states where abortion is otherwise restricted or banned. If we don’t do something about all of these abortion pills that are flying around, the number of abortions in this country will almost certainly continue to go up. Unfortunately, it does not appear that anything will be done to restrict abortion pills on the national level any time soon.

According to the Guttmacher Institute, 1,026,690 abortions were performed within the U.S. health care system last year…

The study also found that, in 2023, there were an estimated 1,026,690 abortions in the formal U.S. health care system and a rate of 15.7 abortions per 1,000 women of reproductive age. This represents a 10% increase in the number of abortions from 2020 and is the highest number and rate of abortions measured in the country in more than a decade. It’s the first year since 2012 that there were more than one million abortions provided in the formal health care system.

Of those abortions, approximately 63 percent of them were medication abortions…

Medication abortion accounted for 63% of all the abortions performed in the U.S. in 2023, according to a new study from the Guttmacher Institute.

In the first full calendar year following the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade in July 2022, approximately 642,700 medication abortions took place within the health care system, according to Guttmacher’s Monthly Provision Study.

When we have debates about abortion, most of us imagine a woman walking into an abortion clinic to have her baby terminated.

But today most abortions are performed by taking pills.

Medication abortions accounted for just 6 percent of all abortions in 2001, and now that figure is up to 63 percent.

Sadly, there are six U.S. states that have passed “shield laws” that actually protect those that “prescribe and send abortion pills to people living in states that ban or severely restrict abortion”…

More than a dozen states have laws shielding medical providers and others from out-of-state investigations and prosecutions regarding abortions and gender affirming care. But six states — Colorado, Massachusetts, New York, California, Vermont and Washington — have gone even further.

Those shield laws offer protection for doctors, nurses and other practitioners who prescribe and send abortion pills to people living in states that ban or severely restrict abortion.

On top of that, two of the largest pharmacy chains in the entire nation have decided to make abortion pills available to their customers…

In early March, CVS and Walgreens, the two largest pharmacy chains in the nation, said they planned to make the medication available to patients as soon as within the month. Both pharmacies told CBS News they had become certified to dispense the pills following regulatory changes the FDA made last year that allow retail pharmacies to sell the pills.

Needless to say, Joe Biden was absolutely thrilled by what these two pharmacy chains decided to do…

The pharmacies’ moves, which came at a time when abortion access has been restricted across parts of the U.S., drew praise from President Biden.

“The stakes could not be higher for women across America,” Mr. Biden said in a statement earlier this month. “I encourage all pharmacies that want to pursue this option to seek certification.”

Everyone knows that the Democrats are radically pro-abortion and that is not going to change.

So if something is going to be done about abortion, it is up to the Republicans to do it.

When he was asked about abortion pills at the recent presidential debate, Donald Trump told the country that he will not block them…

Former President Trump said he “will not block” abortion pills or abortion medication should he be elected president.

During CNN’s Presidential Debate Simulcast, Trump was asked about his stance on abortion, and whether or not he would block abortion medication for women.

“First of all, the Supreme Court just approved the abortion pill and I agree with their decision to have done that, and I will not block it,” Trump said.

On Sunday, J.D. Vance made it abundantly clear that he stands with Trump on this issue…

On NBC’s Meet the Press Sunday morning, Ohio Senator and vice presidential hopeful J.D. Vance said he supports access to the abortion pill mifepristone—echoing what Donald Trump said just over a week ago on the debate stage.

“On the question of the abortion pill,” Vance began, “the Supreme Court made a decision in saying that the American people should have access to that medication, Donald Trump has supported that opinion, I support that opinion.”

That pretty much settles it.

There will be no national restrictions on abortion pills.

And that is really bad news, because that is how most abortions are performed in America.

If we do not stop killing children on an industrial scale, we are not going to have a country.

I wish that I could get more people to understand this.

Unfortunately, our neighbor to the north has even less respect for life.

In fact, the number of medically-assisted suicides in Canada is absolutely exploding…

Canada is on track to break euthanasia records once again with 15,280 doctor-assisted suicide deaths in 2023 — a 15 percent jump on the previous year, a campaign group warns.

The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition says growing numbers of people who are not terminally ill now use the government’s doctor-assisted suicide program, known locally as MAiD.

They include sufferers of autoimmune conditions, diabetes, and chronic pain who may be able to live for many more quality years, if they had better healthcare.

Any society that is anti-life is not going to last for long.

Since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, more than 60 million American children have been killed.

It is a crime against humanity on a scale that I do not even have words to describe, and there is no end in sight.

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at

About the Author: Michael Snyder’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on He has also written seven other books that are available on including “End Times”, “7 Year Apocalypse”, “Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”, “The Beginning Of The End”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”. When you purchase any of Michael’s books you help to support the work that he is doing. You can also get his articles by email as soon as he publishes them by subscribing to his Substack newsletter. Michael has published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse Blog, End Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and he always freely and happily allows others to republish those articles on their own websites. These are such troubled times, and people need hope. John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” If you have not already done so, we strongly urge you to invite Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior today. 

[ 4-22-18 am service :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc for great disaster now cometh upon the face of the earth and you shall see it all.  For you cannot poke a dog in its eye continually no matter how tame and not have him respond, and you shall see the responses, they shall not be what you want, but it is that time and they shall not change because it is that time.  For I have told you to watch this month, watch, watch, watch, be a watchman etc.

:: 7-11-24 DNYUZ :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Russia Vows ‘Military Response’ to U.S. Missile Deployments in Germany

July 11, 2024  in News

Russia is preparing military countermeasures in response to the planned American deployment of longer-range missiles in Germany, the Russian deputy foreign minister said on Thursday, adding that the U.S. move was “destructive to regional safety and strategic stability.”

Without nerves, without emotions, we will develop a military response, first of all, to this new game,” the deputy minister, Sergei A. Ryabkov, told Interfax, a Russian news agency.

In a separate comment published by the Russian Foreign Ministry, Mr. Ryabkov said that Moscow had anticipated the decision and that Russia had started preparing “compensating countermeasures” in advance.

In a joint statement, the United States and Germany said Washington would begin “episodic deployments” of the missiles in Germany in 2026, including those that are “significantly longer range” than the ones currently deployed throughout Europe.

The statement said that the periodic deployments would be preparation for “an enduring stationing of these capabilities in the future.” Ultimately, the weapons will include nonnuclear SM-6 missiles, Tomahawk cruise missiles and developmental hypersonic weapons, the statement said.

The move had echoes of the Cold War, when Moscow and Washington undertook competing missile deployments, with American allies in Europe caught in between.

In the late 1970s, the Soviet Union deployed mobile, intermediate-range, nuclear-armed ballistic missiles, known as SS-20s or Pioneers, within striking distance of Western European capitals and military installations, setting off a missile crisis in the heart of Europe.

In response, the United States agreed to deploy nuclear-capable Pershing II ballistic missiles in Western Europe, as well as nuclear-capable Ground-Launch Cruise Missiles, starting in 1983, if a disarmament agreement couldn’t be secured by then with the Soviet Union.

With no agreement forthcoming, the deployments went forward, prompting significant protests and discontent in West Germany, which at the time was on the front lines of the Cold War.

The crisis did not abate until the 1987 signing of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty by President Ronald Reagan and the Soviet leader, Mikhail S. Gorbachev. The agreement removed the weapons from Europe, prohibiting nuclear and conventional missiles with ranges from 500 to 5,500 kilometers.

The treaty remained in force until the Trump administration pulled out of it in 2019, citing violations by Russia. The administration argued that Russia’s violation of the treaty was leaving the United States and its allies at a disadvantage, because they were still abiding by its rules.

The United States accused Moscow of violating the agreement with the development of a new cruise missile, the 9M729, also known as the SSC-8. Washington said that the missile could fly at ranges in violation of the agreement. Moscow said that the missile’s range was shorter and denied violating the pact.

The dissolution of the Cold War-era agreement came amid deteriorating relations between Moscow and Washington and signaled the possibility of a renewed arms race, including competing missile deployments in Europe.

The news about the coming missile deployments in Germany was made during a NATO summit in Washington, where the alliance also announced that an American missile defense base in Poland capable of intercepting ballistic missiles was “mission ready” after years of development.

For years, President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia has cited the American deployment of missile infrastructure in Europe as an aggressive move aimed at containing Moscow’s capabilities. At the end of June, Mr. Putin said at a meeting with security officials that Russia should relaunch production of ground-based nuclear-capable missiles of shorter and intermediate range.

Speaking about the NATO summit, the Kremlin’s spokesman, Dmitri S. Peskov, said on Thursday that tensions were “escalating on the European continent” and that Moscow saw the deployment of NATO infrastructure closer to its border as “a very serious threat.”

“All of this will require us to take thoughtful, coordinated, effective responses to deter NATO, to counteract NATO,” Mr. Peskov told journalists, according to Interfax.

The post Russia Vows ‘Military Response’ to U.S. Missile Deployments in Germany appeared first on New York Times. 

[ :: 12-31-09/1-1-10 New Years Eve Service (first word)  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::]

etc. For the disasters that shall take place are many, the flooding shall be far greater than in times past, the mudslides far greater than in times past, the earthquakes shall be more numerous and far greater than in times past. The tornadoes, oh the savageness of the tornadoes that shall rip across the land, the straight winds, the hurricanes, the forest fires, the volcanoes shall erupt, the rising of the sea level that will be marked not in inches but in feet. etc.. 

:: 7-11-24 KOMO News :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

North Pacific rattled by series of earthquakes, largest measures at 6.4 magnitude


Thu, July 11th 2024 at 12:01 PM  Updated Fri, July 12th 2024 at 10:51 PM

VANCOUVER, B.C. (KOMO) — The North Pacific by British Columbia's Vancouver Island was rattled by a series of earthquakes Thursday morning, the largest quake measured as 6.4 magnitude.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the first quake hit southwest of Tofino, Canada around 8:08 a.m. The USGS Shake Alert was activated since the quake was reported as a level four intensity.

The epicenter of the second quake was not too far just west of Tofino, Canada around 9:17 a.m. The second quake was reported as a 5.4 magnitude with a level three intensity.

WATCH | Interview: Seismic activity shows signs of Mount St. Helens 'recharge'

The third quake was around 10:34 a.m. southwest of Port McNeill, Canada. The USGS reported this quake as a 4.7 magnitude and a level one intensity.

Most of the earthquakes were not felt by people since the distance of the shockwaves did not hit land.

Based on USGS maps, there have been about 11 earthquakes reported in the North Pacific region within the last seven days. Within the last 30 days, there have been about 21 earthquakes reported in the same region.

The USGS has the Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) earthquake intensity scale that measures how hard an earthquake is felt. The scale ranges from level one, which is not felt, to 10 which is extreme.

An earthquake must reach a minimum intensity level for the Shake Alert System to be activated and an alert to be sent. Alerts delivered by the My Shake App and Google Android begin with earthquakes at 4.5 magnitude or greater.


[ :: 12-30-01  At the altar after PM Service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

Put your money, your time, your efforts into what I tell you to do, for I will cause you to have a victory such as you have never seen. And it shall be so clear, yes; it shall be so clear what you are all to do. Yes, for I shall speak to you, my power shall be awesome and miracles shall come to pass. It shall not be the fake gold or the fake feathers or the false shaking or the animal noises or the falling under the power and not coming away with permanent results or changed lives. My prophetic shall speak concerning things to come in a clear concise manner that no one shall want to miss or read second hand. For they will want to hear it under the anointing of the prophets and to receive the anointing of the prophet that shall manifest miracles, signs and wonders. People shall now see the signs of the last days like never before. Not only in a strange and confusing weather, the heat, the drought, the floods, the forest fires, the volcanoes, lack of jobs, shortage of money, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, sandstorms, straight wind, electrical storms, electrical shortages, hail, locusts, pestilence’s, the sicknesses, terrorists attacks, wars, the uniting of the false church under the false prophet, the rise of the anti-christ, the riots, the crime, the drugs, alcoholism, great open gay activities and movies, more open sex on TV, more street people, homeless, lack of crops, food shortages, great fear in those who do not know me. No peace as my word says for the world. The UN taking more control, martial law established, rationing and many more disasters that shall now begin to come. etc.

:: 7--24 Fox Weather :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

124 in Palm Springs? Historic heat wave toppling all-time temperature records in the West

Las Vegas has a chance to tie or break their all-time heat record of 117 degrees - for five consecutive days!

By Scott Sistek Source FOX Weather

PALM SPRINGS, Calif. — A days-long historic heat wave across the West is showing no signs of abating any time soon and may incredibly break some all-time heat records on multiple days.

Some cities have already experienced their hottest temperatures on record, with more records threatened into next week.

A massive ridge of high pressure that is among the strongest ever measured in the region remains parked over Central California, where triple-digit heat is entering its fourth day Friday.


Palm Springs, California reached a blistering 124 degrees Friday, the hottest temperature ever recorded in town, besting the previous record of 123 degrees set four times before, last done in 2021. That might sound more like temperatures expected in Death Valley, except that desert area reached 127 degrees, breaking its own daily heat record.

Highs in the central California valleys are climbing into the 105-118 range, with temperatures even soaring well over 110 in inland Monterey County, whose western border is the Pacific Ocean. Sacramento has been over 105 for three straight days, while for Redding and Fresno, the temperature has reached 110 or more.

PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA - JULY 05: A woman holds iced drinks against her forehead as the temperature reaches 119 degrees on July 5, 2024 in Palm Springs, California. The official temperature is 124 degrees at the nearby regional airport.

(David McNew / Getty Images)

Redding broke its daily high temperature on Friday at 117, and its forecast high of 118 on Saturday would tie its hottest day on record.

North of the border into Oregon, Medford sizzled to 109 degrees on Friday, shattering the previously daily high temperature record of 102, which had stood for 113 years.

In the San Francisco Bay Area, San Francisco – usually cooled by the surrounding waters – reached into the upper 80s the past three days, while San Jose reached 102.

Las Vegas could break its heat record on several dates

The heat ridge is forecast to slowly drift east into southern Nevada early next week and anchor there through the middle of the week, threatening all-time record highs.

Las Vegas has a chance to tie or break their all-time heat record of 117 degrees for five consecutive days! The forecast high in the city from Sunday through Thursday ranges from 116-118 degrees.

But record-breaking heat potential is spread across the West. Over 45 million people are under heat alerts into next week, including just about all of Washington, Oregon and California. Nearly 29 million of them are under Excessive Heat Warnings.

Portland, Oregon, is looking at five consecutive days in triple-digit heat. Spokane is set to sizzle to 104 early next week. Even Seattle is looking at five straight days around or above 90 degrees — a rarity for summer.

The heat combined with bone-dry air and gusty winds has made conditions ripe for rapidly spreading wildfires. Fire Weather Watches are widespread across California and the Pacific Northwest through the weekend.

The heat should slowly abate toward the middle and end of next week though temperatures are forecast to remain above normal through the rest of the extended forecast. 

[ ::  10-8-2023 pm service :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

For even the novice can see the events that have started are not going to stop, but these events have been recorded in my word that they would take place and they will continue to take place.  For only if you were fast asleep could you miss what is going on right now, for I have called for my church to be watchman, I’ve called for you to be awake and know and see the hour that you are living in.  For it is very, very clear now.  For I gave you the sign and my word even tells you about the fig tree, for that is the most important thing and as you see what is taking place right now it will not stop, but it will continue right on through the events that I said would take place for this time and this hour. etc

:: 7--24 The Jerusalem Post :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Scores of terrorists killed in central, southern Gaza, Hamas hostage video published

Houthis attack ships, claims to conduct airstrikes on Eilat with Iraqi terror groups • Hezbollah claims attack on Mt. Hermon


IDF emphasizes it will return to Shejaiya if needed as second round of operations near end

IDF nears end of second invasion of Shejaia, Gaza, prepared to reinvade to prevent Hamas reconstitution, focusing on tunnels and intelligence gathering.


IDF nears end of second invasion of Shejaiya, Gaza, prepared to reinvade to prevent Hamas reconstitution, focusing on tunnels and intelligence gathering.

Go to the full article >> 

[:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]   
Isaiah  5:20  Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! (NKJ)

:: 7--24 End Time Headlines :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Satanists to volunteer in Florida schools in protest at DeSantis religious bill

Dark messengers of satanism could soon be walking the hallways of Florida’s public schools, and it’s a consequence of hard-right governor Ron DeSantis’s push for more religion in education.

Members of the Satanic Temple say they are poised to act as volunteer chaplains under a state law that took effect this week opening campuses to “additional counseling and support to students” from outside organizations.

Although HB 931 leaves the implementation of chaplain programs to individual school districts, and only requires schools to list a volunteer’s religion “if any”, DeSantis has made clear its intent is to restore the tenets of Christianity to public education.

Without the bill, DeSantis said at its signing in April: “You’re basically saying that God has no place [on campus]. That’s wrong.”

The satanists see the law, which comes amid a vigorous theocratic drive into education by the religious right nationally, as an equal opportunity: if Christian chaplains are permitted access to students, often at the most vulnerable and impressionable stages of their lives, then so are they.

There are, however, no plans to introduce studies of the dark arts or satanic rituals to any classroom. The Satanic Temple champions Satan not as a literal, omnipresent demon, but as a symbol of rebellion and resistance to authoritarianism. It says its strategy here is to highlight flagrant violations of the constitutionally protected separation of church and state.

You have theocrats pushing further and further, signing unconstitutional bills into law, and they realize there’s no consequence,” said Lucien Greaves, co-founder of the Satanic Temple.

“And they also realize that when people see these laws passed, and the outrage comes, they’re not even necessarily going to recognize or realize when those laws are later overturned by the courts.

They’re giving everybody the impression that these types of things are legal, this is just the environment we’re living in. And in that way they’re really numbing people to when these things actually do take effect, or when they are upheld by a corrupt judge who’s just playing partisan politics.”

Greaves said his organization has members ready to volunteer if school districts in any of Florida’s 67 counties, or charter school governing bodies, announce they’re signing up for DeSantis’s chaplain program. So far, with the law only a week old, and campuses on summer recess, none have.

The tactics have worked before. When Rick Scott, DeSantis’s predecessor, signed a 2013 law promoting prayer sessions and religious freedom in schools, temple members rallied in support.

Almost 90% of respondents to a Guardian poll at the time said satanists had the same rights to worship in Florida schools as members of other mainstream religions, and perhaps deterred by the prospect of being seen in favor of it, school districts backed away.

The temple gained even more prominence later that year by announcing a 7ft bronze sculpture of the pagan idol Baphomet, a blend of human and goat with an angel’s wings, which would be displayed alongside a recently installed statue of the Ten Commandments at the Oklahoma state capitol (the Ten Commandments statue was later removed by order of the state’s supreme court).

Elsewhere, the temple pioneered After School Satan Clubs in states where religious groups are permitted to operate on campus and, it says, “use threats of eternal damnation to convert school children to their belief system”. The program focuses on science, critical thinking and the creative arts, with “no interest in converting children to satanism”.

In Florida, meanwhile, DeSantis has promised he will not allow Satanic Temple members in schools.

“Some have said that if you do a school chaplain program that, somehow, you’re going to have satanists running around in all our schools. We’re not playing those games in Florida. You don’t have to worry about that,” he said at the signing.

Although the Satanic Temple is recognized by the US government as a church, DeSantis said satanism “is not a religion” and therefore “not qualified to be able to participate”, a comment that appeared to contradict a key premise of the bill.

It was advanced with promises that public school chaplain positions would be open to everyone, and that chaplains would provide spiritual counsel to students who wanted it, but would not proselytize or coerce students into religious activities,” the Freedom From Religion Foundation said in a statement. “When Florida school districts consider this new law, they now know that those promises were false. 

[ :: 5-12-13 am service (first word)  :: ::  :: ::  ::  ::  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::]

etc. the world is in darkness and that darkness continues to grow darker and darker and darker, for they follow the evil plans of the enemy and they know not which plans they follow, they just desire to be the conquerors the controllers, the dictators etc.

:: 7-7-24 Zero Hedge :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Watch: Klaus Schwab Says Humanity Must Be "Forced Into Collaboration" With Globalist Elites

by Tyler Durden Sunday, Jul 07, 2024 - 03:40 PM

Authored by Steve Watson via,

World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab told delegates at a conference in China this week that humanity needs to be “forced into a collaboration” with globalist entities.

Speaking at the WEF’s ‘Annual Meeting of the New Champions’, often dubbed the “Summer Davos,” in China, Schwab stated that in order to drive the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” forward, elites must aggressively drive their agenda home.

To drive future economic growth we must embrace innovation and force the collaboration across sectors, regions, nations, and cultures to create a more peaceful, inclusive, sustainable, and resilient future,” Schwab proclaimed.

He added, “At this critical juncture the active participation of all stakeholders is essential to ensure a sustainable development path.”

WEF : Klaus Schwab ‘We Must Force’ Humanity into ‘Collaboration’

— Marcus Cottus (@cottusmarcus) June 26, 2024

In another clip, Schwab touted AI and other technologies becoming ubiquitous as a reason why humanity must “work together” with the global elite.

"Risks & opportunities co-exist.. Breakthroughs from the fourth industrial revolution provide new opportunities for global prosperity and growth" Klaus Schwab at the WEF #AMNC24 Summer Davos

— Tim Hinchliffe (@TimHinchliffe) June 25, 2024

He also spoke of “limits to growth,” which many have interpreted as an endorsement of depopulation.

"The theme of this annual meeting is 'Next Frontiers For Growth,' but actually what we have seen in the presentations there are now Limits to Growth, provided we use technologies of the fourth industrial revolution in a wise manner" Klaus Schwab at the WEF #AMNC24 Summer Davos

— Tim Hinchliffe (@TimHinchliffe) June 25, 2024

Schwab, the architect of the so called ‘Great Reset,’ has in recent years said that he envisages humankind transitioning into a new age where there will be a “fusion of our physical, our digital, and our biological dimensions” in a “new world.”

Schwab has previously declared that this new era of integration with “digital technologies” will mean that “you do not even have to have elections anymore.”

He has also fantasised about humanity embracing brain implants and leaders having the capability to read everyone’s brain waves.

As we highlighted last week, Schwab is facing multiple accusations of sexual assault and creating a hostile work environment from female former employees at the WEF.

* * *

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[ ::  2-4-24 am service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

For there is none other that takes you through the days and the hours that you’re living in other than me, for man does not have an answer to the problems that the world is facing.  He cannot stop the wars, for when he intervenes they only get worse, he cannot stop what is going on in the environment with the weather and other things, the earthquakes, the flooding, man cannot stop what is happening.  For when he intervenes he only makes worse but I your Father God, when I intervene the very wind and the waves stand at my attention.  etc

:: 7-6-24 Zero Hedge :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

150 Million Americans Under Weather Alerts As "Potentially Historic Heatwave" Tests Major Power Grids

by Tyler Durden  Saturday, Jul 06, 2024 - 05:25 PM

Let's start with the good news: The Lower 48 has reached peak summer, backed by 30 years of seasonal temperature trend data from Bloomberg.

Axios outlines the areas where the heat dome will impact the most:

Nearly half the U.S. population is under some type of extreme heat warning or advisory on Friday. The extreme heat in the Southeast to Mid-Atlantic is oppressive, with a strong upper-level high-pressure area, or heat dome, leading to hot and humid conditions.

Heat advisories and other alerts extend from New Orleans to New York City on Friday.

In the West, though, a near-record-strong heat dome is yielding scorchingly hot and dry conditions, and raising wildfire risks.

Excessive heat warnings along the West Coast stretch from Nevada and Arizona through California and northward into Oregon and Washington State.

National Weather Service meteorologist Jenn Varian told Bloomberg that Las Vegas is forecasted to hit a scorching 117F on Sunday into early next week, potentially tying the metro area's all-time high recorded in 2005 and again in 2017.

"Confidence is increasing that this potentially historic heatwave will last several days," the National Weather Service's office in Portland, Oregon, wrote on X, adding temperatures will rise "into the 100s and 110s over much of California and southern Oregon."

Here are more forecasted highs this weekend (list courtesy of Axios):

118°F: Forecast high in Redding, Calif., on Saturday, tying the city's all-time high.

128°F: Forecast high in Death Valley, Calif., just 2-degrees shy of the hottest reliably measured temperature on Earth.

100°F: Forecast high on Friday in Portland, Ore., with temperatures at or above this level from Friday through Tuesday in this typically cooler city.

This all means that power grids will be under stress this weekend as high temperatures boost air conditioning demand. Bloomberg says that grids in California and Texas should be closely monitored for an elevated blackout risks. 

[ :: 2-8-02 At the altar after the pm service (second word)  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::]

etc. a terrible dark cloud has covered the earth, sickness, pain, suffering, bloodshed, drought, hurricanes, tornadoes, hail, fire, famine, pestilences, heartaches and sorrow, the anti-christ rising to power and fame. Oh, what a day that has now come.

:: 7--24 CNN :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

CNN — Set atop a hill on the Italian island of Sicily, Agrigento is a heritage tourist’s paradise. Beneath the archaeological structures and relics of its Valley of the Temples lies an ancient maze-like aqueduct system that still captures water today.

But the aqueduct, and others built in modern times, are running so dry that small hotels and guesthouses in the city and nearby coast are being forced to turn tourists away. They don’t have enough water to guarantee their guests a toilet that flushes or a shower after a day out in the summer heat.

Sicily began enforcing water restrictions in February when the region declared a state of emergency amid a relentless drought. Leaky, aging infrastructure has only worsened the shortages, which have hit tourism and agriculture alike, two sectors crucial to Sicily’s economy.

Rationing is in place for more than 1 million people across 93 communities. Some are having to reduce water consumption by up to 45%. That means taps run dry according to schedule, and supply is shut off completely overnight in most places. Having enough water to drink is a matter of getting organized during the day.

On TripAdvisor and other travel forums, tourists are asking whether it’s worth visiting Sicily’s impacted areas. Hotels are warning clients about potential shortages, and are helping visitors rebook elsewhere on the island where restrictions are less severe or not in effect.

At the Le Cinque Novelle bed and breakfast (B&B) in central Agrigento, where restrictions are tight, the owners have put filters on their showers and sinks to save as much water as possible. But their guests often complain.

“Rightly, people ask us for reassurances before coming, but we don’t know what to say,” Giovanni Lopez, who owns the B&B, told CNN. “The situation is quickly impacting the entire tourist accommodation sector, which risks serious economic consequences, given that tourism is a sector almost everyone in this part of Sicily relies on.”

The Sicilian regional government has asked Rome for subsidies to import water from the mainland, but there’s no concrete plan to help the island as yet. The office of Italy’s tourism minister, Diana Santanchè, did not respond to CNN’s request for comment, but in April, she said Sicily should try to spread out its tourism season and avoid focusing solely on summer, when water problems worsen.

Summers in Sicily are becoming unbearable for many.

Last year, the island endured severe wildfires that forced tourists to evacuate or postpone their visits. Now the drought-triggered water shortages are another worry.

Human-caused climate change is heating Europe faster than any other continent, and Sicily sits right at the center of this change. It was here that Europe’s temperature record was smashed in August 2023, when the city of Syracuse hit 48.8 degrees Celsius (119.8 degrees Fahrenheit).

Other parts of Italy are also experiencing drought, but only Sicily’s is considered “extreme,” the highest level, according to the Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA).

Less than a quarter of the usual rain fell during the winter across the island, which has left around 20% of underground aquifers in a state of “water scarcity,” according to ISPRA. In February, the regional government declared a “state of crisis and water emergency” for irrigation and drinking in Agrigento and four other provinces to last until at least the end of the year.

Marco Maccarrone, who owns the Caico Trattoria e Cantina restaurant in Agrigento, says the island is being left to fight for itself.

“The summer season is upon us and we are worried. No one has given us alternative solutions to the water tankers that we are paying for ourselves,” he told CNN. “This risks destroying the only resource we have: tourism.”

Maccarrone has lived in Agrigento’s historical center for 20 years and complains that the flow of water is painfully slow.

In half an hour, we can’t fill a single pot,” he said.

Hotels are obliged to have a certain amount of water reserves relative to their capacity, said Nicola Farruggio, president of Sicily’s Hotel Federation, which means they also have had to buy water from the mainland. But smaller structures, including family-run hotels and B&Bs, often don’t have a way to store enough to meet the requirements. And if they are located within a residential building, they are subject to the strict rations that apply to condominiums, which means they simply cannot guarantee water to guests.

Francesco Picarella, head of Agrigento’s Hotel Federation, who also owns a hotel in the city center, says years of ineffective governance have made things worse. There has been talk of rebuilding the water network since 2011, but little progress has been made, he said.

Today’s problem is the result of a failed water management policy that has been going on for 20 years,” he said. “The hotels that have their own reserves somehow compensate; the B&Bs in the historic center are in extreme difficulty.”

He said that the reservoirs are drying up because of lack of rain but also leaks.

In response to CNN’s request for comment, the Sicilian regional government’s office pointed to a study that outlined government plans to drill new wells, build more pipelines and bring aging desalination plants back online. The report also says Sicily has not received enough funds from Rome to carry out its plans.

The local federation of B&Bs said that “it should have been a golden year” for Agrigento, which in March last year was named the Italian Capital of Culture for 2025, an accolade that typically draws more tourists. “Instead, word of mouth about the water crisis can ruin the season.”

It was just starting to see an uptick, too. In 2023, visitor numbers increased by 24% compared to the year before, according to Picarella.

The island’s tourism ministry said Sicily was expecting to see over 2% more visitors than last year after many postponed their trips because of the wildfires.

“People see this destination with a lot of interest,” Picarella said. “This summer we are expecting a greater number of holidaymakers and every day we have to invent a way to move forward.”

Running out of time

The situation is just as dire for farmers. At an organic farm near Caltanissetta in central Sicily, around 50 kilometers (around 30 miles) northeast of Agrigento, goats are drinking a muddy sludge where a pond once was. Luca Cammarata, who owns the farm, said the drought means grass for grazing is also scarce. He’s never seen Sicily so dry.

The lack of water has meant farmers like Cammarata are faced with the devastating choice: cull their herds or let them die of starvation or dehydration.

Citrus farmers are also seeing their famous Sicilian oranges shrivelling on their trees from lack of water. The reservoirs used for irrigation around Mount Etna, where the oranges are grown, now hold around half the amount of water than they usually do. If there’s no summer rain, they will drop to around 25%, according to the ANBI Observatory on Water Resources, a government agency.

Over-development of urban centers and citrus and wheat farms have reduced the natural wetlands by 20%, worsening the problem, ANBI said.

Sicily’s regional president, Renato Schifani, said the island’s losses — between crops, empty reservoirs and dying livestock — have already topped €1 billion. That doesn’t even take into consideration potential loss of tourism dollars because tourists that can’t access water on one part of the island are rebooking in others.

But for communities in places like Agrigento, the losses are devastating.

It’s just as bleak for Cammarata, who says his whole livelihood — his 300 goats, 160 head of cattle and dairy operation — is at risk.

“The consortium used to guarantee water rotation every five or six days,” he said, referring to a farmers representative group. “Now they can no longer tell us if and when they will open the taps.”

The solutions are complicated, even for an island surrounded by water. The three desalination plants that could clean Sicily’s seawater for drinking, sanitation or irrigation have been closed for more than 10 years. Getting them back online, or drilling new wells, will take time.

