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At times by the power of the Holy Spirit God has told the church at RMMI to pray about....
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am service
2-27-2022 am service etc There is a law, there are many laws that you don’t know, but there is the law of favor and that can be far greater for you than faith because you have to work at your faith to get it to the level that’ll even come close to favor. But if you’re serving God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all mind, and you’re reading his word everyday and you’re praying in the Spirit everyday and you’re living a holy life then you’re walking in his favor, and if you’re walking in his favor he’ll give you his favor, etc
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7-18-2021 am service etc Let your hearts be open and let My Spirit have total freedom to move, don’t bind it up; don’t stop it, but stay open. Learn to pray at least half an hour in the Spirit in the morning and a half an hour in the Spirit before you go to bed to sleep.
3-14-2021 am service
etc if you’ve been praying
every day in the Spirit you should be able to flow freely, freely in
the Spirit, freely, for others are starting to catch up with you.
Therefore, lag not behind, for you’re to lead the way and if you’re
not out in front, running out front, you can’t lead the way. etc
3-14-2021 am service
3-7-2021 am service
3-7-2021 am service
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- 2014 Some, not all references by the Holy Spirit concerning things to pray about.
10-26-14 pm service etc. I have given you things to pray about, etc.
10-26-14 pm etc. But yet I watch over my people to protect them and keep them safe, I give unto them the wisdom and the knowledge that they need, I tell them how to pray and many, many things do not come because I have forewarned and my people prayed.
`10-26-14 pm etc. Have you forgotten about MS-13, for you still need to be in prayer over that, even as you still need to be in prayer about the ebola that it does not spread any further. etc
`10-5-14 am service for many dates that I have given to you are about to take place. The blood moon, the fourteenth, March twentieth, watch these dates, pray, seek my face, know what I have said concerning these days. etc.
`10-1-14 pm service etc. pray concerning the ebola it is now in the United States and it is an air born disease even though they say it is not, be in prayer for many, many were exposed to it before the man was entered into the hospital. Many more shall sneak into the country, be in prayer, for your prayers can stop it, your prayers can turn it back; etc.
9-10-14 pm service etc. I would say pray concerning nine eleven, pray in the spirit, for many do not even understand what they are praying about, but pray in the spirit at least twenty minutes. etc.
9-3-14 pm service etc. Continue to pray about the dates that I have given unto you, etc.
8-13-14 pm service etc. Are you praying about the dates that I have given unto you etc.
7-27-14 pm service etc. continue to see the forest fires burning, the drought spreading, the temperatures in many cities going above one hundred, the ground shall be cracking in many places and the water shall become short. You shall see these things and you shall see more dust storms like you saw last week, for they shall be on the rise now along with tornadoes, tornadoes moving across the lands. Therefore, I say unto you, be in prayer, be in prayer, they shall not come nigh unto you etc.
`7-20-14 am service etc. are you still praying concerning the things that I told you to pray about? Where are your eyes only upon the airplane that went down, for that is just a smokescreen and that will later develop into a great attack against you? Are you watching the M12, remember I spoke to you concerning them, they are flooding in here like mad, they are being dispersed to different states and from the age four on up, they are a mighty, mighty threat, many have already killed by the age of seven. etc.
`7-13-14 pm service etc. pray that man becomes thirsty, that man desires to drink of that river, for truly you are in the last days etc.
6-29-14 am service etc. prepare your hearts for Campmeeting, continue to pray concerning the weather etc.
``6-25-14 pm service etc. Pray concerning the weather, pray concerning the winds in your area, beware that you have perfect weather that the enemy does not get in. People do not like to sleep in tents in the rain; etc.
`6-22-14 pm service etc. pray against the tornadoes, the high winds, the rains, the snow in undue season, the hot weather in undue season. etc.
6-11-14 pm service etc. Begin fasting and praying for the Campmeeting, etc.
``6-4-14 pm service etc. pray for the areas that are in drought where the forest fires are, where the tornados are tearing up the ground and the houses where the hail is beating upon them, where the floods are flooding, for there are many areas that are in that shape right now. Pray for them, call for a cease of the storms etc.
6-1-14 am service etc. my people have prayed for summer, you remember I told you to pray? etc.
`5-11-14 am service etc. I have told you to pray in the spirit more than you have been, for when you pray in the spirit you pray correctly for the Spirit knows the things that I have planned etc.
`5-7-14 pm service etc. pray earnestly, but in the right way, in the spirit concerning the weather that shall start this very evening, but pray in the spirit. For your minds are not totally renewed yet and you lean upon the senses, pray according to my word, pray according to my promises. etc.
`4-23-14 pm service etc. many things are taking place now, they have even decided now to search the land for the airplane, for they know not where it is. But pray that it does not come back to haunt you as a ghost, let that be your prayer, for that would be wisdom, that would be wisdom. etc.
4-23-14 pm service etc. Continue to pray earnestly that you have summer; etc.
``3-23-14 pm service etc. Did you even pray against the executive orders that I have warned you about and you see them coming to pass each and every day? And yet they only continue, put a stop to them like I told you, come against them. For I speak unto you so that you do not have to go through some of these things, but if you do not pray them away they shall come to pass even as I have said. Yes, there are many things that you cannot pray away, for they are recorded in my word that they have to take place. But there are many other things that can be avoided for a short season; there are many things that do not have to come nigh your dwelling. etc.
3-19-14 pm service etc. Be in prayer, be in prayer, for the enemy may not wait till April to move, etc.
3-9-14 am service etc. be prayed away, for really there is no fear in it, none whatsoever. For I have said that I shall take you through that time victoriously, that I shall supply for you, that I shall go before you etc.
3-19-14 pm service etc. storm that is coming, it shall be awesome in power and in might, therefore, I say unto you, command it to go to the ocean, I did not say pray, take your authority and command it to go to the ocean. etc.