And time is yet another thing the island is running out of.

CNN’s Antonia Mortensen contributed to this report. 

[ ::  2-4-24 am service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

For there is none other that takes you through the days and the hours that you’re living in other than me, for man does not have an answer to the problems that the world is facing.  He cannot stop the wars, for when he intervenes they only get worse, he cannot stop what is going on in the environment with the weather and other things, the earthquakes, the flooding, man cannot stop what is happening.  For when he intervenes he only makes worse but I your Father God, when I intervene the very wind and the waves stand at my attention.  etc

:: 7-8-24 Hal Turner Radio Show :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Ukraine Smashed Repeatedly By Russia Missiles

Hal Turner World July 08, 2024 Hits: 5421

Ukraine has been hit yet again by barrages of Russian missiles.

In the brief video below, at least five (5) massive hits in Kiev:

According to preliminary reports, at least three Kinzhals hit the targets in Kiev. One in the south/southwest, possibly Zhulyany airfield again.

Severe damage in numerous places:

Explosions also occurred in Dnepropetrovsk - the city’s airport was reported to have been hit

Local residents report powerful explosions in the area of ​​the village of Aviatorskoye, where one of the largest airports in Ukraine, Dnepr, is located.

Kh-22 missiles launched from Russian Tu-22s. 

[ :: 11-18-01 pm Service (forth word) :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::  ::]

etc. Rioting, looting, stealing and rape will be the common news for America. More people than ever before will buy guns and defense weapons. Welfare will crash with no money to pay the bills. The new type money system shall come into being. Those holding gold and silver to be safe will throw it in the streets, as it will be of no value. This will set the stage for the anti-christ and his system. But my people shall not suffer, as I will take them safely through, etc.

:: 7-6-24 Daily Mail :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Nightmarish moment 100 robbers ransack gas station in hellhole California city... days after progressive mayor touts drop in crime

By James Gordon For

Published: 00:00 EDT, 6 July 2024 | Updated: 10:07 EDT, 6 July 2024

A jaw-dropping video shows the moment nearly 100 robbers ransacked a California gas station in the middle of the night.

Surveillance footage displays dozens of masked and hoodie-wearing thieves taking their sweet time to grab as much as they can carry just after 4:30am on Friday at the station in crime-ridden Oakland.

The raid came just days after Oakland's progressive mayor bragged about a drop in crime in the hellhole city.

The operation appeared to be well-planned with all hell breaking loose after a car was deliberately driven into the glass doors of the store.

No sooner had the crash occurred, the robbers were on scene and ready to snatch anything they could, turning the place upside down in the process.

Meanwhile, the police were nowhere to be seen with the robbers seemingly taking their time.

In video footage, those taking part in the robbery could be heard laughing as they casually perused the aisles of the store looking for stuff to take.

The owner, named Sam, called Oakland Police Department upon arriving at the 76. He was allegedly told to 'file a report online.'

The owner told KRON4 then he then attempted to contact the OPD Police Chief Floyd Mitchell only to be told that he had to make an appointment.

Police later clarified that the call to law enforcement came after the suspects had left the premises.

'Video evidence was later reported to OPD that made clear the scale and details of the incident, including the large number of suspects, and the incident was immediately elevated to a Priority 1 incident, which prompted an officer to go to the scene to make contact with the owner, and investigators are now reviewing evidence and working directly with the gas station owner,' OPD said in a statement.

Just days earlier, Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao, 38, had been boasting of a reduction in crime in the city which has been blighted by criminality in recent years.

‘Oakland is seeing positive results from new public safety strategies’, the mayor said claiming that it was a ‘proven data-driven strategy that focuses law enforcement violence prevention and community resources on individuals in Oakland who are at highest risk to be involved in violence.'

Mayor Thao said that since introducing ‘operation ceasefire’ ‘violent crime and overall crime have decreased in a significant and sustained manner.’

The mayor failed to provide any figures explaining how levels of crime had reduced in any meaningful way.

Thao, 38, is facing a recall election less than two years into her term as mayor, with the measure that could see her booted to office set to be put to voters in November.

Increased crime and budgetary problems have challenged Thao since she assumed office in January 2023 after a stint on the Oakland City Council.

Oakland voters are upset about soaring crime in the Bay Area city.

They say Thao's progressive, soft-on-crime policies have emboldened criminals and driven away businesses. It is a a familiar story in many progressive, Democrat cities across the country.

In Mayor Thao's case, she has previously decried the increase in crime, stating that the uptick began in 2019 before her tenure.

But it is lax bail reform policies and the failure to bring successful prosecutions even for low-level offenses that had led to the continual rot in Oakland.

In Oakland's case, the city has been rocked by violent crime in recent months, including murders, which soared from 78 in 2019 to 126 last year.

Crime overall increased by 18 percent in 2023 with property crime up 17 percent and violent crime up 21 percent.

And in the first four months of 2024, residential robberies soared by 118 percent on the same period last year.

Staggeringly, one car per every 30 residents was also stolen in 2023.

The situation has prompted several large corporations to pull out of the city, citing fears for staff safety and the crippling impact of retail theft.

The progressive Democrat lawmaker is the first mayor in the city's history to be up for recall, after a campaign to oust her gained more than 40,000 signatures.

Public support for Thao has been on the wane, with Oakland's former police chief LeRonne Armstrong urging her to resign.

'What's really challenging is that not only the absence of the mayor, but the absence of other city leaders stepping up in this moment to make sure that residents and people in the city of Oakland know that leadership is in place and working to help solve some of these problems,' said LeRonne Armstrong, a former police chief fired by Thao.

Last month, federal authorities raided her home. Thao was defiant and furious, insisting she did not do anything wrong and she has no plans to resign from office.

Mayor Sheng Thao read from a prepared statement and took no questions four days after FBI agents carried boxes out of the home she shares with her son and partner as part of an investigation that included searches of two other houses owned by another family.

Retired judge Brenda Harbin-Forte, who is leading the recall campaign, is calling for Thao to step down.

'She should do the honorable thing, and resign. The FBI raid is going to be a distraction, no matter which way you cut it. Even if she's not charged, it's going to be a distraction trying to manage this investigation and try to lead a city,' Harbin-Forte said.


:: 1-2-2022 am service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

etc For they can look out and they can see Russia on her move, they can see New York City as it’s destroyed and there is nothing left, dump truck after dump truck after dump truck being hauled out and nothing, nothing, nothing there, oh it is that time coming up and it’s coming up fast. etc

:: 7-6-24 Daily Mail :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Minute by painstaking minute, exactly what would happen if America is nuked

READ MORE 'We are not bluffing about nuclear war,' Putin ally warns

By Rob Waugh For Dailymail.Com

Published: 08:20 EDT, 6 July 2024 | Updated: 08:36 EDT, 6 July 2024

Hundreds of deadly missiles streaking through the air from silos and nuclear submarines.

American cities burning and millions vaporized, instantly, with millions more soon to die in agony from burns and radiation poisoning.

How it could happen in a matter of minutes is the subject of the new book Nuclear War: A Scenario, by Pulitzer-nominated investigative journalist Annie Jacobsen.

The chilling play-by-play is based on exclusive interviews with high-ranking military officials, political figures and leading experts including nuclear weapon designers.

It takes about 30 minutes for an ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile) to travel from one side of the world - say Beijing, Moscow or North Korea - to another.

America, under the sole authority of one person, the president, would then launch a counter offensive. Chillingly, she says it would take just 72 minutes to wipe out five billion people if the worst comes to pass.

Jacobsen writes: 'A nuclear strike on the Pentagon is just the beginning of a scenario the finality of which will be the end of civilization as we know it.

'This is the reality of the world in which we all live. The nuclear war scenario proposed in this book could happen tomorrow. Or later today.'

She adds: 'On top of the initial flash of thermonuclear light, which is 180 million degrees, which catches everything on fire in a nine mile diameter radius; on top of the bulldozing effect of the wind and all the buildings coming down and more fires igniting on top of the radiation poisoning people to death in minutes and hours and days and weeks, if they happen to have survived, on top of all of that, each one of these fires creates a mega fire that is 100 or more square miles and so.'

The author said if the world went into nuclear war you would 'want to die instantly' because 'there is no more law and order.'

The book includes interviews with former U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon E Panetta, and Robert Kehler, former United States Secretary of Defense, along with former senior commanders from United States nuclear forces.

This, according to them and others, is how it could happen:

3.03PM, 6 seconds later

Defense Department satellites remain 'parked' over North Korea - and imagery is relayed to the National Military Command Center beneath the Pentagon.

It has been six seconds since the ICBM's launch.

3.03PM, 15 seconds after launch

At the Buckley Space Force Base, Colorado, fighter pilots run towards their jets waiting on the tarmac.

Satellite sensors are monitoring the ICBM as it travels through the air.


In the U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM) Headquarters, a 916,000-square-foot complex of bunkers and command centers, leaders begin discussing launch plans - as the US policy is to 'launch on warning'.


At Peterson Space Force Base Colorado, the leadership begin the process to communicate with the President.


Inside the National Military Command Center at the Pentagon, leaders prepare their response, and prepare to contact the president.


The Secretary of Defense tells the President: North Korea has launched an attacking missile at the U.S. and the missile has been validated by NORAD and STRATCOM commanders.


At Fort Greely Alaska, Interceptor missiles are fired into space in a desperate attempt to stop the incoming ICBM from reaching its target. They fail as intercepting an ICBM is a hit-and-miss affair.

3.12 PM

At Clear Space Force Station in Alaska, radar stations get their first clear view of the incoming missile and confirm it is an ICBM targeted at Washington.


Inside the White House, the President is met by an aide with the 'nuclear football' - which contains the codes needed to authorize a retaliatory strike.

The president is shown a 'Decisions Handbook' with options for nuclear strikes, and makes the decision to order bombers to take off and move the U.S. military to DEFCON-1, the highest nuclear alert.


Andersen Air Force Base, Guam: B-2 bombers, each armed with sixteen nuclear weapons take off from the base.


The President is moved to a Sikorsky helicopter by members of the Counter Assault Team to keep him safe from the incoming nuclear attack.


A second submarine-launched missile is detected - a KN-23, a North Korean short-range ballistic missile, flying towards Southern California at six times the speed of sound.


At the Diablo Power Plant Nevada, the KN-23's nuclear warhead detonates on its target, creating a vast fireball and mushroom cloud, and triggering a nuclear core meltdown.


In the White House, the President orders a nuclear counter strike with 50 Minuteman III ICBMs and eight Trident submarine-launched weapons, totaling 82 warheads aimed at North Korea, targeting its leadership, war facilities and nuclear launch sites.


From missile facilities buried in the soil in Wyoming, 50 Minuteman nuclear missiles blast into the air from silos, aiming for North Korea.


The North Korean nuclear missile strikes the Pentagon, sending a fireball three miles into the air and killing more than a million people instantly, with many more soon to die.


In the Serpukhov-15 satellite control in Kaluga Oblast in Russia, the American ICBM launches are detected and relayed to military command.

America's ICBMs have to overfly Russian territory to target North Korea.


Nebraska, the STRATCOM commander leaves the facility to board the Doomsday Plane - officially known as the E-4B Nightwatch, a military Boeing 747 with command facilities on board.

This will enable U.S. commanders to keep issuing orders even if many bases and cities are destroyed.


The USS Nebraska - a nuclear submarine capable of unleashing 20 times more destruction than all the bombs of World War II, launches its missiles towards North Korea.


U.S. military have lost touch with the President after he is forced to parachute from his helicopter after his helicopter is hit by the electromagnetic pulse from a nearby nuke.

The Secretary of Defense touches down at the Raven Rock Mountain Complex nuclear command post, Pennsylvania to assume command.


In NATO Headquarters, NATO leaders meet to discuss their response to the attacks on North America.


Inside the war room of the National Defense Management Center, Moscow, staff watch the response of NATO at air bases across Europe.


Eight Trident missiles fly through the air above the Pacific ocean at 13,600 miles, aiming at the North Korean capital Pyongyang.


The president in the Russian Federation is in a nuclear command-and-control center, several floors underground in a bunker designed to ride out a nuclear war.

Wrongly believing the U.S. missiles are targeting Russia, he selects the most extreme launch option from Russia's nuclear 'Black Book', the Cheget.

From bunkers and submarines, missiles prepare to strike the continental United States and Europe.


More than 5,000 miles from Washington, in the Dombarovsky ICBM complex in southwestern Siberia, silo lids open as Russia's ICBM's prepare for launch.


Satellites in space see hundred of Russian ICBMs launch from silos and mobile launcher and flash a warning to the Aerospace Data Facility in Colorado.


Three Russian submarines surface in the Arctic Sea to launch ICBMs towards the United States.


The STRATCOM commander relays launch information to order a massive, all-out nuclear counterattack against Russia in response to Russia's attack.


At NATO airbases in Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, and Turkey, pilots scramble to planes armed with nuclear 'gravity bombs' to fulfill their mission against Russia.


Thirty-two submarine-launched nuclear warheads strike Pyongyang and the destruction is total, with almost all of the three million residents instantly incinerated.


U.S. Strategic Command headquarters along with Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska are hit by a devastating barrage of Russian nuclear weapons. A stream of 100 kiloton warheads strike military targets across America.


Russian submarine-launched missiles hit targets and NATO bases across Europe.


More than 1,000 Russian nuclear warheads strike American targets in a 20-minute barrage which sees hundreds of cities reduced to ashes, and hundreds of millions dead across Europe.

American submarines are signaled to keep on striking at Russian targets, even after the death of their homeland. 

[ :: 8-13-08 pm service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

Unstable, very unstable is the world, unstable is the economy, unstable are the events that they are trying to do throughout the whole world. Even the democratic convention shall be very unstable and many things shall take place that shall shock the nation. Tornadoes, tornadoes, tornadoes, drought, hail, loss of crops, flooding, earthquakes, all the signs that shall be clearly seen, loss of jobs, boasting of how they can change the global warming and yet they cannot. Trouble here, trouble there, that is what we see in the world. Even though you have had your refreshing that I have said that you would have, things will change. etc

:: 7-1-24 New York Post :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Hawaii’s Kilauea Volcano not erupting yet despite 30 earthquakes per hour

By Social Links for Emilee Speck, FOX Weather

Published July 1, 2024, 6:56 p.m. ET

Seismic activity at the Kilauea volcano inside Hawaii’s Volcanoes National Park continues, with 500 earthquakes occurring over the weekend. However, geologists say the volcano is not erupting.

Increasing seismic activity is one sign of an impending volcanic eruption, but it’s still hard to predict when one will occur.

Geologists with the U.S. Geological Survey’s Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (USGS HVO) say Kilauea’s upper East Rift Zone began experiencing a “seismic swarm” on the afternoon of June 27, with hundreds of earthquakes. Late Saturday night, the seismic activity increased to about 30 events an hour, according to the USGS.

Between Saturday and Sunday, more than 500 earthquakes were detected beneath the upper East Rift Zone and surrounding areas. After escalating, earthquake activity eased “slightly” on Sunday morning, according to the USGS HVO.

Still, scientists say it’s impossible to say if the increase in activity will lead to an eruption in the near future or continue with earthquakes. According to the USGS HVO, previous eruptions beneath the upper East Rift Zone happened near Pauahi Crater and Hi’iaka Crater, with the most recent eruption happening over one day in November 1979 near the Pauahi Crater.

Family taking a selfie with the erupting Kilauea Volcano, glowing red and emitting smoke, in the background at Hawaii's Volcanoes National Park.

Any substantial increases in seismicity and/or deformation could result in a new eruptive episode, but there are no signs of an imminent eruption at this time,” the USGS said.

Kilauea last erupted on June 3 from the southwest summit. The eruptive activity stopped several days later. That area hadn’t seen an eruption in about 50 years. However, there is no indication that magma is moving toward that eruption site.

Geologists warn that changes can happen quickly, leading to a potential eruption, especially at Kilauea, one of the world’s most active volcanoes.

The Volcano Alert Level for ground impacts remains advisory, and the aviation alert-level code is yellow for Kilauea, indicating that the volcano is showing signs of elevated unrest. 

:: 7-3-24  :: :: :: 

On Wednesday Night a Shallow M5.3 Earthquake struck in the Gulf Of California 140km from Ciudad Obregón (Mexico).

Earthquake List News On Wednesday Night a Shallow M5.3 Earthquake st...

A shallow and significant Magnitude 5.3 earthquake struck in the Gulf Of California 140 kilometer from Ciudad Obregón, Mexico in the night of Wednesday July 3rd, 2024.

Earthquake Summary

This earthquake hit under water in the Gulf Of California, 57 kilometers (35 mi) off the coast of Mexico, 140 kilometer southwest of Ciudad Obregón in Sonora. The center of this earthquake had a very shallow depth of 10 km. Shallow earthquakes usually have a larger impact than earthquakes deep in the earth. 

[ :: 12-31-06/1-1-07 New Years Eve service (sixth word) :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc shifting of the plates underneath the ocean causing more tidal waves, tsunami’s, flooding, earthquakes, volcanoes, etc

:: 7-4-24 King 5 news :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

5.7-magnitude earthquake hits off Vancouver Island amid series of shocks

Just a day after a 4.4-magnitude earthquake struck nearby, a 5.7 was recorded in the waters off of Vancouver Island.

Author: Alex Didion, KING 5 Staff

Published: 10:20 AM PDT July 4, 2024  Updated: 12:23 PM PDT July 4, 2024


BRITISH COLUMBIA, Canada — A 5.7-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Vancouver Island on Thursday morning, just a day after a 4.4-magnitude quake hit in a nearby area.

The United States Geologic Survey (USGS) recorded the earthquake at 9:15 a.m. on the morning of July 4th, just over 250 miles west of Victoria. In total, there have been 10 earthquakes of at least 4.0 magnitude in the waters west of Puget Sound in the past 24 hours.

The National Weather Service shared a social post following the earthquake that no tsunami alert was being issued for this quake.

It appears to have been the highest-magnitude earthquake in the Pacific Northwest since at least January, per USGS available data.

Earthquakes near western Washington

Many earthquakes in and around Washington state are linked to the motion of the Juan de Fuca Plate and the North America Continental Plate moving against each other as the Juan de Fuca Plate slips beneath the North American continent, according to PNSN. This is called the Cascadia Subduction Zone.

According to the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR), earthquakes happen in Washington every day, but most are too small to be felt. The state has the second highest risk in the U.S. of experiencing a large and damaging earthquake because of its geologic setting.

The Pacific Northwest typically experiences three types of earthqxuakes:

Shallow fault quakes: Ruptures in faults located in the upper 18 miles of the Earth's crust. These earthquakes typically last 20 to 60 seconds and shaking is localized to the area near the fault, according to the DNR.

Deep earthquakes: Deep faults happen when two tectonic plates collide and one plate slips beneath the other one. These quakes can impact a large area but are less intense.

Subduction zone earthquakes: This earthquake results from the tension of an oceanic plate slipping beneath a continental plate. When enough stress builds, the fault will rupture, releasing a massive amount of energy. The Cascadia Subduction Zone has the potential for these types of earthquakes and has ruptured in the past. It is one of Washington state's biggest hazards, according to DNR.


[ :: 12-31-13/1-1-14 New Year’s Eve Service (first word)  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::]

etc. We are going to see a magnetic reversal affecting the power grids.  Remember the Lord talked to us about buying generators etc.

:: 7--24 CNN Science :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

(CNN) — Deep inside Earth is a solid metal ball that rotates independently of our spinning planet, like a top whirling around inside a bigger top, shrouded in mystery.

This inner core has intrigued researchers since its discovery by Danish seismologist Inge Lehmann in 1936, and how it moves — its rotation speed and direction — has been at the center of a decades-long debate. A growing body of evidence suggests the core’s spin has changed dramatically in recent years, but scientists have remained divided over what exactly is happening — and what it means.

Part of the trouble is that Earth’s deep interior is impossible to observe or sample directly. Seismologists have gleaned information about the inner core’s motion by examining how waves from large earthquakes that ping this area behave. Variations between waves of similar strengths that passed through the core at different times enabled scientists to measure changes in the inner core’s position and calculate its spin.

“Differential rotation of the inner core was proposed as a phenomenon in the 1970s and ’80s, but it wasn’t until the ‘90s that seismological evidence was published,” said Dr. Lauren Waszek, a senior lecturer of physical sciences at James Cook University in Australia.

But researchers argued over how to interpret these findings, “primarily due to the challenge of making detailed observations of the inner core, due to its remoteness and limited available data,” Waszek said. As a result, “studies which followed over the next years and decades disagree on the rate of rotation, and also its direction with respect to the mantle,” she added. Some analyses even proposed that the core didn’t rotate at all.

One promising model proposed in 2023 described an inner core that in the past had spun faster than Earth itself, but was now spinning slower. For a while, the scientists reported, the core’s rotation matched Earth’s spin. Then it slowed even more, until the core was moving backward relative to the fluid layers around it.

At the time, some experts cautioned that more data was needed to bolster this conclusion, and now another team of scientists has delivered compelling new evidence for this hypothesis about the inner core’s rotation rate. Research published June 12 in the journal Nature not only confirms the core slowdown, it supports the 2023 proposal that this core deceleration is part of a decades-long pattern of slowing down and speeding up.

The new findings also confirm that the changes in rotational speed follow a 70-year cycle, said study coauthor Dr. John Vidale, Dean’s Professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Southern California’s Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences.

We’ve been arguing about this for 20 years, and I think this nails it,” Vidale said. “I think we’ve ended the debate on whether the inner core moves, and what’s been its pattern for the last couple of decades.”

But not all are convinced that the matter is settled, and how a slowdown of the inner core might affect our planet is still an open question — though some experts say Earth’s magnetic field could come into play.

Magnetic attraction

Buried about 3,220 miles (5,180 kilometers) deep inside Earth, the solid metal inner core is surrounded by a liquid metal outer core. The inner core is made mostly of iron and nickel, and it is estimated to be as hot as the surface of the sun — about 9,800 degrees Fahrenheit (5,400 degrees Celsius).

Earth’s magnetic field yanks at this solid ball of hot metal, making it spin. At the same time, the gravity and flow of the fluid outer core and mantle drag at the core. Over many decades, the push and pull of these forces cause variations in the core’s rotational speed, Vidale said.

The sloshing of metal-rich fluid in the outer core generates electrical currents that power Earth’s magnetic field, which protects our planet from deadly solar radiation. Though the inner core’s direct influence on the magnetic field is unknown, scientists had previously reported in 2023 that a slower-spinning core could potentially affect it and also fractionally shorten the length of a day.

When scientists attempt to “see” all the way through the planet, they are generally tracking two types of seismic waves: pressure waves, or P waves, and shear waves, or S waves. P waves move through all types of matter; S waves only move through solids or extremely viscous liquids, according to the US Geological Survey.

Seismologists noted in the 1880s that S waves generated by earthquakes didn’t pass all the way through Earth, and so they concluded that Earth’s core was molten. But some P waves, after passing through Earth’s core, emerged in unexpected places — a “shadow zone,” as Lehmann called it — creating anomalies that were impossible to explain. Lehmann was the first to suggest that wayward P waves might be interacting with a solid inner core within the liquid outer core, based on data from a massive earthquake in New Zealand in 1929.

By tracking seismic waves from earthquakes that have passed through the Earth’s inner core along similar paths since 1964, the authors of the 2023 study found that the spin followed a 70-year cycle. By the 1970s, the inner core was spinning a little faster than the planet. It slowed around 2008, and from 2008 to 2023 began moving slightly in reverse, relative to the mantle.

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) scientists used their computer models to generate a view of the Sun's magnetic field on August 10, 2018. The bright active region right at the central area of the Sun clearly shows a concentration of field lines, as well as the small active region at the Sun's right edge.

Related article Scientists say they’ve found where the sun’s magnetic field originates

Future core spin

For the new study, Vidale and his coauthors observed seismic waves produced by earthquakes in the same locations at different times. They found 121 examples of such earthquakes occurring between 1991 and 2023 in the South Sandwich Islands, an archipelago of volcanic islands in the Atlantic Ocean to the east of South America’s southernmost tip. The researchers also looked at core-penetrating shock waves from Soviet nuclear tests conducted between 1971 and 1974.

When the core turns, Vidale said, that affects the arrival time of the wave. Comparing the timing of seismic signals as they touched the core revealed changes in core rotation over time, confirming the 70-year rotation cycle. According to the researchers’ calculations, the core is just about ready to start speeding up again.

Compared with other seismographic studies of the core that measure individual earthquakes as they pass through the core — regardless of when they occur — using only paired earthquakes reduces the amount of usable data, “making the method more challenging,” Waszek said. However, doing so also enabled scientists to measure changes in the core rotation with greater precision, according to Vidale. If his team’s model is correct, core rotation will start speeding up again in about five to 10 years.

The seismographs also revealed that, during its 70-year cycle, the core’s spin slows and accelerates at different rates, “which is going to need an explanation,” Vidale said. One possibility is that the metal inner core isn’t as solid as expected. If it deforms as it rotates, that could affect the symmetry of its rotational speed, he said.

The team’s calculations also suggest that the core has different rotation rates for forward and backward motion, which adds “an interesting contribution to the discourse,” Waszek said.

But the depth and inaccessibility of the inner core mean that uncertainties remain, she added. As for whether or not the debate about core rotation has truly ended, “we need more data and improved interdisciplinary tools to investigate this further,” Waszek said.

‘Filled with potential’

Changes in core spinthough they can be tracked and measured — are all but imperceptible to people on Earth’s surface, Vidale said. When the core spins more slowly, the mantle speeds up. This shift makes Earth rotate faster, and the length of a day shortens. But such rotational shifts translate to mere thousandths of a second in day length, he said.

“In terms of that effect in a person’s lifetime?” he said. “I can’t imagine it means much.”

Scientists study the inner core to learn how Earth’s deep interior formed and how activity connects across all the planet’s subsurface layers. The mysterious region where the liquid outer core envelops the solid inner core is especially interesting, Vidale added. As a place where liquid and solid meet, this boundary is “filled with potential for activity,” as are the core-mantle boundary and the boundary between mantle and crust.

We might have volcanoes on the inner core boundary, for example, where solid and fluid are meeting and moving,” he said.

Because the spinning of the inner core affects movement in the outer core, inner core rotation is thought to help power Earth’s magnetic field, though more research is required to unravel its precise role. And there is still much to be learned about the inner core’s overall structure, Waszek said.

“Novel and upcoming methodologies will be central to answering the ongoing questions about Earth’s inner core, including that of rotation.”

Mindy Weisberger is a science writer and media producer whose work has appeared in Live Science, Scientific American and How It Works magazine. 

[ :: 5-15-11 am service (first word) :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::  ::]

etc. But it is not an exciting time for the lukewarm or the ungodly, it shall be a terrible time, a time of a dictator, a dictator government that dictates, that takes away your rights, that takes away your freedoms, that takes away the things that you have, the things that you never expected that they would control, they shall control. Oh, what an hour is just ahead. etc..

:: 1-6-2011 You Tube :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::



2.54K subscribers 419,658 views Jan 6, 2011

AS EVIL AS EVIL GETS. Leave the denial at the door.

Former Gov. Jesse Ventura and his crew on Conspiracy Theory have blown the FEMA camp issue wide open in a truly groundbreaking episode from the program's second season on TruTV. The "Police State" episode proves once and for all that the feds have trained to take on American citizens, planned for riots and disasters and made preparations to maintain order at any cost.

This powerful episode is the largest and most in-depth investigation into FEMA camps to date-- and it is scheduled to air on television. Radio host and filmmaker Alex Jones returns to the series yet again, as the team takes you to confirmed on-the-ground facilities, confronts the legislators who authorized FEMA camps and breaks down the full-scale technologically-integrated police state that includes Fusion Centers, FEMA, the Department of Homeland Security and more.

At one of many real and verified FEMA locations, Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones approach a "Residential Center" run by Homeland Security in central Texas where they find locked doors, double-fences and escape warnings around the entire perimeter. Further inside the facility, they witness a playground complex, swings and slides for children. The crew walks up to the front door and attempts to get some answers. But the officials refuse to either confirm or deny the facility's purpose, including whether or not American citizens are being held inside. However, our past investigations into this facility reveal that it has confined both children and adults, including immigrants, refugee seekers and American citizens. 

[ :: 9-21-14 pm service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

I have had my hand of protection upon America but no more.  I am going to shake America like never before.  I will lift my hand of protection for a little while.  Remember nine one one and what happened when my hand was lifted?  What is to come is far worse than that.  I have sat back and watched as my word has been removed from your schools.  Your children know nothing of me.  I have watched while your government has removed my commandments from their walls.  They have promoted a life style forbidden by me.  I have said in my word man shall not lie with man and women with women this is an abomination.  You have opened up your military, they are dancing in the streets, they are thumbing their noses and saying we are here we will take over.  I will not allow this to go on any longer without discipline.  I love you America but you need to be shaken. etc

:: 7-5-24 Harbinger's Daily :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Can A Nation Stand When Its Spiritual Foundation Is Broken Down?

By Greg Laurie July 5, 2024

I recently stood in front of Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. As I looked up at the monument’s faces of great American presidents, it was amazing to think about their contribution to our country.

It’s amazing to think back at the roots and heritage of our country. Mount Rushmore showcases 60-foot carvings of the founder of our country George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and finally, Abraham Lincoln. All of these men believed in a God and that the Bible is the Word of God. I can’t say whether they all had a personal relationship with the Lord, but they understood the importance of a Biblical foundation.

Abraham Lincoln said of the Bible, “I believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man. All the good of the Savior of the world is communicated to us through this book.

Thomas Jefferson, speaking of the Bible, said, “I have always said, and always will say, that the studious perusal of the Sacred Volume will make better citizens, better fathers, better husbands. The Bible makes the best people in the world.”

Theodore Roosevelt said of Scripture, “It is necessary for the welfare of the nation that men’s lives be based on the principles of the Bible. No man educated or uneducated can afford to be ignorant of the Bible.”

Finally, George Washington, our first president, said, “To the distinguished character of patriot, it should be our highest glory to add the more distinguished character of Christian.”

In this day of political correctness, can you imagine a president saying that today? Yet, that’s what our Founding Fathers said. We’ve moved away from this. Now, we don’t want to talk about the God of the Bible and we don’t want to talk about the Bible as the Scripture given to us from God Himself. That’s the problem. America needs a spiritual restoration.

The city of Philadelphia is where our Founding Fathers penned documents that gave freedoms to us as a nation. We have the freedom of speech. We have the freedom to speak our mind. We have the freedom to preach the Gospel.

There are troubles in our nation today, and I believe that these troubles are primarily due to a breakdown in our spiritual foundation. What’s the solution? I don’t think it’s political. I believe that America needs to turn back to God.

The Declaration of Independence, penned by Thomas Jefferson in 1776, says, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

The Declaration of Independence is clearly based on a Judeo-Christian worldview:

It professes a Creator who works in and governs the affairs of men in establishing absolute standards to which men are held accountable.

There’s the idea that man is a fallen creature and hence cannot be his own lawgiver and judge. In the end, it is God to whom the appeal must be made.

The problem is that America has turned its back on the absolute standards and values our country was founded upon.

Is there any hope for America? Are things going to just get worse? Will our streets ever be safe again? Will the family ever be strong again? Will we ever see good prevail over evil, or are we simply doomed to failure?

The meltdown in our country might seem strange in some ways because so many profess to believe in God. The statistics suggest that 94% of Americans believe in God, and 84% of Americans believe Jesus is God. In that way, America’s big on spirituality. The reality is that the majority are “spiritual” only as long as it’s personalized, taking bits from various religions. That doesn’t work! God tells us how we are to believe. He gives us absolutes in His Word—the Bible.

Did you know that in America today, most children are born out of wedlock? What once was scandalous is now the new norm. 63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes. 90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes. 71% of all High School dropouts again come from fatherless homes. 85% of all youths sitting in prisons grew up in a fatherless home.

Traditional marriage is under siege, divorce is rampant, and sexual immorality is everywhere. We need help! It’s been said a family can survive without a nation, but a nation cannot survive without the family.

America The Beautiful says, “America, America, God shed His grace on thee.” That’s so true, but there’s trouble in our country right now. It seems like things are upside down these days; right is declared wrong, and wrong is right. The Bible says woe to those “that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20).

Could America ever come back to God? I believe we could if we follow the promises of 2 Chronicles 7:14. In its original context, that promise is given to the nation of Israel, but principally, it applies to any nation. God says, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Often, we’ll point fingers, saying the problem is in the White House. However, what God really says is that the problem is in our house and in the church. Many believers aren’t behaving as true followers of Jesus Christ. We want our land healed. We want America changed.

Revival is another word you could use for a restoration. Have you ever seen a really cool restored car? I’m talking about getting America back to its original condition.

Just because the historians engage in historic revisionism doesn’t mean that America was not founded on Judeo-Christian roots. That is our foundation, and we need to get back to it. We need to turn to the true and living God.

Greg Laurie is an evangelist, author, and the senior pastor of Harvest Riverside. 

[ :: 2-9-03 pm service  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  :: ::  :: :: :: ::  ::]

Blood shall roll in the streets and you need to know my voice. For my children shall walk in victory, they shall walk in peace, they shall be blessed coming in and blessed going out etc

:: 7-5-24 NOQ Report :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Civil Unrest Is the Next Most Predictable Crisis for America Now

by Brandon Smith  July 5, 2024

in Commentary, Original

For the past six months I’ve been writing about the clear uptick in civil war rhetoric within the establishment media in the US, and we all know that the coming presidential election is the reason for it. The bottom line is that no matter who ends up in the White House in 2025 there will be mass violence, but most of this violence will be reserved for the possibility of Donald Trump’s return.

As we have seen in Europe (mainly France), any perceived shift towards conservative influence in government will undoubtedly result in riots from the political left. The media has so infected the minds of progressives that they truly believe conservatives intend to “end democracy” and launch an era of fascism. So, in their view, all violence against conservatives (and even moderates) is justified.

Of course, their aggression and hysteria is only inspiring conservatives to respond with aggression in kind. This is where the potential for civil conflict arises. One side says only they are exalted enough to be allowed to dictate policy and law and that side’s ideology embraces moral relativism, so you can see where this thing is headed. People are eventually going to fight back; they have no choice.

In the meantime, I suspect the rioting and looting America dealt with in 2020 will be a cakewalk in comparison to what we will see going into November 2024 and beyond. Leftists claim they are “protecting democracy” but you will see very quickly that as soon as democracy doesn’t go their way they will abandon it in a heartbeat and try to win using other methods.

This means potential supply chain disruptions in major cities as well as no-go areas in many retail districts. Sure, you might be able to get into a neighborhood to shop, but will you be able to leave? And, will those suppliers even have any goods on hand? Or, will the stores be turned into empty husks?

One rising trend that should have all business owners and preppers on alert is the use of social media apps to coordinate seemingly spontaneous looting events. These events can be organized within hours, encouraging some of the worst people to congregate and strike a business block without ever meeting each other before. What I worry about is that these methods will expand beyond chain stores and local government buildings.

Travel routes will come under threat, freight could be targeted, and we may even see looters and rioters move into residential areas further away from the city center. Supply chain issues will surely arise. At the very least there will be concerns among freight drivers that they are taking a risk carrying truckloads of valuable resources into places where they could be surrounded by an angry mob and hijacked (or worse).

Large scale crime in general is bad for the economy. As we’ve witnessed in cities like Chicago and San Francisco, unchecked crime forces companies to move out of a region and leave those places barren. They call it a “food desert” where tens of thousands of people have no access to groceries or retail goods without traveling much further than usual. Looting and rioting are an accelerated version of this scenario. Once stores are looted or burned, they may never try to rebuild.

Necessities like long-term food storage are an obvious solution. Even those that don’t believe a substantial crisis will happen cannot deny that there have been many incidents in the past few years where people’s resource access was unexpectedly disrupted. If you were living in the wrong place at the wrong time in 2020, you might have had protests and riots in your neighborhood that stopped you from leaving home or that destroyed nearby businesses.

What I am describing, though, is a much larger number of incidents with a longer duration than 2020. I’m talking about prolonged civil unrest and I predict this will become the norm going into next year.

Don’t count on the government to provide sufficient aid. Don’t count on FEMA rations or a national guard response that does anything other than exacerbate the problem. Don’t rely on outside help – You’ll regret it.

Instead, put together a three week, three month, and one year survival plan. Start small and work your way up and make sure you have at least some family or friends onboard. There are different levels of civil unrest. Sometimes it starts as a less malicious redress of grievances, but often it becomes a vehicle for random destruction. The best way to counter indiscriminate violence is with directed and focused self defense, along with the proper supplies to keep you going until things calm down.

Also, don’t think just because you live in the suburbs or a rural town that these threats don’t concern you. In Argentina during their economic collapse in 2001, gangs of looters stalked rural areas with impunity while cities ground to a standstill. In the US we have similar circumstances in which economically and politically motivated bad actors could be inspired to sabotage normal services in the face of limited law enforcement opposition.

Organize accordingly and keep your own supplies ready. There are plenty of people out there that think they are owed something. They think they are owed a political win, or social power, or maybe they just think they’re owed access to other people’s stuff. Right now, the US is a powderkeg waiting to go off and a grotesque sense of entitlement is the fuse.

It’s becoming increasingly clear that fiat currencies across the globe, including the U.S. Dollar, are under attack. Paper money is losing its value, translating into insane inflation and less value in our life’s savings.

Genesis Gold Group believes physical precious metals are an amazing option for those seeking to move their wealth or retirement to higher ground. Whether Central Bank Digital Currencies replace current fiat currencies or not, precious metals are poised to retain or even increase in value. This is why central banks and mega-asset managers like BlackRock are moving much of their holdings to precious metals.

As a Christian company, Genesis Gold Group has maintained a perfect 5 out of 5 rating with the Better Business Bureau. Their faith-driven values allow them to help Americans protect their life’s savings without the gimmicks used by most precious metals companies. Reach out to them today to see how they can streamline the rollover or transfer of your current and previous retirement accounts. 

[ :: 12-31-12/1-1-13 New Years Eve Service (first word) :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::]

etc.. the cost of things, because they have gone over the cliff, shall skyrocket and taxes, taxes, it shall be like in the days of old when everyone will have to bring their taxes in and they will be condemned and judged if they do not. Oh the things that are going to take place now, the things that you haven’t even thought of, the things that you haven’t been aware of, but I have told you, I have warned you. I have tried to prepare you that you would be totally ready, that you wouldn’t have to run real fast to make up time, but that you would be walking right by my side. etc..

:: 7-5-24 DNYUZ :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Political Unrest Worldwide Is Fueled by High Prices and Huge Debts

July 5, 2024  in News

Like a globe-spanning tornado that touches down with little predictability, deep economic anxieties are leaving a trail of political turmoil and violence across poor and rich countries alike.

In Kenya, a nation buckling under debt, protests over a proposed tax increase last week resulted in dozens of deaths, abductions of demonstrators and a partially scorched Parliament.

At the same time in Bolivia, where residents have lined up for gas because of shortages, a military general led a failed coup attempt, saying the president, a former economist, must “stop impoverishing our country,” just before an armored truck rammed into the presidential palace.

And in France, after months of road blockades by farmers angry over low wages and rising costs, the far-right party surged in support in the first round of snap parliamentary elections on Sunday, bringing its long-taboo brand of nationalist and anti-immigrant politics to the threshold of power.

The causes, context and conditions underlying these disruptions vary widely from country to country. But a common thread is clear: rising inequality, diminished purchasing power and growing anxiety that the next generation will be worse off than this one.

The result is that citizens in many countries who face a grim economic outlook have lost faith in the ability of their governments to cope — and are striking back.

The backlash has often targeted liberal democracy and democratic capitalism, with populist movements springing up on both the left and right. “An economic malaise and a political malaise are feeding each other,” said Nouriel Roubini, an economist at New York University.

In recent months, economic fears have set off protests around the world that have sometimes turned violent, including in high-income countries with stable economies like Poland and Belgium, as well as those struggling with out-of-control debt, like Argentina, Pakistan, Tunisia, Angola and Sri Lanka.

On Friday, Sri Lanka’s president, Ranil Wickremesinghe, pointed to Kenya and warned: “If we do not establish economic stability in Sri Lanka, we could face similar unrest.”

Even in the United States, where the economy has proved resilient, economic anxieties are partly behind the potential return of Donald J. Trump, who has frequently adopted authoritarian rhetoric. In a recent poll, the largest share of American voters said that the economy was the election’s most important issue.

National elections in more than 60 countries this year have focused attention on the political process, inviting citizens to express their discontent.

Economic problems always have political consequences. Yet economists and analysts say that a chain of events set off by the Covid-19 pandemic created an acute economic crisis in many parts of the planet, laying the groundwork for the civil unrest that is blooming now.

The pandemic halted commerce, erased incomes and created supply chain chaos that caused shortages of everything from semiconductors to sneakers. Later, as life returned to normal, factories and retailers were unable to match the pent-up demand, boosting prices.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine added another jolt, sending oil, gas, fertilizer and food prices into the stratosphere.

Central banks tried to rein in inflation by increasing interest rates, which in turn squeezed businesses and families even more.

While inflation has eased, the damage has been done. Prices remain high and in some places, the cost of bread, eggs, cooking oil and home heating is two, three or even four times higher than a few years ago.

As usual, the poorest and most vulnerable countries were slammed the hardest. Governments already strangled by loans they couldn’t afford saw the cost of that debt balloon with the rise in interest rates. In Africa, half of the population lives in nations that spend more on interest payments than they do on health or education.

That has left many countries desperate for solutions. Indermit Gill, chief economist at the World Bank, said that nations unable to borrow because of a debt crisis have essentially two ways to pay their bills: printing money or raising taxes. “One leads to inflation,” he said, “the other leads to unrest.”

After paying off a $2 billion bond in June, Kenya sought to raise taxes. Then things boiled over.

Thousands of protesters swarmed the Parliament in Nairobi. At least 39 people were killed and 300 injured in clashes with police, according to rights groups. The next day, President William Ruto withdrew the proposed bill that included tax increases.

In Sri Lanka, stuck under $37 billion in debt, “the people are just broken,” said Jayati Ghosh, an economist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, after a recent visit to the capital city of Colombo. Families are skipping meals, parents cannot afford school fees or medical coverage, and a million people have lost access to electricity over the past year because of unaffordable price and tax increases, she said. The police have used tear gas and water cannons to disperse protests.

In Pakistan, the rising costs of flour and electricity set off a wave of demonstrations that started in Kashmir and spread this week to nearly every major city. Traders closed their shops on Monday, blocking roads and burning electricity bills.

We cannot bear the burden of these inflated electricity bills and the hike in taxes any longer,” said Ahmad Chauhan, a pharmaceuticals seller in Lahore. “Our businesses are suffering and we have no choice but to protest.”

Pakistan is deep in debt to a string of international creditors, and it wants to increase tax revenues by 40 percent to try to win a bailout of up to $8 billion from the International Monetary Fund — its lender of last resort — to avoid defaulting.

No country has a bigger I.M.F. loan program than Argentina: $44 billion. Decades of economic mismanagement by a succession of Argentine leaders, including printing money to pay bills, has made inflation a constant struggle. Prices have nearly quadrupled this year compared with 2023. Argentines now use U.S. dollars instead of Argentine pesos for big purchases like houses, stashing stacks of $100 bills in jackets or bras.

The economic turmoil led voters in November to elect Javier Milei, a self-described “anarcho-capitalist” who promised to slash government spending, as president. He has cut thousands of jobs, chopped wages and frozen infrastructure projects, imposing austerity measures that exceed even those the I.M.F. has sought in its attempts to help the country fix its finances. In his first six months, poverty rates have soared.

Many Argentines are fighting back. Nationwide strikes have closed businesses and canceled flights, and protests have clogged plazas in Buenos Aires. Last month, at a demonstration outside Argentina’s Congress, some protesters threw rocks or lit cars on fire. Police responded with rubber bullets and tear gas. Several opposition lawmakers were injured in the clashes.

Martin Guzmán, a former economy minister of Argentina, said that when national leaders restructure crushing government debt, the agreements fall most heavily on the people whose pensions are reduced and whose taxes are increased. That is why he pushed for a law in 2022 that required Argentina’s elected Congress to approve any future deals with the I.M.F.

There is a problem of representation and discontent,” Mr. Guzmán said. “That is a combination that leads to social unrest.”

Even the world’s wealthiest countries are bubbling with frustration. European farmers, worried about their prospects, are angry that the cost of new environmental regulations intended to ward off climate change is threatening their livelihoods.

Overall, Europeans have felt that their wages are not going as far as they used to. Inflation reached nearly 11 percent at one point in 2022, chipping away at incomes. Roughly a third of people in the European Union believe their standards of living will decline over the next five years, according to a recent survey.

Protests have erupted in Greece, Portugal, Belgium and Germany this year. Outside Berlin in March, farmers spread manure on a highway that caused several crashes. In France, they burned hay, dumped manure in Nice’s City Hall and hung the carcass of a wild boar outside a labor inspection office in Agen.

As the head of France’s farmers union told The New York Times: “It’s the end of the world versus the end of the month.”

The economic anxieties are adding to divisions between rural and urban dwellers, unskilled and college educated workers, religious traditionalists and secularists. In France, Italy, Germany and Sweden, far-right politicians have seized on this dissatisfaction to promote nationalist, anti-immigrant agendas.

And growth is slowing worldwide, making it harder to find solutions.

Terrible things are happening even in countries where there aren’t protests,” said Ms. Ghosh, the University of Massachusetts Amherst economist, “but protests kind of make everybody wake up.”

The post Political Unrest Worldwide Is Fueled by High Prices and Huge Debts appeared first on New York Times. 

[ :: 7-1-2023 Evening Campmeeting Service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

Draw close to me like never before, for the darkness of the world shall only continue to get greater and you need to be guided by my word, you need to have the light of my word within your heart. etc

:: 7-5-24 Daily Mail :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Nationwide discount retailer with 1,400 stores sparks fears of mass closures as it mulls bankruptcy

READ MORE: Sports goods chain to shut ALL stores - but will clear stock first

By Daniel Jones, Consumer Editor For Dailymail.Com

Published: 07:17 EDT, 5 July 2024 | Updated: 09:56 EDT, 5 July 2024

A nationwide discount homeware chain with almost 1,400 stores is the latest to warn of money problems.

Big Lots has told financial regulators it may not be able to continue as a 'going concern' - raising the risk of store closures and bankruptcy.

The Columbus, Ohio-based chain has seen its takings fall consistently for each of the past ten quarters. And it lost an eye-watering $132milloin in the first three months of 2024.

Managers of its stores say they are not surprised. They have complained that the company's bosses at HQ send truck-loads of products that customers don't want.

In a recent filing with regulators, Big Lots said that the losses so far this year - on top of further losses in 2022 and 2023 - meant it had used up most of its spare cash. Retailers need money in the bank to cover the cost of stock.

Execs at Big Lots said the retailer 'expects to experience further operating losses and expects to experience difficulty remaining in compliance' with credit agreements later this year.

Big Lots has tried to cut costs, boost customer spending and get cheaper credit - but that might not be enough, the company said in the filing to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

All this 'raises substantial doubt about the company's ability to continue as a going concern,' the retailer said.

On Wednesday, ahead of the market closing for the holiday, the stock was $1.71 - down 48 percent over the past month and 81 percent this year.

It had peaked at $72.31 during a post-pandemic rally in 2021.

Last year, Big Lots shuttered 52 stores. This year so far it has closed 13.

Big Lots and other discount retailers are struggling in America. They are even more exposed to Americans cutting back on spending than stores who attract middle-class shoppers.

Lower-income customers have been cutting back after two and a half years of punishing price rises.

In February, Big Lots began looking for fresh financing, according to Bloomberg News.

On Reddit, Big Lots store managers have complained that they are getting more and more stock that customers don't buy.

'In the last month we received four of the largest trucks we have seen all year and triple the amount we normally get,' one wrote on Tuesday this week.

'The warehouse is pretty much full to capacity and none of [it] is selling.'

Another posted: 'Isn't that the weirdest thing? So much stuff, but none of it is what people want.

'Perhaps instead of blowing our budget on cheap garbage nobody wants, corporate will look into what's popular and will only buy that.'

Problems for Big Lots comes amidst a widespread 'retail apocalypse' which is seeing bricks-and-mortar stores struggle to combat rampant theft and increasingly tight margins.

There have been almost 2,600 store closures so far in 2024.

In recent weeks, Walmart has closed three more of its underperforming locations, while Rite Aid said it is shutting another 27 pharmacies.

Dollar stores have been hit hard too, with 99 Cents Only announcing in April it would shutter all 371 of its locations across California, Texas, Arizona and Nevada.

Similarly, 1,000 Family Dollars and Dollar Trees will permanently shut over the next few years.

And last week it emerged that Pinto Ranch, an iconic Texas store loved by Drake, abruptly shuttered after two decades.

Bob's Stores, which sells athletic and casual clothing across six states, said it is shutting all its stores.

But will clear stock first with 70 percent off bargains 

Rhema:  Prophetic to the church here at RMMMI 

[ :: 6-23-19 am service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

I have laid my word down, says the Lord, and that is the only authority that stands, says the Father God.  Therefore whatever is in my word you can claim, you can stand on it, you can be affirmed and confident knowing that you will not falter or fall, says the Lord, if you are based on my word.  For my word shall give you the things that you have need of, for I shall provide for you the things that you have need of, says the Lord.  Therefore if the law comes against my church my word will prevail against that law, says the Lord and, therefore, you have victory, says the Lord, do not stand down.

:: 7-2-24 Newser :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Woman Who Said Vax Would 'Dishonor God' Wins $700K

Tanja Benton wins settlement against ex-employer BlueCross for refusing COVID vaccine mandate

By Jenn Gidman, Newser Staff  Posted Jul 2, 2024 11:16 AM CDT

Tanja Benton was pink-slipped in November 2021 from the biostatistical research scientist job she'd held for years with federal contractor BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, due to her refusal to adhere to her employer's COVID vaccine mandate. Now, a federal jury has awarded Benton nearly $700,000 in a settlement, finding that BlueCross didn't offer proper accommodations for Benton, who worked mostly from home and had asked for a religious exemption for the vaccine, reports the Chattanooga Times Free Press. Benton's main beef with the vaccine, per her suit, is that she believes it's derived from aborted fetus cell lines.

"Because of her sincerely held religious beliefs concerning abortion, [Benton] cannot in good conscience consume the vaccine, which would not only defile her body but also anger and dishonor God," her attorney, Doug Hamill, writes in the complaint. National Geographic notes that fetal cells are used in testing or development/production of the coronavirus vaccine, not as an ingredient in the vaccine itself—similar to how those cell lines are used to test other medications like ibuprofen and aspirin, and for treatment research for certain conditions like Alzheimer's. Vanderbilt University, meanwhile, notes that most major religions don't have an issue with vaccination. Benton identifies as a nondenominational Christian, per Hamill.

Benton's complaint noted she only met in person with her clients about 1% of the time, and that she "never performed any work or attended any meetings in medical facilities where patients were being treated." Benton is said to be the first fired BlueCross employee who has been awarded compensation after being fired for refusing to comply with the mandate. A BlueCross rep says in a statement that "we believe the vaccine requirement was the best decision for the health and safety of our employees, members, and wider community given the circumstances and federal guidance in effect at the time." WTVC notes that Benton will receive nearly $180,000 in back pay, $10,000 in compensatory damages, and $500,000 in punitive damages—for a grand total of $687,240. Check out the settlement in full here. (More coronavirus vaccine stories.) 

[:: 2-3-14 am service (first word) :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc. Keep your eyes; keep your eyes upon what is going on in the Mid-East, that is your tree, that is your tree, I have told you to watch Israel, that is your tree. etc.

:: 6--24 End Time Headlines :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Turkey’s Erdogan warns Israel that they stand with Lebanon if war is pursued

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday said Israel has set its eyes on Lebanon as he accused some Western powers of supporting the Israeli government’s plans to expand the war in Gaza.

“Israel, which devastated Gaza, is now setting its sights on Lebanon, as we see,” Erdogan said in a televised address to his fellow party members in the Turkish parliament. “We see that while Western powers speak differently on camera, behind the scenes they are patting Israel on the back and even supporting it.”

Plans to spread the war to the region will lead to a great disaster,” he warned.

Later in the day, Erdogan reiterated his messages during a phone call with Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati.

Israel’s efforts to spread the conflict are extremely dangerous, and Turkey stands by Lebanon against Israel’s aggressive policies,” he told the Lebanese premier, according to a Turkish readout of the call

Fears of a broader conflict in the region have been growing since last week after the Israeli military said in a June 18 statement that “operational plans for an offensive in Lebanon were approved.”

In a similar message on Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced plans for shifting some Israeli troops to the north of the country, where the border with Lebanon has seen clashes between the Jewish state and Lebanese Hezbollah since the start of the war.

Erdogan also took fresh aim at Netanyahu. “It is extremely tragic that countries that gloat over freedom, human rights and justice have become slave to a mentally ill person like Netanyahu,” he said.

The Turkish president also criticized Muslim-majority countries for what he described as their failure to confront Israel.

“We sadly observe that the Islamic world is acting lethargically,” he said. “Turkey stands by the brotherly Lebanese people and government. I call on other regional countries to stand in solidarity with Lebanon too.”

The remarks quickly sparked a flare-up between Turkey and Israel, with Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz accusing Erdogan of declaring support for Hezbollah.

Erdogan “announced his support for Hezbollah against Israel’s threats,” the Israeli minister wrote on social media platform X, adding that he’s trying to “deny Israel its right to self-defense against a terror organization attacking from Lebanon under Iran’s orders.”

The Hamas-Israel war has left Turkey-Israel normalization, which saw great progress last year after four years of hiatus, in tatters. Both countries downgraded their diplomatic ties following the outbreak of the war on Oct. 7.

Erdogan, one of the most outspoken supporters of the Palestinian cause, accused Netanyahu of committing genocide in Gaza, and the Turkish government announced it would cut trade ties with the Jewish state in May.


[ :: 11-3-13 am service (first word)  ::  :: ::  ::  :: ::  ::  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  :: ::  ::]

etc.. Learn about the silent bomb, study it, study the national grid, understand the things that I am saying to you because this shall not just be a day or a two-day or a three-day thing.  Make sure you can take care of yourself for at least three months, at least three months. etc..

:: 6--24 PNW :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

The EMP Threat To The West Continues To Grow

An EMP is essentially a large nuclear bomb that explodes in the outer atmosphere. In a cone-shaped area below, all electricity infrastructures and electronic devices fail. The area can be predetermined by arranging the size of the cone beforehand. So, for example, an attack could be focused on greater Chicago or the entire Midwest.

The explosion causes no immediate deaths. But after roughly 10 days, many people will die due to lack of food (because refrigeration is impossible), water (most water is delivered by electric pumps), working sewer systems, communications, transportation, etc.

Russia is now perfecting such a weapon. They are sending a nuclear device into space mounted on a satellite. It will be ready for use if and when Russia deems it necessary. We have no defense against it.

Developing this weapon is in serious violation of treaties signed in the past. However, Russian President Vladimir Putin knows that the Biden administration is incapable of making or following through on any threats.

Teddy Roosevelt's advice "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far" does not apply in this case. The only stick we're carrying is a cane. And everybody knows it.

In my recent meeting with a ranking House Intelligence Committee member, we discussed the "evil four": North Korea, China, Russia and Iran. They have individual agreements among themselves for mutual protection, NATO style. (Putin was in North Korea last weekend). Three of the four are already nuclear powers. Iran will likely make it a quartet.

Regarding Iran, America survived the Cold War because of the doctrine of mutual assured destruction (MAD). No one wanted to be the recipient of a massive reciprocal nuclear attack. Despite the Cold War arms buildup, not a single nuclear missile was fired. We tend to think similarly about Iran but we are completely wrong.

The Iranian mullahs believe that their Twelfth Imam--an occluded messianic figure termed the Mahdi--is on earth but in hiding. The Iranian regime is convinced that it must make him appear and manifest himself. This is a religious obligation in Shi'ite Islam.

How does MAD apply in this context? Well, Iran is a big country with more than 90 million residents. If even 50% of its population dies in a war with the West, the Iranian regime will see them all as martyrs of God who will go to heaven.

So, MAD is no threat to them. They see such destruction as a victory--a win for them. Americans do not understand this way of thinking, nor that it is in service of Iran's ultimate objective of the Islamification of the West.

What about the Sunni Saudi Arabia? Its leader Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) is trying very hard to bring his country into the 21st century. He's accomplishing this by eliminating radical Islam and proposing a more moderate form of the faith. All Sunni beliefs and directives, globally, come from Saudi Arabia. They are very different from Iran's.

Note that none of the above has anything to do with Israel, Gaza or the current war. It has been brewing for a while. The alliance of North Korea, China, Russia and Iran is focused on destroying America's superpower status.

At the moment, Iran in particular is creating havoc in the Middle East through their proxy terror groups the Houthis, Hezbollah and Hamas. Clearly, the immediate threat is to Israel, but the ultimate target is Western "dominance."

This is a major threat to the West. The United States should wake up to it and fast. Hopefully, it's not too late. 

:: 6-30-24 All News Pipeline :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Supreme Court Thoroughly Rebukes Biden DOJ For Abusing Law To Go After Trump And His Supporters - This Could Affect Over 350 Political Prisoners

June 30, 2024 By Katelynn Richardson - All News Pipeline

The Supreme Court held Friday that the Department of Justice (DOJ) interpreted an obstruction statute too broadly when using it to charge hundreds of defendants for their behavior in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

The court sided 6-3 in Fischer v. United States with a defendant who challenged the statute, Section 1512(c)(2), which holds up to 20 years in prison for anyone who “obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding.”

“To prove a violation of Section 1512(c)(2), the Government must establish that the defendant impaired the availability or integrity for use in an official proceeding of records, documents, objects, or as we earlier explained, other things used in the proceeding, or attempted to do so,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority ruling. “The judgment of the D. C. Circuit is therefore vacated, and the case is remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.”

Of the 1,424 defendants charged following Jan. 6, over 350 were charged with “corruptly obstructing, influencing, or impeding an official proceeding,” according to May numbers from the DOJ. Multiple defendants charged under the statute were granted early release in light of the justice’s decision to hear the case.

Joseph Fischer, who was charged under Section 1512(c)(2), argued the DOJ’s use of the statute to prosecute Jan. 6 defendants for obstructing Congress’ certification of the 2020 election was an “unprecedented expansion.”

Fischer noted it was enacted as part of the Corporate Fraud and Accountability Act of 2002 to target crimes of evidence tampering, focusing on “deterring fraud and abuse by corporate executives.”

The lower courts will now have to “assess the sufficiency” of the charge brought against Fischer — and likely hundreds of other defendants indicted under the same statute — in light of the Supreme Court’s ruling.

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“The Government’s reading of Section 1512 would intrude on that deliberate arrangement of constitutional authority over federal crimes, giving prosecutors broad discretion to seek a 20- year maximum sentence for acts Congress saw fit to punish only with far shorter terms of imprisonment—for example, three years for harassment under §1512(d)(1), or ten years for threatening a juror under §1503,” Roberts wrote.

The ruling also has implications for special counsel Jack Smith’s election interference case against former President Donald Trump. Two of the charges in the indictment, which alleges Trump employed “knowingly false claims of election fraud to obstruct the federal government function by which those results are collected, counted, and certified,” are related to the statute.

The Supreme Court will also soon rule on Trump’s bid to dismiss the case based on presidential immunity.

(RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: FEC Commissioner Rips Biden DOJ’s ‘Dangerous’ Decision Not To Intervene In Bragg’s Trump Prosecution)

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson joined the majority in limiting the statute’s scope.

“Notwithstanding the shocking circumstances involved in this case or the Government’s determination that they warrant prosecution, today, this Court’s task is to determine what conduct is proscribed by the criminal statute that has been invoked as the basis for the obstruction charge at issue here,” Jackson wrote in a concurring opinion. “I join in the Court’s opinion because I agree with the majority that §1512(c)(2) does not reach ‘all forms of obstructive conduct’ and is, instead, ‘limited by the preceding list of criminal violations’ in §1512(c)(1).”

Meanwhile, Justice Amy Coney Barrett penned the dissent, which Justices Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor joined. Barrett wrote that the majority “failed to respect the prerogatives of the political branches.”

“There is no getting around it: Section 1512(c)(2) is an expansive statute,” Barrett wrote. “Yet Congress, not this Court, weighs the ‘pros and cons of whether a statute should sweep broadly or narrowly.'”

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[ :: 10-15-14 pm service (first word) :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc. For truly these are the end days and the end hours and darkness is all across the face of the earth and the enemy is fighting like mad because he knows that he has little time left. etc..

:: 6-30-24 the most important news :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

10 Signs That Global War Is Rapidly Approaching

June 30, 2024

Are we on the verge of an apocalyptic global war in which billions of people could die? Very few people anticipated that World War I would erupt, but it happened anyway. And very few people anticipated that World War II would erupt, but it happened anyway. All throughout human history, there have been wars. Ever since the very beginning, it has just been a matter of time before major powers collide. Unfortunately, even though very alarming warning signals are flashing all around us, most of the population of the western world seems absolutely clueless about what is really going on out there. Leaders all over the planet seem to have come down with a really bad case of “war fever”, and preparations for apocalyptic showdowns are being made. The following are 10 signs that global war is rapidly approaching…

#1 Politico is reporting that Israel and Hezbollah have both “drafted battle plans”, and the Biden administration is convinced that “intense fighting is likely to break out”…

Meanwhile, the Israel Defense Forces and Hezbollah have drafted battle plans and are in the process of trying to procure additional weapons, according to two senior U.S. officials briefed on the intelligence.

Both sides have publicly said they do not want to go to war, but senior Biden officials increasingly believe that intense fighting is likely to break out despite efforts to try and prevent it.

#2 Iran is warning that there will be an “obliterating war” if the IDF enters southern Lebanon…

Israel will face an “obliterating war” if it embarks on “full-scale military aggression” against Hezbollah in Lebanon, Iran’s Permanent Mission to the UN warned on Friday.

The announcement was made on Twitter.