`3-19-14 pm service etc. Pray concerning Russia that the leaders of this country will shut their mouth, for if they do not shut their mouth great disaster is going to come because of the things that they are saying, they need to be still. etc.
`2-26-14 pm service etc. just one little disaster could empty the store shelves for a time, just one little thing could cause a panic that would turn things in the wrong direction. That is why I have asked you to be careful how you pray, for there is another cold front yet after this one, be careful how you pray. Make sure you are preparing and making yourself ready. It would be a wise time to make sure your stock is safe, it would be very wise, listen and know, watch, watch as you see things take place. Be in prayer, be in prayer for the people and realize there is not going to be a turn around as many false prophets will tell you. For it is past that time and past that hour, it is past that minute, etc.
``2-23-14 am service etc. as you go anywhere, if you are going by plane be in prayer constantly, pray in the spirit, speak my word, speak no negativeness, speak not the things that you hear, but speak my word. etc.
2-23-14 am service etc. spring shall come, but it shall come in its time, do not pray it in before its time, for if you pray it in before its time you shall have flooding, you shall have drought, you shall have disaster. Speak forth the perfect weather; speak forth the perfect weather according to my word. etc.
``2-16-14 am service etc. I say unto you, winter is not over yet and I have told you these storms are not of me. But be careful, be careful how you pray concerning them, for you do have the power and authority over them, but you could call in things, things that you do not want, you could work hand in hand with the enemy and bring in things that would be far worse. So use your wisdom that I have given etc. walk in the wisdom, walk in my word, walk in the knowledge that I have given unto you, for many, many things shall take place if you do not pray correctly. etc.
2-5-14 pm service Be in prayer concerning the next major storm, be in prayer, for you will be glad that you did. For lives shall be saved and many, many who already are headed into this time with no power, they shall be blessed because of you. etc.
2-2-14 am service etc. Beware of the executive orders, beware of them, pray against them, speak forth the word of God, for that shall relieve you of some of the misery that the enemy shall bring. etc.
1-29-14 pm service etc. Continue to pray for the Olympics, pray earnestly, seek my face, for many things are plotted and planned, but your prayers can change that. etc.
1-29-14 pm service etc. Be in prayer concerning the Super Bowl, be in prayer, for that is a joy to the sight of the terrorist, be in prayer. Pray concerning other things that you are aware of, that I speak to you about, that many can be in safety that many deaths are spared. etc. he not come but to steal, kill and destroy and he knows that he has but little time left and you see it as the darkness grows increasingly darker all over. But I say to you, to pray so that many lives are not lost, etc.
am service Continue to pray for those things that I have instructed you to pray concerning, pray earnestly, pray through that you know that you have your answer, that you know that things will go the way that I said that they would go if you would pray. etc.1-22-14 pm service etc. Beware of the blizzard, pray concerning the blizzard, pray, pray.
1-12-14 am service etc. winter is not over, it is not over, so therefore I say to you, do not slack off in your prayers, but let your prayers be strong, for you can change many things by your prayers. etc. continue to pray concerning the summer months, etc.
1-4-14 am service etc. even yet you shall see greater storms than you have seen, colder temperatures that you have seen, but that does not mean that global warming is not in effect, it has nothing to do with that. These storms are from the enemy who still controls the weather upon the face of the earth. You pray and I can change it for you, if you don’t pray then the things that you don’t desire shall come to pass. etc.
12-31-13/1-1-14 New Year’s Eve Service etc. pray for the summer because a lot of people are confessing that we will have no summer. They are trying to relate it back many years ago when there were two times in history that there was absolutely no summer. He said this is not of him, and if we pray, we will have summer, if we don’t pray, look out. etc. He said don’t believe all the false prophets, there are going to be false prophets rising up declaring things that are not from him. And he will instruct us which ones to cast down, annul, cancel out, pray against, etc. storms do not have to affect you and truly they shall get worse as I have said after the fourteenth. Before that day I said you could pray them away. Some you will be able to pray away now, others have to come because of the times. etc.
- ><> - ><> - - <>< - <>< - 2013 Some, not all references by the Holy Spirit concerning things to pray about.
12-15-13 am service etc. If more would have prayed concerning this last snowstorm it would not have started until today etc.
12-8-13 am service etc. you shall see more storms as I have told you, more deaths, unless you pray, for these storms are not of me, for the evil one is bringing more disaster, etc.
12-8-13 am service etc. pray, for truly it is not time yet that Israel is suppose to move. etc I have sent my servant unto them and they prepare to kill him as they killed the one before him, for truly they are making their own grave, saith your Father. But I say pray, for the hour is not yet appointed for the things that they are planning, etc. I say again, pray, for truly many things will come because man’s decisions are not my decisions, many great destructions that do not have to be. So I say, pray. etc.
12-8-13 pm service etc. pray them away, when you hear of the drought, pray it away, when you hear of the disasters, praise my name that they are not here, that they do not affect you, etc.
12-1-13 am service etc. after Christmas you shall have snow on and off till the fourteenth of January, you need to be in prayer concerning that. In other places there will be blizzards, there will be deaths, there will be tornadoes, high winds, straight winds, it will not be good. etc
12-1-13 pm service etc. I have told you not to stay on the rooftops, to pray that you are not with child. etc.
11-27-13 pm service etc. Did I not tell you to pray away the storms and some prayed and the storms did not come? etc.
11-24-13 am service etc. Did you not see the tornado the very day after I told you and the other tornadoes that came with it and when you prayed like I told you, did I not turn it from your area? etc.
11-20-13 pm service etc. Notice how quick the tornadoes came in, notice how quick the storms took place, notice the things that were going on, and yet they said they were coming unto you, and yet you prayed, did they come, etc.