Albeit Iran deems as psychological warfare the Zionist regime’s propaganda about intending to attack Lebanon, should it embark on full-scale military aggression, an obliterating war will ensue. All options, incl. the full involvement of all Resistance Fronts, are on the table,” the post reads.

By “all Resistance Fronts, Iran means not just Hezbollah and Hamas, but also the Houthi rebels in Yemen as well as other groups in Syria and Iraq.

#3 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is convinced that a major with Iran is inevitable because he believes that the Iranians have plans to conquer the entire Middle East…

Netanyahu emphasized that the fight against Iran’s terror proxies is critical for other nations in the Middle East, as Iran aims to dominate the rest of the region, including Sunni Muslim nations.

We also have to deter the other elements of the Iran terror axis. But we have to deal with the axis,” Netanyahu explained. “The axis doesn’t threaten only us. It threatens you. It’s on the march to conquer the Middle East.”

That means, actually, conquer. Conquer Saudi Arabia, conquer the Arabian Peninsula. It’s just a question of time,” he warned.

#4 According to NBC News, the U.S. is moving military assets into position so that they can be “ready to evacuate Americans” once an all-out war erupts between Israel and Hezbollah…

The Pentagon is moving U.S. military assets closer to Israel and Lebanon to be ready to evacuate Americans as fighting between Israel and Hezbollah intensifies, according to three U.S. defense officials and a former U.S. official familiar with the plans.

The USS Wasp, an amphibious assault ship, and Marines from the 24th Expeditionary Unit, which is special operations capable, moved into the Mediterranean on Wednesday to join the dock landing ship USS Oak Hill and another ship in their amphibious ready group, according to the Marine Corps. The Wasp will operate in the eastern Mediterranean to be ready for a Military Assisted Departure and other missions, the officials said.

#5 On Thursday, Hezbollah sent approximately 40 rockets into northern Israel…

Hezbollah launched a barrage of some 40 rockets at northern Israel on Thursday afternoon, in what the terror group said was a response to recent Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon, including the killing of one of its operatives earlier in the day.

#6 On Saturday, Israeli aircraft bombed several Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon…

On Saturday afternoon Israeli fighter jets struck a building in southern Lebanon’s Houla where a group of Hezbollah operatives were gathered, the military said. The IDF said the operatives were spotted by troops of the 869th Combat Intelligence Collection Unit, and a short while later the airstrike was carried out.

Another building used by Hezbollah in Houla was also struck, the IDF added. It published footage of the strikes.

#7 I know that I wrote about this last week, but I couldn’t leave this particular item out of this article. Apparently Joe Biden is thinking about approving a plan that would “allow US military contractors to deploy to Ukraine”

President Joe Biden’s administration is moving toward a plan that would allow US military contractors to deploy to Ukraine for the first time in a limited capacity, CNN reported.

Four US officials familiar with the matter told the outlet that a policy is being worked on to allow the Pentagon to issue private contracts to send troops for the maintenance and repair of US-supplied systems in Ukraine.

#8 Russian President Vladimir Putin is reportedly interested in developing a coalition of nations that would “rival the West and NATO”…

Rhetoric from Vladimir Putin about a Eurasian security coalition is part of a Kremlin plan to create a group of Moscow-friendly countries to rival the West and NATO, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) has said.

The assessment by the Washington, DC think tank follows Putin’s visit to North Korea which, one international security expert told Newsweek, has “deepened an already intensifying relationship of convenience” between Moscow and Pyongyang.

#9 Putin is also warning that Russia will need to begin production of intermediate-range nuclear weapons systems

Russia must respond to the actions of the United States and it seems that it is necessary for the country to start the production of intermediate-range nuclear forces (INF) strike systems, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday.

We need to respond to this and make decisions about what we will have to do in this direction next. Apparently, we need to start manufacturing these systems and then, based on the actual situation, make decisions about where – if necessary to ensure our safety – to deploy them,” Putin said at an operational meeting with the permanent members of the Russian Security Council.

Of course the Russians already have more tactical nuclear weapons than anyone else in the world by a large margin, and they have developed brand new Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles which are so advanced that they aren’t even worth comparing to the Minuteman missiles that the U.S. is depending on which first went into service in the 1970s.

#10 A very influential figure in Russian foreign policy circles is suggesting that the Russians should actually detonate a nuclear device in order to show the world how serious they are

Dmitry Suslov, a top figure at the Moscow-based Council for Foreign and Defence Policy, has put forward the idea of Russia carrying out a “demonstrative” nuclear detonation, a move that could prompt the start of World War 3. This alarming suggestion arises as tensions with the West intensify due to Ukraine’s use of Western-supplied weaponry against Russian forces.

Suslov’s think tank, known to occasionally sway government policy, made this proposal public shortly after President Vladimir Putin delivered a grave warning to NATO countries. Putin warned that if Ukraine were to employ Western arms for attacks on Russian soil, it could spark a worldwide crisis, reinforcing his point with threats of severe repercussions.

Unfortunately, all of this is happening at a time when 72 percent of U.S. voters believe that the guy with his finger on the nuclear button does not have “the mental or cognitive health to serve as president”…

A sweeping section of registered voters do not believe President Joe Biden has the mental and cognitive health to serve a second term as president after his unsteady debate performance last week, according to a new poll.

The CBS/You Gov national survey conducted in the days after the debate found that 72% of voters do not believe Biden has the mental or cognitive health to serve as president, as well as nearly half of his own party. That’s up seven points from the beginning of June.

We are in far more trouble than most people realize.

And it is far later than most people think that it is.

I just wish that we could get more people to wake up. We are literally stumbling into an apocalyptic global war, and once we are in the middle of it there will not be any way to go back and get a second chance to do things over.

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at

About the Author: Michael Snyder’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on He has also written seven other books that are available on including “End Times”, “7 Year Apocalypse”, “Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”, “The Beginning Of The End”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”. When you purchase any of Michael’s books you help to support the work that he is doing. You can also get his articles by email as soon as he publishes them by subscribing to his Substack newsletter. Michael has published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse Blog, End Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and he always freely and happily allows others to republish those articles on their own websites. These are such troubled times, and people need hope. John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” If you have not already done so, we strongly urge you to invite Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior today. 

[ :: 10-17-10 am service  (first word)  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc. truly darkness, darkness is growing darker and darker and darker, war is being prepared, war is being made ready. Watch Russia, watch Turkey, watch China, watch Iran, watch Pakistan, watch Saudi Arabia, for they are not your friends nor have they ever been your friends.  They are not my friends, saith your Father God, for they shall wage war against me in the last days, these are the last days. etc.. 

:: 6-30-24 All Israel :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Turkey's new opposition leader: 'What Hamas did was an act of terror'

Özgür Özel of blasts Hamas as a terrorist organization on TV interview

Published: June 30, 2024

Turkish opposition leader Özgür Özel, who heads the Republican People’s Party (CHP), condemned Hamas as a terrorist organization during a TV interview on Saturday.

"Hamas rains bombs on innocent people in the middle of the night, with balloons, drones, and I don't know what else," Özel said. He condemned the Oct. 7 Hamas invasion and massacre of 1,200 Israelis that ignited the ongoing war in Gaza.

"You must see that this issue started there [with Hamas]. What Hamas did was an act of terror. Hamas fired bombs at sleeping Jews in the middle of the night," the opposition leader emphasized.

In November, Özel officially replaced Kemal Kilicdaroglu as the leader of the political opposition in Turkey.

Özel’s condemnation of Hamas contrasts sharply with the current president of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who has expressed support for the terror group and referred to it as a legitimate political actor.

Just weeks after the Hamas terror attack, Erdoğan denied that Hamas is a terrorist organization and to date, has never condemned Hamas terrorists for the atrocities committed during and after the attack.

“Hamas is not a terrorist organization, it is a liberation group, mujahideen waging a battle to protect its lands and people,” Erdoğan claimed. In addition, several high-ranking Hamas officials reportedly reside in Istanbul, Turkey's economic and cultural hub.

Erdoğan has also made statements showing his lack of support for Israel's war against Hamas in Gaza and derogatory statements against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The Turkish leader has been facing growing opposition at home due to a struggling domestic economy and criticism of the government’s mishandling of last year’s lethal earthquake. However, the political opposition failed to unseat Erdoğan in the national elections in 2023.

Prior to Erdoğan’s rise to power, Turkey and Israel enjoyed close commercial, military and security ties. 

[ :: 12-31-12/1-1-13 New Years Eve Service (first word) :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::]

etc.. the cost of things, because they have gone over the cliff, shall skyrocket and taxes, taxes, it shall be like in the days of old when everyone will have to bring their taxes in and they will be condemned and judged if they do not. Oh the things that are going to take place now, the things that you haven’t even thought of, the things that you haven’t been aware of, but I have told you, I have warned you. I have tried to prepare you that you would be totally ready, that you wouldn’t have to run real fast to make up time, but that you would be walking right by my side. etc..

[ :: 5-13-15 pm service :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc Pray about the earthquakes, the tornadoes, the hurricanes, pray about the hail, the snowstorms, the blizzards, pray concerning these things.  For the enemy is moving mightily in different areas to cause the price in your grocery stores to skyrocket and if you don’t pray this will affect you. etc.

:: 6-30-24 The Economic Collaspe :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

If The High Cost Of Groceries Makes You Feel Sick, You Are Not Alone

June 30, 2024 by Michael

If you are really struggling with the high cost of living, I want you to know that you aren’t alone. In recent months, I have been hearing from so many people that feel like they are drowning financially. Have you experienced a palpable sense of panic when you compare your rising bills to the level of income that you are currently bringing in? So many people out there are stressed out of their minds because it has become such a struggle to pay the bills each month. As I discussed a few days ago, a typical U.S. household must now spend $1,069 more a month just to buy the exact same goods and services that it did three years ago. Over the course of an entire year, that is almost an extra $13,000 dollars. Month after month, prices just keep going higher, but those that are running things continue to insist that everything is just fine.

No, everything is not just fine.

Last week, a TikTok video about rising grocery prices at Walmart quickly garnered more than a million views. The person that made the video found a grocery order that he had placed two years ago, and he decided to hit the “Reorder All” button to see what that same order would cost today…

A recent TikTok video has gone viral, showing a user’s surprising experience with Walmart’s grocery prices. The user explained in his video that he tried to use the “Reorder All” button for an order he placed two years ago, which originally cost $126.67. To his shock, the same order would now cost $414.39.

I was quite stunned by this video.

Many of the things that I regularly purchase at the grocery store have doubled or more than doubled in price, but in this case the total cost of the grocery order had more than tripled…

The TikTok (@sewerlidd) explained that the original $126.16 purchase was for a month’s worth of groceries, which included 53 items.

“A whole month of groceries just for me,” he said in the video.

The total was updated to $414.39, almost quadrupling.

“I feel like I’m going to be sick,” he said.

Needless to say, this video has generated a ton of discussion online.

When Walmart was asked about this, they responded by saying that the primary reason there was such a difference is because the person that made the video was attempting to order “discontinued items”…

Walmart representatives have responded, stating that the claims in the video are not accurate. According to them, the discrepancies in prices are due to discontinued items rather than actual inflation.

But this explanation certainly did not satisfy everyone.

Another person hit the “Reorder All” button on an old order, and that order went from $180 back then to $430 today…

Viewers expressed both shock and frustration in the comments.

“Now I feel a little less gaslit about grocery prices because it has gone crazy, and it’s not just me!” wrote one person.

“Walmart, can you explain yourself, please,” added another.

A fellow shopper said they used to spend $180 for two weeks’ worth of groceries and are now spending over $430 for the same amount.

If you think that the price of groceries is not a problem, I have a challenge for you.

Fill up a grocery cart all the way to the very top with items that you typically eat, and try to keep the final bill under 300 dollars.

If you are smart, you can do it, but it won’t be easy.

In the old days, you could buy a used vehicle for 300 dollars.

Now, many people burn through more than 300 dollars in just one trip to the grocery store.

This is just one of the reasons why inflation has become such a huge political issue.

According to Gallup, inflation was not really considered to be an important issue at all prior to 2022…

For the third year in a row, the percentage of Americans naming inflation or the high cost of living as the most important financial problem facing their family has reached a new high. The 41% naming the issue this year is up slightly from 35% a year ago and 32% in 2022. Before 2022, the highest percentage mentioning inflation was 18% in 2008. Inflation has been named by less than 10% in most other readings since the question was first asked in 2005.

The last three years have been an inflationary nightmare, and no matter how much our leaders try to deny it, a lot more inflation is on the way.

Things are particularly bad in our major cities. In fact, it is being reported that Manhattan is the most expensive place to live in the United States by a wide margin…

The New York borough of Manhattan is the most expensive place to live in the U.S. — and the cost of living in the No. 2 place isn’t even close.

The cost of living in Manhattan is more than twice the national average. The second- and third-most expensive places are Honolulu and San Jose, California, but in comparison, they are much more affordable. Manhattan is 24% more expensive than Honolulu and 30% more expensive than San Jose.

It isn’t a big mystery why this is the case.

When our leaders pumped trillions upon trillions of dollars into the system, the financial markets benefitted greatly.

So Manhattan is swimming in cash, and prices there have gone into the stratosphere.

Many of us relentlessly warned about what would happen when our leaders flooded the system with cash, and now we are facing economic distortions that are extremely painful.

For most Americans, prices have been rising much faster than their paychecks.

As a result, our national standard of living has been steadily declining.

And now we have entered a time when it appears that economic conditions are really slowing down.

For example, it is being reported that Ford is preparing for yet another round of layoffs…

Ford Motor is preparing for a new round of layoffs for its salaried workers in the United States, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday, citing people familiar with the matter.

The company in March last year announced plans to reduce structural costs of up to $3 billion at its gas-powered vehicle unit. In August, Ford said it would cut a total of 3,000 salaried and contract jobs, mostly in North America and India.

Over the past several years, our politicians in Washington have borrowed and spent trillions upon trillions of dollars, and the “experts” at the Federal Reserve have pumped trillions upon trillions of dollars into the financial system.

All that did was buy us a little more time.

All that did was delay the inevitable.

Now we are facing a crisis of absolutely epic proportions, and the economic suffering that we are currently experiencing is nothing compared to the economic suffering that is ahead of us.

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at

About the Author: Michael Snyder’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on He has also written seven other books that are available on including “End Times”, “7 Year Apocalypse”, “Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”, “The Beginning Of The End”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”. When you purchase any of Michael’s books you help to support the work that he is doing. You can also get his articles by email as soon as he publishes them by subscribing to his Substack newsletter. Michael has published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse Blog, End Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and he always freely and happily allows others to republish those articles on their own websites. These are such troubled times, and people need hope. John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” If you have not already done so, we strongly urge you to invite Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior today. 

[ :: 2-25-15 pm service 2d word  ::  ::  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::]

etc. For truly the news media does not always tell you the truth, they tell you what they want you to hear, but not what is really going on, except for a little, do they know that later the truth will always find them out, for one can only cover up lies for so long before they come uncovered. etc.

:: 6-28-24 Hal Turner Radio Show   :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Zelensky Talks Ukraine CAPITULATION! Says too many wounded and dead; doesn't want war for years

Hal Turner World June 28, 2024 Hits: 5116

Volodymyr Zelensky, former President of Ukraine whose term of Office expired on May 21, went on TV yesterday and made clear Ukraine has too many wounded and dead; they do not want the war with Russia to continue . . . video below.

His English language skills are not the best, but what he says is quite dramatic:

We don't have too much time because we have a lot of wounded and dead people on the battlefield and among civilians. That's why we don't want to have this war continue for years. We want to prepare this joint plan and put it on the table for the next peace summit.”

Where is the so-called "main-stream media?" Why has not a single TV Network in the United States or Europe reported this?

Incidentally, this has been CONFIRMED by the Kiev Post Newspaper:

"Ukraine does not want to prolong the war. We do not want it to last for years," President Volodymyr Zelensky said, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

"We have many wounded and killed on the battlefield. We must put a settlement plan on the table within a few months," Zelensky added.

Once again, you get the REAL (and important) News here . . . . not from the so-called main stream!

June-into-July Fund Raising

During the final calendar week of each month, I reach out to you, my readers and radio show listeners, for the support needed to keep this endeavor going.

It take a LOT of money every month to bring this site and radio show to the world.

This month alone, Amazon Web Services projects my website bill alone will be $3,129.76 as shown in the screenshot below:


[ :: 5-12-13 am service (first word)  :: ::  :: ::  ::  ::  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::]

etc. the world is in darkness and that darkness continues to grow darker and darker and darker, for they follow the evil plans of the enemy and they know not which plans they follow, they just desire to be the conquerors the controllers, the dictators etc.

:: 6-26-24 All News Pipeline :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

The Nazi-Like Authoritarianism That Has Retaken Germany Bears Too Much Of A Resemblance For Comfort To The Grotesque Tyrannies Metastasizing Inside The United States

By J.B. Shurk and All News Pipeline June 26, 2024

So the Great Awakening continues apace. All over the West, men and women who simply want to be left alone are concluding that their governments will not let them live in peace. Woe to any Establishment hobgoblins who believe they can sabotage their home nations without paying a price.

After having failed to implement Brexit or curtail mass illegal immigration during their last decade and a half in power, Rishi Sunak’s Conservatives appear destined for extinction-level losses in the U.K.’s July 4 general election. This regrettably means that Labor’s champagne socialists will seize Parliament’s suicidal reins and drive that once great nation deeper into the ground. But in the background of Great Britain’s self-immolation is the resurgence of Brexit champion Nigel Farage, who enjoys unprecedented support for his Reform Party. Because the U.K.’s Deep State has refused to honor the terms of Brexit, the British people are ready to overturn the whole system. July 4 — what a lovely day for a revolution!

Emmanuel Macron, the Rothschild banker and diminutive king who married his grandmotherly schoolteacher, will likely suffer electoral humiliation of his own in France’s legislative elections over the next two weeks. The Napoleon wannabe — who speaks snobbishly of European empire and prefers to be photographed while kitted out in the latest boxing fashion — called for snap elections in a stompy-foot hissy fit after the French people handed him heavy losses in the European Parliament vote earlier this month. Just as Le Petit Fromage seems to believe that he can convey strength by staring menacingly at stationary punching bags, Macron thinks his political hubris can transform almost certain defeat into chance victory. The French people, on the other hand, are fed up with mass illegal immigration, rising crime, and deteriorating standards of living (common complaints throughout the West) and are not particularly enthused about the growing prospect of a hot war with Russia. It is difficult to persuade French citizens that they should rally around their tricolor flag and defend Ukraine’s borders when French aristocrats continue to lecture the peasants that national borders are so passé (another common complaint throughout the West).

Of course, the granddaddy of imminent political earthquakes is the (cross your fingers, throw a pinch of salt over your shoulder, turn around three times, and whisper, “MAGA-MAGA-MAGA”) likely return of President Trump to the White House. Oh, I know the Democrat Deep State will continue to do everything it can to rig the election in November (even if it has to throw the MAGA Man in prison and wake up half the dead people in Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, and Phoenix to “vote”), but political polling in the United States continues to show Iron Trump with substantial leads over Horse-Glue Biden. If the United States didn’t have a third-world election system devoid of voter identification and rife with mail-in-ballot fraud, the propaganda press would already be grudgingly admitting that Biden’s re-election hopes are as dead as a doornail. Since Dementia Joe is the president for dead voters, though, and because he managed to “win” fifteen million more votes than the progressive demigod Barack Obama did during his re-election campaign, the Fascist Bureau of Intimidation and the Department of (in)Justice are still telling everyone, “Don’t worry. We’ve got this.” As Hans Gruber would say, “You ask for a miracle? I give you the FBI.”

Just as in 2020, the federal government is busy conspiring with social media companies to censor any videos that might make Wandering Joe look feeble, confused, dumb, ignorant, senile, angry, or incontinent. That must be a tough job for our A.I. tech lords since being feeble, confused, dumb, ignorant, senile, angry, and incontinent is kind of Joe’s brand. Once you start mass-deleting embarrassing videos of the guy whose uncle was eaten by cannibals, you risk wiping (like, with a cloth?) his whole existence right off the Internet. Can’t have that; how can America’s puppet “president” pretend to “lead” the “free world” if he can’t be seen?

PLEASE HELP ANP! Due to the globalists war upon truth and the independent media, our monthly revenue has been cut by more than 80% so we need your help more now than ever before. Anything at all ANP readers can do to help us is hugely appreciated.)

All of those ironic “scare quotes” in the last sentence remind me of the way the great writer-fighter James Howard Kunstler handles the man currently stumbling around naked in the Oval Office. Whenever he discusses “Joe Biden,” he always puts his name inside quotation marks as a way to signal to the reader that Joe Biden does not really exist. “Joe Biden” is just part of the Deep State’s kabuki “democracy.” He’s a figurehead occasionally pumped full of amphetamines and presented to the rest of the world as some sort of bizarre nuclear superpower proof-of-life. Russia’s Putin and China’s Xi are under no illusion that the doddering child-sniffer suffering from furious paranoia is really running things in the United States. There is no president leading the free world right now because there is no president, no leadership, and no free world today.

The chief purpose of the West’s COVID police state, after all, was to give the Establishment’s technocratic totalitarians several years to hunt around for things in society that looked free-ish, so that any residual safeguards against their authoritarianism could be promptly euthanized. In Marxist globalism’s build back better dystopia, it’s kill or be killed. And if the West’s obsession with war, economic devastation, unreliable electric grids, unrestricted immigration, assisted suicide, vulnerable food supplies, abortion, and experimental “vaccines” has proved anything, it is this: the Establishment Blob really enjoys killing things.

Right now Deep State assassins throughout the West have set their sights on free speech. As the World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab would readily tell you, it is incredibly difficult to be a successful Bond villain when ordinary Westerners are allowed to say mean things. Americans, Brits, and Germans cannot be permitted to express outrage when politicians allow dangerous illegal aliens to rape and murder their children. Farmers cannot be permitted to protect their nations’ food supplies from rabid “green”-energy fanatics intent on delivering global famine. Voters cannot be permitted to vote out all the Marxist globalists dedicated to foisting biometric surveillance and central bank digital funny money upon the masses. Don’t the little people understand that the important people must protect “democracy” by censoring dissent, abrogating property rights, rigging elections, and subverting popular sovereignty?

The German government certainly understands. As the Alternative for Germany (AfD) — the second most popular political party in the country — continues to gain public support for its commonsense solutions to rampant illegal immigration, the German Deep State is getting closer than ever to outright banning the party as a “security risk for people and democracy.” As Germany enjoys an esteemed reputation as a champion for liberty and human rights (sarcasm alert!), no doubt many other Western nations will follow its exemplary approach to protecting “democracy” by destroying it. Dwarf ruler Macron would surely get on board with banning Marine Le Pen’s National Rally from France. The Labor Party’s Keir Starmer (so sorry, Siiiirrrr Keir Starmer) would love to ban Nigel Farage’s Reform U.K. Party from ever obtaining power. “Joe Biden” is just jumping at the chance to outlaw the Make America Great Again political movement in the United States.

Hmmm, come to think of it, “Joe Biden has already imprisoned hundreds of MAGA voters for protesting election fraud on January 6, 2021. Unindicted Russia Hoax co-conspirators John Brennan and James Clapper worked with the Department of Homeland (in)Security to target all Trump-supporters as likely “domestic terrorists.” And Reichsführer Merrick Garland and his Department of (in)Justice are desperate to jail President Trump before the 2024 election. The Nazi-like authoritarianism that has retaken Germany bears too much of a resemblance for comfort to the grotesque tyrannies metastasizing inside the United States.

Twenty twenty-four might just be the year voters turn the world upside-down.

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[ :: 7-2-17 Campmeeting 2017 afternoon service  ::  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::  ::]

You are going to see much more happening overseas now much more.  Russia, they have been poked in the eye so long they are ready to fight.  North Korea has been mocked for so long they are ready to fight.  They are not afraid of those ships that are out there; they were out there during the Korean War.  Oh, wake up, wake up, you need to turn to me and not to your own ways, for the old ways never did work etc   

[ :: 8-9-17 pm service (first word)  ::  ::  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::  ::]

etc.  If you look at Russia she is ready to strike, Iran ready to strike, North Korea ready to strike, they are not playing games; they are serious with the things that they are saying.  Only you have felt that they have feared you, and because you have felt that they have feared you, you are not listening as close as you should. etc.  

:: 6-26-24 Hal Turner Radio Show :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::


Hal Turner World June 26, 2024 Hits: 26574

A source within the Bank of Russia says a new wave of Western sanctions causing the blockage of bank payments, including through countries that are considered "friendly" to Russia can lead to the DEATH of the Russian economy. Source also says "Russia will not be the only country to die . . . ."

According to First Deputy Representative of the Bank of Russia Vladimir Chistyukhin, the United States is telling foreign countries their economy will be Sanctioned (and thereby destroyed) by the US, if they continue processing normal payments to and from Russia.

According to Chistyukhin, it is necessary for Russia to solve payment problems as quickly as possible and not to abhor even exotic or outdated mechanisms. He went on to say "What seemed to us yesterday, unpopular -- swaps, some clearing systems, the use of crypto -- all needs to be tested, everything needs to be tried."

He went on to point out the reality that if there are no normal calculations for products on foreign economic activity, for Russia's export and import-dependent country then Russia is facing "it’s destruction."

Since the beginning of winter, Russian companies have encountered problems in making payments — shortly after, as US President Joe Biden expanded the powers of the US Treasury and its Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC, allowing them allowing them to disconnect any banks around the world from dollar payments for processing payments to/from Russia

Banks in Turkey and the United Arab Emirates key hubs of parallel imports to Russia -- began to block transactions.

Following the financial blockade, Chinese banks — the main buyer of Russian oil and the largest supplier of imported goods to the Russian market joined in halting the processing of payments.

By the end of spring, according to estimates by the Chong-yang Institute for Financial Research at the People's University of China in Beijing, 80% of settlements between Russia and China were suspended. Hopes that the situation would radically improve after the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to China, were in vain.

Although Putin and Xi Jinping discussed the creation of an isolated network of Chinese banks that would settle with Russia and not be afraid of Western sanctions, its scale was much smaller than what the Russian side was counting on,

By the end of May, China started blocking banks of Kazakhstan. Prior to May the largest the Bank of China regularly handled Kazakhstan payments for sanctions products.

On June 12, the US Treasury added the Moscow Exchange and its key settlement structures (National Clearing Center and National Settlement Depository) onto the sanctions lists, after which exchange trading in the dollar, euros and Hong Kong dollars in Russia stopped.

At the same time, subsidiaries Sberbank VEB in China and India, VTB in China, India and Hong Kong, as well as three subsidiaries of the defense industrial bank — Chinese, Indian and Kyrgyz, came under sanctions.

In addition to sanctions against banks, the United States has expanded threatened VPK Russia with secondary measures up to disconnecting the bank from the global dollar system.

The US Sanctions which were only supposed to apply to "defense complex" firms in Russia, NOW refers to all companies included in the sanctions lists that are not even directly related to the production of military products.

Amid problems with payments of imported goods to Russia from January thru April fell by 9%, up to $ 84.6 billion. Moreover, the decline affected all regions: imports from Europe and America fell by 19%, from Asia — by 4%, from Africa — by 5%.

These new sanctions can deprive the Russian economy of another 15 – 20% of imports, PSB analysts predict.

It is important for Russia to determine how counterparties from friendly countries will react to this new wave of geopolitical pressure,

Since the United States also imposed sanctions against subsidiaries of the largest Russian banks in India and China, and this may further complicate Russia's ability to adapt to new sanctions and thus adversely affect export volumes from Russia.

Said one source in the Russian government "If faced with the actual and intentional killing of Russia's economy, Russia would have no choice but to kill the countries doing this. We are completely capable of doing exactly that."

Hal Turner Opinion

Well, there we have it: Russia is facing the "destruction" of its economy because of the United States imposing Sanctions on countries around the world. The United States is doing this, while at the same time, trying to recruit Ukraine into NATO, for the express purpose of placing American missiles - AIMED AT RUSSIA - on Ukraine soil (with a five minute flight time to Moscow).

It was the United States that fomented, facilitated and financed the forcible, violent overthrow of Ukraine's democratically-elected President, Viktor Yanukovich, in the year 2014.

It was the United States that rejected Russia's numerous Diplomatic Efforts to avoid war.

It is the United States that controls all of NATO . . . none of them dare disagree-with or refuse U.S. instructions.

The United States is the key instigator of all this trouble, and now, it is the United States that is literally KILLING the economy of Russia.

So when a source in the Russian Military told me "If faced with the actual and intentional killing of Russia's economy, Russia would have no choice but to kill the countries doing this. We are completely capable of doing exactly that." What country do you think will have to be "killed" by Russia?

C'mon, this isn't rocket science . . . you can figure it out . . . . . Yes . . . . us.

I have not yet been able to determine how long the Russian economy will be able to continue before it reaches a point where the Russians determine it is "dead" and choose to strike us.

I suspect it must be on the visible horizon that such information has now come out of Russia.

So, my fellow Americans, are you ready for OUR country to be "killed" over what our GOVERNMENT is doing?

Because it seems to me that in order for our country to be killed, that seems to nec essarily indicate that YOU AND ME would likely be part of that equation.

We are now facing our own national death because of illegitimate president Joe Biden, and the incompetent, arrogant, nitwits he hired into important government positions.

Are you ready to die for these people? I'm not.

But it seems we are facing exactly that.


[ :: 7-17-16 am service ::  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc The end is upon you and you need to look and see the things that you should be doing, pay close attention to that. For I have told you things would change here, they would change. If you live near the Babylon that is going to fall I have told you to move at least seventy-five miles from there, at least. That goes for California, that goes for the center fault line, realize that war, war is at hand. Not only with ISIS, but you have got Russia, you have got China, you have got North Korea, wake up, wake up, for I have been telling you these things, it is getting very, very dangerous, very dangerous. etc

:: 6--24 MSN :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Medvedev says America will burn following missile incident blamed on United States

Story by

• 2d

"The b*****ds from the USA supply missiles with cluster charges to Bandera's supporters and help guide them to the target. The b*****ds in Kyiv select a beach with peaceful people as a target and press the button,” Medvedev wrote according to Newsweek.


[ :: 12-31-11 / 1-1-12 New Years Eve Service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::]

etc. Have you read my word, do you know that Ezekiel thirty eight and thirty nine is knocking on the door, as a matter of fact, its got a battering-ram and it is knocking the door down, but you are not aware of that.  Are you aware of how they are removing the Bible, are you aware of how they are fighting Christians, are you aware of the countries that are killing every Christian that is there?  And then you think I can delay another five years or another ten years.  Have you not read in my word where they are laying under my altar and they are crying out, how much longer, how much longer?  Oh what a sad state the world is in. etc.

:: 6-26-24 Faithwire :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Iran Sentences Christian Converts to More Than 25 Years in Prison: Report

By Tré Goins-Phillips

Editor  June 26, 2024

Five converts to Christianity have been sentenced by the Iranian judiciary to a collective of more than 25 years in prison, according to a report from Iran International.

Hengaw, an organization reporting on human rights violations against Kurds in Iran, stated there has been no reason given for the charges against the five Christians.