11-17-13 am service etc. beware of the storms, be in prayer, be in prayer, for the storms that shall come from this day forth shall be from the enemy even more so than before, be in prayer. Be in prayer concerning the food and if you have been faithful and have done the things that I have told you in the past this will not affect you, etc.
11-17-13 am service etc. realize that Israel is going to go through far worse things than you as a nation, but be in prayer for Israel like I have told you. etc. I told you to watch for the next hurricane, did you watch and pray and just because it was another name missed it, have you done that? Many times my people do not listen to what I have said, they assume what I have said, and therefore, they miss many things. etc.
11-13-13 pm service etc. Beware of the storms that shall come, pray them away, pray them away, etc
11-3-13 pm service Be in prayer concerning air flight, pray diligently, pray diligently the whole week. prayer concerning air flight, pray diligently, pray diligently the whole week. prayer concerning air flight, pray diligently, pray diligently the whole week. etc. beware of the next hurricane that shall come in, let your prayers be directed against that also. Be concerned about the weather, the bad weather, pray it away, it is not of me, it is not of me. next hurricane that shall come in, let your prayers be directed against that also. Be concerned about the weather, the bad weather, pray it away, it is not of me, it is not of me. next hurricane that shall come in, let your prayers be directed against that also. Be concerned about the weather, the bad weather, pray it away, it is not of me, it is not of me. next hurricane that shall come in, let your prayers be directed against that also. Be concerned about the weather, the bad weather, pray it away, it is not of me, it is not of me.
`10-20-13 am service etc watch closely to what is taking place throughout the world, for you can spare many things by your prayer. There are things that you cannot change, but there are things that you can spare. etc.
`10-13-13 am service etc Mark on your calendars three hundred and sixty five days from tomorrow, every day pray, watch, listen, see what is taking place. etc.
`9-29-13 am service etc. Watch, watch, for it shall be an interesting time, a short time, but an interesting time. It shall keep many of my people on their knees, for they do not know how to contact me, and they will be wasting time in prayer that could have been spoken into being, that they could have had what I had already given unto them, but they don’t know how. etc I told you to pray so that man would not speed up the process, but it shall take place, it shall come to pass even as laid out in my word, it shall come to pass, line upon line, precept upon precept, is not that what my word says? etc
`9-22-13 am service etc Walk according to my word and realize that, yes, truly these are the last days and many things shall take place, many things you are already seeing and they shall increase, they shall increase, you cannot pray them away, for it is that hour and it is that time. etc. read my word, allow the Holy Spirit to take you from book to book, chapter to chapter, or wherever he desires to take you. Read it, read it and understand, pray for understanding that you may be a giant in these last days. etc enemy is moving very rapidly, the news shall be filled with the things that he is doing and he shall continue, he shall continue to do those things because it is that hour. And as I have said before, you cannot pray it away, etc
9-15-13 am service etc. When you pray I can stall off and stop the things that should not be coming yet, but when you don’t pray the enemy takes advantage and moves mightily etc.
9-11-13 pm service etc. Continue to seek my face with your prayers. Do not be foolish, do not be unwise, but continue to pray, continue to call upon my name, continue to watch and walk in the spirit, continue to listen very carefully, for the battle is not over yet nor will it be. etc.
9-8-13 pm service etc Be not fooled by what man says, be not deceived by their lies, but be awake, be alert, be on guard that you may know, be in prayer, for prayer can change things. etc When you open your eyes in the morning, be in prayer; continue in prayer throughout the week, walk in the spirit realm, etc be in prayer; continue in prayer throughout the week, walk in the spirit realm, etc be in prayer; continue in prayer throughout the week, walk in the spirit realm, etc be in prayer; continue in prayer throughout the week, walk in the spirit realm, etc
`9-1-13 pm service etc pray for discernment that you can understand the things that I speak. etc
`8-28-13 pm service Let your hearts be in prayer, for many things are taking place right now that the average person is not looking at nor are they considering, for I have said don’t poke sticks at a sleeping dog and yet they continue to do the things that they should not be doing. They look at things from a political standpoint instead of my word etc let your hearts be in prayer, let your hearts be in prayer, lift my word up high, stand on my word, stand on my promises, stand on the things that I have spoken unto you. etc
8-11-13 am service etc continue to spend more time in my word, continue to spend more time in prayer, saith the Lord, that you can be all that I have called you to be, that you might receive all that I have for you in these times etc
`7-17-13 pm service etc do not worry about your loved ones, take them to me in prayer. Stand on my word, etc go to prayer concerning the things that are coming, concerning the disaster that shall soon come to pass, starting with the destruction of the whore then leading into the earthquakes that I have already spoken to you about three times now, saith the Lord? Have you been in prayer concerning the people that shall be affected, have you gone to prayer, saith the Lord? For truly I told you a long time ago how to pray, I said to pray that lives would be saved and souls would be spared. Oh, my people, these are terrible times for the world and yet I have given you a powerful weapon that men might see the light and turn unto me. etc Pray that those that I have told to move will go before it is too late. For truly I have said that once the alarms begin to ring it is too late, saith the Lord. Many will not go because they are stubborn, they say, Lord, it will never happen in our lifetime, but I say unto you, it is going to take place. Heed unto the voice of the Lord, do the things that I have commanded you to do, for truly I cannot spare you if you do not do the things that I have told you to do. etc. Do not put it off till another month, do not put it off for another week, saith the Lord, make your plans and move now and be in prayer for what is coming, saith the Lord. etc. begin to pray now concerning the ninth month the eleventh day again, begin to pray concerning that, lift it up before me, pray like you have never prayed. For the disasters that I have talked to you shall begin one by one.
`7-10-13 pm service etc. be in prayer that the harvest is brought in, etc. concerning camp meeting, etc. prepare yourselves, make yourself ready now, hold it up in prayer, continue to pray etc.
`5-19-13 pm service etc. there is a spiritual network that links you together as one that I can have my servants on the other side of the world be in prayer for you or you in prayer for them. etc. it should be a great assurance to you to know that I have those who are in prayer for you, etc. if you are praying, if you are lifting up my name then even your angels are round about protecting and keeping things safe that would not have been if it were not for them, if it were not that I had made them ministering spirits unto you. etc.
5-12-13 am service For are you praying for the different harvest like I told you or are you ignoring the weather and you are not calling it into being? Are you listening to the things that I speak unto you that are so important; maybe you do not realize the importance? But these things shall affect you greatly if you don’t pray and seek my face etc.
5-8-13 pm service etc put on your whole armor and walk in the fullness of the things that I have given unto you. Great danger lies ahead, great danger, far greater than Boston, far greater than Boston, watch, be in prayer, be in prayer.
`4-21-13 am service etc Let your prayers come before my throne, be covered in my blood, keep that covering upon you, be open in the spirit realm, for there are many, many cell groups across the United States. It is that time when you shall see this, and therefore, your prayers will be more for your protection than the protection of others. For many do foolish things and go to places without a covering, without an understanding, without a realization of what is taking place throughout the world. You can no longer be like that, etc.
`4-14-13 pm service etc if you are reading the book of Revelation, you will quickly see that in chapter fourteen and fifteen I deal and speak about dealing with the two Babylon’s. One Babylon is dealt with just before Jesus comes to set up his millennial reign, the other one is dealt with just before I take the church out, that one is coming soon. etc go to prayer, prepare your heart, prepare your heart, for the first Babylon shall soon be destroyed.
`3-13-13 pm service etc. I hear my people praying, Lord remove this, do they not know my word, have they not studied my word or are they like Israel still doing their own thing, still going their own way? etc.
3-10-13 am service etc. I need you not just to go about what you are doing, praying about it, but I need you to go out and do it etc. you need to do it and I have put you in that place for that time to tell them etc Be careful concerning your prayers concerning the last days, for my word has to be fulfilled. So, therefore, stand in agreement with me and walk according to my will. etc
2-24-13 am service etc. be alert in your spirit knowing without a shadow or doubt that you have prepared yourself by praying in my spirit and building yourself up etc.
`2-20-13 pm service etc Let your prayers go out that I may move mightily on the behalf of those that need prayer, on the behalf of those that are calling out to me, but are not standing in the place that I can answer. But you can call out for them, saith your Father God, you can speak forth my word, you can call my word into being etc. find out the places that need help, find out those whom you can pray for that I might move. etc. Pray for those that need, seek my face on their behalf. Seek my face concerning the things that I have told you that I may release my ministering spirits to minister on the behalf of many. For it is through your prayers when you speak forth my word that I am able to move. You have given me permission; you have given me authority to move upon the face of the earth. That is why I said pray thy kingdom come thy will shall be done, pray that I may move, pray.
2-17-13 am service etc. be in prayer that spring does not come too early that it causes another bind upon the food, etc.
`12-31-12/1-1-13 New Years Eve Service etc. they will not be able to afford to keep the police officers. Oh the terrible things, the things that you desire not, the things that you pray won’t come, they shall come because of the times, etc.
- ><> - ><> - - <>< - <>< - 2012 Some, not all references by the Holy Spirit concerning things to pray about.
12-30-12 am service Be not fruit inspectors, for you cannot judge with your own mind nor with your eyes, you are not God. Who are you that judges another man’s servant, are they not mine, have I not said, you catch them, I will clean them, it that not my word to you? Be in prayer, lift them up, encourage them, speak forth my word, let my word be established, etc.
`11-11-12 pm service etc. if you have not faith in your heart to believe your prayers, do not enter into my throne room. etc.
`10-28-12 am service etc. For consider, saith God, my Son in the time before his passion when he was in that garden and when he sought me with all his heart and prayed unto me, was it not my word that he was seeking? And when he received my word was he not able to stand against all the tide of evil and still yet be victorious through it all? etc.
`10-24-12 pm service Do not back off your prayers, but press in, for many times you give up the answer and you walk away from it only to receive those things you do not want. Speak my word, speak my word, and when you have spoken my word, speak it, speak it until you see the full manifestation, etc.
9-23-12 pm service etc. For it will be that hour that you have longed for, that hour that you have prayed for and with it shall come everything that is needed to cause the finish to be fulfilled etc.
6-17-12 am service etc. when you see the days that are super hot this week, saith your Father God, uphold them that are even in a hotter place, for they shall need your prayers etc.
`6-10-12 am service etc. I say unto you, cannot you pray with me yet two hours, can you not stand, can you not rejoice, can you not speak forth my word that the great revival, the greatest revival ever seen by man shall sweep across the face of the earth? For you are that generation, you are that time, you are that hour etc
``5-6-12 am service etc. many are complaining over the high price of food at the moment, just wait, wait until you see how much more it goes up. But the good thing is that if you are not praying over it, maybe you shouldn’t be eating it, you would be far healthier for you have not sanctified it by the words of your mouth, you have prayed some quaint little prayer that you have been taught that does absolutely nothing, speak my word, etc.
4-22-12 am service etc. Pray concerning today and the remainder of this month, seek my face even more so than normal. Press into my presence, for things delayed could fastly come to pass. etc
4-8-12 am service etc. I am pouring out my blessings upon all flesh, when I am moving in a mighty way that you can see, that you can walk by my side and see the miracles, see the healings, see the deliverance, that you can know above and beyond any doubt that I am answering your prayers, etc. I am answering your prayers, etc.