Hamid Afzali was sentenced to 10 years behind bars, followed by Nasrollah Mousavi, Bijan Gholizadeh, and Iman Salehi, each of whom were sentenced to five years, and Zohrab Shahbazi, who received a nine-month jail sentence, The Jerusalem Post reported.

In a statement to CBN News, Todd Nettleton, vice president of message for the Voice of the Martyrs, said, “The growth of the church in Iran is wonderful news for Christians around the world, and a great reminder of God’s ability to grow His church in spite of anything that any government might do to stop it.”

“But the high price our Iranian brothers and sisters are paying to follow Christ is a different kind of reminder: to pray often for them as they willingly suffer for the name of Christ,” he added.

The report from Hengaw noted that, while Christians are “acknowledged as a religious minority in Iran, authorities impose severe penalties, especially on those who convert from Islam to Christianity.”

Iran’s decision to imprison the five Christian converts violates article 18 of the United Nations’ International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which states, “Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right shall include freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice, and freedom, either individually or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in worship, observance, practice, and teaching.”

In addition to these five Christian arrests, Hengaw noted that another recent Christian convert in Iran, Yasin Mousavi, has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for charges including “membership in groups or associations aimed at disrupting security” and “propaganda against the government through promoting Christianity.”, which tracks Christian persecution around the globe, has placed Iran at No. 9 on its World Watch List and rates the persecution Christians face in the Muslim-ruled country as “extreme.”

“For Christians who convert from Islam, not even the veneer of tolerance is present. Conversion from Islam to Christianity is illegal in Iran, and anyone caught as a convert can be arrested and imprisoned,” the organization explained in part. “The government views conversion as an attempt by the West to undermine Islam and the Islamic government of Iran. This means that anyone who is discovered to be a member of a house church can be charged with a crime against national security, which can lead to long prison sentences.”

Please be in prayer for our brothers and sisters in Christ facing persecution in Iran.

***As the number of voices facing big-tech censorship continues to grow, please sign up for Faithwire’s daily newsletter and download the CBN News app, invented by our parent company, to stay up-to-date with the latest news from a distinctly Christian perspective.*** 

[ :: 10-21-07  am service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

Etc For truly the whole world is seeing end time signs, from the very skies to the depths of the oceans. They are seeing the global warming, they are seeing the drought, they are seeing the loss of water all over and they recognize that truly it is taking place and they do not know which way to turn. They see the wars, the rumors of wars; they see Iraq and Iran as they continue to go their evil ways. They see Russia as she joins with Iran speaking out boldly against the United States; they see all the signs that are there. They are seeing even the EU as it now meets with Iran and talks with them. When will they wake up, when will they recognize that truly it is the last days, etc

:: 6--24 End Time Headlines :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Russia to sign new pact with Iran in ‘very near future’

Moscow expects to sign a new agreement on comprehensive cooperation with Iran “in the very near future,” Deputy Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko told Russia’s RIA state news agency in an interview published on Tuesday.

We expect that this agreement will be signed in the very near future, since work on the text is already close to completion. All the necessary wording has been found,” RIA cited Rudenko as saying.

Earlier in June, Russia’s foreign ministry said that work on the agreement was temporarily suspended, while Iran said there was no break in preparing the new pact.

Russia and Iran signed a 20-year strategic agreement in 2001 that was automatically extended in 2020 for five years, according to Russia’s TASS state news agency reports. Both sides also agreed in 2020 to work on a new pact that would replace the old document.

The 2001 pact called, among others, for cooperation in security, energy projects, including the peaceful use of nuclear energy and the construction of nuclear power plants, industry and technology, according to its text published on the Kremlin’s website.

Very few details have emerged on what the new agreement would include. After Russia launched its full-scale invasion on Ukraine in 2022 and subsequent sanctions on Moscow by Kyiv’s allies, Russia and Iran have firmed investment, military and energy ties. 

[ :: 4-22-16 pm service  ::  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::  ::]

etc. For truly blood shall flow in the streets and things will be very bad in that sense and in the weather also that you have already seen a change in like I have said you would see.  Drought shall affect very many places and food shall be scarce, but I have given unto you my word and my promise that I will take you through these days victoriously. etc

:: 6-26-24 Natural News :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Idaho farmers being fined $300 PER ACRE for watering crops… engineered FAMINE now under way

06/26/2024 // Lance D Johnson // 2.2K Views

Idaho farmers are speaking out about the state's unreasonable and disastrous water curtailment orders that threaten their very existence. The Idaho Department of Water Resources has issued a sweeping curtailment order affecting tens of millions of acres of farmland across the state. The state is threatening independent farmers with $300 fines per acre for watering their crops with their own wells.

This move comes at a time when water resources are stable across the state, so there appears to be a deliberate move to sabotage independent farmers, while artificially causing water shortages that will takedown hay, potato and dairy farms across the state. These outrageous curtailment orders will upend the livelihoods of countless farmers -- a move that will have a ripple effect through Idaho's economy and push food prices higher across the United States.

This is an engineered famine, and state leaders must act to stop the sabotage.

Local farmers threatened with water shutoff across 500,000 acres

Christopher, a local farmer, spoke about the issue in a viral new video.

"They want us to shut our water off," he exclaims, detailing how this mandate affects not just his farm, but potentially 500,000 acres of farmland statewide.

Christopher’s farms typically depend on surface water, but they also use three of their eight wells on a yearly basis. He detailed how farmers efficiently use the wells, even in times of drought. In 2021, precipitation levels were low across Idaho and farmers were unable to return a surplus of water back to the aquifer. Since then, water levels have bounced back, but it hasn’t stopped the Twin Falls Canal Company and the Department of Water Resources from taking action to limit what the farmers can use in the future.

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Farmers who do not comply with the curtailment will be fined $300 per acre. This would be disastrous for hay farms, causing them to shut down almost immediately. The loss of hay will harm dairy farms across the state, driving up prices for animal feed. The potato farmers might be able to afford the fines at first, but the curtailment will eventually cripple their farm’s productivity and efficiency, leading to inevitable shutdowns over the next decade. The ripple effects will be felt from maintenance teams, to truckers, to feed storage businesses.

Water wars in Idaho threaten farms, driving up the price of food across the U.S.

The crisis stems from an agreement struck in 2015 between the Twin Falls Canal Company and groundwater users. This agreement, designed to manage water usage in the face of dwindling resources, has now come to a head. Due to a shortfall of 74,000 acre-feet of water in 2021, exacerbated by a severe drought, the Canal Company has invoked its senior water rights, forcing junior water rights holders — like Christopher and his fellow farmers — to bear the brunt of the shortage.

The ramifications are staggering. In Bingham County, an area known for its prolific potato production, nearly 150,000 acres are slated for curtailment. Bingham county alone could lose up to $400 million in resources. This move not only jeopardizes Idaho's status as a top producer of potatoes but also threatens the entire agricultural supply chain.

"It's not just localized," Christopher warns, "It will be felt nationally and globally," leading to skyrocketing food prices and economic challenges if the curtailment persists.

Christopher points out that outdated infrastructure and mismanagement exacerbate the problem. The Twin Falls Canal Company, operating with century-old technology, wastes water supply that could otherwise alleviate future shortages. Instead of going along with an engineered shutdown and subsequent famine, Christopher and other farmers are banding together and calling for a complete modernization of the infrastructure, including the additions of diversions and checks that could optimize water usage. Christopher and the local farming community in Idaho are also calling for better leadership on the issue and asking Governor Brad Little to intervene.

"If there's no farms, there's no food," Christopher warns.

Sources include: 

[ :: 12-16-01 At the altar after PM Service (second word) :::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc.. A closedown on the present welfare programs and one that demands work for pay and food. Great conflicts, fighting, riots, looting, killing, rapes, drugs, drinking in larger city centers, causing problems that will bring Marshall Law and troops in our streets. The beginning of a one world order, rule by force. The world church shall be the licensed body of the recognized spiritual authority under the false prophet and his deacons, elders, bishops and leaders. Loss of freedom America once enjoyed and stood for, for that which is controlled by military force and protection. etc..

[ :: 8-17-14 pm service (third word) :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::]

etc. you see all the things that are going on in the world, you see the darkness, you see the troubles, etc.

:: 6-27-24 The Stream :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Open Borders Subject Women and Girls in the U.S. to Rapes and Wanton Violence

By Betsy McCaughey Published on June 27, 2024

The United Nations calls it “femicide” the wanton assault, rape, and murder of girls and women. It’s a cultural epidemic in Latin America.

Femicide is visible every step of the way from South America and the Northern Triangle countries to the Mexico-U.S. border. Rape trees, where women’s panties hang from branches, and rape tents, where girls and women are dragged by smugglers, dot the route. Do you think the rapes stop when illegals cross into the U.S.? No.

Now women are being victimized by migrants bringing femicide to your neighborhood. Where are the women’s rights groups? Silent. They couldn’t care less. It’s politically incorrect to criticize Latin American culture — even its tolerance for violence against females.

Raping American Children

Last week in Queens, an Ecuadoran illegal, Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi, allegedly attacked a 13-year-old girl walking home from school, held her at knifepoint and raped her, recording the assault for his own future pleasure as he proceeded.

Yet “Squad” member Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) laughed off news coverage of the crime as “fear-mongering.”

Leftists deny the problem. They’re horrified that Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein raped women on a casting couch, but they’re in denial when Latin American illegals rape.

Inga-Landi has a history of abusing females, including beating his pregnant wife, according to police reports. He crossed the border illegally in 2021 and was ordered to leave the country by a New York City immigration judge in February 2022.

And what about the 13-year-old victim? Her father adamantly opposes President Joe Biden’s “open border policy” because “it invites a lot of things that we don’t need,” adding, “Look what came in. Look what happened to my daughter.”

‘Emergency Situation’

Sexual violence against females is rampant in Latin America, reports the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, a division of the UN.

In Mexico, femicide is soaring, according to the George Bush Institute at the Wilson Center, a nonpartisan think tank in Washington, D.C. “Gender-based violence remains one of the most significant yet overlooked drivers of out migration across Central America and the broader region.”

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On April 24, UN official Alice Shackelford warned of an “emergency situation” in Honduras, where she said violence against women is being normalized and the femicide rate has risen to the highest in Latin America.

Also reporting on the “degree of hatred and contempt against women” in Honduras, Migdonia Ayestas of the National Autonomous University of Honduras explained that “men believe they have the right to women’s bodies.”

The UN has its own far-left ax to grind. And most illegals from Latin America are not violent criminals. Even so, dangerous anti-female attitudes are invading our country because of open borders.

Flat Denial

Leftists deny the problem. They’re horrified that Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein raped women on a casting couch, but they’re in denial when Latin American illegals rape. CNN political commentator Van Jones said on Saturday, “There’s no culture south of the border that celebrates rape. … You are insulting people below the border.”

Sorry, facts are facts. Political correctness be d***ed.

The incidents are piling up. A Honduran illegal was arrested on February 25 in Kenner, Louisiana, after he allegedly raped a 14-year-old girl at knifepoint.

Mexican illegal Eduardo Sarabia was arrested May 16 for allegedly kidnapping and raping two women in a white van outfitted to be a “rape dungeon on wheels.”

The El Salvadorian illegal arrested this month for allegedly raping and murdering Rachel Morin was also wanted for assaulting a mother and her nine-year-old daughter during a Los Angeles home break-in.

Venezuela Is a Big Problem

Venezuela is supplying a hefty share of femicidal criminals. That country refuses to provide the U.S. with criminal background information about migrants apprehended at the border. Here are a few of the consequences.

Laken Riley, a Georgia nursing student, was raped and murdered on February 22, allegedly by a Venezuelan migrant.

That same day, Venezuelan migrant Renzo Mendoza Montes allegedly sexually abused a 14-year-old in Virginia.

Last week, 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray’s lifeless body was found in Houston; she was murdered allegedly by two Venezuelan migrants. They lured the girl under a bridge, stripped her naked below the waist, bound her hands and feet and raped her for two hours before killing her.

There are too many deaths and life-shattering assaults. Tell women’s rights groups backing Biden that safety from rapists and sexually motivated killers is a right.

Leftists object to the word “illegal.” They prefer “undocumented.” Let’s not mince words. Some are rapists and killers. Monsters. Close the border to stop the femicidal madness.

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey. 

[ :: 9-18-13 pm service :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc.. For it is a very dark hour as you have seen and that hour shall grow darker and darker and darker, for the evil spirits possessing people shall manifest themselves, and as they manifest themselves, you shall see death, you shall see killings, you shall see blood flowing, you shall see many things, many things. Think it not strange, but it is that hour and it is that time and no one seems to be binding up those spirits, etc..  

:: 6--24 CNN :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

CNN — Three people were killed and 10 wounded in a shooting at a grocery store in Fordyce, Arkansas, the Arkansas State Police said in a news conference Friday.

The 10 people wounded include two police officers. The suspected shooter, identified by authorities as 44-year-old Travis Eugene Posey, was also wounded and taken into custody.

Posey, a resident of New Edinburg, is expected to be charged with three counts of capital murder, with additional charges pending, according to an Arkansas State Police news release.

Police first received calls about an active shooter at the Mad Butcher grocery store at around 11:30 a.m. local time, Mike Hagar, the Secretary of Public Safety and Director of Arkansas State Police said at the news conference.

Law enforcement responded immediately and exchanged gunfire with the “lone suspect.”

The injuries to the officers and the suspect are not considered life-threatening, according to Hagar. He noted the “situation is secured …contained. There are no active threats to the community.”

“The remaining civilian injuries range from non-life threatening to extremely critical,” he said.

Posey was “treated for non-life-threatening injuries after exchanging gunfire with law enforcement, released to ASP custody, and transported to the Ouachita County Detention Center,” ASP said in the release. It is unclear if Posey has retained legal counsel at this point.

At least 234 mass shootings have taken place in the United States in 2024, according to data from the Gun Violence Archive, which, like CNN, defines a mass shooting as one in which four or more people are shot, excluding the shooter. The country has seen a spate of shootings in the past few weeks as the summer heat has escalated, with 21 mass shootings recorded by the Gun Violence Archive since last Friday.

In a statement on X, Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders said she had been briefed on the “tragic shooting” in Fordyce and is in “constant contact” with state police at the scene.

One witness, David Rodriguez, told CNN that he was pulling into a gas station when he heard “pops,” which he thought were fireworks. Shortly after the suspect began firing bullets more rapidly, Rodriguez saw people running from the scene. He then heard sirens and saw ambulances and police arrive at the scene.

Rodriguez says the Mad Butcher grocery store’s front windows were broken as if they had been “shot open” by gunfire.

Matthew Gill, the meat manager at the Mad Butcher, told CNN a man came into the store with a shotgun and ended up in a shootout with police.

As the shooting unfolded, some people hid in a cooler in the grocery store, Fordyce City Council Member Roderick Rogers told CNN affiliate KATV. He said he was on the phone with someone in the store when the shooting took place.

“Man, it was bad,” Rogers said.

The council member said that he had talked to survivors of the shooting who “are traumatized.”

“We are trying to get some counseling and everything set up at the moment,” he added.

Fordyce, a small city in southeast Dallas County, had a population of just 3,396 in 2020.

This is a developing story and will be updated.

CNN’s Sarah Dewberry, Fabiana Chaparro, Rebekah Riess, Colin Jeffrey and Raja Razek contributed to this report. 

[:: 2-3-14 am service (first word) :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc. Keep your eyes; keep your eyes upon what is going on in the Mid-East, that is your tree, that is your tree, I have told you to watch Israel, that is your tree. etc.

:: 6--24 End Time Headlines :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

The shipping industry is sounding the alarm as another vessel sinks in the Red Sea

Leading shipping groups have urged governments “with influence” to put a stop to Houthi attacks on vessels in the Red Sea after a second freighter sank this week.

At least three seafarers have been killed in the attacks so far. The latest sinking is likely to have led to another death, according to a statement Wednesday from more than a dozen shipping associations, including the International Chamber of Shipping and the World Shipping Council.

Their call for action highlights the growing human toll from the disruption to one of the world’s trade arteries which has been virtually closed to container ships since late last year. The longer diversion around the southern tip of Africa has sent shipping costs soaring and is causing congestion at ports in Asia and Europe, threatening to scramble global supply chains.

It is deplorable that innocent seafarers are being attacked while simply performing their jobs, vital jobs which keep the world warm, fed, and clothed,” the shipping associations said in their statement.

This is an unacceptable situation, and these attacks must stop now. We call for states with influence in the region to safeguard our innocent seafarers and for the swift de-escalation of the situation in the Red Sea,” they added.

The statement was released the same day that UK Maritime Trade Operations, part of the Royal Navy, confirmed that a Greek-owned coal carrier had sunk after being struck by the Houthis last week.

According to the shipping groups, one seafarer on board the vessel, called the MV Tutor, “seems certain to have been killed.”

This is the second fatal attack in which our seafarers have been caught in the crosshairs of geopolitical conflicts,” they said in their statement.

The MV Tutor is also the second ship sunk by the Houthis. A British-registered vessel, Rubymar, was downed in March after being struck by ballistic missiles fired from Yemen. 

[ :: 7-15-15 pm service :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc. For I have warned you Russia is not your friend, I have warned you that China is not your friend, I have warned you that North Korea is not your friend and I have warned you that Iran is not your friend. etc.

:: 6-20-24 End of the American Dream :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Why Has China Purchased Farmland Near 19 Different Military Bases Inside The United States?

June 20, 2024 by Michael

The Chinese aren’t exactly being subtle about what they are trying to do. Today, they own more than 300,000 acres of farmland inside the United States, and they have been specifically targeting areas that are located near important military bases. As you will see below, the Chinese now own farmland very close to 19 different U.S. military bases. How in the world could our leaders have allowed this to happen? Foreign adversaries should not be allowed to purchase farmland at all, and yet somehow they have been able to acquire land that is ideal for spying on our military bases over and over again. In fact, the New York Post hasidentified 19 bases across the US from Florida to Hawaii which are in close proximity to land bought up by Chinese entities”…

China has been buying up strategically placed farmland next to military installations across the US, raising national security fears over potential espionage or even sabotage.

The Post has identified 19 bases across the US from Florida to Hawaii which are in close proximity to land bought up by Chinese entities and could be exploited by spies working for the communist nation.

When I read stuff like that, it makes me want to tear my hair out.

Are the people that are in charge of our national security really this incompetent?

According to the New York Post, the list includes some of our “most strategically important bases”…

They include some of the military’s most strategically important bases: Fort Liberty (formerly Fort Bragg) in Fayetteville, North Carolina; Fort Cavazos (formerly Fort Hood) in Killeen, Texas; Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton in San Diego, California, and MacDill air force base in Tampa, Florida.

We know that the Chinese are very interested in our military bases.

Do you remember the Chinese spy balloon that was allowed to fly over our country?

The path that it took allowed it to gather intelligence on Malmstrom Air Force Base, which is where some of our key nuclear assets are located.

And the Wall Street Journal has reported that Chinese nationals have been caught accessing “military bases and other sensitive sites” inside the United States close to 100 times…

Chinese nationals, sometimes posing as tourists, have accessed military bases and other sensitive sites in the U.S. as many as 100 times in recent years, according to U.S. officials, who describe the incidents as a potential espionage threat.

The Defense Department, FBI and other agencies held a review last year to try to limit these incidents, which involve people whom officials have dubbed gate-crashers because of their attempts—either by accident or intentionally—to get onto U.S. military bases and other installations without proper authorization. They range from Chinese nationals found crossing into a U.S. missile range in New Mexico to what appeared to be scuba divers swimming in murky waters near a U.S. government rocket-launch site in Florida.

Look, everyone knows that the Chinese are trying to spy on us.

That isn’t a big secret.

Just don’t make it easy for them.

At the same time all of this spying is going on, there has been an unprecedented surge in Chinese migrants coming across the southern border…

US border officials said they detained 37,000 Chinese migrants attempting to cross the border in 2023, or 10 times the number detained in the year before. The true number of those attempting to cross the border is likely higher.

The flow of Chinese migrants continued to surge in 2024, with CBS reporting in February that it observed 600 migrants, many of whom were Chinese, entering the US in a single day.

The House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Accountability said in May that the number of Chinese nationals encountered by authorities at the US border in March had jumped 8,000% from the same period in 2021.

Most of the Chinese migrants that are coming across the southern border are men of military age, and they commonly travel to the border in groups.

Suspiciously, these groups of military age Chinese men are often decked out in matching equipment.

But they are let into the country anyway, because that is what our leaders have decided to do.

So now we have tens of thousands of military age “Chinese migrants” that are running around inside our country, and we have no idea where they are or what they are doing.

The Chinese are preparing to win a war, and we are preparing to lose one.

At this point, everyone realizes that the Chinese are going to invade Taiwan eventually. In fact, the Daily Mail ran a big story about the coming invasion this week…

Xi Jinping views Taiwan as a breakaway Chinese province and has vowed to ‘reunify’ it with the mainland, by force if necessary.

He is in the midst of a huge military buildup, regularly sending fighter jets and warships to harass Taiwan, and staging menacing war games in the area.

When Taiwan is invaded, the U.S. military will be expected to intervene, and then we will be at war with China…

Taiwan views itself as independent of Beijing and is allied to America – a legacy that stretches back to the Chinese Civil War 75 years ago.

America supplies the islands with weapons and is expected to go to war to defend them if they are attacked.

By most estimates, a war over Taiwan would be one of the biggest, bloodiest, and most expensive in history.

Most people don’t realize this, but China and the Philippines are also on the verge of military conflict. Recently, there was a very alarming clash in the South China Sea that resulted in one Filipino soldier losing a thumb…

Filipino soldiers had to defend themselves with bare hands against Chinese coast guard armed with swords and knives, according to the Philippines.

General Romeo Brawner, the Philippines’ top military commander, criticized China for what he described as “reckless and aggressive” behavior while the Philippines navy and coast guard were delivering supplies to Filipino soldiers in the disputed South China Sea on Monday.

Chinese coast guard personnel rammed their vessels into boats belonging to the Philippines, and boarded and attacked them, the BBC reported Brawner as saying, leaving some injured and one soldier having lost a thumb.

The Chinese have become extremely aggressive, and it is just a matter of time before we are at war with them.

But even though many of our leaders publicly talk about the coming war, we are still allowing the Chinese to take advantage of us in unthinkable ways.

We should have never allowed the Chinese to purchase large tracts of farmland near 19 of our most important military bases.

Unfortunately, they are there now, and that will give them a major advantage when war finally erupts.

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at

About the Author: Michael Snyder’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on He has also written seven other books that are available on including “End Times”, “7 Year Apocalypse”, “Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”, “The Beginning Of The End”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”. When you purchase any of Michael’s books you help to support the work that he is doing. You can also get his articles by email as soon as he publishes them by subscribing to his Substack newsletter. Michael has published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse Blog, End Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and he always freely and happily allows others to republish those articles on their own websites. These are such troubled times, and people need hope. John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” If you have not already done so, we strongly urge you to invite Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior today. 

[ :: 5-15-11 am service (first word) :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::  ::]

etc. But it is not an exciting time for the lukewarm or the ungodly, it shall be a terrible time, a time of a dictator, a dictator government that dictates, that takes away your rights, that takes away your freedoms, that takes away the things that you have, the things that you never expected that they would control, they shall control. Oh, what an hour is just ahead. etc..

:: 6-22-24 All News Pipeline :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

A War For Your 'Cognitive Battlespace' : From The Schoolhouse To The Slaughterhouse, U.S. Leaders Are Controlling The Minds Of Americans By Criminalizing Free Speech

By J.B.Shurk and All News Pipeline June 22, 2024

Nobody enjoys being manipulated. I have never met anyone who remarked, “I’m so glad people cleverer than I tricked me into doing what they wanted.” Yet we are all bombarded each day with messages from people and institutions vying to shape our thoughts and control our behaviors.

Television commercials push us to buy certain products. Politicians describe domestic and foreign threats in such ways that only they can provide necessary solutions. Religious leaders choose which doctrines of their faiths must be diligently observed and which ones can be casually overlooked. More open societies might be marketplaces for competing ideas, but the most effective salespeople within any society are the ones who know how to magnify their own messages while silencing others.

Given that this is the case, a society interested in protecting its people from manipulation would be highly invested in educating citizens from a young age how to use reason, rationality, and logic to filter truth from falsehood. Aside from a smattering of classical and religious schools that focus on how to assess information and judge its credibility, it is evident that Western educational systems have been designed with no such purpose in mind. Students are taught what to think but not how to think. They are handed bits of knowledge without first being provided the cognitive tools for acquiring knowledge on their own. They have no appreciation for how misleading rhetoric and faulty logic are used to produce spurious arguments. They have no background in philosophy sufficient to arm them with the mental acuity necessary to spot and reject propaganda. They have no comprehension of the linguistic games that are used to program their minds. They lack shrewd discernment.

What does it say about a civilization that generally requires young people to spend thirteen or more years in public school systems engineered to produce mediocre minds? It should set off alarm bells! When governments are in the business of dumbing down citizens, they are investing in future generations who will be obedient slaves. Or, if an animal farm metaphor makes it easier for a millennial “influencer” to understand, Western governments prefer easily managed cattle that they can move from pen to pen before sending them to the slaughterhouse (think: Ukraine). What they do not want is an independent-minded cow knocking over a fence and freeing the herd from certain death. Schools, like penitentiaries, are institutions for corralling large numbers of humans together, so that a mixture of indoctrination and punishment can be efficiently administered until most learn to “behave.” When Western education mimics Western incarceration, Western citizens should start to wonder just who the real prisoners are.

PLEASE HELP ANP! Due to the globalists war upon truth and the independent media, our monthly revenue has been cut by more than 80% so we need your help more now than ever before. Anything at all ANP readers can do to help us is hugely appreciated.)

The U.S. Pentagon, the NATO military alliance, and Western espionage agencies spend a great deal of their resources influencing human minds. “Great,” you might say. “They should be actively shaping the opinions of civilians in adversarial nations.” Except I’m not talking about “winning the hearts and minds” of foreigners living under dangerous dictatorships. When I say that the military and Intelligence Community are currently fighting an undeclared war in what they call the “cognitive battlespacecognitive battlespace,” it is your mind that they are fighting to influence.

At a time in history when people from opposite sides of the planet have never been better connected, national governments have lost their monopolies over domestically available information. In the past, most information warfare was directed outwardly toward foreign regimes. Spies and soldiers spread disinformation throughout an enemy’s population in order to sow discord, breed mistrust, and weaken morale. Traditionally, information warfare directed inwardly at one’s homeland has been limited to war propaganda intended to do the opposite of foreign disinformation campaigns: namely, to forge national unity, foster civic trust, and heighten morale.

As technology innovation and a global computer interface radically transformed the distribution of information during the last half-century, information warfare specialists have had a constantly evolving and expanding battlefield through which to influence foreign enemies. However, as new forms of communication have given warfighters sophisticated means of conducting offensive operations from the relative comfort of office cubicles, these same technologies have enabled foreign enemies to conduct cyber-attacks, sabotage critical infrastructure, and engage in long-distance espionage rather cheaply.

One of the cheapest ways for militarily inferior adversaries to harm the United States and its allies is to reciprocate the West’s information warfare with versions of their own. Especially during times of social confusion and civil unrest (including race-related conflicts, mass shootings, and other politically volatile events), hostile adversaries flood online chat rooms, social media forums, and messaging platforms with false information meant to enrage Western citizens and turn them against each other. Foreign operatives can accomplish a great deal of harm practically for free. Weaker enemies continue to use such asymmetric warfare to great effect.

The U.S. government has responded to these novel threats poorly. Instead of defending free speech in the strongest possible terms — regardless of the intrusion of malicious foreign actors into the public forumD.C.’s permanent bureaucracy has chosen to classify and criminalize speech.

We saw this un-American effort to censor communication go into overdrive after President Trump’s 2016 victory. Obama falsely blamed Hillary’s loss on an upswing of “fake news” and demanded that Silicon Valley take more responsibility in determining what Americans can post and read. To anybody who values free speech, this was an alarming turning point in American history. Had Obama been a defender of the First Amendment, he would have acknowledged that the answer to speech he dislikes is more speech. Instead of endorsing mass censorship, Obama should have embraced the town square as a quintessentially American refuge where competing points of view are freely debated and people democratically decide what they believe. When he and the D.C. Blob instead chose to target and eliminate information that they deem harmful, the federal government effectively declared war on free speech.

Remarkably, this is the third major front in the U.S. government’s detestable war against the Bill of Rights in the first quarter of this century. In the aftermath of 9/11, the passage of the Patriot Act, the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, and the formation of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence ushered in a new era of widespread domestic surveillance in direct conflict with the Fourth Amendment’s requirements for particularized warrants first establishing probable cause that a crime has been committed. After every politically advantageous mass shooting, state and federal officials work to deprive Americans of their Second Amendment right to possess firearms. And since President Trump’s 2016 victory, the Obama-Biden Deep State has worked to monitor Americans’ communications; classify unapproved speech as “mis-,” “mal-,” or “dis-information”; and censor speech it dislikes in flagrant violation of the First Amendment’s protections.

Time and again, the U.S. government tells Americans that the only way to protect them from foreign and domestic threats is to deprive them of their constitutionally guaranteed liberties. Even after years of brainwashing from indoctrination camps posing as public schools, though, such rhetorical rubbish is backfiring. Why? Because Americans can sense that they are being manipulated!

The most effective deterrence to the threat of foreign propaganda is an informed and intellectually nimble citizenry. But the only way to dupe citizens into accepting domestic propaganda is to repeat lies, censor dissent, and suppress the human mind’s capacity to think. Consider this: if you viewed the American people’s combined consciousness as a “cognitive battlespace” that must be conquered, would you ever encourage citizens to debate ideas or question authority?

Conversely, if you accept that the human mind is now the primary focus of global military planners, is it not true that revolutionary ideas will be the most important weapons in any war for human liberty? Speak. Resist. Think.

ANP is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program.

ANP EMERGENCY Fundraiser: ‘Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable!’ Those are some of the exact words used by Google’s censors, aka 'Orwellian content police,' in describing many of our controversial stories. Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're trying to bankrupt ANP.

So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan. 

[ ::  2-4-24 am service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

For there is none other that takes you through the days and the hours that you’re living in other than me, for man does not have an answer to the problems that the world is facing.  He cannot stop the wars, for when he intervenes they only get worse, he cannot stop what is going on in the environment with the weather and other things, the earthquakes, the flooding, man cannot stop what is happening.  For when he intervenes he only makes worse but I your Father God, when I intervene the very wind and the waves stand at my attention.  etc

:: 6-22-24 RT :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

HomeRussia & FSU  22 Jun, 2024 12:29

Russia strikes Western-supplied air weapons depots in Ukraine – MoD

The attack came in response to Kiev’s attempts to damage the country’s energy infrastructure, the Defense Ministry has said

The Russian military has conducted high-precision strikes on Ukrainian ammo warehouses, including those storing drones and airborne weapons supplied by the West, the Defense Ministry in Moscow has said.

In a statement on Saturday, the ministry said that it had carried out a group strike overnight using long-range air and sea-based weapons and drones on several types of targets. These included Ukrainian energy infrastructure facilities supporting Kiev’s defense industry as well as warehouses storing ammo and air weapons supplied to Ukraine by Western countries.

“The goals of the strike have been achieved. All designated targets have been hit,” officials have said.