`4-8-12 pm service etc. Your prayers have been heard and some things, some things will be slowed down just a mite, etc. because of your prayers, you will see other things that take place and they will not all bunch in at one time etc. Watch, be in prayer concerning these things, be not shocked, be not moved, but expect to see and then to watch and listen to the news. etc.
4-4-12 pm service etc have you been in prayer, are you fasting, have you heard what I have said or are you putting your own words in? etc big election that is coming up, are you in prayer concerning these things or do you think that I allow whatever I allow and you have no say? It is because you have no say and have not said the things that should not come. But if you seek my face and call upon my name, if you put forth the faith that I have given unto you, you can turn many things around, you can cause things not to come etc I say unto you, that I am only a prayer away, I am only a word away, waiting for my children to seek me to see if they will exercise their faith. etc.
`4-1-12 pm service etc. this is my house of prayer and my house of worship and I have called it for this day and this hour to fulfill a great and mighty work, a great and mighty part in this end time move etc.
`3-28-12 pm service etc. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday shall be very bad days in the news, saith your Father God. And then you will approach the day that I have talked to you about praying about, about fasting over and many of you have never even fasted a meal yet, saith your Father God. etc. spend more time getting into my word. You do not spend more time in prayer; you are not doing the things that I have called you to do etc.
`3-25-12 pm service etc. are you preparing for the things that shall come? For they shall come, they will not turn away, they will not turn back, but they shall come. You cannot pray them away; you cannot believe them away, for they shall come to pass. But you can prepare yourself and make yourself ready that you are victorious through the hard times etc.
pm service etc. as I speak unto my
children Israel they will turn a deaf ear unto me because they do not want to
hear what I, the Lord God, have to say,
`2-26-12 pm service etc. you must be spending more time each and every day with me in my word and in prayer seeking my face like never before. etc Consider the children, I say unto you, see how they act, for do not they come to their parents for every small little thing and ask for prayer, should you not be the same way my children? etc. when a child comes asking to me, they do not see the impossible, for they see that God answers all prayers, he answers all things. Be like unto them, etc.
`2-19-12 pm service etc Let the words that I have spoken unto you fill your heart and bring forth your prayers that you can intercede etc
2-15-12 pm service etc. Remember April, remember starting the tenth through the seventeenth to be in deep prayer and fasting and seeking my face etc
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2-12-12 pm service etc Listen, ponder, weigh it out, for not to weigh it out would be very unwise and the cost could be very high. Be in prayer seeking my face etc
2-5-12 am service etc. My Spirit started to move. It moved in the first group that prayed, it moved in the second group that prayed, many were not even here yet to enter into that. And if you will notice that I moved before, before, before the mighty songs that were sung etc.
1-29-12 am service etc. my prophets have stood at the wall and they have fasted and they have prayed for thirty days, they have removed the sackcloth and they have come out. And they bring forth a word to my church in America and they speak forth my word and many, many of your brothers and sisters are hearing the prophetic word of Jeremiah the prophet and I have given unto them a new heart, I have taken out the stony heart that they have and they have called upon the name of Jesus their Messiah. And they have turned, they have turned from their old ways and they have come into the new covenant that is given by my Son, Jesus Christ, etc.
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`1-18-12 pm service etc. many feel that it will turn around, it will change, because I have been praying, have you read my word, I do not find a change in my word? etc.
1-15-12 pm service etc. Be diligent to do what I have told you to do, seek me to get into my word, to spend that time in prayer. For that is how you are built up, etc.
1-1-12 pm service etc Don’t listen to the evangelicals, don’t listen to the ones that come and make their speeches, look at the word, listen to what the word is saying and prepare yourself now that your flight is an easy flight and that your flight is not in the winter months. etc
`12-31-11 / 1-1-12 New Years Eve Service etc. many of my people are asleep, they profess to be Christians, they attend church, they pray, they seek my face, but they don’t really seek my face, they go about a routine. etc. Or are you like those that didn’t listen when they were warned about Obama and they still pressed in and voted for him only to look back and say, wow we missed it, and yet they are ready to vote for him again, are you aware of that? Are you aware that he is gaining in his poles, are you aware of those things, are you praying about this? Many things cannot change because of the hour that you are in, but you can change the realm in which you live, you can change the circumstances round about you. etc. many have preached what they call man’s gospel, but they haven’t preached my gospel, they haven’t showed them my love. When they lack, they turn their back on them and they say, well I will pray, God will take care of you and yet they could open up their pocket and easily meet the need, etc. if you would get the fire burning as bright as you can, all those people that you come and ask for prayer for, you yourself could speak one word and they would be in perfect health, etc. Pray that `the people are woken for their sleep, pray that they see me and come to me. Pray that the harvest is reaped, for truly it is ripe, and yet the laborers are few. etc.
- ><> - ><> - - <>< - <>< - 2011 Some, not all references by the Holy Spirit concerning things to pray about.
`12-25-11 pm service etc. Pray for those that you do not see, pray for the lukewarm, for the Devil will try and steal them away etc.
pm service
`12-11-11 pm service (Israel) etc. when I say go, don’t go back into the house, but leave, flee, run, pray there will not be snow upon the ground, but flee, flee quickly to that place that I have for you. etc Are you aware of the situations that are going on, are you praying for them, etc have you just formed a prayer list and you murmur things that don’t really come from your heart, etc multitudes stand at the prayer wall daily and cry out to me with all their heart, they see the things that are going on, they understand the things that are going on. They do not understand Jesus, the Messiah, I wonder if you do, do you understand? etc
10-23-11 am service etc. get into my word, pray more, etc
`9-18-11 am service etc I have said be watchful, be in prayer, for great things are about to take place, and if you haven’t prayed faithfully concerning these things, than the outcome shall be far worse than you desire. etc
9-18-11 am service etc be in prayer, for great things are about to take place, and if you haven’t prayed faithfully concerning these things, than the outcome shall be far worse than you desire etc be in prayer, for rain has come to the states that have needed it, pray that more rain comes before winter sets in and then the drought will be unrepairable, unrepairable. etc Enter into intercession concerning the next ten days; seek my face like you have never sought it before. Pray not with your own understanding, for you know not how to pray correctly. But pray in the spirit etc
9-18-11 pm service etc. Enter into intercession concerning the next ten days; seek my face like you have never sought it before. Pray not with your own understanding, for you know not how to pray correctly. But pray in the spirit etc. false teaching shall come, a false peace treaty. Oh, I say unto you, intercede, don’t take this lightly, but press in, press in, come into my chambers, call upon my name, seek my face, enter in with all your being and pray, pray, pray. Pray that it comes not near your dwelling, pray that you are not fooled and deceived, pray that you will not receive the teaching that shall come from it. etc.
9-14-11 pm service etc. It is the hour to watch, it is the hour to watch, you remember I told my disciples to watch and pray, all they did was slumber and sleep, is my church now like that? Wake up, come alive, watch the signs etc.
9-4-11 pm service etc. I say unto you, look for the ones that I have for you, pray for the ones that I have for you, call them into being and stop looking at the ones that you are trying to bring in, but look at the ones that I, your Father God, have for you. For they are the foundation etc
8-31-11 pm service etc. Watch even the hurricanes that develop this month, pray concerning them, for they will be far greater than the meager one that traveled up and caused so much damage. Be in prayer concerning the division between the blacks and the whites and what they are doing to cause this division, for it shall erupt in bloodshed, great bloodshed. Be in prayer concerning the prices on food this coming fall, be in prayer, watch the forest fires, watch them for they are burning, they are burning. Continue to watch the dust bowls and the drought, for they are not blessed like you have been blessed, they don’t have the rain that you have had, be in prayer concerning that. etc. the enemy can sow discord and disruption to hearts that are not prepared by prayer having the power to overcome all the power of the enemy. etc
8-17-11 pm service etc. things that I have already told you pertaining to September. Keep your eyes upon them, be in prayer concerning them, etc.
`7-20-11 pm service etc. For have I not only called you a house of prayer, but also a house of power and also a house of peace etc.
``7-17-11 pm service etc I say unto you, pray for those that are in the heat wave, pray for them, for it shall get worse, etc be prayerful concerning the tornadoes though, pray concerning that. Pray concerning the hurricanes that shall come into being very quickly now, pray. Pray about the dust bowl, pray about the things that are happening throughout the whole world, the economy, the wars that are ready to start, pray concerning these things. etc know my word and go into prayer, prayer is how you will be able to commune with me that I know exactly what you want and what you need etc
7-4-11 pm Campmeeting service etc For I have set the revival fires on fire, continue to feed it with my word, continue to feed it by praying in the spirit, etc Oh, the trouble, the trouble throughout the world, the trouble that shall take place, the events that shall take place, the warfare that shall take place. Be in prayer, be in prayer etc
`6-12-11 pm service etc a time of urgency where I would call every able believer to rise up, to stand in the gap, to intercede for the souls, for I repeat, the time is short. Stand in the gap, intercede, pray and pray until you get the break through and know that you have reached my heart etc awesome time in the Father’s House, it shall be a time such as you have prayed for etc
5-18-11 pm service etc awesome time in the Father’s House, it shall be a time such as you have prayed for etc
`5-8-11 pm service etc Pray more in the spirit, etc
5-1-11 am service etc Be in prayer concerning Camp Meeting, etc
`4-24-11 am service etc am I not only a prayer away, etc.
4-13-11 pm service etc tornadoes shall continue to thunder across the land, oh the heat, pray that it doesn’t come for a while, but it will come, etc.
4-10-11 pm service etc I pray you my people know my joy, be filled with my joy, be filled with the song of the Lord and be filled with the heart of your God, saith the Lord. etc
4-3-11 am service etc Oh, the excitement that is about to birth, oh, the things that I am about to do and I need you to know them, I need you to be praying concerning them, I need you to be moving in the fullness of all I have for you etc
`3-27-11 am service etc listen to what I say, hear me, pray and obey, it is the only way. etc
3-20-11 am service etc Have you considered the two dates that I have given unto you? Are you in prayer concerning those dates, have you sought me for understanding upon those dates etc
2-6-11 pm service etc are you spending time praying in the spirit before me, are you spending time in my presence where I am able to speak to you etc
`1-30-11 am service etc circumstances that you are allowing by going the way of the devil, instead of the way that I have laid before you, have placed the obstacles in your way that the manifestation of your prayers can be revealed and delivered unto you. Shake those things off etc
- ><> - ><> - - <>< - <>< - 2010 Some, not all references by the Holy Spirit concerning things to pray about.
`12-1-10 pm service etc an hour when all hearts should prepare, when all lives should make the direction that they are headed straight to my home, to your home, to heaven, it is that hour, etc. Lift them up in prayer, bring them in, call them in, let them see my power flowing etc
`11-21-10 pm service etc I say unto My Church this night, pray for my people Israel, it is a time like never before to be in prayer for your sister Israel. For my people, they hear the word of the Lord and take not heed etc pray for them, pray that they hear the word of the Lord and they heed to the word of the Lord that they come in and they are not lost etc
`11-3-10 pm service etc as you strengthen yourself and build yourself up praying in the Holy Ghost, empowering yourself that you may flow in the supernatural realm, etc more serious like you have never become before, getting into my word, praying in the spirit, etc
10-31-10 am service etc more serious like you have never become before, getting into my word, praying in the spirit, etc.