The Defense Ministry stated that the latest attack came in response to “attempts by the Kiev regime to cause damage to Russian energy facilities.” Ukraine has for several months been launching drone raids on Russian oil processing facilities, including those located far from the border.

Russia has been routinely targeting energy infrastructure in response to Kiev’s cross-border attacks, while insisting the strikes do not target civilians. Ukrainian officials have acknowledged severe damage to the power grid, with the population being affected by rolling blackouts. A Financial Times report earlier this month claimed, citing sources, that the embattled country had lost over half of its power generation capacity. 

[ :: 7-2-17 Campmeeting 2017 afternoon service  ::  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::  ::]

You are going to see much more happening overseas now much more.  Russia, they have been poked in the eye so long they are ready to fight.  North Korea has been mocked for so long they are ready to fight.  They are not afraid of those ships that are out there; they were out there during the Korean War.  Oh, wake up, wake up, you need to turn to me and not to your own ways, for the old ways never did work etc   

[ :: 7-3-17 morning service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::]

For they have poked the bear over and over and they tell the bear how much more mightier than they are and the bear has now spoken.  If those that are speaking against us don’t stop we will strike you and you will know you have been struck.

:: 6-24-24 Daily Mail :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Russia warns the U.S. to brace for retaliation after Kremlin blamed Washington for missile attack that killed four in Crimea

READ MORE: Follow's blog for all the biggest U.S. politics stories

By Geoff Earle, Deputy U.S. Political Editor

Published: 10:39 EDT, 24 June 2024 | Updated: 12:53 EDT, 24 June 2024

The Kremlin has accused the U.S. of 'killing Russian children' after a Ukrainian attack on occupied Crimea with long-range missiles supplied by Washington and said there will be 'consequences'.

Moscow has summoned the U.S. ambassador to issue a formal warning, while Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov issued a public statement slamming the U.S. for 'barbaric' strike on Sevastopol, a strategic port city on the Black Sea.

'The involvement of the United States, the direct involvement, as a result of which Russian civilians are killed, cannot be without consequences,' said Peskov.

'Time will tell what these will be.'

'You should ask my colleagues in Europe, and above all in Washington, the press secretaries, why their governments are killing Russian children. Just ask them this question.' the spokesman for Vladimir Putin said.

After the Sevastopol strike, Russia accused the U.S. of 'waging a hybrid war against Russia' and of becoming 'a party to the conflict.'

Russia also told U.S. Ambassador to Russia Lynne Tracy the attack would 'not go unpunished. Retaliatory measures will definitely follow.'

The attack killed at least four people, including two children, with 150 were injured.

Video shows panicked beachgoers fleeing from falling shrapnel after Russian air defense intercepted the U.S.-supplied ATACMS missiles.

Russia seized Crimea in 2014, and Ukraine has launched a series of drone attacks at Russian naval assets and the Black Sea port since Russia's 2022 invasion.

The ATACMs provide a far longer 190 mile (300km) range than missiles previously supplied by the U.S.

The ATACMs started arriving in Ukraine earlier this year after intense lobbying from Kiev.

Weeks ago, the U.S. changed its policy to allow use of the weapons inside Russian territory along border regions with Ukraine.

This followed relentless Russian attacks on Kharkiv, Ukraine's second largest city, after Moscow experienced battlefield gains.

Ukrainian commanders have pleaded for the authority to use the weapons to strike where Russia masses its troops and stores aircraft and ammunition ahead of assaults on its territory.

The long-range ATACMs were included in a March military aid package, although restrictions still prevent their use deep inside Russian territory.

Russia's war on Ukraine, and Ukraine's defense by the U.S. and NATO allies, has put deep strains between the U.S. and Russia, both nuclear powers.

Putin delivered his own warning earlier this month following reports the U.S. had begun shipping the longer-range ATACMs to Ukraine.

'Why don’t we have the right to supply weapons of the same class to regions of the world where there will be strikes on sensitive facilities of those (Western) countries?' he asked.

'That is, the response can be asymmetric. We will think about it,' he said.


[ :: 4-28-19 am service (forth word) :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc Russia, is building stronger and stronger and stronger every day, for I have a fishhook in her mouth and I am tugging on it as hard as I can and before they can go into Israel they must first destroy Babylon. They have all the military power to do that and America has nothing, absolutely nothing to stop it, wake up, wake up. You have other enemies such as China, North Korea, are you fooled by North Korea, I sure hope not, for I have spoken to you concerning that. Where are their old submarines, where are they sitting, on the bottom of the ocean ready to strike, for they were seen loading with all types of weaponry, where are they now, where, and China, how about their newest weapon? etc

:: 6-22-24 Daily Mail :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Retired army general's chilling warning over China's chokehold on US military: 'We need to prepare for war'

Chinese manufacturers dominate supply chains for U.S. armaments industry

Retired U.S. general John G. Ferrari said Beijing could cripple American military

It comes amid growing fears of a conflict between the two countries over Taiwan

By Miles Dilworth, Senior Reporter For Dailymail.Com

Published: 09:43 EDT, 22 June 2024 | Updated: 09:56 EDT, 22 June 2024

China's chokehold over U.S. military supplies leaves the West at the mercy of Beijing in the event of an all out war, a former army general has warned.

In an exclusive interview with, retired U.S. Army Major General John G. Ferrari said he had 'grave concerns' about the America's ongoing reliance on China to equip its military.

Chinese manufacturers are deeply embedded in U.S. defense systems, providing critical technology and raw materials used in everything from air-to-air missiles to fighter jets.

General Ferrari, who served as a deputy commander for NATO in Afghanistan, admitted that Beijing could cripple America's ability to arm itself by cutting off supply lines.

'If we were in a war with China and it stopped providing parts, we wouldn't be able to build the planes and weapons we needed,' he said.

His stark warning comes amid growing fears of a military confrontation with China over Taiwan.

The former general, now a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, added: 'We need to start to prepare our supply chains now for a potential war.'

No quick fix

A startling report released earlier this year revealed Chinese firms have a stranglehold across 12 critical technologies that are vital to US national security, including nuclear modernization, hypersonic and space technologies.

The study, which was carried out by data analytics firm Govini at the request of the Pentagon, delivered a damning indictment on the American armaments industry.

'U.S. domestic production capacity is a shriveled shadow of its former self,' the report said.

'Crucial categories of industry for U.S. national defense are no longer built in any of the 50 states.'

Perhaps most worryingly, Govini found that more than 40 per cent of the semiconductors that sustain Department of Defense (DoD) weapons systems are now sourced from China.

Advanced semiconductors are crucial components of missile guidance systems, cyberware and artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities.

It has sparked fears that Beijing has been left with an array of tools to sabotage American defenses, from planting defective chips into air-to-air missiles to embedding spyware into DoD systems.

Ferrari, however, warned there was no quick fix.

'You can't just turn around on a dime because the [manufacturing] capacity doesn't exist here,' he said.

He added that it could take 10 to 15 years for the U.S. to disentangle itself from China.

But the former general, who was also a strategic planner for a Combined Joint Task Force in Iraq, hit out at Washington for being slow to react.

'We're into our third administration of trying to solve this problem. The Obama administration sounded the alarm, but they didn't know what to do about it.

'The Trump administration went hard at the problem with tariffs and trade restrictions.

'Then Biden has come in and built upon that. We now have something of a bipartisan consensus.

'But we are still not pushing hard enough. With both Trump and Biden, you hear "America First". I don't believe that's a good solution.

'It should be "Buy Allies", because the U.S. does not have the capacity to solve the problem on its own.'

The Biden administration has been criticized for its sclerotic response to the crisis, with experts citing a mealy-mouthed 'non-binding preliminary memorandum of terms (PMT)' to provide $162million in federal funding to support the onshoring of semiconductor technology as demonstrating a lack of urgency on the matter.

General Ferrari has also said that the recently passed 2024 National Defense Authorization Act 'barely affects' the timeline for eliminating the Pentagon's dependence on China.

Driven by profit

The DoD has long known that US supply chains are dominated by Chinese manufacturing.

In 2012, the Senate Armed Forces Committee found that counterfeit parts from China were being integrated into several critical systems, putting national security at risk.

These included AI capabilities in the Air Force's Global Hawk unmanned surveillance aircraft, the Navy's Integrated Submarine Imaging System, and the Army's Stryker Mobile Gun.

A decade later, the Pentagon suspended deliveries of its flagship F-35 fighter jets after it was discovered that they contained a component made with a banned Chinese alloy.

The Air Force eventually resumed supplies after determining that the parts wouldn't affect safety, but the scare underlined concerns about how the complexities of the military supply chain could allow Beijing to slip in defective parts or spyware undetected.

The US built up its reliance on Chinese manufacturing during an era of relative harmony between the two nations following the 1990s.

American contractors were encouraged to do business with China, which was able to offer cheap manufacturing and ready access to raw materials.

But defense officials have become increasingly uneasy about the integration of supply chains in the wake of increased tensions with Beijing.

Yet the DoD's reliance on Chinese equipment has continued to grow. Between 2014 and 2022, American dependence on Chinese electronics increased by 600 per cent, according to Govini.

Courtney Manning, senior research scientist at the nonpartisan American Security Project, said the trend has been 'driven by profit'.

'American defense contractors have obtained extremely lucrative contracts that are hard to break out of,' she told

'They are given a lot of agency and who they're able to work with. For many of them, sourcing their components from China or Taiwan is a lucrative way to get their high tech needs met without spending a fortune on manpower here in the US.'

But contractors have pointed to a dearth of domestic options, with U.S. manufacturing in terminal decline.

Jeff Ferry, chief economist at the non-profit Coalition for a Prosperous America, said drone manufacturers were desperately but largely unsuccessfully seeking American components.

'There's possibly a few hundred parts that go into a drone,' he told 'The majority of them are made in huge volumes in China.'

Drones run on lithium, a mineral China has a monopoly on.

Semiconductors, meanwhile, require materials, including gallium, arsenic, and neon - much of which are produced in Russia, China, and Ukraine.

The US does not produce gallium and Russia's invasion of Ukraine halved the world's supply of semiconductor-grade neon.

The war in Ukraine has exposed widespread problems in the American armaments industry.

U.S. weapons inventories have fallen to perilously low levels after sending Ukraine billions of dollars of military equipment and supplies.

But defense companies are not equipped to replenish them rapidly.

A study by think tank the Center for Strategic and International Studies has said the conflict in Eastern Europe has highlighted how quickly the U.S. military would run out of munitions in a potential conflict with China in the Indo-Pacific. 

:: 6-20-24 The War Zone :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

U.S. Diverting Missiles From Foreign Customers To Ukraine Could Have Repercussions Beyond Air Defense

The bold move to divert missiles planned to foreign buyers is great for Ukraine, but it may not be viewed as positively by some customers.

Howard Altman, Tyler Rogoway Posted on Jun 20, 2024 8:14 PM EDT

5 minute read

The Biden administration’s decision to temporarily halt deliveries of Patriot and National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems, or NASAMS interceptors for all countries except Ukraine and Taiwan won’t just affect allied air defense capabilities.

Patriot interceptors can only be used on the Patriot system, at least for now. The primary weapon for NASAMS is the AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM), which is also the most widely used western beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile, as we explained in our deep dive here. As such, it is a critical component of many Foreign Military Sales (FMS) the U.S. has for combat aircraft and to arm existing fighter fleets, as well as countries with NASAMS.

In response to Russia’s ongoing attacks on cities and civilian infrastructure, the White House opted to put Ukraine at the top of the list for hundreds of missiles for both the Patriot and NASAMS, a National Security Council spokesman told reporters, including from The War Zone, at a Thursday morning press conference.

We’re going to reprioritize the deliveries of these exports so that those missiles rolling off the production line will now be provided to Ukraine,” John Kirby said, adding that while the other countries will have to wait, it is only a temporary delay, through Fiscal Year 2025. The missiles will begin arriving in Ukraine in the coming weeks and certainly by the end of the summer, Kirby said. That dovetails with the pending delivery of U.S.-made F-16s that can carry AMRAAMs.

While the interceptor decision focuses on Ukraine, Kirby said Taiwan will not be affected. Taiwan, which is facing a quickly expanding cross-channel threat from China, is a major user of the AIM-120 and has ordered batches of the missiles. Last year, the State Department approved the possible sale of 200 AIM-120C-8 missiles to that island nation.

We have, of course, informed all the affected countries that we are taking this extraordinary step, and we’re making every effort to minimize any negative impact,” Kirby explained. “We’re going to make sure that we give Ukraine the critical air defense capabilities they need now and into the future, and we’re going to keep working with our allies and partners to make sure that they, too, get the air defense capabilities” that they need.

While NASAMS can also fire AIM-9X Sidewinders, a U.S. official told us that this plan involves two types of missiles, Patriot PAC-3 interceptors and AMRAAMs

There are plans underway to produce Patriot interceptors in Germany, but that will only involve an earlier variant, the Guidance Enhanced Missile-Tactical (GEM-T) version of the PAC-2 Patriot missile, which is still capable of defeating some ballistic missiles. You can read more about that plan here. To boost U.S. supplies of Patriot interceptors, the Japanese government in December announced plans to deliver Patriots produced in Japan under an American license. The exact size of of U.S. Patriot stockpiles remains classified.

As for AMRAAMs, there are multiple FMS deals in the works for hundreds of those missiles. Kirby declined to say which nations will be affected by the delay. Some are part of recent deals for U.S. fighters. There are also other FMS deals in the works to provide hundreds of AMRAAMs to arm jets already in service. The AIM-120 is a critical weapon for these aircraft and they are severely degraded in the air-to-air realm without them.

About 500 AMRAAMs are in the pipeline that could potentially be available to Ukraine over the next 16 months.

The State Department said it was up to the Pentagon to discuss delivery timelines. A Pentagon spokesman said that information wasn’t immediately available.

Beyond the issue of how this will affect aircraft deals, the Biden administration’s decision on interceptors also impacts Pacific allies amid increasing Chinese belligerence. While Taiwan is exempted, South Korea, Japan, and the Philippines are among the nations waiting in line for their missiles.

This decision won’t “diminish our deterrence in the Indo-Pacific,” a U.S. official told The War Zone. “Under the President’s leadership, we are working with our Allies and partners across the Indo-Pacific to deter our adversaries and advance a free and open region. We will continue to do so. For example, we are working to finalize the rollout of $2 billion in Indo-Pacific foreign military financing from the bipartisan supplemental, a historic investment in the region – and Taiwan is exempted from this decision and will continue to receive interceptors under the same timeline as before.”

“I would also note that our allies and partners in the Indo-Pacific understand just how critical it is to support Ukraine,” the official added. “Many of them have stepped up to provide aid to Ukraine themselves because they understand that if Russia succeeds in Ukraine, that will embolden autocrats and other regimes around the world who want to seize their neighbors’ territory. That would have damaging effects for countries everywhere.”

This move also does raise questions about U.S. stockpiles of these weapons after constant consumption in Ukraine and a costly battle against Houthi drones over and around the Red Sea. Diverting customers sales to supply Ukraine does point to limitations in just how many more drawdowns the U.S. can do from its own stockpile. The U.S. is set to buy around 360 AMRAAMs in the same period of time as this diversion is set to last, for now.

For U.S. allies waiting for interceptors, even a 16-month delay is a cause for concern. Moreover, holding back promised weapons can raise issues of trust about whether Washington won’t deliver along promised timelines in the future. This is especially true if the war in Ukraine drags on.

Regardless, it’s a reminder that even though firm orders are in place, the U.S. can manipulate the timing of those orders at will, even when it isn’t in a direct shooting conflict. This could impact the decision-making process for prospective customers in the future. While some allies may be fine with the decision, others may not. Each customer has its own unique security challenges to deal with and not all are highly engaged with supporting Ukraine.

Given world events, the chances that those allies would need these missiles in a fight are not inconceivable, and a delay now only could compound in the future, especially considering the extreme demands for anti-air missiles globally. While Biden administration’s move is good news for Ukraine, it remains to be seen how it works out for those who will be waiting and what type of protest some may make over the decision.

Contact the author: 

[ ::  2-4-24 am service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

For there is none other that takes you through the days and the hours that you’re living in other than me, for man does not have an answer to the problems that the world is facing.  He cannot stop the wars, for when he intervenes they only get worse, he cannot stop what is going on in the environment with the weather and other things, the earthquakes, the flooding, man cannot stop what is happening.  For when he intervenes he only makes worse but I your Father God, when I intervene the very wind and the waves stand at my attention.  etc

:: 6-20-24 Yahoo News AccuWeather :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Insult to injury: Thunderstorm floods Ruidoso fire area

Jesse Ferrell  Thu, June 20, 2024, 3:41 PM EDT·2 min read

Insult to injury: Thunderstorm floods Ruidoso fire area

At least one person was killed this week by wildfires that have been tearing across Lincoln County, New Mexico, the Mescalero Apache Reservation and the village of Ruidoso. To make matters worse, a slow-moving thunderstorm dropped massive amounts of rain in the mountains north of Ruidoso on Wednesday afternoon, causing deep water and mudflows across the area.

The Rio Chama near Chamita rose almost 4 feet in an hour. The National Weather Service office in Albuquerque, New Mexico, issued a flash flood emergency, saying water rescues were performed in Ruidoso. A rain gauge in the area reported 1.63 inches of rain in two hours. Videos showed RVs underwater at River Ranch RV resort, east of Ruidoso Downs.

The storms also caused a massive duststorm to propagate west across New Mexico and Mexico, causing at least one vehicle pileup and injuring 18 people.

Because of the fires, the flooding was worse than it would have otherwise been. Wildfires can radically change landscapes-areas once abundant with trees and bushes can be reduced to ashes and dry soil. The change leaves a noticeable mark on the land and is often called a burn scar. In communities ravaged by fire, the lack of trees and plants can become a significant issue when heavy rain returns to an area where a wildfire once burned.

In another nearby storm, cars and trucks were stranded in deep water and hail on State Road 42 near Willard on Wednesday evening.

Some of Tropical Rainstorm Alberto's moisture continues to stream northward into New Mexico today, and there will likely again be some showers and thunderstorms this afternoon and this evening and again during the day tomorrow, AccuWeather meteorologists say.

AccuWeather Regional Expert John Feerick explained, "Storms that do develop should be moving a bit faster than the storms that were around yesterday, hopefully limiting the flood threat some, but can still produce a lot of rain in a short period of time and exacerbate flooding issues in the region. As we head into the weekend, a ridge of high pressure is expected to build eastward over the Four Corners, meaning that storms should be few and far between for Saturday and Sunday." 

:: 6-21-24 Yahoo News ABC 15 Arizona :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Phoenix firefighters to assist rescue and recovery efforts in Ruidoso, NM

KNXV - Phoenix Scripps  Fri, June 21, 2024, 8:12 AM EDT

Phoenix firefighters are being sent to help rescue and recovery efforts in the New Mexico resort town of Ruidoso. After deadly wildfires burned through the area, rainfall Wednesday caused flash flooding. Officials in the town called the flooding the "worst-case scenario" for the region, Scripps News reported. 

:: 6-20-24 Yahoo News KRQE Albuquerque :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Ruidoso flooding presents challenges for fire crews

Natalie Wadas  Thu, June 20, 2024, 6:00 PM EDT·2 min read

RUIDOSO, N.M. (KRQE) – Despite heavy rainfall in the area, the two wildfires surrounding Ruidoso continued to burn overnight and crews were not able to gain any ground. Officials on Thursday told KRQE News 13 the fire zones got roughly two-and-a-half inches of rainfall in an hour-and-a-half Wednesday and it’s presented new challenges for fire crews.

We actually had to pull, we pulled our operations from that northwestern side of town because we didn’t want them getting stuck if you know when the floodwaters came down,” said Kerry Gladden, public information officer with the Village of Ruidoso.

Gladden said they had to do three swift water rescues downstream of Ruidoso on Wednesday because of the water and debris flows. The South Fork and Salt fires are still at roughly the same acreage as Wednesday – 23,000 acres between the two of them. 

[ :: 3-22-15 pm service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc. You are seeing the pressure that the whole world is putting on my people Israel and only the true Christians are standing with them now, etc

:: 6-23-24 New York Post :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Netanyahu claims weapons supplies from US dropped 4 months ago and he only went public as a last resort

By Associated Press Published June 23, 2024, 11:10 a.m. ET

TEL AVIV, Israel — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told his Cabinet on Sunday that there had been a “dramatic drop” in U.S. weapons deliveries for Israel’s war effort in Gaza, doubling down on a claim that the Biden administration has denied and underscoring the growing strains between the two allies.

Netanyahu told his Cabinet that the drop had occurred four months ago, without specifying which weapons, saying only that “certain items arrived sporadically but the munitions at large remained behind.”

The spat highlights how high tensions have surged between Israel and Washington over the war in Gaza, particularly surrounding the Israeli military’s conduct in the beleaguered territory and the harm to civilian life there.

President Biden has delayed delivering certain heavy bombs since May over those concerns, but his administration fought back last week against Netanyahu’s charges that other shipments had also been affected.

Netanyahu told the Cabinet that he was driven to release a video in English last week after weeks of unsuccessful pleas with American officials to speed up deliveries.

He said a resolution appeared close.

In light of what I have heard over the past day, I hope and believe that this matter will be solved soon,” he said, without elaborating.

Netanyahu’s video last week sparked an uproar among critics in Israel and was met with denial and confusion from White House officials.

White House national security spokesman John Kirby said the U.S. was “perplexed” by Netanyahu’s claims.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said, “We generally do not know what he’s talking about.”

His remarks came hours after Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant traveled to Washington for meetings with senior officials.

A statement from Gallant’s office said he would discuss “maintaining Israel’s qualitative edge in the region” but made no mention of the weapons issue.

The war in Gaza, which was sparked by Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on southern Israel, has tested the U.S.-Israel relationship like never before.

While the U.S. has staunchly supported Israel’s aims of freeing hostages taken into Gaza and defeating Hamas, it has grown increasingly concerned over the rising Palestinian death toll and the humanitarian crisis created by the war. 

:: 6-24-24 The Jerusalem Post :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman: US likely unable to assist Israel in war with Hezbollah

Gen. Brown asked Israel to think of how a war would affect the region, as well as the impact it would have on US forces.

By JERUSALEM POST STAFF  JUNE 24, 2024 10:36  Updated: JUNE 24, 2024 14:34

Joint Chiefs of Staff head Charles Q. Brown warned on Monday that the US may not be able to help defend Israel against an all-out war with Hezbollah in the same way that it stepped in during the Iran drone attack in April.

Brown, a US Air Force general, also said that Iran “would be more inclined to support Hezbollah."

While the Islamic Republic supports Hamas, General Brown said that Tehran would stand more firmly behind Hezbollah, “particularly if they felt that Hezbollah was being significantly threatened.”

Brown also said that any Israeli military offensive into Lebanon could risk triggering a broader war, putting US forces in danger.

Risk of escalation

In the event of war, Brown said the US would likely not be able to provide the same assistance as it did when Iran carried out a missile and drone attack on Israel earlier this year. He also said it was hard to fend off the shorter-range rockets that Hezbollah fires across the border into Israel.

He asserted that the safety of US forces was the priority and reiterated that no attacks had been carried out on US bases in the region since February.

Brown said that the US continued to warn Israel against going to war with Lebanon.

"Think about the second order of effect of any type of operation into Lebanon, and how that might play out and how it impacts not just the region, but how it impacts our forces in regions as well,” Brown reportedly said.

Brown's comments come amid heightened expectations that the IDF may launch a military campaign in Lebanon to oust Hezbollah from the territory on Israel’s border to stop its persistent attacks.

Prime Minister Netanyahu told Channel 14 on Sunday night that Israel is open to a diplomatic resolution to the Hezbollah threat, but he stressed, “It must be on our terms.”

“We will do what is necessary," he said. "I can assure the citizens of Israel that if we are required to take on this challenge, we will do it. We can fight on several fronts, and we are also preparing for it.”

Tovah Lazaroff contributed to this report. 

[ :: 7-11-04 pm service (fifth word) :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc.. Did I not warn you that the days would be like Sodom and Gomorrah as it was in the days of Lot? When America accepts this lifestyle and makes a law protecting them, she will be like Samson breaking her last vow. I will no longer stand with her neither will my blessing be upon her, then shall come to pass in my timing, the twenty four hour period of Babylon’s destruction. For you have not a leader of this country who follows my word or ways. They have gone the ways of the antichrist system and forsaken the religion of their forefathers of days gone by. etc..

:: 6-23-24 New York Post :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Brave nurse tells The Post why she blew the whistle on Texas children’s hospital accused of manipulating parents into giving kids life-changing trans treatments

By Social Links for Jennie Taer  Published June 23, 2024, 6:55 p.m. ET

HOUSTON, Texas — A nurse at the nation’s largest children’s hospital says doctors pressured parents to give their kids hormone therapy and other transgender medicine interventionswarning that their children might kill themselves if they held off on treatments.

Vanessa Sivadge has worked at a Texas Children’s Hospital clinic where kids are given gender-affirming care since 2021. She said that doctors there are more driven by “ideology” than what was best for the youths, many of whom had additional underlying problems.

Parents were manipulated by doctors with an ideological agenda to go down this path of medical transition for their child,” Sivadge told The Post in an exclusive interview.

“And I do think that doctors would use manipulative language to suggest that if they didn’t do this their child would commit suicide or they would harm themselves.”

Sivadge, 31, also alleged that doctors would mis-categorize the treatments to justify gender-affirming care. She believes that the doctors are using the strategy to get around a ban by Texas Medicaid on covering hormone treatments for transgender medicine.

However, Sivadge said she does not directly know whether the treatments are being charged to the publicly-funded health insurance scheme.

The Houston healthcare worker said she is now being hounded by the FBI for speaking out. Agents visited her home after she spoke to the conservative journalist Chris Rufo, and suggested she was part of an investigation into violations of HIPAA patient privacy laws.

Sivadge, who still works for Texas Children’s Hospital, said she has observed doctors manipulating the parents of young patients into agreeing to the treatment without informing them of the long term side effects like infertility.

“The doctor would do things based on what the patient wanted, and not what was medically best for them,” she said.

There was just no discussion of what are the risks, what are the longterm effects.”

Sivadge also saw that many patients had underlying issues, including past suicide attempts, autism diagnoses, depression and anxiety. She felt these issues were being dismissed in the name of prescribing hormones and other forms of transgender care.

“Many of them had previous ER visits for attempted suicide, many of them are autistic, many of them are depressed and anxious, and that’s really devastating because it’s really clear there’s something else going on in addition to having confusion about their sexual identity,” she said.

“That just really devastated me.”

She said she observed doctors in the clinic misdiagnosing patients with hormone deficiencies in order to get Medicaid coverage.

Providers… were misdiagnosing patients intentionally for the purpose of justifying puberty blockers and hormones,” she said.

Among the strategies was making “ludicrous” claims that healthy girls had a testosterone deficiency, or healthy boys had an estrogen deficiency, she alleged.

The normal diagnosis would be gender dysphoria for kids who were deemed to need gender-affirming care, she explained. However, doctors were instead using the alternate diagnosis.

She believes this is part of an effort to allow them to get treatments covered through the taxpayer-funded health insurance program, she claimed.

Texas Children’s Hospital said in March 2022 that it would stop gender-affirming hormone treatments for kids after Gov. Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton declared such treatments “child abuse” under state law.

In June 2023, the state legislature passed a law banning trans treatments for kids, and barring taxpayer funds from going to pay for gender-affirming care. That legislation is now the subject of a lawsuit before the Texas Supreme Court.

Sivadge said the clinic would also note which parents expressed reticence about giving gender-affirming care to their children.

There were the parents that were very affirming of their child’s new sexual identity and there were the parents that were a little more cautious and a little more careful and they had some questions and it was always noted in the chart which parents were cautious and weren’t completely affirming and which ones were,” she claimed.

Sivadge first spoke out publicly against transgender medicine for children in 2022, when she wrote for the conservative Family Research Council that she believes the treatment inflicts long term harm on young patients.

But, she came forward in May 2023 to make specific allegations against Texas Children’s Hospital after another whistleblower, Dr. Eithan Haima surgeon who completed his residency at the hospital, leaked documents to Rufo in 2023 that purported to show the institution was conducting gender-affirming surgeries on kids in secret and against the law.

Haim has since been charged by the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Texas with four counts of violating HIPAA privacy laws.

“Dr. Haim did not break the law, and he looks forward to his day in court,” Ryan Patrick, an attorney for Haim, told the Dallas Morning News.

After that interview, in July 24, 2023, the FBI showed up at Sivadge’s door. She said the visit was meant to intimidate her into silence.

Sivadge and her husband were entertaining friends for dinner that night. But when the two men at the door identified themselves, Sivadge knew exactly why they were there.

For 15 minutes, the agents lingered inside Sivadge’s home. She said they threatened her in the hopes she’d help them track down Haim, she said.

“They said ‘we’re here because we’re aware of your views on transgender medicine,'” Sivadge said of her interaction with the FBI.

“They continued to talk and say ‘you’re a person of interest in an investigation of someone who has released patient confidential information violating HIPAA'”

The agents said Sivadge wouldn’t be safe at work if she didn’t help them, she said.

“They said we would like your help in finding him and we would like you to help us expose him and if you don’t do that, we will make your life very difficult,’

When Sivadge referred to Haim as a whistleblower, the FBI agents corrected her, saying he was “not a whistleblower, he’s a leaker,” she said.

They used very veiled language, like kind of threats, to suggest that if I did not help them they could not protect me,”

“We just listened and they left and we knew from that moment on that our lives would never be the same and that we would not be silent.”

The FBI said it does not comment on interactions it has with individuals.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has launched an investigation into both whistleblowers’ claims. Additionally, Texas state Rep. Brian Harrison has called for the state legislature to hold hearings to investigate the issue and the Biden administration’s “unconstitutional tyranny.”

“The Biden administration, their goal here is to stifle dissent. They want to silence opposition,” Harrison recently told The Post.

A spokesperson for Texas Children’s Hospital didn’t respond to The Post when reached for comment.

Sivadge said that her goal in speaking out is to advocate for the kids who are being given life-altering treatments by providers who are putting political correctness ahead of medicine.

These doctors are driven by a political agenda, like an ideological agenda,” she said, “and I truly believe that they think that they’re doing the right thing.”


[:: 2-13-2022 pm service   :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::   

etc for do you not know the day and the hour that you are now living in as Russia is about to make her move and China is backing her one hundred percent and that is the move that you will see very soon now.  For truly Russia will make her move and rend the United States helpless, remember I’ve warned you that, I’ve told you about this. For truly it’s now that time and that hour that judgment must come to America to wake up those who are fast asleep, for they do not know the time nor the hour that they are living in.  But remember it is a great hour for my church, etc

:: 6-18-24 Miami Herald :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Russia’s nuclear submarine tracks back up Florida’s coast as warships head to Caribbean

Michael Wilner, Nora Gámez Torres

Tue, June 18, 2024, 9:08 PM EDT·3 min read

Russia has split up the naval flotilla that docked in Havana earlier this week, sending its nuclear submarine back north to the Atlantic and the rest of its warships south, where they are expected to make a port call in Venezuela, a U.S. official told McClatchy and the Miami Herald on Tuesday.