`9-26-10 pm service etc Can you pray the storms away, can you turn back the floods, can you cause the tornadoes to be still, are you able to walk in the fullness of all that I have said? For truly, it is that hour that you need to walk in that place etc
`8-11-10 pm service etc always be in prayer. And as you stay in prayer, saith God, you will know my heart, etc
8-1-10 am service etc It is a time for you to press in, to pray, to seek my face etc. Pray concerning the next hurricane coming, pray for the one after that for that is even worse etc
`7-18-10 am service etc for is not my presence found when you come unto me, when you read my word, when you pray my word etc woe to those that understand not, for they are like a little child sleeping in a house that is on fire and they know not that the fire is raging. Pray and seek my face etc
7-7-10 pm service etc The oil spill, the disaster there, the killing of the fish and the seafood, be in prayer concerning that. etc soon another hurricane and this one will not go ashore in Mexico, but it will go in ashore in the United States of America, be in prayer, be in prayer. etc
7-5-10 am Campmeeting Service 2010 etc you will hear and see as the world becomes very upset; hatred comes in towards my people Israel. But you as my other children are to pray for them, to love them, to stand in the gap for them etc
7-4-10 am Campmeeting service 2010 etc Be not fearful of the things that you see, try to not pray them away, for it won’t do you any good, for they shall come because my word has said they shall come etc
`6-27-10 am service etc Walk in the spirit, pray in the spirit, be lead and guided by the Spirit, etc Be ready to pray for those that I tell you to pray for, be ready to cast out demons when I speak unto you, cast them out. etc
6-23-10 pm service etc continue to pray, for as you pray, saith the Lord, you shall irrigate, irrigate that you might be a tributary of that flow etc those who will pray will be a part of that flow of that river, etc So pray and continue to pray yet even this week. Pray like you have never prayed before; cause the river to flow like never before. etc yea, saith the Lord, push for three and four hours of prayer time, saith God, clamp down. Oh, I say unto you, get a hold of my word and pray it through and once you have prayed it through the release will come and will open up many doors, many doors for my people, many doors for those who would be my people. Yes, get a hold of my word, search the scripture and get a hold of my word and pray through. etc
`6-20-10 am service etc Continue to pray even more so concerning the terrorists, for many, many are here now. Continue to pray concerning the global warming, for the heat shall roll in, pray concerning the floods that lives are now spared. Bind up the hurricanes for now, bind up the tornadoes, do not allow them into this area, etc pray concerning the global warming, for the heat shall roll in, pray concerning the floods that lives are now spared. Bind up the hurricanes for now, bind up the tornadoes, do not allow them into this area, etc build yourself up praying in the Holy Ghost etc
`6-16-10 pm service etc be in prayer concerning the weather etc do you know the hour? Pray that you will know the hour, pray that you will know the season, etc Pray now, saith the Lord, that the light will go forth and accomplish all that I desire to accomplish to do. Pray, saith God, pray, saith the Lord, cause it to go forth that I might accomplish great and mighty things. Hold not back your prayers that I might move mightily even now, etc.
6-13-10 am service etc. You have seen the tornadoes and the disaster that they have done and hurricanes, hurricanes shall come soon. Pray, pray that they do not come during Campmeeting time, pray that the weather will be super good, pray that the anointing shall be there. etc.
`6-6-10 pm service Are you watching the signs, are you seeing the things that are taking place, have you noticed the tornadoes how they are moving strong in areas that they have never moved in before and it shall continue to grow worse? Watch the hurricane season that is about to come, for if they have not listened to me and moved from where they are to the safer places, it is not I that is doing the destruction, it is not I that is not protecting them. Watch the drought, watch the global warming, watch the wars that are mounting right now, not one but more. Watch as they juggle for position each trying to line up its own way to be the successor. But fear not these things, these are not for my church nor am I the one that is sending them all, for I have told you in my word that they must come. You cannot pray them away, but you can stand in my promises, etc.
`6-2-10 pm service etc Let your hearts be in prayer, let your thoughts be upon Israel, watch, listen, see and understand, but at the same time pray concerning your own shores, pray concerning them. Beware of the disaster, know and understand the many things that are taking place, the huge tornadoes, the hurricanes that will come, the flooding, the drought, the hail, the volcano, the earthquakes. Oh, I say unto you, pray, pray, seek my face etc. many disasters are ready to take place now, each one worse than the one before, be in prayer. etc.
``5-16-10 am service etc Beware in your travels, for there shall be many of the false spirit who desire to lay hands upon you, who desire to hug you, who desire to pray over you, beware, etc
`4-14-10 pm service etc. spend more time in prayer, praying in your understanding and praying in the spirit. etc
`2-28-10 pm service etc pray concerning the flooding, not only here in this country, but in other countries. Pray concerning the mudslides, the avalanches, pray concerning the shortage of food, the high prices, the empty spaces on the shelves in the stores, pray, etc. your hearts will be troubled, you will wipe away tears and it will cause you to go to prayer like you have never prayed before. You will fast, you will call upon my name, you will seek my face, for you will desire that they come out of where they are and come into my kingdom that they can be safe, for truly for the world it shall be a very, very solemn hour. etc
2-21-10 am service etc. pray concerning the lack of food that shall show up very clearly on the store shelves even here in this country as well as other countries. etc.
`2-10-10 am service etc. pray against the terrorists killing people here in your country. etc prayer calling those things that I have said to call, call them in, call them into being, call them yours, etc
2-10-10 pm service etc. enemy has many plans, terrible plans, pray, pray; pray that the weather is warm before any of the plans affect you. Pray, seek my face, etc
2-3-10 pm service etc Are you praying for the Super Bowl? etc when my people go to prayer how things are turned around and changed. etc
``1-27-10 pm service etc. be prepared, be ready, read my word and stay in prayer, etc Let your spiritual ears be open, listen and hear the things that the Spirit has to say to the churches, pay attention, go to your prayer chambers and pray, etc Pray for the trains, pray for those trains that go over bridges and through tunnels, not just the subway, but pray for the trains. Pray concerning the weather, for the great storm that shall come across the Midwest, pray. Pray concerning the tornadoes, the flooding, the mudslides and the disaster that shall take place. Pray concerning the earthquake that I have talked to you about, pray. There are many things you need to pray for, pray, for truly as you pray I can move mightily, pray. etc When you pray, saith the Lord, examine your heart between me and you, saith the Lord and see if there is anything there, saith God, that is not right. I say unto you, if you are right with me then you have a clean hand and a pure heart and you are able to pray, saith the Lord, even the mountain cast into a sea. etc
1-24-10 pm service etc shine so brightly that others can see it. Be there with a word of wisdom, be there with a word of knowledge, be there to pray, to minister unto etc
1-20-10 pm service etc Are you praying concerning the terrorists and the Super Bowl, etc let your meditations become prayers etc is it not time to begin to pray like you have never prayed before? etc will I not act on their behalf because you have prayed etc be a powerful soldier in these last days and pray like you have never prayed before. etc
1-17-10 pm service etc Pray concerning the Super Bowl and the terrorists, pray, pray, pray concerning the next attack, pray, pray, bind up those things, bind them up. etc Keep yourself in my word, keep yourself in prayer, keep yourself built up etc
12-1-10 pm service etc Lift them up in prayer, bring them in, call them in, let them see my power flowing through you that they can come into the safety of the fold before it is too late. etc
- ><> - ><> - - <>< - <>< - 2009 Going Backwards... Some JUST SOME highlights concerning prayer only given by the power of the Holy Spirit during worship services @ RMMI.
12-13-09 pm service Beware of the plans of the enemy, for if your eyes and ears are open, you will know in the spirit realm when to pray, etc
11-22-09 pm service etc Know it is a serious hour, it is not an hour to play around, but it is an hour to get on your knees before me, serious, seeking my face, getting into my word, spending time in prayer. etc.
11-9-09 am etc you need not worry concerning the things that are coming, but yet you need to know what they are and that they shall come, that you cannot pray them off, you cannot turn them etc.
9-23-09 pm etc many are declaring many things even in this next month to come, they are calling for doomsday, but doomsday shall not come, neither shall their prayers be heard, neither shall they be answered, etc
9-9-09 pm service Lean not unto your own understanding, neither seek counsel or ask for prayer from those that are worldly and know not my word. etc
7-26-09 pm service Be in prayer seeking my face concerning six great terrorist attacks. Be in prayer, I say unto you, for if you pray you can reduce that number, you can move it down to zero. But if you pray not, seek not my face and call upon my name, multitudes, multitudes shall parish.
7-12-09 am service etc They are not getting serious, they are not getting into my word, they are not spending time before me in prayer, they shall not be prepared for the things that shall take place. etc
6-24-09 pm service etc Be the light that I have called you to be, get into my word, spend that time in prayer, allow me to use you as I have said, etc
6-7-09 am service etc It is an hour to get into my word; it is an hour to spend time in prayer before me, for oh, the things that shall take place. etc
5-10-09 am service etc For you have even seen global warming here for this time of the year, but do you recognize it, do you recognize the drought, are you in prayer concerning the things that affect you, are you seeking my face, etc
3-25-09 pm service etc Watch out and be in prayer about the G-20 results, for if you don’t pray you will regret what you hear, but it is going to come. If there was one in all of North Dakota, one in that area where the flooding is about to take place, would step up and stand in the gap with all their heart, they would be amazed there would be no flood, but the flood shall come. For my church has grown lukewarm, they don’t know how to pray through any longer, they don’t know how to stand in the gap and when the disaster comes to them they will know not what to do. etc
3-11-09 pm service etc that they may come into the fold where the safety is. For if I do not move that way, they would be lost, and yet your prayers are for them, I hear your prayers, so I move mightily on their behalf. For many would not come in, many are not ready, many are living a two style life, one foot in the world, one foot in the church, one foot in the things that I do not allow and one foot in the things that I do allow. etc
2-8-09 pm service etc Get into my word, speak my word, stand on my word, watch, take note, make sure when your answers come, make sure when your prayer requests go out. Don’t waver, don’t beg, walk according to my word.
1-25-09 am service etc You shall see many weather changes, some very severe, cold weather yet, you will see it. But be in prayer, But be in prayer, for when the snow melts, floods, floods, floods, multitudes of floods, be in prayer. Be in prayer concerning what is going on overseas; be in prayer, watch and listen etc Hear my words, watch, watch as the prosperity churches go down, watch as the government takes them to court, watch and be in prayer, for the persecution against the church has already started, and yet many see it not etc
1-18-09 am service etc be in prayer concerning the things going on next week, lift them high, for there are evil plots far more evil than man realizes or knows. etc
- ><> - ><> - - <>< - <>< - 2009 Going Backwards... Some JUST SOME highlights concerning prayer only given by the power of the Holy Spirit during worship services @ RMMI.
12-7-08 pm service etc but realize that those that walk in darkness, they don’t know me, do not have the blessings, do not have the promises, do not have a covenant, they are aliens and they walk without me, their God. Be in prayer for them, and as the door opens, share with them that you can set the captive free, that you can bring them out of darkness into light, that you can heal them and deliver them. etc
11-22-09 pm service etc but it is an hour to get on your knees before me, serious, seeking my face, getting into my word, spending time in prayer. For the hour is short, etc
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If you can't sleep at night don't count sheep talk to the shepherd
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