U.S. and Canadian warships, including destroyers and Coast Guard cutters, followed the submarine on Tuesday as it traveled back up the Florida coast in international waters — a reflection of the vessel’s significance and its proximity to U.S. shores.

An official with the U.S. Northern Command told McClatchy that the U.S. Navy continues to closely monitor the movements of the Russian vessels. Their presence in the Western Hemisphere mark the first significant Russian naval deployment in the region in five years, and the first deployment of a nuclear submarine of its kind since the end of the Cold War.

The Russian flotilla, comprising the missile frigate Admiral Gorshkov, the nuclear-powered cruise missile submarine Kazan, the oil tanker Pashin and the salvage tug Nikolai Chiker, arrived in Havana last Wednesday, closely tracked by U.S. and Canadian military vessels.

U.S. officials confirmed to McClatchy and the Miami Herald the deployment of three guided-missile destroyers — the USS Truxtun, USS Donald Cook and USS Delbert D. Black — as well as a Coast Guard cutter, the Stone, and a Boeing P-8 maritime patrol aircraft. They stayed close to Cuban waters near Havana for several days.

U.S. officials had previously said they expected the Russian ships to go to Venezuela and conduct military exercises in the Caribbean.

Last Wednesday, the Russian combat vessels and the submarine passed very close to Florida shores on their way to Havana. At one point, open satellite tracking data located one of the Russian vessels less than 30 miles off Key Largo.

The Russian navy frigate Admiral Gorshkov

On Tuesday afternoon, three U.S. warships, including the USS destroyer Truxtun and the Coast Guard cutter Stone, and the Canadian frigate HMCS Ville de Québec were positioned close to Miami shores, and later continued moving north close to the Florida coast, according to satellite tracking website

A fourth Canadian warship, the HMCS Margaret Brook, docked in Havana at the same time as the Russian submarine and frigate, was off West Palm Beach on Tuesday afternoon.

The U.S. military also seemed to have attempted to track the expected fleet trajectory with the help of unmanned vessels known as saildrones, a technology used to monitor ocean currents and hurricanes. According to satellite tracking data, three of those vessels were located close to Central Cuba on Tuesday morning. The U.S. Navy has recently incorporated into the saildrones the technology that helps track submarines.

Russian officials and state media have said little about the fleet’s next destination. But on Monday, the commander of the frigate Admiral Gorshkov suggested in a vague statement to the Russian official news agency Tass that the fleet was to resume “combat service.”

We carried out everything that we planned,” said Capt. Pavel Konov. “We are ready to continue to carry out the tasks of combat service.”

While in Havana, he said the sailors rested, visited a museum dedicated to Cuba’s late ruler Fidel Castro, went to the beach and tried mangoes.

Curious Cubans waited in line to visit the frigate, which was also toured by Cuban leader Miguel Díaz-Canel and CNN.

American, Russian and Cuban officials all played down the visit. Cuba said the Russian warships were not carrying nuclear weapons. American officials said the Russian deployment was not a threat to the U.S. And a Kremlin spokesman said countries did not need to worry about Russian warships in the Western Hemisphere, which he called a normal occurrence. 

[ ::  10-8-2023 pm service :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

For even the novice can see the events that have started are not going to stop, but these events have been recorded in my word that they would take place and they will continue to take place.  For only if you were fast asleep could you miss what is going on right now, for I have called for my church to be watchman, I’ve called for you to be awake and know and see the hour that you are living in.  For it is very, very clear now.  For I gave you the sign and my word even tells you about the fig tree, for that is the most important thing and as you see what is taking place right now it will not stop, but it will continue right on through the events that I said would take place for this time and this hour. etc

:: 6-19-24 Hal Turner Radio Show :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

The Fuse Has Been Lit

Official Announcement: "Diplomacy Has Failed" - Israel - Hezbollah Heading to War (Doom Scale Just Hit 10)

Hal Turner World June 19, 2024 Hits: 28246

The U.S. Special Envoy, Amos Hochstein, has publicly announced that "diplomatic efforts to calm tensions between Israel and Hezbollah have officially failed." Hezbollah squarely refuses any negotiation to relocate its people north of the Litani River in Lebanon.

Yesterday, through COVERT INTEL, I reported that Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, told US Envoy Amos Hochstein that Hezbollah will PRE-EMPTIVELY strike Israel if they see Israel preparing for a Lebanon Invasion. Those preparations have been announced and ARE happening.

Israel said today that "Southern Lebanon will look like GAZA, and Beirut is not immune."

Based upon Hezbollah refusing to reach any agreement and Israel now backed into a corner being forced to take action to resolve the so-called "Hezbollah security issue (no security at all), the time is nigh for war.

Hezbollah had until the 24th to agree to the Israeli demand to withdraw to north of the Litani River. Instead, Hezbollah threatened offensive measures if Israel looked to prepare to attack.

Israel is now prepared to attack.

Whom draws first in this standoff is all we need to know. It can happen at any moment from either side, but my bet is that Israel will strike first; and could happen anytime now.

Meanwhile, Iran publicly says it will support Hezbollah and join in to any War, of course.

Hezbollah threatens to hit Cyprus as Cyprus will allow Israeli jets to use runways to bomb Hezbollah.

If Cyprus is attacked, then Greece may come to their support.

Then Turkey will side with Iran and Hezbollah as Turkey hates Greece and hates Israel.

This is looking like a 10 scale doom moment.


[ ::  12-31-18/1-1-19 New Years Eve service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc hour is getting very close.  The earthquakes shall now get bigger, far bigger, far bigger, more powerful, the tornadoes and the hurricanes, oh you will see storms like the world has not seen, volcanoes like the world does not remember. Oh the things that are about to take place simply because it is my timing, etc

:: 6-19-24 New York Post :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Is Mount St. Helens about to blow? Washington volcano recharging 44 years after eruption

By Social Links for Alex Mitchell  Published June 19, 2024, 4:01 p.m. ET

Is it getting ready to rock?

Mount Saint Helens in Washington, which notoriously and cataclysmically erupted in 1980 and had its ash reach Montana, has been showing major signs of constant activity recently, according to the US Geological Survey.

The volcanic elevation, which is 8,363 feet in the air, has experienced about 350 earthquakes since the start of February, with a peak amount of 38 in the first week of June.

Most were not noticeable, but one on May 31 clocked in at a 2.0 on the Richter scale — under half the magnitude of New York’s less-than-devastating, 4.8 April quake.

Still, its past two periods of heightened seismic activity from 2023 and on “represent the largest short-term increase in earthquake rates since the last eruption ended in 2008,” the USGS’ Cascades Volcano Observatory in Vancouver, WA wrote.

Although the 2008 eruption was relatively minor and represented a four year period of buildup, it then let up “to pave seven highway lanes three feet thick from New York City to Portland, Oregon,” per the USGS.

Sequences of small earthquakes typically tell that a volcano is beginning to pressurize its stored magma inside — a process known as “recharging.”

Magma slowly rises through the lower crust and accumulates in a reservoir about 2.5 to 6 miles (4‒10 km) below sea level,” according to Cascades.

Recharge events can occur when magma enters this upper reservoir and increases stresses that lead to earthquakes.”

Relax, though.

The experts are bringing people back to Earth, saying this is perfectly natural and not a high risk for another eruption.

There has been a noticeable increase in seismic activity around Mount Saint Helens recently.

“High rates of seismicity, interpreted as recharge, have been observed in the past at Mount St. Helens and at other volcanoes and can continue for many years without an eruption,” the observatory noted.

“No significant changes have been observed in other monitoring parameters and there is no change in alert levels at this time. Mount St. Helens remains at normal, background levels of activity.” 

[ :: 12-30-01  At the altar after PM Service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

Put your money, your time, your efforts into what I tell you to do, for I will cause you to have a victory such as you have never seen. And it shall be so clear, yes; it shall be so clear what you are all to do. Yes, for I shall speak to you, my power shall be awesome and miracles shall come to pass. It shall not be the fake gold or the fake feathers or the false shaking or the animal noises or the falling under the power and not coming away with permanent results or changed lives. My prophetic shall speak concerning things to come in a clear concise manner that no one shall want to miss or read second hand. For they will want to hear it under the anointing of the prophets and to receive the anointing of the prophet that shall manifest miracles, signs and wonders. People shall now see the signs of the last days like never before. Not only in a strange and confusing weather, the heat, the drought, the floods, the forest fires, the volcanoes, lack of jobs, shortage of money, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, sandstorms, straight wind, electrical storms, electrical shortages, hail, locusts, pestilence’s, the sicknesses, terrorists attacks, wars, the uniting of the false church under the false prophet, the rise of the anti-christ, the riots, the crime, the drugs, alcoholism, great open gay activities and movies, more open sex on TV, more street people, homeless, lack of crops, food shortages, great fear in those who do not know me. No peace as my word says for the world. The UN taking more control, martial law established, rationing and many more disasters that shall now begin to come. etc.

:: 6-19-24 Strange Sounds :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Some strange weather patterns! A foot of June snow in parts of Montana and Idaho Rockies while East swelters

Jun 19, 2024

As residents of the Northeast and Midwest prepare for an extreme heat wave, those who live in parts of the Rocky Mountains and Pacific Northwest are experiencing snow and unusually cold weather in the lead-up to Thursday, the first day of summer.

Glacier Park in Montana had a snowy scene at sunset on June 18.

At Montana State on June 17, a summer football camp practiced in the snow in Bozeman, Montana.

Nearly one million residents of the West were under a winter weather advisory or a frost advisory Monday morning. Snow was on the ground at ski resorts and covered mountain passes in Idaho and Montana.

Up to 15 inches of snow is also “possible for the higher terrain in the Sapphire and Bitterroot ranges including Skalkaho Pass and Lost Trail Pass,” the forecasters said.

Great Falls, Montana, should have an afternoon high temperature of 73 degrees this time of year, but the AccuWeather forecast for Monday is a high temperature of only 45 degrees.

Several inches of snow fell Sunday into Monday morning in six states and provinces British Columbia, Alberta, Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana.

While snow does fall at high elevations in early June, late-June snowfalls are less common. Last year, the last significant snowfall in the Rockies took place on June 24-25.

Bridger Bowl, Montana, June snow

Official reports indicated 14 inches of snow at Clover Meadows, Montana as of the morning of June 18.

AccuWeather forecasters say temperatures will moderate this week. By this weekend, temperatures in some towns in the Rockies will be 40 degrees higher than Monday.

Meanwhile, on the eastern side of the US… Fearmongering:

Hey friends, it’s time to wake up!

If a few more people choose to support my work, I could expose more lies, root out more corruption, and call out more hypocrites. So, if you can afford it, please support my endeavor by either using PAYPAL or the DonorBox below (PAYPAL & Credit Cards / Debit Cards accepted)… 

[ :: 1-17-18 pm service  ::  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

the troubles that are going on here, the troubles that are going on there, the preparation for war, not just North Korea but Russia and other countries that hate America, they are preparing and getting ready.  For the hour is much later than most people think, it is far later than those that are walking in the false and tell you etc.

:: 6-19-24 Eur Asian Times :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

US Stealth Bombers Touch Down In Guam; Drill With F-22, F-35 Fighter Jets Amid ‘Hot Tensions’ With China

By Ashish Dangwal - June 19, 2024

US B-2 Spirit stealth bombers flew to the Pacific last week to participate in the large-scale joint exercise Valiant Shield 2024. The exercise took place around Guam, Palau, and the Northern Mariana Islands, with the B-2s landing on Guam for the first time in five years.

These stealthy aircraft arrived at Andersen Air Force Base on June 13. Hailing from Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri, the B-2 Spirits were seen participating in the exercise alongside F-22 Raptors and Marine Corps F-35Bs.

Images released by the Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) showed the stealthy bombers in action, including their landing at Andersen Air Force Base. Valiant Shield, which concluded on June 18, offered a platform for the US military to showcase its strategic capabilities.

The Marines emphasized the importance of the B-2 Spirit’s deployment, noting its critical role in demonstrating speed, flexibility, and readiness.

The Air Force highlighted the significance of counter-maritime missions during the exercise.Counter-maritime missions provide valuable training opportunities to improve our interoperability and demonstrate that our forces are capable of operating anywhere, anytime, to meet any challenge decisively,” added the service.

However, Pacific Air Forces and Whiteman Air Force Base have not given out details regarding the missions or training activities in which the B-2s participated during the exercise.

The B-2 bombers have been active globally. In 2023, the bombers conducted multiple missions over Europe, while in 2022, crews were dispatched to Australia as part of a Bomber Task Force deployment.


Know EurAsian Times

US B-2 Spirit stealth bombers flew to the Pacific last week to participate in the large-scale joint exercise Valiant Shield 2024. The exercise took place around Guam, Palau, and the Northern Mariana Islands, with the B-2s landing on Guam for the first time in five years.

These stealthy aircraft arrived at Andersen Air Force Base on June 13. Hailing from Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri, the B-2 Spirits were seen participating in the exercise alongside F-22 Raptors and Marine Corps F-35Bs.

Images released by the Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) showed the stealthy bombers in action, including their landing at Andersen Air Force Base. Valiant Shield, which concluded on June 18, offered a platform for the US military to showcase its strategic capabilities.

The Marines emphasized the importance of the B-2 Spirit’s deployment, noting its critical role in demonstrating speed, flexibility, and readiness.

“The speed, flexibility, and readiness of our strategic bombers play a critical role in our ability to deter potential adversaries and signal our unwavering support to our allies and partners,” the service said.

U.S. Air Force and Marine Corps 5th generation aircraft fly over the North Pacific Ocean on June 13, 2024.

The Air Force highlighted the significance of counter-maritime missions during the exercise. “Counter-maritime missions provide valuable training opportunities to improve our interoperability and demonstrate that our forces are capable of operating anywhere, anytime, to meet any challenge decisively,” added the service.

However, Pacific Air Forces and Whiteman Air Force Base have not given out details regarding the missions or training activities in which the B-2s participated during the exercise.

The B-2 bombers have been active globally. In 2023, the bombers conducted multiple missions over Europe, while in 2022, crews were dispatched to Australia as part of a Bomber Task Force deployment.

However, the bomber has not been stationed in Guam in the past five years. The last recorded instance of a B-2 landing in Guam was in 2019 during a refueling stop as part of a Bomber Task Force mission.

The deployment to Guam emphasizes the strategic role the island plays in US military operations in the Pacific. Given the increasing focus on potential threats from China, the presence of B-2 bombers in the region serves as a powerful reminder of the US commitment to safeguard its interests in the area.

Valiant Shield 24

Valiant Shield is a biennial military exercise known for its scope and scale. This year, for the first time, all six US military services and international partners participated in the exercise.

The exercise started on June 7 with a spectacular formation flight involving B-1 Lancer bombers and F-22 Raptors over US Navy and Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force ships. This display of air power marked the beginning of intensive joint training scenarios aimed at enhancing interoperability and readiness among allied forces.

The exercise, which concluded recently, featured a series of dynamic training scenarios aimed at enhancing joint force capabilities across multiple domains.

According to a statement from the US Navy, participants in Valiant Shield 2024 engaged in various activities designed to simulate real-world operations.

These included a sinking exercise on a decommissioned amphibious transport dock, the launch of high-altitude balloons from Andersen Air Force Base, and nighttime flying operations. The overarching goal was to enhance proficiency in detecting, locating, tracking, and engaging units across sea, air, space, land, and cyberspace domains.

Exercises such as VS24 provide a critical opportunity for forces across the Indo-Pacific region to integrate and train together,” explained the US Navy. “This year’s exercise demonstrated precise, lethal, and overwhelming multi-domain effects, showcasing the strength and versatility of the Joint and Combined Force.”

The involvement of US Space Command and US Transportation Command further underscored the exercise’s emphasis on multi-domain collaboration among Combatant Commands. This integration was essential for conducting large-scale operations effectively.

The US Air Force played a pivotal role in the exercise and deployed a diverse array of assets. Alongside the B-2 Spirit stealth bombers from Whiteman Air Force Base, Missouri, the Air Force contributed F-22 Raptors from Joint Base Langley–Eustis, Virginia, and Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska.

Additionally, F-16 Fighting Falcons from Misawa Air Base, Japan, C-17 Globemaster IIIs from Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey, and C-130J Super Hercules from Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, were actively involved.

Particularly noteworthy was the endurance feat of the C-130Js, which undertook maximum endurance operations to reach the Pacific. Echoing a previous epic flight in April, two C-130Js equipped with conformal fuel tanks flew for 22 hours from Texas to Guam, with a brief stop in California, while others made additional strategic stops along the way.

Contact the author at ashishmichel(at) 

[:: 2-2-2022 pm service third word  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Beware of the troubles of the world, there is war going on right now, are you even aware of that, most are not, they walk as if peace is going on and yet the enemy is rising up in many areas, deceiving many and leading many astray.  And they’re preparing for war without brains, for they have nobody to lead them anymore, so be in prayer, be in prayer.

:: 6-19-24 The Burning Platform :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

The West Is Lighting the Fuse of War

June 19, 2024


Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The Western media is a lie machine. Western governments live in a make-believe world of their own impunity. Consequently, the Western peoples lack awareness of the dangerous situation that Washington has created with Russia.

The so-called “peace conference” in Switzerland was a fraud. Russia was not included, so how was it a peace conference? It was a propaganda event to rally support around Washington’s puppet, Zelensky, whose term has expired and who is ruling illegitimately as a dictator. Many of the attendees refused to sign the statement.

Here is a true description of the situation. The West is acting in behalf of the war continuing and expanding. The puppet’s term has expired and Zelensky continues in office despite not being reelected. The Western trained and equipped Ukrainian military has been defeated. At any time Russia can increase the offensive and clear Ukrainian forces from the Russian populated areas that have been reincorporated into Russia.

The West’s response to its lost war consists of two reckless and irresponsible actions. One is to send NATO troops, with the French being the opening wedge, to replace the depleted Ukrainian troops. The other is to further provoke the Kremlin by firing longer range missiles into Russia.

Putin and important members of the Russian government have indicated that if necessary Russian troops will move into areas beyond the reestablished border of Russia, stating that the longer the range of the missiles the deeper into Ukraine the buffer region will be.

It is unclear why Washington provoked the conflict between Ukraine and Russia as it was obvious that Ukraine had no chance of winning and as the war was certain to unite the Russian people behind Putin and to destroy any trust of the West in the Kremlin. Most importantly, the West ignored that it was forcing an existential threat upon Russia. The Kremlin is convinced that the West intends Russia’s destruction.

Putin’s intention after his deception by the West with the Minsk Agreement, was only to drive Ukrainian forces out of the Russian areas that have now been reincorporated into Russia. Apparently Putin did not realize the extent to which the West would involve itself and expand the war. Now that Putin faces an outbreak of a larger war, he clearly stated the conditions for ending the conflict.

He said that Russian military action will cease when the remaining Ukrainian forces are withdrawn from the Russian populated areas that have been reunited with Russia and when Ukraine agrees that the country will not become a member of NATO or have foreign bases and missiles on its territory. These are reasonable and generous terms.

If these terms are refused, Ukraine faces further conquest and harsher future conditions for ending the conflict.

When Ukraine was broken off from Russia following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian provinces which Soviet leaders had attached to Ukraine should have been left in Russia. Whether or not this was a failure of foresight or malicious intent, it was a mistake that resulted in a conflict that has the potential of engulfing the world.

The difference between the 20th century Cold War and the 21st century hot war is that in the Cold War era the US and Soviet leadership, understanding the fatal nature of nuclear weapons, were committed to reducing tensions and building trust, whereas in the 21st century only Russia has sought mutual understanding and mutual security. Washington has fomented conflict and raised an existential threat to Russia by expanding NATO to Russia’s borders and overthrowing governments of former Russian provinces.

To avoid war Putin has accepted continuing provocations and insults. But now faced with such reckless and irresponsible proposals as NATO troops in Ukraine and missiles hitting deep into Russia, Putin has made one last effort to state conditions for ending the conflict. The conditions are immensely better than the outbreak of conflict that would destroy Europe and the United States.

The danger today is much worse than the Cuban Missile Crisis. In those days Washington recognized the danger. Today Washington does not. President John F. Kennedy realized that the US had provoked Soviet missiles in Cuba by placing US missiles in Turkey. Kennedy and Khrushchev made a mutual security agreement and both removed the missiles.

Putin’s diplomatic effort during December 2021 and February 2022 for a mutual security agreement was cold-shouldered by Washington, NATO, and the EU. With the outbreak of major war looming, Biden has still not met with Putin. Instead, Biden has provoked animosity by calling Putin the new Hitler. This is an unprecedented level or reckless irresponsibility.

The question before us is: Will Putin continue to accept provocations in hope that a change in the Washington regime in the November election will permit the West to come to its senses, or is Serbian President Vucic correct that the train has left the station?

As the Western world lacks a truthful media, the people might be indoctrinated with the “Russian threat.” Even if the people realize that the threat is Washington’s pressure on Russia, the people are impotent to affect government policy. Among the Western governments, public opinion is something to be manipulated, not something to which to listen.

I believe the West has convinced Putin that the West intends war. Not even Putin has an endless amount of patience. Instead of recognizing the dangerous situation and sitting down with Putin to defuse the situation, the West is lighting the fuse.

As an Amazon Associate I Earn from Qualifying Purchases


It is my sincere desire to provide readers of this site with the best unbiased information available, and a forum where it can be discussed openly, as our Founders intended. But it is not easy nor inexpensive to do so, especially when those who wish to prevent us from making the truth known, attack us without mercy on all fronts on a daily basis. So each time you visit the site, I would ask that you consider the value that you receive and have received from The Burning Platform and the community of which you are a vital part. I can't do it all alone, and I need your help and support to keep it alive. Please consider contributing an amount commensurate to the value that you receive from this site and community, or even by becoming a sustaining supporter through periodic contributions. [Burning Platform LLC - PO Box 1520 Kulpsville, PA 19443] or Paypal 

[ :: 12-31-12/1-1-13 New Years Eve Service (first word) :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::]

etc.. the cost of things, because they have gone over the cliff, shall skyrocket and taxes, taxes, it shall be like in the days of old when everyone will have to bring their taxes in and they will be condemned and judged if they do not. Oh the things that are going to take place now, the things that you haven’t even thought of, the things that you haven’t been aware of, but I have told you, I have warned you. I have tried to prepare you that you would be totally ready, that you wouldn’t have to run real fast to make up time, but that you would be walking right by my side. etc..

:: 6-19-24 The Burning Platform :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

America’s Consumer Economy is Dying

June 19, 2024

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

American Consumer America’s robust consumer economy helped it emerge as a global powerhouse. Nations once stood in line, eager to sell to America as our consumer economy composed over two-thirds of GDP. Grappling with the cost of living crisis and amid a private wave where confidence has been lost, Americans are spending significantly less but are more likely to fall into debt.

Retail sales in May rose only 0.1%, according to new data provided by the Commerce Department, falling short of expectations of a 0.3% rise. April’s figure was revised to show a -0.2% decline in retail sales. These figures are not adjusted for inflation as numbers like words can be used as rhetoric.

American consumers spend more on less. Yet as with every private wave, confidence declines and people begin to hoard. Hoarding is not an option for the average American who lives paycheck to paycheck. I reported that credit card debt is on the rise, increasing by $85.8 billion in Q4 of 2022 alone. The average American household has about $10,000 in credit card debt, marking an 8.9% YoY increase. Now, Americans are facing $1 trillion in credit card debt due to rising APR and inflation. As reported by the Federal Reserve, credit card debt rose $250 billion in the past two years but consumer spending is declining. Separate studies have found that nearly half (46%) of Americans cannot make their monthly credit card payments.

Inflation is hitting everyone. I also reported how the “rich” are experiencing higher rates of credit card delinquencies than ever before. Delinquencies across all tax brackets are exceeding pre-pandemic levels, and the central bank has called this a “trend” that is now “accelerating.” These delinquencies will eventually fall on the banks who are already experiencing a liquidity crisis. Every survey shows that Americans are relying on credit more so now than ever before.

Inflation and socialistic policies have damaged America’s strong capitalistic consumer economy. We have created an enemy out of our top trading partner, China, and the recent round of tariffs are merely the beginning. They say consumer spending is “cooling,” but this is indeed an “accelerating trend.” People are spending money on the basics like food and energy, and the demand for goods is simply not there.

As an Amazon Associate I Earn from Qualifying Purchases


It is my sincere desire to provide readers of this site with the best unbiased information available, and a forum where it can be discussed openly, as our Founders intended. But it is not easy nor inexpensive to do so, especially when those who wish to prevent us from making the truth known, attack us without mercy on all fronts on a daily basis. So each time you visit the site, I would ask that you consider the value that you receive and have received from The Burning Platform and the community of which you are a vital part. I can't do it all alone, and I need your help and support to keep it alive. Please consider contributing an amount commensurate to the value that you receive from this site and community, or even by becoming a sustaining supporter through periodic contributions. [Burning Platform LLC - PO Box 1520 Kulpsville, PA 19443] or Paypal 

:: 6-18-24 Defense News :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Citing missile mismatch, Lockheed snarls at HIMARS challenge in Europe

By Elisabeth Gosselin-Malo  Jun 18, 2024, 10:24 AM

PARIS — Tensions are running high in the race to decide Europe’s artillery rocket system of choice, with Germany emerging as a decisive player in a race between teams Rheinmetall-Lockheed Martin and Elbit-KNDS.

On the opening day of the Eurosatory trade show here, all eyes were on the German-American duo, which have paired up to offer a European-made rocket launcher based on Lockheed’s High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) to Berlin.

The trans-Atlantic team is trying to claw its way back into a tender for Germany’s next multiple-launch rocket launcher in which Elbit, offering its PULS weapon, was seen as having a leg up. The German armed forces have said they want to buy five PULS systems to replace weapons donated to Ukraine, and army formations in neighboring Netherlands, which are closely linked to their German Bundeswehr counterparts, are also slated to get the system.

The Israeli company’s offer rests on the proposition that the PULS will be able to fire the ubiquitous GMLRS missile, which prospective European customers already have in their inventories, and which Washington has given to Ukraine to fend off Russian invaders.

At the Eurosatory trade show here, Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger, whose company would build the launcher truck, pushed back against that idea without naming the competitor.

Others speak about being able to fire a kind of missiles being universal, a claim most often not even true, promoting fragmentation of development funds and national egoisms, while not being utilized on the Ukrainian battlefield at all,” he told reporters on June 17.

Howard Bromberg, vice president of strategy and business development for land forces at Lockheed Martin, was more direct. “Our MLRS Family of Munitions cannot be integrated into the PULS system – if Germany was to opt for PULS they could not gain access to our missiles,” he told Defense News.

The same would apply to the U.S. Army’s newer Precision Strike Missile, a Lockheed spokesman added.

Elbit and KNDS signed a cooperation agreement last year to begin the joint production of the EuroPULS rocket artillery system, a Europeanized version of Elbit’s existing PULS system. At the time, the Israeli firm suggested the weapon’s open-architecture concept would enable the firing of other makers’ missiles.

An Elbit spokesman said the company had no comment on Lockheed’s claims. It’s unclear what role the U.S. defense giant would have in a potential government-level arrangement on missile interchangeability.

Germany has been on the hunt to replace its aging MARS 2 systems for some time now. Although it has yet to select a replacement, the possibility of localizing the production of the rocket launchers will likely be an important consideration at play.

A funding decision by the German Bundestag on an initial PULS batch had been expected before the summer, but was recently postponed until the end of the year, German defense trade website Hartpunkt reported earlier this month.

Editor’s note: This story was corrected to reflect the fact that Germany has yet to formally commit to PULS.

About Elisabeth Gosselin-Malo

Elisabeth Gosselin-Malo is a Europe correspondent for Defense News. She covers a wide range of topics related to military procurement and international security, and specializes in reporting on the aviation sector. She is based in Milan, Italy. 

[:: 3-31-19 am service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc. You are living in a time of great deception, a time when the enemy is working harder than he has ever worked before in the history of man and yet my people don’t seem to understand that. etc.

:: 6--24 Y Net News :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Exposed: Yale University hid millions in funding from Qatar

Yale received $15 million from the Arab state over a decade beginning in 2012 while reporting only $284,668, a violation of US federal reporting laws; Part of broader strategy to wield influence and promote the interests of the Qatari regime

The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP) released a damning new report on Wednesday, highlighting significant discrepancies in Yale University’s reporting of foreign funds, particularly from Qatar.

The findings reveal a persistent pattern of non-compliance with U.S. federal reporting laws, raising serious concerns about transparency and accountability in higher education.

The report, titled "The Ongoing Failure to Report: Yale University, Qatar, and Undisclosed Foreign Funding, Volume Two," is part of ISGAP’s ongoing "Follow the Money" project.

This initiative has been examining foreign funding of US universities since 2012. Volume One of the report, released in 2023, had already unveiled non-disclosure practices at several institutions, including Yale, which led to federal investigations in 2019.

According to the new research, Yale reported receiving only $284,668 from Qatar between 2012 and 2023. However, the actual amount is estimated to be at least $15,925,711. This substantial underreporting violates Section 117 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), which mandates that universities report all gifts and contracts from foreign sources exceeding $250,000 semi-annually.

The report suggests that Qatar’s financial contributions to U.S. institutions are part of a broader strategy to wield influence and promote the interests of the Qatari regime. This is evident in the collaboration between Yale and Qatar, involving numerous undisclosed transactions that do not appear in Yale’s financial statements or the U.S. Department of Education’s reporting system.

"The persistent non-disclosure of substantial foreign funds, as well as contracts, MOUs, and agreements with foreign foundations and government agencies, not only undermines transparency and accountability but also poses significant risks to the integrity of higher education," said Dr. Charles Asher Small, ISGAP’s Executive Director.

"Despite prior investigations and warnings, Yale and other universities continue to engage in practices that violate federal law."

The report underscores the broader implications of these funding practices, particularly in the context of rising antisemitic discourse and actions on US campuses, including Yale. ISGAP’s previous research has demonstrated that antisemitic incidents are more prevalent at universities receiving Qatari funding.

"The omission of substantial Qatari grants in Yale University’s financial statements raises questions about academic integrity and foreign influence," Dr. Small added. "There is concern that the same is happening at Yale, which has seen a sharp rise in antisemitism on campus since the October 7 attacks in Israel."

To address these issues, the report includes several policy recommendations to enhance transparency and accountability in university funding. These include strict enforcement of existing disclosure laws, increased scrutiny of foreign donations, and measures to protect academic freedom and institutional autonomy from foreign influence.

ISGAP is also calling on the U.S. Department of Education to intensify its oversight to ensure that all universities fully comply with federal funding disclosure laws. 

[ ::  10-8-2023 pm service :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

For even the novice can see the events that have started are not going to stop, but these events have been recorded in my word that they would take place and they will continue to take place.  For only if you were fast asleep could you miss what is going on right now, for I have called for my church to be watchman, I’ve called for you to be awake and know and see the hour that you are living in.  For it is very, very clear now.  For I gave you the sign and my word even tells you about the fig tree, for that is the most important thing and as you see what is taking place right now it will not stop, but it will continue right on through the events that I said would take place for this time and this hour. etc

:: 6-18-24 The Jerusalem Post :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Experts: ICC, UN blamed Israel for a famine that never happened in Gaza - exclusive

Columbia University professors: "We found that the food supply entering Gaza is more than sufficient to feed all 2.2 million Gazans."

By SETH J. FRANTZMAN  JUNE 18, 2024 14:11 Updated: JUNE 18, 2024 14:37

Columbia University Professors Awi Federgruen and Ran Kivetz have analyzed available data and conducted research whose “findings demonstrate that sufficient amounts of food are being supplied into Gaza,” they noted in a summary of their findings presented to The Jerusalem Post.

They note that it is “a myth that Israel is responsible for famine in Gaza.” They argue that the International Criminal Court and UN have joined Hamas in blaming Israel for a “famine that never was, hoping to stop the war [in Gaza].”

The two professors spoke to the Post in early June and they provided an abstract and details about their findings regarding the issue of famine in Gaza.

Professor Awi Federgruen is the Chair of Columbia University Business School’s Decision, Risk and Operations Division. He is an expert in supply chains, logistics, and data science. Ran Kivetz is the Philip H. Geier Professor at Columbia University Business School. He is an expert in decision making, including the intersection between behavioral economics and political science.

The two experts noted that the ICC has sought arrest warrants for senior Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. The ICC claimed that Israel is “causing starvation as a method of war including the denial of humanitarian relief supplies [and] deliberately targeting civilians in conflict,” they note in their abstract. The two professors dispute this.

They examined the “hard data, available from such sources as COGAT and the UN,” they note. Federgruen and Kivetz’s research and findingsdemonstrate that sufficient amounts of food are being supplied into Gaza. According to their research they “demonstrate that 250 truckloads suffice to feed the entire Gazan population, in accordance with a normal diet in North America.”

Hamas fired rockets at the Kerem Shalom crossing on May 5, killing five soldiers and causing the border to be shut briefly. However the supplies have resumed since then. “Israel intends to increase it further to the 400-500 truck/day level. Further, Israel regularly halts offensives for 4 hours a day to facilitate these deliveries,” they note.

“Nevertheless, food is not consistently distributed inside Gaza,” they add. The Professors point to reports that suggest the fact food is not distributed inside Gaza is due to sabotage and theft by Hamas.

They argue that “the ICC, the UN, and the international community should put blame only where it belongs: on Hamas, which started the war by slaughtering more than 1,000 Israeli and foreign civilians and by taking more than 200 hostages still not released and many murdered in captivity. But, unfortunately, the UN, the ICC, and even some Western governments consistently ignore the data.”

The experts also argue that mainstream media organizations have distorted information from Gaza, and this has led to Israel being framed as the cause of the purported famine.

“In fact, the mainstream media keep vacillating between (false) allegations that Israel is causing famine, is perpetrating genocide, and is sabotaging hostage deals with Hamas. Such a defamatory narrative is intended to end the Israel-Hamas war at all costs, including a Hamas victory, a bleak future for Gazans and Israel, and an endless cruel captivity for the hostages and their families. The false famine narrative has also been exploited by the ICC, ICJ, and UN to support their unjustified rulings and actions against Israel,” they assert.

Federgruen and Kivetz also note that some of the claims relating to famine in Gaza can be traced back to problematic reports.

For instance “in March 2024 an organization called the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), an arm of the UN, issued a report predicting the advent of a major famine in Gaza that is supposedly provoked by Israel. That IPC report took on a life of its own. For example, it was cited by OXFAM, which accused Israel of ‘making deliberate choices to starve civilians’ and claimed (without any substantiation) that a group of North Gazans were subsisting on as little as 245 calories per day,” they note.

The experts say they followed the data closely since the beginning of the war. “We do that professionally. We don’t rely on stories. The hard data on food supplies are not difficult to obtain. Our analysis is based on data from COGAT, as well as reports and data from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) report.

These data display a totally different picture from what the ICC and UN are trying to paint, and directly refute the baseless claims that Israel is causing a famine or using starvation as a method of war.COGAT is the IDF coordination unit that is responsible for dealing with aid entering Gaza. It also publishes information on the amount of aid entering.

Aid that enters Gaza enters through Israel, especially after Egypt closed the Rafah crossing on May 8. “The first part of that food supply chain is in Israel’s hands because Israel is the major force that controls what comes into Gaza. Once the food enters Gaza, however, the supply chain is no longer under Israel’s control, as the food is taken over by NGOs, the UN, and interventions by Hamas,” the academics note.

We found that the food supply entering Gaza is more than sufficient to feed all 2.2 million Gazans according to what is considered a normal diet in North America. This is because if just 250 truckloads enter Gaza every day (more actually enter), and assuming the food is adequately distributed, every Gazan would receive the amount of food that the average individual consumes in North America. This is in addition to the food that Gazans continue to produce themselves.”

They note that their calculation is based on each truckload carrying 20 tons of food. This means that 250 truckloads provide five million kilograms, about 2.25 kilograms per person in Gaza.This is almost identical to the 2.36 kg of food per day that the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization estimates the average individual consumes in North America.”

The professors note that “our findings have been recently independently corroborated by a working paper written by researchers from Tel Aviv University, Hebrew University, University of Haifa, Ben Gurion University, Shaare Zedek, and The Israeli Ministry of Health. The conclusion of that paper is that every Gazan was provided 3,374 Kcal a day, while only 2,100 Kcal is needed.”

While enough aid is entering Gaza, they note that it may not always be distributed to people due to other factors, such as war and Hamas control. “We can say with a high degree of professional confidence that if there was a famine somewhere in Gaza, it was not instigated by Israel. To the contrary, Israel is engaged in a variety of efforts to ensure that sufficient food enters Gaza through land crossings,” they state.

The examination of the data by the professors joins a growing body of evidence pushing back on the claims of famine in Gaza. However, the chaos of the war in Gaza and other factors mean that Israel will continue to be blamed for what is occurring in Gaza, even if Israel is not to blame for the failed distribution of food.

Hamas not only appears to hijack aid trucks but it also benefits from claims of famine because Hamas can then try to leverage these claims to pressure Israel to stop the fighting. 

[ :: 9-26-10 am service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::]

etc And when you look at the world you will see the signs of my soon coming, you will see the things that are taking place that man does not understand, that man cannot control, that man cannot stop.  For as truly as my word said it shall come to pass, so shall it come to pass.  It will come and it will come in your hour, it will come in your time, it will not come in another hour, it will not come in another time.  For my word is being fulfilled, and round about you see earthquakes, you see the floods, you see the tornadoes, you see hurricanes, you see the drought, you see the wildfires, you see all the things that I have spoken to you that you should see in the last days, in the last hour.  etc

:: 6-17-24 Los Angels Times :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Post fire marches toward Pyramid Lake as California wildfire season intensifies

By Grace Toohey, Hayley Smith, Joseph Serna and Jaclyn Cosgrove

June 17, 2024 Updated 10:44 PM PT

A major wildfire in northern Los Angeles County continued burning Monday evening southeast toward Pyramid Lake, scorching more than 15,000 acres to become the state’s largest blaze of the year.

The Post fire was 15,611 acres as of 7:34 p.m. Monday and 20% contained. It was burning in steep, hard-to-reach areas and threatening homes as well as infrastructure, including power lines, dams and oil pipelines, officials said in a status update on the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection’s website.

Officials cautioned Monday evening that heavy smoke from the Post fire might make it difficult for drivers to see on the 5 Freeway south of Gorman and north of Santa Clarita. Residents in communities including Castaic, Piru and Santa Clarita will likely notice the smoke as well.

Firefighters will focus much of their attention on building and reinforcing fire lines around the perimeter while helicopters and air tankers try to slow down the fire’s advance and douse hot spots as conditions allow, officials said in their update.

L.A. County officials said high temperatures and low humidity were expected Tuesday, a bad combination for firefighters attempting to snuff out flames as the fire chews through vegetation dried out by the heat and lack of moisture in the air. Wind gusts may reach up to 55 mph, further complicating firefighting efforts.

If northeast winds intensify, the Post fire might be pushed deeper into the forest and wilderness areas. This could cause the fire to spot up to three-quarters of a mile away — meaning small pieces of burning leaves and grass could travel that distance and start small fires farther away from the fire line, fire officials said.

Conditions have continued to support the rapid spread of the wildfire,” said Ariel Cohen, a National Weather Service meteorologist in Oxnard.

Red flag warnings, which are alerts for dangerous fire conditions, were in effect for the area through at least Tuesday evening as the air was expected to dry out during the day and temperatures were expected to rise.

Such severe warnings have also been issued across large swaths of inland California, with the alerts forecasting winds that carry “the potential for rapid fire spread,” from the northern Sacramento Valley through the Antelope Valley.

Since Saturday, more than 20 fires sparked across California, burning over 20,000 acres, the majority of which were still not fully contained Monday, according to the Cal Fire website. Several triggered evacuations and damaged buildings, including the Post fire.

There had been predictions for a subdued start for the state’s wildfire season this year, given a series of late-season, moisture-heavy storms, but this new spate of fires heightened concerns.

“It’s pretty early and this is [a] pretty large fire,” Los Angeles County Fire Department spokesperson Craig Little said of the Post fire. “We can always hope, but I’m thinking there’s going to be more of this in the future for the summer. ... It’s very early for a fire of this magnitude.”

Such early-season fires are fueled by heat-dried grasses, and Southern California’s hillsides and mountains are dense with vegetation after two back-to-back wet winters. Because of that, more dangerous fires that engulf larger trees and plants are likely in store for later this year, according to Daniel Swain, a climate scientist with UCLA.

We could, in fact, see a very active finish to fire season 2024, but we aren’t there yet, despite the current activity level,” Swain said during a briefing Monday. “This is not yet indicative of really active conditions.”

In particular, the forested, high-elevation areas that have endured some of the state’s worst wildfires in recent memory are still moist following two strong wet seasons and haven’t yet started to display much wildfire activity.

That could change as conditions get hotter and drier for longer stretches of time, Swain said. Those areas will likely start drying out in July at lower elevations and August at higher elevations, with fire activity possibly lasting longer than usual due to two years of vegetation build-up.

Expect September — and maybe even October and parts of November in some areas — to feature very active fire conditions this season,” Swain said, adding that blazes that ignite later in the season could become increasingly intense.

The fires that ignited over the past weekend are likely a foreshadowing of what’s to come.

The Post fire on Saturday forced about 1,200 people to evacuate from the Hungry Valley Park and Pyramid Lake areas, not far from the 5 Freeway, according to firefighters.

On Monday, officials also ordered areas south of Pyramid Lake to be evacuated, including the Oak Flats Campground. An evacuation warning was also issued for Paradise Ranch Estates.

The fire has destroyed an auto shop and threatened dozens of other buildings. One person has been injured, Little said.

The mountainous terrain has forced the firefighting effort to rely more heavily on air crews — 24 helicopters and multiple air tankers, as of Monday evening — but high winds have made water drops less effective, Little said.

Almost 1,700 firefighters and other personnel continued to battle the flames Monday. The Ventura County Fire Department and U.S. Forest Service were aiding in the effort. The Post fire’s cause remains under investigation.

in San Bernardino County, prompting road closures and an evacuation warning. The fire was 72% contained as of Monday evening, according to Cal Fire and the San Bernardino County Fire Department.

The Tuscany fire ignited Monday and burned 350 acres in Palm Springs, according to local officials. As of Monday evening, it was 50% contained, according to Cal Fire.

Multiple fires also burned across Northern California.

In Sonoma County, the Point fire burned more than 1,200 acres and several structures south of Lake Sonoma. It was 20% contained Monday evening, according to Cal Fire, after starting Sunday afternoon.

The Sites fire, burning northwest of Sacramento in Colusa County, started Monday afternoon and erupted to almost 4,500 acres by the evening. Firefighters had been unable to contain it, hampered by hot dry conditions, officials said.

And southeast of Sacramento, the Aero fire started Monday afternoon in Calaveras County and had already burned more than 5,000 acres by about 10 p.m. and had no containment, according to Cal Fire.

As Swain took stock of the current fires, he noted that the rest of the season could be affected by a number of other factors, including the current transition from the El Niño weather pattern to La Niña.

La Niña is associated with drier conditions along the West Coast and in Southern California in particular. La Niña was last in place during the state’s three driest years on record, 2020 through 2022, which also saw the state’s biggest wildfire seasons on record.

Climate change is also driving warmer global temperatures and a thirstier atmosphere, both of which can extract more water from the landscape and pave the way for hotter and faster fires in the West and other arid areas, Swain said.

What’s more, the upcoming Fourth of July holiday is often linked to wildfire ignitions, and there is potential for that pattern to repeat this year, he added.

“The good news is increasingly in the rearview mirror,” Swain said. “As these conditions continue to rapidly warm up, dry out and get windier, the bad news is that I think that the back half of this season is going to be much more active — with a lot more concerning level of wildfire activity in a lot of areas — than the first half.” 

[ :: 10-26-16 pm service :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::]

For man brings many things about themselves, their foolishness, they run off at the mouth and they do not consider the things that they are saying. They poke the bear in the eye and poke the bear in the eye and they poke the bear in the eye and they do not realize that the bear can be very vicious, that he can tear them to shreds, that he can kill those that they love, he can kill their sons and their daughters and they never think of this. They only do the stupid things that they think themselves because they don’t inquire of me or ask of me and therefore the things that come are because of their foolishness. etc.

[ :: 7-3-17 morning service  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::]

For they have poked the bear over and over and they tell the bear how much more mightier than they are and the bear has now spoken.  If those that are speaking against us don’t stop we will strike you and you will know you have been struck.

  :: 6-16-24 Newsweek :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Russian Military Expert Suggests Kremlin Plans Nuclear Strikes on US Ships

Published Jun 16, 2024 at 10:45 AM EDT  Updated Jun 17, 2024 at 8:44 AM EDT

Russian military expert Igor Korotchenko recently suggested on state-owned TV that the Kremlin plans to attack U.S. ships with nuclear weapons.

Late last month, U.S. officials revealed to the Associated Press that President Joe Biden has since allowed Ukraine to use American-made weapons to fight against Russia's attacks or planned attacks in the Kharkiv region. The weapons are only allowed to be used to defend Kharkiv, Ukraine's second-largest city, and Kyiv is not to use American-provided long-range missiles.

"In my opinion, there is only one adequate, fast and effective response to the increased strikes against the territory of the Russian Federation with American long-range weapons, since Biden and [U.S. national security adviser Jake] Sullivan have given the green light and Ukraine's Armed Forces will carry it out: total destruction of all electrical generation in Ukraine," Korotchenko recently said on state-owned TV, according to an English-translated clip posted to YouTube on Saturday by watchdog group Russian Media Monitor.

Russian Media Monitor was created by journalist Julia Davis "in an effort to combat Russian propaganda."

Korotchenko then mentioned the Russian warships that conducted drills in the Atlantic Ocean on their way to Cuba, as reported by the Russian Defense Ministry. The ministry said that a Russian navy ship and Moscow's Kazan nuclear-powered submarine conducted the exercise to simulate a missile strike on a fleet of enemy ships.

The Russian warships are scheduled to be in Havana from Wednesday until this upcoming Monday, according to the Cuban Foreign Ministry. The Cuban ministry said that none of the warships are carrying nuclear weapons and said that the warships do "not represent a threat to the region." Cuban officials, meanwhile, have called their relations with Russia "historically friendly," according to the AP.

"Now, about the arrival of our ships and submarines to Cuba, it was officially stated that the Kazan is the only sub that came there, as part of a naval group of warships of the Northern Fleet," Korotchenko said. "In reality, we can guess that Kazan wasn't the only one, but there were a few Russian multipurpose nuclear subs in different parts of the Atlantic Ocean, carrying out their tasks."

He continued: "These tasks are clear: countering American aircraft carrier strike groups. Of course, if a strike is carried out, as it was stated, several hundred kilometers away, against an American aircraft carrier strike group, this strike would be done with special ordnance for maximum effectiveness, speed and reliability."

State TV host Evgeny Popov chimed in: "Special ordnance means nuclear weapons." To which, Korotchenko confirmed, "Yes, exactly, a nuclear warhead on a Tsirkon [missile]."

The host of the show, Olga Skabeyeva, added: "Is this the new terminology so we don't scare people?...Friends, this is not a nuclear war, but a special war!"

On Wednesday, Pentagon press secretary Sabrina Singh said of the Russian warships in Cuba: "We've been tracking the Russians' plans for this. This is not a surprise. We're always, constantly going to monitor any foreign vessels operating near U.S. territorial waters. We of course take it seriously, but these exercises don't pose a threat to the United States."

Earlier on the Russian TV show, Popov accused the U.S. of illegally occupying Guantanamo Bay. Cuba has been leasing a naval base in Guantanamo Bay to the U.S. since 1903.

"We again remind you: there is an occupied part of Cuba. This territory is called Guantanamo," Popov said. "They excuse it by saying they've rented it for $1 from the Cuban government at one point. We know, these are just fairy tales of the Vienna Woods. This is a real occupation of a sovereign nation! This territory is decent, with good military infrastructure that could be of good use to the Russian Federation for its base or at least logistics facilities."

In 1934, the cost to rent the base was set at roughly $4,000 a year, according to The Washington Post.

Newsweek has reached out to the Russian government via email and the U.S. Navy via online form for comment.


[ :: 8-9-17 pm service (first word)  ::  ::  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::  ::]

etc.  If you look at Russia she is ready to strike, Iran ready to strike, North Korea ready to strike, they are not playing games; they are serious with the things that they are saying.  Only you have felt that they have feared you, and because you have felt that they have feared you, you are not listening as close as you should. etc.  

:: 6-18-24 New York Post :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Vladimir Putin to meet with Kim Jong Un | Reporter Replay

June 17, 2024 | 4:07pm

Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit North Korea on June 18 to meet with Kim Jong Un, Putin's first trip to the country in 24 years.

The trip could conclude with Putin and Kim signing a partnership agreement that would include security issues, according to Putin’s foreign policy adviser Yuri Ushakov. NY Post reporter Ronny Reyes shares this story. 

[ :: 12-2-17 am service :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::  ::]

etc Much evil upon the face of the earth, much lying, much deceit, much deceit, much lying, much evil upon the face of the earth.  Can you not see there is so much evil going on right now, people lying to themselves, lying to me, lying to others trying to make their agenda come true?  But as it is written in my word and said and so it shall be, no liar shall enter my kingdom.  So if you are one of those people, I speak to you right now, get yourself ready, get yourself ready, come out amongst them and be ye separate etc

:: 6-15-24 New York Post :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Biden’s EPA using clean-energy cash to fund groups that oppose immigration enforcement

By Social Links for Rich Calder  Published June 15, 2024, 1:08 p.m. ET

The Biden administration quietly funneled $50 million in taxpayer funds earmarked for clean energy to two groups that oppose immigration enforcement.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency tapped the New York Immigration Coalition and New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice as partners to distribute $50 million of $3 billion set aside in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) for environmental and climate block grants, the Wall Street Journal reported.

Both groups’ missions have nothing to do with protecting the environment.

Instead, they adamantly support abolishing the US Immigration and Custom Enforcement Agency, believe guarding borders is “racist and classist,” and want to block state and local government employees from cooperating with federal immigration officials, said Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W. Va.), whose office is probing IRA spending.

Capito said her findings prove President Biden’s recent tough talk about cracking down on border security is just talk.

“It’s hypocrisy and the highest,” said Capito, while speaking at a Senate Republican Leadership press conference. “It’s very slack oversight, at the least.

“And it’s very dishonest when you talk to the American public about the goals of a green climate fund are being determined by immigration justice and immigration coalition groups.”

Capito last month announced she found the EPA awarded $50 million from the same grant program to Climate Justice Alliance, a group that backs anti-Israel protests .

The EPA did not return messages.

However, the agency previously said the immigration groups and Fordham University – which was tapped as a grant maker — will take “an intersectional approach to place frontline communities in positions of power” to advance climate justice “in disadvantaged and hard-to-reach communities and communities disproportionately impacted by climate change, pollution, and other environmental stressors.” 

[ :: 12-16-01 At the altar after PM Service (second word) :::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc.. A closedown on the present welfare programs and one that demands work for pay and food. Great conflicts, fighting, riots, looting, killing, rapes, drugs, drinking in larger city centers, causing problems that will bring Marshall Law and troops in our streets. The beginning of a one world order, rule by force. The world church shall be the licensed body of the recognized spiritual authority under the false prophet and his deacons, elders, bishops and leaders. Loss of freedom America once enjoyed and stood for, for that which is controlled by military force and protection. etc..

:: 6-15-24 New York Post :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

How to lock up those nasty pro-Hamas and Gaza protestors

By Social Links for Josh Hammer  Published June 15, 2024, 10:00 a.m. ET

The ongoing anti-Israel riots on our university campuses and city squares have shaken American Jews — and all defenders of Western civilization — to their core.

The mainstream media, always in the tank for vogue causes, sanitized this naked harassment under the label of “pro-Palestinian protests.”

In true extremist form, one “protestor” at George Washington University held up a sign advocating for Hitler’s “final solution” in late April.

This week, anti-Israel protestors were back at UCLA, with a new illegal encampment — the second in as many months.

Jews have been terrified; one Jewish parent at Columbia, withdrawing his freshman daughter in April, analogized his experience to evacuating a refugee from a war zone.

Perhaps colleges and city centers will see a brief respite, as would-be revolutionaries jet off for summertime gigs at tony investment banks or do-goody nonprofits.

Such a respite would be nice.

But one would still be forgiven for asking the obvious question — which I’ve pondered often as a former law clerk on the US Court of Appeals and a frequent law school speaker: Why are none of these “protesters” in jail?

It is not as if legal remedies, both civil and criminal, do not exist. The Heritage Foundation’s Hans von Spakovsky has helpfully explained some leading options for meting out justice.

First, it’s constitutional law that aliens — legal or illegal — do not possess a First Amendment right to free speech that would prevent them from being deported for vocally supporting a US State Department-recognized Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO).

Each and every pro-Hamas protestor who’s not a US citizen thus can, and should, be sent packing, as 8 U.S.C. § 1201 clearly permits.

Second, much of the protestors’ behavior likely violates Section 2 of the 1871 Ku Klux Klan Act (42 U.S.C. § 1985), which creates a civil cause of action to sue those who “conspire or go in disguise on the highway or on the premises of another, for the purpose of depriving . . . any person or class of persons of the equal protection of the laws.”

Such a successful class-action civil suit now gaining traction among Jewish leaders — wouldn’t result in jail time, but it could punish the bank accounts of thugs who went “in disguise” to advocate for Jewish genocide.

Federal prosecutors have options too.

The criminal analogue to Section 2 of the Ku Klux Klan Act is 18 U.S.C. § 241, which criminalizes conspiring to “injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person . . . in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States.”

This has clearly been happening nationwide, but no one has lifted a finger to pursue such charges.

Nor has any federal prosecutor gone after a case of material support for a terrorist organization, proscribed by 18 U.S.C. § 2339A.

Where are the federal prosecutors?

For that matter, where is local law enforcement — especially in New York, in light of this week’s horrific bouts of antisemitic vandalism in Manhattan and Brooklyn?

First, there is a reflexive progressive disinclination to prosecute the activist misanthropes the media sanitizes as mere “protesters.”

In Attorney General Merrick Garland’s Justice Department, such a high-profile prosecution would muddy the waters for Joe Biden and hamstring his re-election efforts.

No one at Justice wants to be on the “wrong side” of an intersectional divide; far better to win over Michigan radicals than to pursue blind justice.

Second, the most high-profile protest anarchy has transpired in deep-blue jurisdictions overseen by George Soros-funded, or otherwise very left-wing, district attorneys.

Does anyone really expect Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, for example, to bring charges against students at Columbia — or to hunt down antisemitic vandals?

Of course not.

In the case of Bragg — who’s already working to get charges dropped against many Columbia protestors — it’s far better to expend resources going after Trump.

And in many Soros-funded DAs’ cases, it’s far better to simply not prosecute violent or property crime at all.

Tragically, antisemitic bad guys know they get a pass from today’s extremist left.

Gone is the era of noble lawmen such as Eliot Ness, who pursued justice without fear or favor.

Progressive prosecutors at the federal and local level now conform their actions to prevailing woke orthodoxies.

This is doubly true when left-wing thugs are so violent, as we saw during the George Floyd riots and we have seen once again since Oct. 7.

Just as Hamas is still holding roughly 120 hostages in Gaza, so too have Hamas’s supporters held hostage America’s justice system

Josh Hammer is Newsweek senior editor-at-large and host of “The Josh Hammer Show” and “America on Trial with Josh Hammer.” X: @josh_hammer. 

[ :: 2-8-02 At the altar after the pm service (second word)  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::]

etc. a terrible dark cloud has covered the earth, sickness, pain, suffering, bloodshed, drought, hurricanes, tornadoes, hail, fire, famine, pestilences, heartaches and sorrow, the anti-christ rising to power and fame. Oh, what a day that has now come.

:: 6-15-24 New York Post :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Tornado rips through NJ, taking down trees and flipping half-dozen cars

By Social Links for Matthew Sedacca Published June 15, 2024, 7:19 p.m. ET

An 80 mph landspout tornado ripped through Lawrence Township, NJ, Friday evening. X/@NWS_MountHolly

A landspout tornado ripped through Mercer County, New Jersey Friday afternoon as severe thunderstorms pounded the state with heavy rain and winds.

The twister, which reached a peak of 80 mph, formed near a Conoco gas station in Lawrence Township, according to Fox Weather meteorologist Cody Braud.

The tornado was short and brief, traveling from 5:59 p.m to 6 p.m. at just under 229 yards, with a maximum width of 60 yards.

It uprooted trees and caused some to fall onto the service station, snapping a large sign. The tornado then moved on to a post office, where it overturned a half-dozen cars in the parking lot.

“This might go down as the record for the shortest tornado,” Braud marveled.

The tornado received an EF-0 rating, which has winds estimated between 65 and 85 mile per hour, Braud said.

No injuries were reported.

Landspouts, which form from the ground up and have a narrow, rope-like condensation funnel, tend to be smaller and weaker than tornados formed by supercell storms, according to the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration. 

[ :: 12-31-15/1-1-16 New Year’s Eve Service :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc. Watch, know what my word says, and there shall be terrorist’s attacks, for they cannot be put off, for you allow the terrorists to come in like Trojan horses and they are here and nobody wants to deal with them. etc.

:: 6--24 Hal Lindsey :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

ISIS in America

By Hal Lindsey

Most of us can sympathize with many of the reasons people choose to enter the United States illegally. We understand those motives, even when we can’t approve of them. But others are illegally entering the country who have the most wicked motives imaginable. These have come to kill, steal, and destroy. We call them terrorists, and we know they are entering our country.

How do we know? Look at the numbers. A “gotaway” is someone the Border Patrol observes unlawfully crossing the border, but who is not apprehended. Between the years 2010 and 2020, many Americans were rightly concerned about what they saw as a border crisis. That decade saw 1.4 million gotaways at the southern border. But in the most recent government reporting, it took just two years — 2022 and 2023for the number of gotaways to reach 1.6 million. Think about that — more gotaways in two years than in ten.

Only a miniscule percentage of gotaways enter the country for the purpose of terrorism. But it doesn’t take many. Nineteen hijackers carried out the 9/11 attacks. Those who cross the southern border illegally come from all over the world. If someone from Pakistan wants to illegally enter the US, they go to Mexico, then cross the US border. And they are coming from everywhereincluding known enemies like Russia and China, and nations like Pakistan, known to harbor terrorists.

Staggering as the gotaway numbers are, it gets worse. We don’t know how many people slipped into the country — “got away” — without being spotted. It is a long border. Many terrorists are adept at tunnel building, and we know the border is riddled with such underground passageways.

Then there are the caught-and-released. On June 11th we learned about the arrest of eight men from Tajikistan. They are suspected of having ties to ISIS. At the border, officials vetted them and found them clean. As of the time I write this, they have only been arrested on immigration violations. Terror-related charges are expected to come later.

In April, the FBI arrested a Baltimore man they also believe to be affiliated with ISIS. After he had been living in the United States for about a year, his home country of Uzbekistan issued an international notice of his alleged terrorist ties. Another year passed before US officials finally arrested him. Even when the State Department vets people from places like Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, we have no real assurance of the person’s peaceful intentions.

There are many other examples. At a time when rage against the United States among radical Islamic terrorists is at an all-time high, the United States has what amounts to an open southern border.

This concern is more than theoretical. It could directly affect your life. I’m not trying to get you to become a prepper, but I hope you will take practical precautions in the way you store food, water, prescriptions, and other necessities of life. But most of all, pray. God remains the hope of all nations. We need revival among His people and a great awakening among the population at large. We must step through every open door to present the Gospel of Jesus everywhere we can. 

[ :: 7-3-15 Campmeeting afternoon service (third word]  ::  :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::]

etc America your money will be worth nothing in the near future, this will bring panic, famine and martial law, yes, in the streets of America.  If you had read my word you know that these are the beginning of sorrows etc

:: 6--24 End Time Headlines :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Saudi Arabia Chooses Chinese Yuan Over US Dollar

The 50-year Petrodollar era between Saudi Arabia and the United States has ended, causing increased interest in the emergence of the Chinese yuan as a challenger to the dollar’s dominance.

Reports from foreign media and industry sources on the 14th reveal that the Petrodollar agreement between Saudi Arabia and the United States expired on the 9th. This is due to Saudi Arabia’s decision not to renew the agreement.

In 1974, the two countries entered a Petrodollar agreement, using only dollars for oil payments, while the United States assumed responsibility for Saudi Arabia’s security.

Oil-producing countries in the Middle East, which supply oil globally, established the so-called Petrodollar recycling mechanism by reinvesting dollars in U.S. Treasury bonds and financial markets. This process further solidified the Petrodollar system, reinforcing the status of the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency and securing the power to control the global oil market.

However, President Joe Biden’s stance towards Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, blaming him for the 2018 murder of Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi, along with the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan in 2021, strained relations between the United States and Saudi Arabia.

More than 80% of the world’s oil is traded in dollars. Should Saudi Arabia allow the use of yuan in oil transactions with China, the yuan will rise internationally. China accounts for a quarter of Saudi Arabia’s annual oil exports.

With escalating conflicts with the United States, China aims to globalize the yuan in trade transactions. President Xi Jinping stated in his keynote speech at the China-Arab Gulf States Cooperation Council Summit held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in December 2022, “We will use yuan for oil and gas trade.”

Saudi Arabia and China have recently been strengthening their close relationship. Following a summit between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in December 2022, they are expanding economic cooperation.

In November last year, the two countries signed their first currency swap agreement worth 50 billion yuan. A currency swap is a foreign exchange transaction in which two currencies are exchanged at a predetermined exchange rate. The first Saudi Arabian Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) in Asia was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in the same month.

Author End Time Headlines

End Time Headlines is a Ministry that provides News and Headlines from a "Prophetic Perspective" as well as weekly podcasts to inform and equip believers of the Signs and Seasons that we are living in today. 

[ :: 5-15-11 am service (first word) :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  ::  ::]

etc. But it is not an exciting time for the lukewarm or the ungodly, it shall be a terrible time, a time of a dictator, a dictator government that dictates, that takes away your rights, that takes away your freedoms, that takes away the things that you have, the things that you never expected that th

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